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If past prices can successfully predict future price movements, it would contradict the notion of weak‐form market efficiency. Return predictability can be assessed via a variety of random walk statistical tests or via the application of mechanical trading rules. Findings of return predictability and state of market efficiency are compared by applying a battery of popular random walk statistical tests and a large set of mechanical trading rules to a family of equity indexes in Asia–Pacific equity markets over a 20‐year period of time. Inferences drawn from different random walk based econometric tests of market efficiency often disagree among themselves and tend to exaggerate the extent of predictability in returns. Testing of return predictability via a set of mechanical trading rules allows one to account for a possible data snooping bias, error measurements due to nonsynchronous trading and market frictions such as trading costs. Persistent predictability of returns that cannot be explained by the combination of data snooping bias, nonsynchronicity bias and moderate level of transaction costs is found in just two emerging equity markets in the region. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At what forecast horizon is one time series more predictable than another? This paper applies the Diebold–Kilian conditional predictability measure to assess the out‐of‐sample performance of three alternative models of daily GBP/USD and DEM/USD exchange rate returns. Predictability is defined as a non‐linear statistic of a model's relative expected losses at short and long forecast horizons, allowing flexible choice of both the estimation procedure and loss function. The long horizon is set to 2 weeks and one month ahead and forecasts evaluated according to MSE loss. Bootstrap methodology is used to estimate the data's conditional predictability using GARCH models. This is then compared to predictability under a random walk and a model using the prediction bias in uncovered interest parity (UIP). We find that both exchange rates are less predictable using GARCH than using a random walk, but they are more predictable using UIP than a random walk. Predictability using GARCH is relatively higher for the 2‐weeks‐than for the 1‐month long forecast horizon. Comparing the results using a random walk to that using UIP reveals ‘pockets’ of predictability, that is, particular short horizons for which predictability using the random walk exceeds that using UIP, or vice versa. Overall, GBP/USD returns appear more predictable than DEM/USD returns at short horizons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Building on recent and growing evidence that geographic location influences information diffusion, this paper examines the relation between firm's location and the predictability of stock returns. We hypothesize that returns on a portfolio composed of firms located in central areas are more likely to follow a random walk than returns on a portfolio composed of firms located in remote areas. Using a battery of variance ratio tests, we find strong and robust support for our prediction. In particular, we show that the returns on a portfolio composed of the 500 largest urban firms follow a random walk; however, all variance ratio tests reject the random walk hypothesis for a portfolio that includes the 500 largest rural firms. Our results are robust to alternative definitions of firm's location and portfolio formation.  相似文献   

We compare the accuracy of vector autoregressive (VAR), restricted vector autoregressive (RVAR), Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR), vector error correction (VEC) and Bayesian error correction (BVEC) models in forecasting the exchange rates of five Central and Eastern European currencies (Czech Koruna, Hungarian Forint, Slovak Koruna, Slovenian Tolar and Polish Zloty) against the US Dollar and the Euro. Although these models tend to outperform the random walk model for long‐term predictions (6 months ahead and beyond), even the best models in terms of average prediction error fail to reject the test of equality of forecasting accuracy against the random walk model in short‐term predictions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper employs a non‐parametric method to forecast high‐frequency Canadian/US dollar exchange rate. The introduction of a microstructure variable, order flow, substantially improves the predictive power of both linear and non‐linear models. The non‐linear models outperform random walk and linear models based on a number of recursive out‐of‐sample forecasts. Two main criteria that are applied to evaluate model performance are root mean squared error (RMSE) and the ability to predict the direction of exchange rate moves. The artificial neural network (ANN) model is consistently better in RMSE to random walk and linear models for the various out‐of‐sample set sizes. Moreover, ANN performs better than other models in terms of percentage of correctly predicted exchange rate changes. The empirical results suggest that optimal ANN architecture is superior to random walk and any linear competing model for high‐frequency exchange rate forecasting. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper forecasts Daily Sterling exchange rate returns using various naive, linear and non-linear univariate time-series models. The accuracy of the forecasts is evaluated using mean squared error and sign prediction criteria. These show only a very modest improvement over forecasts generated by a random walk model. The Pesaran–Timmerman test and a comparison with forecasts generated artificially shows that even the best models have no evidence of market timing ability.©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the forecasting ability of the nonlinear specifications of the market model. We propose a conditional two‐moment market model with a time‐varying systematic covariance (beta) risk in the form of a mean reverting process of the state‐space model via the Kalman filter algorithm. In addition, we account for the systematic component of co‐skewness and co‐kurtosis by considering higher moments. The analysis is implemented using data from the stock indices of several developed and emerging stock markets. The empirical findings favour the time‐varying market model approaches, which outperform linear model specifications both in terms of model fit and predictability. Precisely, higher moments are necessary for datasets that involve structural changes and/or market inefficiencies which are common in most of the emerging stock markets. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use Google Trends data for exchange rate forecasting in the context of a broad literature review that ties the exchange rate movements with macroeconomic fundamentals. The sample covers 11 OECD countries’ exchange rates for the period from January 2004 to June 2014. In out‐of‐sample forecasting of monthly returns on exchange rates, our findings indicate that the Google Trends search query data do a better job than the structural models in predicting the true direction of changes in nominal exchange rates. We also observed that Google Trends‐based forecasts are better at picking up the direction of the changes in the monthly nominal exchange rates after the Great Recession era (2008–2009). Based on the Clark and West inference procedure of equal predictive accuracy testing, we found that the relative performance of Google Trends‐based exchange rate predictions against the null of a random walk model is no worse than the purchasing power parity model. On the other hand, although the monetary model fundamentals could beat the random walk null only in one out of 11 currency pairs, with Google Trends predictors we found evidence of better performance for five currency pairs. We believe that these findings necessitate further research in this area to investigate the extravalue one can get from Google search query data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we forecast real house price growth of 16 OECD countries using information from domestic macroeconomic indicators and global measures of the housing market. Consistent with the findings for the US housing market, we find that the forecasts from an autoregressive model dominate the forecasts from the random walk model for most of the countries in our sample. More importantly, we find that the forecasts from a bivariate model that includes economically important domestic macroeconomic variables and two global indicators of the housing market significantly improve upon the univariate autoregressive model forecasts. Among all the variables, the mean square forecast error from the model with the country's domestic interest rates has the best performance for most of the countries. The country's income, industrial production, and stock markets are also found to have valuable information about the future movements in real house price growth. There is also some evidence supporting the influence of the global housing price growth in out‐of‐sample forecasting of real house price growth in these OECD countries.  相似文献   

This paper presents an autoregressive fractionally integrated moving‐average (ARFIMA) model of nominal exchange rates and compares its forecasting capability with the monetary structural models and the random walk model. Monthly observations are used for Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom for the period of April 1973 through December 1998. The estimation method is Sowell's (1992) exact maximum likelihood estimation. The forecasting accuracy of the long‐memory model is formally compared to the random walk and the monetary models, using the recently developed Harvey, Leybourne and Newbold (1997) test statistics. The results show that the long‐memory model is more efficient than the random walk model in steps‐ahead forecasts beyond 1 month for most currencies and more efficient than the monetary models in multi‐step‐ahead forecasts. This new finding strongly suggests that the long‐memory model of nominal exchange rates be studied as a viable alternative to the conventional models. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a test of predictability by exploring the possibility that forecasts from a given model, adjusted by a shrinkage factor, will display lower mean squared prediction errors than forecasts from a simple random walk. This generalizes most previous tests which compare forecast errors of a benchmark model with errors of a proposed alternative model, not allowing for shrinkage. We show that our test is a particular extension of a recently developed test of the martingale difference hypothesis. Using simulations we explore the behavior of our test in small and moderate samples. Numerical results indicate that the test has good size and power properties. Finally, we illustrate the use of our test in an empirical application within the exchange rate literature. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most non‐linear techniques give good in‐sample fits to exchange rate data but are usually outperformed by random walks or random walks with drift when used for out‐of‐sample forecasting. In the case of regime‐switching models it is possible to understand why forecasts based on the true model can have higher mean squared error than those of a random walk or random walk with drift. In this paper we provide some analytical results for the case of a simple switching model, the segmented trend model. It requires only a small misclassification, when forecasting which regime the world will be in, to lose any advantage from knowing the correct model specification. To illustrate this we discuss some results for the DM/dollar exchange rate. We conjecture that the forecasting result is more general and describes limitations to the use of switching models for forecasting. This result has two implications. First, it questions the leading role of the random walk hypothesis for the spot exchange rate. Second, it suggests that the mean square error is not an appropriate way to evaluate forecast performance for non‐linear models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that non-linear methods cannot improve the point forecasts of high-frequency exchange rates. These studies have been using standard forecasting criteria such as smallest mean squared error (MSE) and smallest mean absolute error (MAE). It is, however, premature to conclude from this evidence that non-linear forecasts of high-frequency financial returns are economically or statistically insignificant. We prove a proposition which implies that the standard forecasting criteria are not necessarily particularly suited for assessment of the economic value of predictions of non-linear processes where the predicted value and the prediction error may not be independently distributed. Adopting a simple non-linear forecasting procedure to 15 daily exchange rate series we find that although, when compared to simple random walk forecasts, all the non-linear forecasts give a higher MSE and MAE, when applied in a simple trading strategy these forecasts result in a higher mean return. It is also shown that the ranking of portfolio payoffs based on forecasts from a random walk, and linear and non-linear models, is closely related to a non-parametric test of market timing.  相似文献   

The paper develops an oil price forecasting technique which is based on the present value model of rational commodity pricing. The approach suggests shifting the forecasting problem to the marginal convenience yield, which can be derived from the cost‐of‐carry relationship. In a recursive out‐of‐sample analysis, forecast accuracy at horizons within one year is checked by the root mean squared error as well as the mean error and the frequency of a correct direction‐of‐change prediction. For all criteria employed, the proposed forecasting tool outperforms the approach of using futures prices as direct predictors of future spot prices. Vis‐à‐vis the random‐walk model, it does not significantly improve forecast accuracy but provides valuable statements on the direction of change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of macroeconomic and stock market variables in the dynamic Nelson–Siegel framework with the purpose of fitting and forecasting the term structure of interest rate on the Japanese government bond market. The Nelson–Siegel type models in state‐space framework considerably outperform the benchmark simple time series forecast models such as an AR(1) and a random walk. The yields‐macro model incorporating macroeconomic factors leads to a better in‐sample fit of the term structure than the yields‐only model. The out‐of‐sample predictability of the former for short‐horizon forecasts is superior to the latter for all maturities examined in this study, and for longer horizons the former is still compatible to the latter. Inclusion of macroeconomic factors can dramatically reduce the autocorrelation of forecast errors, which has been a common phenomenon of statistical analysis in previous term structure models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the empirical relevance of an expectations version of purchasing power parity in forecasting the dollar/euro exchange rate. This version is based on the differential of inflation expectations derived from inflation‐indexed bonds for the euro area and the USA. Using the longest daily data for both the dollar/euro exchange rate and for the inflation expectations, our results suggest that, with few exceptions, our predictors behave significantly better than a random walk in forecasts up to five days, both in terms of prediction errors and in directional forecasts. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Closed‐door decisions may be defined as decisions in which the outcome is determined by a limited number of decision‐makers and where the process is shrouded in at least some secrecy. In this paper, we examine the use of betting markets to forecast one particular closed‐door decision: the election of the pope. Within the context of 500 years of papal election betting, we employ a unique dataset of betting on the 2013 papal election to investigate how new public information is incorporated into the betting odds. Our results suggest that the market was generally unable to incorporate effectively such information. We venture some possible explanations for our findings and offer suggestions for further research into the prediction and predictability of other ‘closed‐door’ decisions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecasting currency exchange rates is an important financial problem that has received much attention especially because of its intrinsic difficulty and practical applications. The statistical distribution of foreign exchange rates and their linear unpredictability are recurrent themes in the literature of international finance. Failure of various structural econometric models and models based on linear time series techniques to deliver superior forecasts to the simplest of all models, the simple random walk model, have prompted researchers to use various non‐linear techniques. A number of non‐linear time series models have been proposed in the recent past for obtaining accurate prediction results, in an attempt to ameliorate the performance of simple random walk models. In this paper, we use a hybrid artificial intelligence method, based on neural network and genetic algorithm for modelling daily foreign exchange rates. A detailed comparison of the proposed method with non‐linear statistical models is also performed. The results indicate superior performance of the proposed method as compared to the traditional non‐linear time series techniques and also fixed‐geometry neural network models. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that many financial and economic variables are non‐linear, and neural networks can model flexible linear or non‐linear relationships among variables. The present paper deals with an important issue: Can the many studies in the finance literature evidencing predictability of stock returns by means of linear regression be improved by a neural network? We show that the predictive accuracy can be improved by a neural network, and the results largely hold out‐of‐sample. Both the neural network and linear forecasts show significant market timing ability. While the switching portfolio based on the linear forecasts outperforms the buy‐and‐hold market portfolio under all three transaction cost scenarios, the switching portfolio based on the neural network forecasts beats the market only if there is no transaction cost. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study compares the forecasting performance of a structural exchange rate model that combines the purchasing power parity condition with the interest rate differential in the long run, with some alternative exchange rate models. The analysis is applied to the Norwegian exchange rate. The long‐run equilibrium relationship is embedded in a parsimonious representation for the exchange rate. The structural exchange rate representation is stable over the sample and outperforms a random walk in an out‐of‐sample forecasting exercise at one to four horizons. Ignoring the interest rate differential in the long run, however, the structural model no longer outperforms a random walk. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley _ Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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