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Clausen S  Smith AB 《Nature》2005,438(7066):351-354
Stylophora are a peculiar extinct group of asymmetrical deuterostomes whose biological affinity has been fiercely debated. Disarticulated skeletal elements of a ceratocystid stylophoran recovered from the earliest Middle Cambrian of Morocco are not only the oldest stylophorans in the fossil record, but their exceptional preservation provides crucial data on the microstructure of its skeleton. Stylophoran plates are constructed of a three-dimensional mesh, termed 'stereom', identical to that of living echinoderms in which stereom microstructure provides a reliable guide to the nature of the investing soft tissues. Using modern echinoderm anatomy to interpret stereom microstructure of stylophoran elements, here we show that the large proximal lumen of their appendage was filled with muscle and that ligamentary tissues bound distal elements firmly together. We find no evidence for a mouth in the proximal lumen and no evidence that the covering plates of the appendage were articulated. Thus, although skeletal structure suggests that stylophorans are echinoderms, their appendage was not a feeding arm but a muscular locomotory organ.  相似文献   

Rhombocorniculum cancellatum from the Lower Cambrian of southern Shaanxi Province (South China) is represented by the dextral and sinistral tooth-like sclerites (both in nearly equal numbers), indicating that the body plan of the organism with these sclerites probably was bilaterian. The main feature of the microstructure of the sclerites is the presence of longitudinally arranged, mutually contiguous hollow tubules, the shared walls consisting of microcrystalline apatite. In transverse cross sections, the sclerite wall mainly exhibits a spongy structure, with pore size decreasing adapically. Functional morphological analysis indicates that the sclerites serve as a defensive rather than a grasping function.  相似文献   

Despite the status of the eye as an "organ of extreme perfection", theory suggests that complex eyes can evolve very rapidly. The fossil record has, until now, been inadequate in providing insight into the early evolution of eyes during the initial radiation of many animal groups known as the Cambrian explosion. This is surprising because Cambrian Burgess-Shale-type deposits are replete with exquisitely preserved animals, especially arthropods, that possess eyes. However, with the exception of biomineralized trilobite eyes, virtually nothing is known about the details of their optical design. Here we report exceptionally preserved fossil eyes from the Early Cambrian (~ 515 million years ago) Emu Bay Shale of South Australia, revealing that some of the earliest arthropods possessed highly advanced compound eyes, each with over 3,000 large ommatidial lenses and a specialized 'bright zone'. These are the oldest non-biomineralized eyes known in such detail, with preservation quality exceeding that found in the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang deposits. Non-biomineralized eyes of similar complexity are otherwise unknown until about 85 million years later. The arrangement and size of the lenses indicate that these eyes belonged to an active predator that was capable of seeing in low light. The eyes are more complex than those known from contemporaneous trilobites and are as advanced as those of many living forms. They provide further evidence that the Cambrian explosion involved rapid innovation in fine-scale anatomy as well as gross morphology, and are consistent with the concept that the development of advanced vision helped to drive this great evolutionary event.  相似文献   

Abundant and well-preserved macroalgae fossils have been discovered in silty mudstones and shales from the Middle Cambrian of Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China. CorallinaParaamphiroa siniansis gen. et sp. nov. in the Kaili Fm., is the earliest Corallina fossil, which usually coexists with other carbonaceous macroalgae fossils on the bedding planes of mudstone and shale and is different from the calcareous and phosphatized Precambrian-Cambrian thallus discovered in the Lower Cambrian of Siberia and the Doushantou phosphate rocks of Weng’an County, Guizhou Province, China. The discovery of calcified thallus in the Kaili Fm. bears great importance on the study of phylogeny and evolution of early calcareous macroalgae.  相似文献   

Countless fossil embryo Olivooides and the hatched larvae,juveniles and adults(the latter two kinds are Punctatus) are recovered by means of acid maceration from the fine-crystalline to medium-crystalline phosphatic limestone and phosphatic micrite of Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation at the Shizhonggou section,near Kuanchuanpu Village,Ningqiang County,Shaanxi Province,China.Using the technique of Synchrotron X-ray Tomographic Microscopy,the 3D internal structure of Olivooides and Punctatus is reconstructed.The morphological and statistic analyses are also given to the stellae structure of Olivooides and Punctatus,which indicates that this structure is a result of adaptive evolution to a lifestyle of fast-attaching after hatching,probably with the function of mucilage secretion.The internal structure of Punctatus is described and discussed.The ovum-like structure,a common internal feature of Punctatus,is considered as the taphonomic structure,rather than eggs or other biological structure.This structure is thought to be formed after the burial of the animal and before or during the mineralization.The original internal structure of Punctatus is assumed to be tabulae-filled,with soft body grown on them.  相似文献   

Extremely abundant trace fossils are associated with the deep-sea deposits, especially in turbidite measure and flysch fades. And these trace groups then become the effective indicators to reconstruct the ancient depositional environment and the palaeogeography. This paper focuses on ( i ) the formational features of deep-sea fossil and its assemblage feature, and further recongnizes that the coexistence of the shallow and deep water trace group in a depositional sequences is the identification mark of turbidite sequence; ( ii ) thought and methods using the trace fossil to restore their environmental parameters such as the ancient sea depth, oxygen-bearing condition and sedimentation rate, etc.; (Ⅲ) the application and significance of deep-sea ichnofacies in environment interpretation.  相似文献   

宽背虫(Bathynotus)这一传统早寒武世或寒武纪第2世晚期最重要的三叶虫属,广泛分布于全球寒武纪3个生物大区,为区域地层对比的标准化石.Bathynotus在贵州剑河八郎乌溜-曾家崖剖面凯里组下部极为丰富.该剖面已成为全球寒武系第2统和第3统界线层型候选剖面,表明凯里组是一个穿时的地层单元,其3个三叶虫带最下部一个带为Bathynotus holopygus-Ovatoryctocara granulata.经过逐层大量的化石标本采集统计证实,乌溜-曾家崖剖面宽背虫(Bathynotus)在距凯里组底部51.60 m处骤然绝灭,距寒武系第2统的顶界(距凯里组底52.80 m)只有1.20 m.本文就乌溜-曾家崖剖面凯里组下部宽背虫(Bathynotus)的数量分布变化认为其灭绝过程是逐步的.  相似文献   

Anabarites belong to small shelly fossils (SSF), which occur widely in the Lower Cambrian strata of Yangtze Platform in South China. They are phosphate shell in composition and represent the earliest stage of the Cambrian bioradiation of Bilateria, the so-called "Cambrian Explosion". In this study, we attempted to separate Anabarites fossils from Lower Cambrian dolostones, and we obtained samples of both the fossils (SSF) and the granular phosphates (GP). Isotopic analyses were performed on samples of SSF, GP, and matrix dolostone (DH-23). The results showed that the δ30Si values of the quartz filling in fossils celoms, and the siliceous materials in granular phosphates are -0.6‰ and -0.7‰, which is different from normal sedimentary siliceous rocks from the Lower Cambrian strata (0—0.7‰) as reported by Li et al., but is consistent with the data for siliceous rocks and cherts of submarine hydrothermal origin. It is likely that a later hydrothermal replacement could have taken place in the SSF-bearing sedimentary rocks. The oxygen isotope values of the phosphate of SSF and GP are 16.8‰ and 17.0‰, respectively. These are significantly higher than the Neoproterozoic phosphate ores (10.9‰—13.9‰) as reported by Ling et al., hence, late diagenesis and hydrothermal replacement may not have caused a significant change in the oxygen isotope compositions of the small shelly fossils, and the calculated temperatures (25.4—26.3℃) for palaeo-seawater using a SSF phosphate oxygen isotope thermometer are therefore considered here as the upper limit of seawater temperature in the Early Cambrian ocean of the Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

Anabarites belong to small shelly fossils (SSF), which occur widely in the Lower Cambrian strata of Yangtze Platform in South China. They are phosphate shell in composition and represent the earliest stage of the Cambrian bioradiation of Bilateria, the so-called “Cambrian Explosion”. In this study, we attempted to separate Anabarites fossils from Lower Cambrian dolostones, and we obtained samples of both the fossils (SSF) and the granular phosphates (GP). Isotopic analyses were performed on samples of SSF, GP, and matrix dolostone (DH-23). The results showed that the δ30Si values of the quartz filling in fossils celoms, and the siliceous materials in granular phosphates are -0.6‰ and -0.7‰, which is different from normal sedimentary siliceous rocks from the Lower Cambrian strata (0—0.7‰) as reported by Li et al., but is consistent with the data for siliceous rocks and cherts of submarine hydrothermal origin. It is likely that a later hydrothermal replacement could have taken place in the SSF-bearing sedimentary rocks. The oxygen isotope values of the phosphate of SSF and GP are 16.8‰ and 17.0‰, respectively. These are significantly higher than the Neoproterozoic phosphate ores (10.9‰—13.9‰) as reported by Ling et al., hence, late diagenesis and hydrothermal replacement may not have caused a significant change in the oxygen isotope compositions of the small shelly fossils, and the calculated temperatures (25.4—26.3℃) for palaeo-seawater using a SSF phosphate oxygen isotope thermometer are therefore considered here as the upper limit of seawater temperature in the Early Cambrian ocean of the Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

Countless fossil embryo Olivooides and the hatched larvae, juveniles and adults (the latter two kinds are Punctatus) are recovered by means of acid maceration from the fine-crystalline to medium-crystalline phosphatic limestone and phosphatic micrite of Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation at the Shizhonggou section, near Kuanchuanpu Village, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi Province, China. Using the technique of Synchrotron X-ray Tomographic Microscopy, the 3D internal structure of Ofivooides and Punctatus is reconstructed. The morphological and statistic analyses are also given to the stellae structure of Ofivooides and Punctatus, which indicates that this structure is a result of adaptive evolution to a lifestyle of fast-attaching after hatching, probably with the function of mucilage secretion. The internal structure of Punctatus is described and discussed. The ovum-like structure, a common internal feature of Punctatus, is considered as the taphonomic structure, rather than eggs or other biological structure. This structure is thought to be formed after the burial of the animal and before or during the mineralization. The original internal structure of Punctatus is assumed to be tabulae-filled, with soft body grown on them.  相似文献   

Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Shu DG  Morris SC  Han J  Zhang ZF  Yasui K  Janvier P  Chen L  Zhang XL  Liu JN  Li Y  Liu HQ 《Nature》2003,421(6922):526-529
Agnathan fish hold a key position in vertebrate evolution, especially regarding the origin of the head and neural-crest-derived tissue. In contrast to amphioxus, lampreys and other vertebrates possess a complex brain and placodes that contribute to well-developed eyes, as well as auditory and olfactory systems. These sensory sytems were arguably a trigger to subsequent vertebrate diversifications. However, although they are known from skeletal impressions in younger Palaeozoic agnathans, information about the earliest records of these systems has been largely wanting. Here we report numerous specimens of the Lower Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys ercaicunensis, until now only known from the holotype. Haikouichthys shows significant differences from other fossil agnathans: key features include a small lobate extension to the head, with eyes and possible nasal sacs, as well as what may be otic capsules. A notochord with separate vertebral elements is also identifiable. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that this fish lies within the stem-group craniates. Although Haikouichthys somewhat resembles the ammocoete larva of modern lampreys, this is because of shared general craniate characters; adult lampreys and hagfishes (the cyclostomes if monophyletic) are probably derived in many respects.  相似文献   

合理确定城市群港口的定位,构建与城市群发展水平相适应的港口结构,可有效促进城市群的发展。以环长株潭城市群为例,采用基尼系数、区位商以及聚类分析法,分别对城市群港口的空间结构、职能结构和层次结构进行定量分析,并论证了港口结构与依托城市的国民生产总值、产业分工以及港口综合基础条件的紧密联系。研究结果表明,环长株潭城市群港口可按综合能力分为两类:一类是作为城市群港口核心的岳阳港和长沙港,应定位为运输大宗散货和集装箱为主的现代化综合性港口;另一类是作为地区重要港口的衡阳港、常德港、株洲港、湘潭港、益阳港和娄底港,定位为运输散货和件杂货为主的综合性港口。  相似文献   

杜氏木属(Duguetia St.Hilaire)约80种,全产新热带.它的系统修订系由联合国教科文组织资助的《新热带植物志》(Flora Neotropica)中番荔枝科研究的子课题,本文第一作者有幸参加了该项研究.这里报告的是第一作者于1990年2月至1991年3月在荷兰乌德勒支大学系统植物学研究所进修期间,在 P.J.M.Maas教授指导下完成的番荔枝科杜氏木属中糠秕鳞杜氏木群(Duguetia furfuracea group,为非正式分类学等级)及其近缘种(共16种,现修订至12种)系统修订专著连载的第二部分.它给出了隶属糠秕鳞杜氏木群的叉鳞杜氏木(D.dicholepidota)、莫里杜氏木(D.moricandiana)、马格杜氏木(D.marcgraviana)及具刺杜氏木(D.echinophora)四种的详尽描述、地方名、应用价值、地理分布、分类界定和它们间的相互亲缘关系.短梗杜氏木(D.brevipedunculata)被归并为马格杜氏木的新异名;叉鳞杜氏木与莫里杜氏木不象R.E.Fries(1934,1959)认为那样与马格杜氏木直接亲缘而是与糠秕鳞杜氏木亲缘关系非常密切.  相似文献   

RNA evolution and the origins of life   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
G F Joyce 《Nature》1989,338(6212):217-224
The evolution of RNA is likely to have played an important role in the very early history of life on Earth but it is doubtful that life began with RNA. Consideration of what came before RNA must take into account relevant information from geochemistry, prebiotic chemistry and nucleic acid biochemistry.  相似文献   

The origins and the future of microfluidics   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Whitesides GM 《Nature》2006,442(7101):368-373
The manipulation of fluids in channels with dimensions of tens of micrometres--microfluidics--has emerged as a distinct new field. Microfluidics has the potential to influence subject areas from chemical synthesis and biological analysis to optics and information technology. But the field is still at an early stage of development. Even as the basic science and technological demonstrations develop, other problems must be addressed: choosing and focusing on initial applications, and developing strategies to complete the cycle of development, including commercialization. The solutions to these problems will require imagination and ingenuity.  相似文献   

本文是第一作者在荷兰鸟支大学系统植物学研究所进修期间完成的番茄枝科杜氏木属(Duguetia)中糠秕鳞杜氏木群及近缘种专著修订的第三部分.文中给出了属于糠秕鳞杜氏木群的下列四种:鳞斑杜氏木(D.lepidota)、芳香杜氏木(D.odorata)、光叶杜氏木(D.glabriuscula)、及披针叶杜氏木(D.lanceolata)的详尽形态描述、分类定界、地理分布、地方名、应用价值及相互亲缘关系.小叶披针叶杜氏木(D.lanceolata)var.parvifolia)被认为是披针叶杜氏木的极端变异,其分类等级不能被承认,芳香杜氏木不象R.E.Fries(1934.1959)认为那样与糠秕鳞杜氏木有直接亲缘,而是与鳞斑杜氏木亲缘关系极近.  相似文献   

从2003年11月到2004年10月对洞庭湖湿地平原、丘岗、低山的4种生态系统中的小型节肢土壤动物群落的组成、多样性、相似性进行了比较研究。全年调查共获得小型节肢土壤动物27641个,隶属节肢动物门的6纲、24目。4个土壤动物群落中动物类群数和个体数均以针阔混交林>茶林>竹林>阔叶林;多样性指数(H')由大到小依次是针阔混交林>茶林>阔叶林>竹林,与群落均匀度的变化显著相关,而与群落的丰富度关系不密切;Jaccard系数、Gower系数和Pianka的α指数的分析结果表明,4种群落中共有的类群数极为相似,但群落中各类群的最大个体数和最小个体数的差值相差很大。  相似文献   

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