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建立定量检测人血清IgG (immunoglobulin,IgG)蛋白质芯片,并与酶联免疫吸附测定(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测的结果进行比较. 将纯化的羊抗人IgG 0.5 mg/mL 30%甘油/PBS,点样在经硝酸纤维素修饰的片基上,以人血清白蛋白为阴性对照,用1% BSA封闭,制备定量检测人血清IgG的蛋白质芯片;同时用ELISA检测人血清IgG. SPSS 10.0软件分析蛋白质芯片和ELISA的试验结果,采用单因素方差分析两组间相关性. 结果显示蛋白质芯片和ELISA校准曲线的 R2值分别是0.996和0.994. 两种方法检测的10例人血清IgG含量,其检测限均在1.56 μg/100 μL. 用单因素方差分析结果显示 f=0.188,P=0.670>0.05,表明两组间差异无显著性意义,具有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific microplate chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) was developed for the quantitative evaluation of carbohydrate antigen 72-4 (CA72-4) in human serum, using luminol-H2O2 catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as the chemiluminescence system. The simple and quick determination was accomplished through a sandwich reaction mode. Several physicochemical parameters of the immunoreaction, including incubation conditions, antibody coating conditions, dilution ratio of anti-CA72-4-HRP conjugate, and chemiluminescence reaction time, were studied and optimized. The proposed method exhibited a linear range of 0-200 U/mL with correlation coefficient and detection limit of 0.9995 and 0.18 U/mL, respectively. The inter-assay and intra-assay coefficients of variation (CV) were both less than 10%. The average recovery of two clinical sera with low and high concentration CA72-4 was 99.3% and 98.7%, respectively. Normal tumor markers, including AFP, CEA, CA24-2, CA19-9 and CA15-3, did not cross-react with each other. The method's stability was evaluated by assessing its analytical performance after storing the immunoreagents at 4℃ and 37℃ for 7 days. Little difference was found, indicating satisfactory stability of the method. The present method has been successfully applied to the detection of CA72-4 human serum, and showed a good correlation with the commercially available ELISA kit (r^2=0.9383). This method showed great potential in the fabrication of diagnostic kit for CA72-4, and could be well used in diagnosis of cancer in clinical practice.  相似文献   

应用基因表达谱检测植物激活蛋白处理水稻相关差异基因的表达,建立相关基因表达谱。用Cy5和Cy3分别标记激活蛋白处理和对照cDNA,将两种荧光探针混合,与载有10368位点的水稻表达谱cDNA基因芯片进行杂交,并用芯片扫描系统进行扫描,通过Cy5与Cy3信号强度比值的计算研究基因的表达差异。共获得97个差异表达基因,其中上调基因4个,下调基因93个。应用基因表达谱芯片成功筛选了植物激活蛋白处理水稻差异表达的基因,为深入揭示该激活蛋白的作用机制研究提供依据。  相似文献   

不同品种楸树幼树生长及生理特性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对低山丘陵地造林的7个品种楸树2年生幼树的生长和生理特性进行了研究。结果表明:不同品种楸树幼树的高生长、直径生长、叶片长宽比、单株叶片数和净光合速率等生长和生理指标存在显著差异。直径生长速率与叶长、叶片长宽比、蒸腾速率和净光合速率呈显著的正相关;叶片宽度与蒸腾速率和净光合速率呈显著的负相关;光化学猝灭qp与非光化学猝灭(NPQ)呈极显著的正相关,与实际光化学效率ΦPSⅡ呈极显著的负相关。  相似文献   

脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物激素,它能使植物适应逆境胁迫,从而调节植物的生长发育状况.现今ABA受体已被公认为RCARs/PYR/PYLs家族蛋白.本实验通过拟南芥为模式植物,利用酵母双杂交系统共转化方法从拟南芥cDNA文库中筛选与RCAR3相互作用的蛋白质,获得多个阳性克隆,从中选取一个与生长素调节相关的基因NIT1的全长cDNA重新转化酵母验证,发现与RCAR3仍然有相互作用,排除了假阳性的可能.从而为下一步研究该基因与RCAR3的相互关系做好了准备.  相似文献   

Thrombopioetin (TPO), the critical regulator of platelet production, acts by binding to its cell surface receptor, c-Mpl. Yeast two-hybrid screening was performed to isolate the proteins interacting with the cytoplasmic domain of c-Mpl. 48 positive clones were isolated from 5 × 106 independent transformants. The results of sequence analysis demonstrate that they represent 13 different protein encoding sequences. Among them there are a partial coding sequence of serine/threonine protein kinase SGK (serum and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase) and 14-3-3 theta protein partial coding sequence. GST-pull-down assay and co-immunoprecipitation in mammal cells have confirmed the interaction between these two proteins and c-Mpl. By constructing a series of deleted c-Mpl cytoplasmic domain, the interaction region in c-Mpl cytoplasmic tail was localized in amino acids 523–554. At the same time, the directed interaction between SGK and 14-3-3 proteins also has been verified by yeast two-hybrid assay. The present note is the first time to report that two proteins act with c-Mpl at the same time and put forward that SGK and 14-3-3 protein may be involved in the serine/threonine phosphorylation mechanism for signal transduction.  相似文献   

利用水热合成方法合成了二个新的Keggin基有机一无机杂化化合物(H3/4Me2bpy)4[PW12O40].3H2O(1)和(H6/5bbi):5[PMo12oO40]·H2O(2)(Me2boy=5,5’-甲基-2,2’-联吡啶,bbi=1,1’-(1,4-丁烷)双(咪唑)),并通过元素分析、红外光谱和x-射线单晶衍射方法确定了化舍物的晶体结构.结构分析表明化合物1属于单斜晶系,P21/n空间群,晶胞参数口=13.229(3),b=23.449(5),c=13.720(3),β=118.61(3),V=3736.6(13),Z=2,Rl=0.05910,wR2=0.1397.化合物2属于三斜晶系,P1空间群,晶胞参数a=12.021(2),b=12.131(2),c=20.441(4),a=93.60(3),β=94.71(3),Y=103.21(3),V=2881.8(10),Z=2,R1=0.0692,龆2:0.1828.将目标化合物制成碳糊电极,利用循环伏安法研究了其电化学行为.  相似文献   

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