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Summary A decrease in the number of binding sites (Bmax) for [3H]ouabain was observed in the heart (37%) and the brain (22%) of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) when compared with age-matched control Wistar Kyoto rats. No variation was detected in the affinity constant (KD).  相似文献   

Summary The biliary excretion of [3H] LSD was studied in Wistar and homozygous Gunn rats. In Wistar rats approximately 46% of the given dose was recovered from bile in 2.5 h whilst in the homozygous Gunn rat 26% was recovered in the same time period. In both strains the main metabolites were glucuronides.  相似文献   

D J Back  J K Singh 《Experientia》1976,32(5):616-617
The biliary excretion of [3H] LSD was studied in Wistar and homozygous Gunn rats. In Wistar rats approximately 46% of the given dose was recovered from bile in 2.5 h whilst in the homozygous Gunn rat 26% was recovered in the same time period. In both strains the main metabolites were glucuronides.  相似文献   

Summary 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG) significantly decreased cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid levels in whole serum, serum -lipoproteins and liver of Triton-induced hyperlipidemic rats. Therapeutically 50 mg HMG/kg is equivalent to 200 mg nicotinic acid/kg in lowering all these lipid parameters. HMG may exert its hypolipidemic effect through inhibition of lipoprotein synthesis.Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Dr.M. Saleemuddin for encouragement, Dr.P. E. Schurr, Upjohn Co. USA for generous gift of Triton W. R 1339 and Lady Tata Memorial Trust (India) for financial assistance to one of us (SYKY).  相似文献   

Summary In rats 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid effectively counteracts the lipemic and atherosclerotic response of massive doses of vitamin D2. It regressed the formation of atheromatous arterial lesions. Furthermore the significant decrease in serum -lipoprotein levels on HMG treatment could be due to decrease in VLDL triglyceride and cholesterol levels.Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to Dr.W. Drell, President, Calbiochem, San Diego, California, USA, for generous gift of HMG and Lady Tata Memorial Trust, India, for providing financial assistance to one of us (S.Y.K.Y.).  相似文献   

Riassunto E' stato studiato l'effetto dell'acido orotico sull'incorporazione di formiato-H3 nei nucleotidi liberi totali e negli acidi nucleici presenti nelle frazioni subcellulari del fegato di pulcino carente di B12. La maggiore attività specifica dell'RNA nucleare e ribosomiale che si osserva negli animali trattati con acido orotico come in quelli trattati con vitamina B12 potrebbe essere considerata l'espressione di una più elevata sintesi di RNA messaggero determinata da queste due sostanze.

This investigation was supported by a grant from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.  相似文献   

Summary After i.p. inoculation with the Guajira strain of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus a significant decrease in the density of (3H) spiroperidol binding sites in the striatum, midbrain and frontal cortex was observed. No changes in the affinity of the receptors could be demonstrated. This finding is compatible with neuronal degeneration caused by the viral infection.Acknowledgments. This work was partially supported by Condes-Luz and Fundacite-Zulia. Butaclamol isomers were a gift of Ayerst Laboratories, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The binding of3H-diazepam to membrane benzodiazepine receptors was examined in 2 psychogenetically selected lines of rats, which differ according to the selection criterion in avoidance behaviour (RHA/Verh>RLA/Verh) and, in addition, in emotionality (RHA/Verh相似文献   

C Gentsch  M Lichtsteiner  H Feer 《Experientia》1981,37(12):1315-1316
The binding of 3H-diazepam to membrane benzodiazepine receptors was examined in 2 psychogenetically selected lines of rats, which differ according to the selection criterion in avoidance behaviour (RHA/Verh greater than RLA/Verh) and, in addition, in emotionality (RHA/Verh less than RLA/Verh). RHA/Verh rats tended to show higher specific diazepam binding in all CNS-subregions when compared with RLA/Verh animals. Significant differences were found in the cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamic region and pons-medulla. These results reinforce the contention that a system involving benzodiazepine receptors may play a role in emotional behaviour.  相似文献   

S Y Yousufzai  M Siddiqi 《Experientia》1976,32(9):1178-1179
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG) significantly decreased cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid levels in whole serum, serum beta-lipoproteins and liver of Triton-induced hyperlipidemic rats. Therapeutically 50 mg HMG/kg is equivalent to 200 mg nicotinic acid/kg in lowering all these lipid parameters. HMG may exert its hypolipidemic effect through inhibition of lipoprotein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Neutron activation, analysis of peripheral lymphocytes from healthy and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma-bearing rats resulted in the quantitative determination of Co, Cu, K, Mn, Rb, Se and Zn, and a qualitative determination of Au and Sb. From corresponding plasma samples, Co, Zn, Rb, Se and Cs were analyzed. Differences in trace element concentrations could only be detected in plasma of tumor-bearing animals which showed a decreased Zn and Co content of 50% and 30%, respectively, and a rise of Rb when compared to plasma of control animals.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Tritium-markiertes nor-Epinephrin, welches im Meerschweinchenherzen 4 bis 8 h nach intravenöser Injektion gebunden war, wurde mit der gleichen Geschwindigkeit wie körpereigenes Catecholamin nach Verabreichung von Reserpin freigesetzt. Es kann daher angenommen werden, dass injiziertes nor-Epinephrin sich im Herzen mit der Masse des endogenen Hormons vermischt.  相似文献   

Summary Indolyl-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) was detected in the urine of rats given indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) i.p. It was ascertained that the conversion of IAA into IAAsp could be carried out not only in plants but also in animals.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis of peripheral lymphocytes from healthy and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma-bearing rats resulted in the quantitative determination of Co, Cu, K, Mn, Rb, Se and Zn, and a qualitative determination of Au and Sb. From corresponding plasma samples, Co, Zn, Rb, Se and Cs were analyzed. Differences in trace element concentrations could only be detected in plasma of tumor-bearing animals which showed a decreased Zn and Co content of 50% and 30%, respectively, and a rise of Rb when compared to plasma of control animals.  相似文献   

Summary Either by direct GA supply or by release of glycosidic bound GA, pollination causes partial opening of double-stranded DNA in somatic maize kernel tissues, as evidenced by increased Tm profiles. This phenomenon is associated with enhanced RNA and protein production.Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Dr.Y. Wurzburger for her aid and advice in extraction and biossay procedure. This research was financed by a grant from the Bar-Ilan Research Council.  相似文献   

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