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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1921-1938
We examined the Chrysomelidae communities from representative sites of different ecosystems in Paraná State, Brazil, comparing their spatial and temporal changes. Sampling was undertaken using malaise traps at eight sites during a 2-year period. Chrysomelidae represented 19.1% of all the Coleoptera sampled, with a total of 7611 specimens and 465 species. Galerucinae was the most abundant and richest subfamily. Ponta Grossa was the most abundant site, São José dos Pinhais the richest, Fênix the poorest, Jundiaí do Sul the most uniform, and Antonina had the highest dominance of just a single species. Approximately 79% of the species were represented by fewer than 10 specimens and the 10 most abundant species represented 44.7% of all chrysomelids collected. None of the species were collected at all of the sites, but 325 were unique, reflecting the low similarity among sites. Sites with similar phytophysiognomies were more similar in terms of their Chrysomelidae species compositions. Similarities between years were slightly higher than similarities between sites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1093-1120
During the study of rich material collected in the USA, six Zerconidae species were found which seem to belong to the genus Amerozercon Hala?ková, 1969 Hala?ková, V. 1969. Some new species of the family Zerconidae from North America (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Soc Zool Bohem, 33: 115127.  [Google Scholar]. Four of them, Amerozercon annularis sp. nov., Amerozercon auricularis sp. nov., Amerozercon halaskovae sp. nov. and Amerozercon penicillatus sp. nov. proved to be new to science. The unknown female of the type species of the genus, Amerozercon suspiciosus Hala?ková, 1969 Hala?ková, V. 1969. Some new species of the family Zerconidae from North America (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Soc Zool Bohem, 33: 115127.  [Google Scholar], is described. Amerozercon minimus (Sellnick, 1958) is redescribed and transferred from the genus Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836 to Amerozercon. Some remarks on the problems of the present Zerconidae systematics are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):951-971
The larva, nymphal stages and adult of Hydrozetes longisetosus sp. nov. are described and illustrated, and the relationship of this species with the other European species of Hydrozetes is investigated. This species was first found at the edge of a forest lake, Dury 3, in the Tuchola Forest (Poland). Subsequently, we studied specimens that had been collected in 1976 by Dr H.M. Engelmann 40 km north of Görlitz Niederspree (Germany). Many adults of this species have three setae of the c‐series, which is rare in Hydrozetes and is considered a primitive character. Most adults have two pairs of p‐series setae, which is not common in Brachypylina and is unique among European Hydrozetes. The nymphal stages have many long setae in the marginal part of the gastronotum (whole l‐ and h‐series and seta p 1), and some or all long setae of the c‐ and d‐series, which is unique among European Hydrozetes. In H. longisetosus neotrichy occurs in the h‐series, as in H. parisiensis Grandjean, 1948 Grandjean, F. 1948. Sul les Hydrozetes (Acariens) de l'Europe occidentale.. Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat Série 2., 20: 328335. French [Google Scholar]. Therefore, the former species is closely related to the latter, and also to H. lacustris (Michael, 1882) and H. octosetosus Willmann, 1932 Willmann, C. 1932a. Oribatiden aus dem Moosebruch.. Archiv Hydrobiol., 23: 333347.  [Google Scholar], which rarely retain all the c‐series setae in the adults.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):615-624
Two new species of Porphyrochroa Melander are described from Paraná, Porphyrochroa atlantica and Porphyrochroa sierra. A new record is also made for Porphyrochroa pacaraima Mendonça, Rafael and Ale-Rocha, from Mato Grosso state. Drawings of the male genitalia are provided. A key to Brazilian species from southern and south-eastern Brazil is presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2327-2362
This paper critically compares the Southern African bulldog fish species Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters, 1852), inhabiting the eastern Lower Zambezi River, and Marcusenius altisambesi Kramer et al., 2007, inhabiting the central Upper Zambezi River, with bulldog fish samples from the western lower Cunene River, a 2600-km range from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. The three species or forms are well differentiated in morphology and molecular genetics, and differentiation is also present in electric organ discharges. Marcusenius altisambesi and the Cunene sample, which we recognize as Marcusenius multisquamatus sp. nov., are closely related and form a sister taxon to M. macrolepidotus. This result is based on the analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and genomic Inter-simple-sequence-repeat fingerprinting. Morphological adaptations to life in a torrential escarpment river seem to be present in M. multisquamatus sp. nov. when compared with M. altisambesi, which lives in a reservoir river that periodically floods the savannah. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8FE68494-9ED9-428E-B181-E814D25493F2  相似文献   

The diversification of Mediterranean Phlebotomus species occurred during the Neogene and Quaternary periods. The climatic and geographical history of the Mediterranean area plausibly influenced the climatic requirements of recent sand fly species. Our aim was to investigate the European zoogeography and the climate-based ecological groups of eight Phlebotomus species considering the phylogeography of the studied taxa. Jaccard index calculation, hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses were performed. The results of Jaccard-coefficient calculations may indirectly refer to the former existence of three possible glacial refuges of sand fly populations in Europe: an Iberian, an Apennine and a Balkan Peninsula–Asia Minor refuge. Three main climatic groups of the studied sand fly species were distinguished, namely the so-called ‘Trans-Mediterranean’, ‘East Mediterranean’ and ‘West Mediterranean’ groups. Our results suggest that the ancestor of Phlebotomus similis and Phlebotomus sergenti was adapted to the hot, dry summer Mediterranean climate during the late Neogene. The third member of this climate group, Phlebotomus papatasi because of co-adaptation shows similar climatic requirements as P. similis and P. sergenti. The five Larroussius species studied should have evolved under moister climatic conditions. Species of the ‘West Mediterranean’ group were adapted to the milder and wetter oceanic climate of Atlantic coasts. The species of the ‘East Mediterranean’ group diversified under the less balanced climate of the East Mediterranean. The recent climatic requirements and the European distribution of the studied species is the consequence of the complex Quaternary–Neogene geographical and climatic history of their former habitats in the Old continent. The adaptation of the ancestors of the studied sand fly species to the changing geographical and climatic factors of Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2573-2590

Biotic or abiotic factors responsible for temporal or spatial variation in metazoan parasite communities of the green jack Caranx caballus were studied over a nine-year period using samples collected at locations along the south-central Pacific coast of Mexico. A total of 708 fish were collected from six locations between December 2009 and October 2017. Thirty-two parasite species were identified: three Monogenea, nine Digenea, two Cestoda, five Nematoda, eight Copepoda, and three Isopoda. At the component community level, parasite species richness varied significantly from seven (Zihuatanejo 2016) to 18 (Acapulco Bay 2011). The component communities and infracommunities of C. caballus exhibited a similar pattern: low species numbers, low diversity, and dominance by a single species (mainly the monogenean Pseudomazocraes selene or the digenean Bucephalus varicus). Parasite community structure and species composition varied between locations and/or sampling years. The main factors responsible for these variations were host traits such as feeding behaviour and body size, the occurrence of a set of distinctive parasite species, and possible variations in the availability of infected prey between locations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):669-697
Preference–performance hypothesis was tested in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis under field, insectary and laboratory conditions in a population from southeastern Brazil. Throughout a year, Passiflora capsularis was the host predominantly used for oviposition in the field. Similarly, when host plants were of high quality in the field, H. erato phyllis females that came from this environment laid more eggs on P. capsularis under insectary conditions. In contrast, when host plant quality declined in nature, females did not show preference for any host plant in particular in the insectary. Larvae had superior performances when reared on P. capsularis and Passiflora edulis than on Passiflora jilekii. Overall, our results show a trend towards a positive relationship between oviposition and performance in H. erato phyllis. The factors that might lead to an absence of selection under insectary conditions by females from a poor-quality environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of short-tailed whip-scorpions (schizomids), Calima embera sp. nov. and Calima nutabe sp. nov. are described based upon collected material from the Natural Park Planes de San Rafael, Risaralda department, and the Natural Reserve El Romeral, Antioquia department, Colombia, increasing the number of known species for the genus to four; an identification key and a distribution map for Calima species, are provided. The voluminous spermathecal lobes in females and the presence of a small dorsal eminence basal to Dm4 in the male flagellum of some species, could represent diagnostic characters for Calima and are therefore included in its diagnosis. The microsetae of the male flagellum of Hubbardiinae, continues be excluded from the setal homologies; we suggest that they must be taken into consideration in a future homology proposal. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1D3A97A4-29A6-46E2-AD78-EE6C7036D251  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):2567-2589
Three species of darwinulid ostracods, belonging to the genus Penthesilenula, are reported from terrestrial and semi-terrestrial habitats in São Paulo State (Brazil). Penthesilenula reidae n. sp. is here described as new to science. It belongs to the africana-group in the genus and was found exclusively in bromeliad pouches. Penthesilenula aotearoa (in the incae-group) was previously known from New Zealand only and is here reported for the first time from South America. The third species, Penthesilenula brasiliensis, is here described from leaf litter in forests, constituting the first darwinulid taxon to be found in fully terrestrial habitats. The morphological diversity within P. brasiliensis s. l. is discussed and various lineages on different continents are retained within this species. The evolutionary significance of the high incidence of teratologies in the Darwinulidae is discussed. A tentative homology for the apical chaetotaxy of A2 between Darwinulidae and Cyprididae is offered.  相似文献   


The island of New Guinea has been identified as biologically megadiverse but many taxa are still poorly known. This is especially the case for many of the island’s snakes, which by their very nature can be difficult to collect and study. Here we examine the phylogenetic and phylogeographic structure of a poorly studied snake genus, Stegonotus, focusing on the species of New Guinea; until now, Stegonotus has never been examined using modern phylogenetic methods. Using molecular data from 49 individuals representing eight of the ten described species, and including all New Guinea taxa, we estimate a multilocus phylogeny and examine population structure to help identify undescribed taxa. We use morphological data from the corresponding museum vouchered specimens (where available) and also examine additional specimens for taxa not included in the molecular data set to determine morphological differences among putative taxa. We find molecular evidence for four new species of Stegonotus, both morphologically obvious and cryptic, and describe them herein. The recognition of these four species indicates that Stegonotus diversity has been previously underestimated and also suggests that there are likely additional undescribed taxa within the genus. These four taxa increase the number of described species by 40% and further confirm New Guinea as the centre of diversity for the genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E21390E-3FD4-40EB-9442-31BC92A76B4F  相似文献   

The zoeal stages of Hiplyra variegata are described and illustrated for the first time. Zoea I was obtained from an ovigerous female, and the zoea II and zoea III stages were captured in the plankton (their identity was confirmed by rearing some of them from earlier stages). Comparisons are made with the only other species of the genus of which larvae are known, i.e. H. platycheir. The presence of a lateral spine on the carapace of zoea I is one of the most important characters that can be used for easy recognition of H. variegata. It is important to note that the third zoea of H. variegata has four small spines at each posterolateral margin of the carapace, in contrast to three spines in other species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(42):3663-3685
The reproductive phenology of the cloud forest tree Protium tovarense (Burseraceae) is analysed for one population in northern Venezuela. Reproductive phenophases were monitored using both long‐term(21 years) and detailed short‐term (4 years) surveys of flower and fruit set. The reproductive phenology of this tree varies, with periods in which the species behaves as a supra‐annual reproducer, and other periods in which it reproduces annually, at the end of the rainy season. Marked spatial variation in reproductive condition was also observed, with subpopulations separated by less than 2 km showing contrasting phenological stages. Larval infestation of seeds by a braconid wasp was observed for a period of 1 year and is described. This wasp, the first obligately phytophagous species of Braconinae, is described as Bracon phytophagus Quicke sp. n. Percentage fruit infestation by this wasp was relatively high (50–60%) during the entire period (~10 months) of fruit development. The larval stages are described and illustrated, and compared with those of other phytophagous Ichneumonoidea. DNA sequencing of wasp colour variants provided no indication that multiple species were involved. Two related braconine species described in the genus Iphiaulax are transferred to Bracon, hence, B. flavipalpisimus replacement name (Szépligeti) ( = Iphiaulax flavipalpis Szépligeti, 1901 Szépligeti, G v. 1901. Tropische Cenocoeliden und Braconidae aus der Sammlung des Ungarischens National‐Museums.. Természetrajzi Füzetek, 24: 353402.  [Google Scholar] not B. flavipalpis Thomson, 1892) and B. glabrescens (Szépligeti) n. comb. ( = Iphiaulax glabrescens Szépligeti, 1901 Szépligeti, G v. 1901. Tropische Cenocoeliden und Braconidae aus der Sammlung des Ungarischens National‐Museums.. Természetrajzi Füzetek, 24: 353402.  [Google Scholar]). Evolutionary routes to phytophagy in braconid wasps and hypothetical scenarios in which this plant–seed predator interaction can be maintained are discussed.  相似文献   

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