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We describe here eleven different mutations in SPINK5, encoding the serine protease inhibitor LEKTI, in 13 families with Netherton syndrome (NS, MIM256500). Most of these mutations predict premature termination codons. These results disclose a critical role of SPINK5 in epidermal barrier function and immunity, and suggest a new pathway for high serum IgE levels and atopic manifestations.  相似文献   

Features of systemic lupus erythematosus in Dnase1-deficient mice   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease that affects over one million people in the United States. SLE is characterized by the presence of anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) directed against naked DNA and entire nucleosomes. It is thought that the resulting immune complexes accumulate in vessel walls, glomeruli and joints and cause a hypersensitivity reaction type III, which manifests as glomerulonephritis, arthritis and general vasculitis. The aetiology of SLE is unknown, but several studies suggest that increased liberation or disturbed clearance of nuclear DNA-protein complexes after cell death may initiate and propagate the disease. Consequently, Dnase1, which is the major nuclease present in serum, urine and secreta, may be responsible for the removal of DNA from nuclear antigens at sites of high cell turnover and thus for the prevention of SLE (refs 7-11). To test this hypothesis, we have generated Dnase1-deficient mice by gene targeting. We report here that these animals show the classical symptoms of SLE, namely the presence of ANA, the deposition of immune complexes in glomeruli and full-blown glomerulonephritis in a Dnase1-dose-dependent manner. Moreover, in agreement with earlier reports, we found Dnase1 activities in serum to be lower in SLE patients than in normal subjects. Our findings suggest that lack or reduction of Dnase1 is a critical factor in the initiation of human SLE.  相似文献   

Haploinsufficiency for human EYA1, a homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster gene eyes absent (eya), results in the dominantly inherited disorders branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome and branchio-oto (BO) syndrome, which are characterized by craniofacial abnormalities and hearing loss with (BOR) or without (BO) kidney defects. To understand the developmental pathogenesis of organs affected in these syndromes, we inactivated the gene Eya1 in mice. Eya1 heterozygotes show renal abnormalities and a conductive hearing loss similar to BOR syndrome, whereas Eya1 homozygotes lack ears and kidneys due to defective inductive tissue interactions and apoptotic regression of the organ primordia. Inner ear development in Eya1 homozygotes arrests at the otic vesicle stage and all components of the inner ear and specific cranial sensory ganglia fail to form. In the kidney, Eya1 homozygosity results in an absence of ureteric bud outgrowth and a subsequent failure of metanephric induction. Gdnf expression, which is required to direct ureteric bud outgrowth via activation of the c-ret Rtk (refs 5, 6, 7, 8), is not detected in Eya1-/- metanephric mesenchyme. In Eya1-/- ear and kidney development, Six but not Pax expression is Eya1 dependent, similar to a genetic pathway elucidated in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc. Our results indicate that Eya1 controls critical early inductive signalling events involved in ear and kidney formation and integrate Eya1 into the genetic regulatory cascade controlling kidney formation upstream of Gdnf. In addition, our results suggest that an evolutionarily conserved Pax-Eya-Six regulatory hierarchy is used in mammalian ear and kidney development.  相似文献   

Tenascin-X is a large extracellular matrix protein of unknown function. Tenascin-X deficiency in humans is associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a generalized connective tissue disorder resulting from altered metabolism of the fibrillar collagens. Because TNXB is the first Ehlers-Danlos syndrome gene that does not encode a fibrillar collagen or collagen-modifying enzyme, we suggested that tenascin-X might regulate collagen synthesis or deposition. To test this hypothesis, we inactivated Tnxb in mice. Tnxb-/- mice showed progressive skin hyperextensibility, similar to individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Biomechanical testing confirmed increased deformability and reduced tensile strength of their skin. The skin of Tnxb-/- mice was histologically normal, but its collagen content was significantly reduced. At the ultrastructural level, collagen fibrils of Tnxb-/- mice were of normal size and shape, but the density of fibrils in their skin was reduced, commensurate with the reduction in collagen content. Studies of cultured dermal fibroblasts showed that although synthesis of collagen I by Tnxb-/- and wildtype cells was similar, Tnxb-/- fibroblasts failed to deposit collagen I into cell-associated matrix. This study confirms a causative role for TNXB in human Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and suggests that tenascin-X is an essential regulator of collagen deposition by dermal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding ATP-binding cassette transporter 1 ( ABC1) have been reported in Tangier disease (TD), an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by almost complete absence of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL), deposition of cholesteryl esters in the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) and aberrant cellular lipid trafficking. We demonstrate here that mice with a targeted inactivation of Abc1 display morphologic abnormalities and perturbations in their lipoprotein metabolism concordant with TD. ABC1 is expressed on the plasma membrane and the Golgi complex, mediates apo-AI associated export of cholesterol and phospholipids from the cell, and is regulated by cholesterol flux. Structural and functional abnormalities in caveolar processing and the trans-Golgi secretory pathway of cells lacking functional ABC1 indicate that lipid export processes involving vesicular budding between the Golgi and the plasma membrane are severely disturbed.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily encompasses a large group of structurally related polypeptides that are capable of regulating cell growth and differentiation in a wide range of embryonic and adult tissues. Growth/differentiation factor-1 (Gdf-1, encoded by Gdf1) is a TGF-beta family member of unknown function that was originally isolated from an early mouse embryo cDNA library and is expressed specifically in the nervous systemin late-stage embryos and adult mice. Here we show that at early stages of mouse development, Gdfl is expressed initially throughout the embryo proper and then most prominently in the primitive node, ventral neural tube, and intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm. To examine its biological function, we generated a mouse line carrying a targeted mutation in Gdf1. Gdf1-/- mice exhibited a spectrum of defects related to left-right axis formation, including visceral situs inversus, right pulmonary isomerism and a range of cardiac anomalies. In most Gdf1-/- embryos, the expression of Ebaf (formerly lefty-1) in the left side of the floor plate and Leftb (formerly lefty-2), nodal and Pitx2 in the left lateral plate mesoderm was absent, suggesting that Gdf1 acts upstream of these genes either directly or indirectly to activate their expression. Our findings suggest that Gdf1 acts early in the pathway of gene activation that leads to the establishment of left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   

Experiments involving overexpression of Ski have suggested that this gene is involved in neural tube development and muscle differentiation. In agreement with these findings, Ski-/- mice display a cranial neural tube defect that results in exencephaly and a marked reduction in skeletal muscle mass. Here we show that the penetrance and expressivity of the phenotype changes when the null mutation is backcrossed into the C57BL6/J background, with the principal change involving a switch from a neural tube defect to midline facial clefting. Other defects, including depressed nasal bridge, eye abnormalities, skeletal muscle defects and digit abnormalities, show increased penetrance in the C57BL6/J background. These phenotypes are interesting because they resemble some of the features observed in individuals diagnosed with 1p36 deletion syndrome, a disorder caused by monosomy of the short arm of human chromosome 1p (refs. 6-9). These similarities prompted us to re-examine the chromosomal location of human SKI and to determine whether SKI is included in the deletions of 1p36. We found that human SKI is located at distal 1p36.3 and is deleted in all of the individuals tested so far who have this syndrome. Thus, SKI may contribute to some of the phenotypes common in 1p36 deletion syndrome, and particularly to facial clefting.  相似文献   

Loss of the human mucolipin-1 gene underlies mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV), a lysosomal storage disease that results in severe developmental neuropathology. Unlike other lysosomal storage diseases, MLIV is not associated with a lack of lysosomal hydrolases; instead, MLIV cells display abnormal endocytosis of lipids and accumulate large vesicles, indicating that a defect in endocytosis may underlie the disease. Here we report the identification of a loss-of-function mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans mucolipin-1 homolog, cup-5, and show that this mutation results in an enhanced rate of uptake of fluid-phase markers, decreased degradation of endocytosed protein and accumulation of large vacuoles. Overexpression of cup-5(+) causes the opposite phenotype, indicating that cup-5 activity controls aspects of endocytosis. Studies in model organisms such as C. elegans have helped illuminate fundamental mechanisms involved in normal cellular function and human disease; thus the C. elegans cup-5 mutant may be a useful model for studying conserved aspects of mucolipin-1 structure and function and for assessing the effects of potential therapeutic compounds.  相似文献   

Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome are characterized by multiple central cartilaginous tumors that are accompanied by soft tissue hemangiomas in Maffucci syndrome. We show that in 37 of 40 individuals with these syndromes, at least one tumor has a mutation in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) or in IDH2, 65% of which result in a R132C substitution in the protein. In 18 of 19 individuals with more than one tumor analyzed, all tumors from a given individual shared the same IDH1 mutation affecting Arg132. In 2 of 12 subjects, a low level of mutated DNA was identified in non-neoplastic tissue. The levels of the metabolite 2HG were measured in a series of central cartilaginous and vascular tumors, including samples from syndromic and nonsyndromic subjects, and these levels correlated strongly with the presence of IDH1 mutations. The findings are compatible with a model in which IDH1 or IDH2 mutations represent early post-zygotic occurrences in individuals with these syndromes.  相似文献   

We report heterozygous mutations in the genes encoding either type I or type II transforming growth factor beta receptor in ten families with a newly described human phenotype that includes widespread perturbations in cardiovascular, craniofacial, neurocognitive and skeletal development. Despite evidence that receptors derived from selected mutated alleles cannot support TGFbeta signal propagation, cells derived from individuals heterozygous with respect to these mutations did not show altered kinetics of the acute phase response to administered ligand. Furthermore, tissues derived from affected individuals showed increased expression of both collagen and connective tissue growth factor, as well as nuclear enrichment of phosphorylated Smad2, indicative of increased TGFbeta signaling. These data definitively implicate perturbation of TGFbeta signaling in many common human phenotypes, including craniosynostosis, cleft palate, arterial aneurysms, congenital heart disease and mental retardation, and suggest that comprehensive mechanistic insight will require consideration of both primary and compensatory events.  相似文献   

Hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) is characterized by apparent autosomal dominant inheritance of multiple types of colorectal polyp, with colorectal carcinoma occurring in a high proportion of affected individuals. Here, we use genetic mapping, copy-number analysis, exclusion of mutations by high-throughput sequencing, gene expression analysis and functional assays to show that HMPS is caused by a duplication spanning the 3' end of the SCG5 gene and a region upstream of the GREM1 locus. This unusual mutation is associated with increased allele-specific GREM1 expression. Whereas GREM1 is expressed in intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts in controls, GREM1 is predominantly expressed in the epithelium of the large bowel in individuals with HMPS. The HMPS duplication contains predicted enhancer elements; some of these interact with the GREM1 promoter and can drive gene expression in vitro. Increased GREM1 expression is predicted to cause reduced bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway activity, a mechanism that also underlies tumorigenesis in juvenile polyposis of the large bowel.  相似文献   

Roberts syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by craniofacial anomalies, tetraphocomelia and loss of cohesion at heterochromatic regions of centromeres and the Y chromosome. We identified mutations in a new human gene, ESCO2, associated with Roberts syndrome in 15 kindreds. The ESCO2 protein product is a member of a conserved protein family that is required for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion during S phase and has putative acetyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

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