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The theory of sea-floor spreading and continental drift is one of the most important achievements in the last century with large ramification for biogeography[1]. Similarly, cladistics, which was started in the 1960s, has been widely employed in systemati…  相似文献   

【目的】研究15种槭树属树种翅果性状,探究果实性状和风传播特征之间的相关性,为深入研究槭树属植物果实的风传播机制和种群扩张提供理论参考。【方法】以15种槭树属树种翅果为材料,在分析种子长度、种子宽度、果翅长度、果翅宽度、种子长宽比和种子长/果翅长特征等参数的基础上,模拟果实的传播特征(沉降速度和水平传播距离),比较15种果实性状和风传播特性间的相关性。【结果】①15种槭树属树种翅果开张角度对沉降速度和水平传播距离的影响最大,种子宽度影响较弱;②15种槭树属树种翅果沉降速度为69.14~224.06 cm/s,扇叶槭最慢,梣叶槭最快;扇叶槭果实的水平传播距离最远,梣叶槭最近;③15种槭树属植物果实沉降速度与种子长度、果翅长度、果翅宽度、种子长宽比和种子长/果翅长正相关,与果实两翅开张角度和种子宽度负相关;水平传播距离与果实两翅开张角度、种子长、果翅长、果翅宽、种子长宽比和种子长/果翅长均呈负相关,而与种子宽度正相关,果实水平传播距离与其沉降速度呈负相关,果实沉降速度和水平传播距离受多种性状影响;④对15种槭树翅果的8个性状主成分分析表明,前3个主成分的累计贡献率达82.911%, 基于8个性状进行聚类分析可知,当欧氏距离为10时,15种槭树可分为4类。【结论】果实形态特征的相关性分析表明,15种槭树果实形态特征对沉降速度的影响依次为:两翅张开角度>种子长/果翅长>种子长度>果翅长度>种子长宽比>果翅宽度>种子宽度。果实的水平传播距离受多种因子的综合制约。千粒质量、两翅张开角度、种子长/果翅长可作为槭树分类的重要依据。  相似文献   

Chameleon radiation by oceanic dispersal   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Raxworthy CJ  Forstner MR  Nussbaum RA 《Nature》2002,415(6873):784-787
Historical biogeography is dominated by vicariance methods that search for a congruent pattern of fragmentation of ancestral distributions produced by shared Earth history. A focus of vicariant studies has been austral area relationships and the break-up of the supercontinent Gondwana. Chameleons are one of the few extant terrestrial vertebrates thought to have biogeographic patterns that are congruent with the Gondwanan break-up of Madagascar and Africa. Here we show, using molecular and morphological evidence for 52 chameleon taxa, support for a phylogeny and area cladogram that does not fit a simple vicariant history. Oceanic dispersal--not Gondwanan break-up--facilitated species radiation, and the most parsimonious biogeographic hypothesis supports a Madagascan origin for chameleons, with multiple 'out-of-Madagascar' dispersal events to Africa, the Seychelles, the Comoros archipelago, and possibly Reunion Island. Although dispersal is evident in other Indian Ocean terrestrial animal groups, our study finds substantial out-of-Madagascar species radiation, and further highlights the importance of oceanic dispersal as a potential precursor for speciation.  相似文献   

云南油杉种子散布的生态适应特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana Mast.)种子具翅,主要靠风传播.研究了云南油杉种子的形态特征(质量、长、宽等)和传播特征(种翅比例、滞空时间等),统计分析各特征的相关性,揭示种子散布的生态适应基础.结果表明:种子形态特征呈正态分布,各特征存在显著正相关;滞空时间受形态特征的综合影响;种子形态特征的变异是进化过程中形成的适应散布和繁殖更新的重要机制.  相似文献   

远程覆岩卸压变形及其渗透性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用数值模拟和现场试验相结合的方法,对下保护层开采所引起远程覆岩的卸压变形及其渗透性变化进行了分析与研究。结果表明:下保护层开采将使覆岩产生不同程度的卸压,卸压煤(岩)体产生膨胀变形,生成大量的次生裂隙;同时也导致了水平位移的产生,形成了丰富的竖向裂隙,从而使煤(岩)体的渗透性得到极大的提高。因此,在高瓦斯煤层群条件下,利用下保护层开采所引起的“卸压增透增流”效应,同时结合合理有效的瓦斯抽放方法,可以实现煤与瓦斯两种资源的安全高效共采。  相似文献   

以在内蒙古自治区长跑队的多年教练实践为基础,探讨了培养我国长跑运动员的训练过程问题。分析了掌握好训练过程的三个要点:即合理制定全年和多年训练计划;系统地、不断地增加训练负荷;合理安排训练负荷。最后总结了训练过程中的经验教训。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal. Directed deterrence by capsaicin in chilies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tewksbury JJ  Nabhan GP 《Nature》2001,412(6845):403-404
The primary function of ripe, fleshy fruit is to facilitate seed dispersal by attracting consumers, yet many fruits contain unpleasant-tasting chemicals that deter consumption by vertebrates. Here we investigate this paradox in the chili (Capsicum) and find that capsaicin, the chemical responsible for the fruit's peppery heat, selectively discourages vertebrate predators without deterring more effective seed dispersers.  相似文献   

讨论了在广域网上进行数据交换的问题,并提出了在一般应用中该类系统应该遵循的设计原则.依据这些原则和用户的需求,在充分考虑了系统的通用性和各个软件模块的复用性的基础上,进行了相应的数据交换系统的设计,实现的软件主要包括接收模块、发送模块、通讯模块、控制模块、接口模块等部分.该系统可进行实时的数据交换,特别适合于用户分布比较分散的使用场合.所提出的设计思想以及设计的软件模块具有功能构件的显著特点,从而具有良好的复用性.  相似文献   

主要探讨了基于知识的远程教学系统智能化方案的实施技术,首先指出了一般化的远程教学系统的工作流程和不足,然后给出了远程教学系统智能化实现的一般原理,最后探讨和分析了其实现技术。  相似文献   

The Earth accretes about 30,000 tons of dust particles per year, with sizes in the range of 20-400 microm (refs 1, 2). Those particles collected at the Earth's surface--termed micrometeorites--are similar in chemistry and mineralogy to hydrated, porous meteorites, but such meteorites comprise only 2.8% of recovered falls. This large difference in relative abundances has been attributed to 'filtering' by the Earth's atmosphere, that is, the porous meteorites are considered to be so friable that they do not survive the impact with the atmosphere. Here we report shock-recovery experiments on two porous meteorites, one of which is hydrated and the other is anhydrous. The application of shock to the hydrated meteorite reduces it to minute particles and explosive expansion results upon release of the pressure, through a much broader range of pressures than for the anhydrous meteorite. Our results indicate that hydrated asteroids will produce dust particles during collisions at a much higher rate than anhydrous asteroids, which explains the different relative abundances of the hydrated material in micrometeorites and meteorites: the abundances are established before contact with the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Evolution driven by differential dispersal within a wild bird population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Garant D  Kruuk LE  Wilkin TA  McCleery RH  Sheldon BC 《Nature》2005,433(7021):60-65
Evolutionary theory predicts that local population divergence will depend on the balance between the diversifying effect of selection and the homogenizing effect of gene flow. However, spatial variation in the expression of genetic variation will also generate differential evolutionary responses. Furthermore, if dispersal is non-random it may actually reinforce, rather than counteract, evolutionary differentiation. Here we document the evolution of differences in body mass within a population of great tits, Parus major, inhabiting a single continuous woodland, over a 36-year period. We show that genetic variance for nestling body mass is spatially variable, that this generates different potential responses to selection, and that this diversifying effect is reinforced by non-random dispersal. Matching the patterns of variation, selection and evolution with population ecological data, we argue that the small-scale differentiation is driven by density-related differences in habitat quality affecting settlement decisions. Our data show that when gene flow is not homogeneous, evolutionary differentiation can be rapid and can occur over surprisingly small spatial scales. Our findings have important implications for questions of the scale of adaptation and speciation, and challenge the usual treatment of dispersal as a force opposing evolutionary differentiation.  相似文献   

采用GC-MS测定了波棱瓜子中脂肪油的组成,共分离鉴定出6种化合物.主要成分是不饱和脂肪酸十八(碳)烯酸,含量高达68.91%.该方法为波棱瓜子资源开发利用提供了科学实验依据.  相似文献   

远程公平化是偏向于远程的公平,旨在寻求系统整体的优化。在一定的约束条件下,通过域的分隔、变形,中心的定位与相应的远程运作机制,可消减不利因素对系统的干扰,扩大结构瓶颈,调优技术性弱点、难点、远点、易忽视点的指标期望与实现值,抑小扬大,隐近就远,弥补系统缺陷,或于不完备的条件下构建 完备系统,保障全局利益与远效,推进减灾管理的科学化,改善各个方面的减灾工作。  相似文献   

长输管道多源信息实时快速获取在泄漏检测过程中起重要作用.介绍两种重要的数据交互方式DDE和OPC,并简要说明两者之间的差别.结合现场实际择优选择OPC技术为多源信息获取的主要方式,同时辅以其他方式完成整条管线各部件的信息获取.通过RSLinx客服端,利用OPC技术结合C++Builder开发工具,实现长输管道多源信息实时获取客户端的开发.现场应用结果表明,基于OPC的多源信息获取方法稳定可靠,采样频率(32 Hz)远远高于SCADA系统(1-2 Hz)的频率,具有良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

通过对胶带上静、动张力的分析,针对长距离、大运量带式输送机在拉紧过程中胶带伸长量变化较大以及在稳定和非稳定工况下对张紧力要求不同等情况,设计了一种采用拉力传感器进行适时反馈拉紧力的由比例溢流阀控制的胶带自动拉紧装置,介绍了该拉紧装置的结构、工作原理及特点.  相似文献   

为了实现对托辊卡死状态的检测和检测装置的自检报警,分析了托辊故障的产生原因及发生故障时的现象,提出了一种嵌入皮带内的检测方法,实现对托辊的移动巡检,从而能够对托辊故障进行快速准确的检测。本设计的在线自检技术,保障托辊监测的高度可靠性,可准确区分检测模块故障和托辊故障,便于故障快速定位,方便维修。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of gene silencing by double-stranded RNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Meister G  Tuschl T 《Nature》2004,431(7006):343-349
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is an important regulator of gene expression in many eukaryotes. It triggers different types of gene silencing that are collectively referred to as RNA silencing or RNA interference. A key step in known silencing pathways is the processing of dsRNAs into short RNA duplexes of characteristic size and structure. These short dsRNAs guide RNA silencing by specific and distinct mechanisms. Many components of the RNA silencing machinery still need to be identified and characterized, but a more complete understanding of the process is imminent.  相似文献   

自由基介导细胞凋亡的机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自由基与细胞凋亡有着密切的关系,本文从DNA损伤、信号通路和基因表达及调控等角度综述了活性氧和活性氮自由基对细胞凋亡的各种介导和调节机制.  相似文献   

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