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The effects of environmental hormones on reproduction   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Considerable attention has been given in the past few years to the possibility that man-made chemicals (xenobiotics) in the environment may pose a hazard to human reproductive health. The endocrine-disrupting effects of many xenobiotics can be interpreted as interference with the normal regulation of reproductive processes by steroid hormones. Evidence reviewed here indicates that xenobiotics bind to androgen and oestrogen receptors in target tissues, and to androgen-binding protein and to sex hormone-binding globulin. Although environmental chemicals have weak hormonal activity, their ability to interact with more than one steroid-sensitive pathway provides a mechanism by which their hazardous nature can be augmented. A given toxicant may be present in low concentration in the environment and, therefore, harmless. However, we are not exposed to one toxicant at a time, but, rather, to all of the xenobiotics present in the environment. Therefore, numerous potential agonists/antagonists working together through several steroid-dependent signalling pathways could prove to be hazardous to human reproductive health. Received 25 March 1998; received after revision 15 June 1998; accepted 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary Using thaw-mount autoradiography for steroid hormones, we obtained direct evidence for a nuclear localization of ecdysteroid binding sites in target organs of blowfly (Calliphora vicina) larvae. The binding sites revealed properties of ecdysteroid receptors. Endocrine cells of the ring gland were found to be target tissues of ecydysteroids. This observation provides morphological evidence for a network of complex interendocrine regulation. In the central nervous system receptorcontaining neurons were identified which include many, if not all, neurosecretory cells of the brain. A map of ecdysteroid sensitive cells of the larval brain is presented.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of pattern recognition receptors that mediate innate immune responses to stimuli from pathogens or endogenous signals. Under various pathological conditions, the central nervous system (CNS) mounts a well-organized innate immune response, in which glial cells, in particular microglia, are activated. Further, the innate immune system has emerged as a promising target for therapeutic control of development and persistence of chronic pain. Especially, microglial cells respond to peripheral and central infection, injury, and other stressor signals arriving at the CNS and initiate a CNS immune activation that might contribute to chronic pain facilitation. In the orchestration of this limited immune reaction, TLRs on microglia appear to be most relevant in triggering and tailoring microglial activation, which might be a driving force of chronic pain. New therapeutic approaches targeting the CNS innate immune system may achieve the essential pharmacological control of chronic pain. Received 21 November 2006; received after revision 8 January 2007; accepted 7 February 2007  相似文献   

The morphological development of the embryonic gonads is very similar in birds and mammals, and recent evidence suggests that the genes involved in this process are conserved between these classes of vertebrates. The genetic mechanism by which sex is determined in birds remains to be elucidated, although recent studies have reinforced the contention that steroids may play an important role in the structural development of the testes and ovaries in birds. So far, few genes have been assigned to the avian sex chromosomes, but it is known that the Z and W chromosomes do not share significant homology with the mammalian X and Y chromosomes. The commercial importance of poultry breeding has motivated considerable investment in developing physical and genetic maps of the chicken genome. These efforts, in combination with modern molecular approaches to analyzing gene expression, should help to elucidate the sex-determining mechanism in birds in the near future.  相似文献   

Ras proteins in the control of the cell cycle and cell differentiation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The Ras family of small GTPases includes three closely related proteins: H-, K-, and N-Ras. Ras proteins are involved in the transduction of signals elicited by activated surface receptors, acting as key components by relaying signals downstream through diverse pathways. Mutant, constitutively activated forms of Ras proteins are frequently found in cancer. While constitutive Ras activation induces oncogenic-like transformation in immortalized fibroblasts, it causes growth arrest in primary vertebrate cells. Induction of p53 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors such as p15INK4b, p16INK4a, p19ARF, and p21WAF1 accounts for this response. Interestingly, while ras has usually been regarded as a transforming oncogene, the analysis of Ras function in most of the cellular systems studied so far indicates that the promotion of differentiation is the most prominent effect of Ras. While in some cell types, particularly muscle, Ras inhibits differentiation, in others such as neuronal, adipocytic, or myeloid cells, Ras induces differentiation, in some cases accompanied by growth arrest. Several possible mechanisms for the pleiotropic effects of Ras in animal cells are discussed. Received 8 March 2000; received after revision 24 May 2000; accepted 24 May 2000  相似文献   

Chronic gestational exposure to ethanol has profound adverse effects on brain development. In this regard, studies using in vitro models of ethanol exposure demonstrated impaired insulin signaling mechanisms associated with increased apoptosis and reduced mitochondrial function in neuronal cells. To determine the relevance of these findings to fetal alcohol syndrome, we examined mechanisms of insulin-stimulated neuronal survival and mitochondrial function using a rat model of chronic gestational exposure to ethanol. In ethanol-exposed pups, the cerebellar hemispheres were hypoplastic and exhibited increased apoptosis. Isolated cerebellar neurons were cultured to selectively evaluate insulin responsiveness. Gestational exposure to ethanol inhibited insulin-stimulated neuronal viability, mitochondrial function, Calcein AM retention (membrane integrity), and GAPDH expression, and increased dihydrorosamine fluorescence (oxidative stress) and pro-apoptosis gene expression (p53, Fas-receptor, and Fas-ligand). In addition, neuronal cultures generated from ethanol-exposed pups had reduced levels of insulin-stimulated Akt, GSK-3β, and BAD phosphorylation, and increased levels of non-phosphorylated (activated) GSK-3β and BAD protein expression. The aggregate results suggest that insulin-stimulated central nervous system neuronal survival mechanisms are significantly impaired by chronic gestational exposure to ethanol, and that the abnormalities in insulin signaling mechanisms persist in the early postnatal period, which is critical for brain development. Received 21 January 2002; received after revision 28 February 2002; accepted 25 March 2002  相似文献   

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