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The metabolic relationship between the marine molluscHypselodoris orsini and the spongeCacospongia mollior has been reinvestigated. The predator-prey association has been confirmed even though the metabolic patterns of the two invertebrates are substantially different. Most probably the nudibranch converts the main sponge metabolite, the sesterterpenoid scalaradial (1), into a less oxygenated related metabolite, deoxoscalarin (4), followed by a second chemical transformation leading to a new sesterterpenoid, 6-keto-deoxoscalarin (5) which is selectively compartmentalized into some dorsal glands, mantle dermal formations (MDFs), strategically distributed near the gills. 6-keto-deoxoscalarin (5) has been characterized by 1D and 2D NMR methods. Finally, the unusual association of some Chromodorididae molluscs with sponges containing sesterterpenoids suggests a further analysis of their taxonomical collocation is required.  相似文献   

Summary Latrunculin-A, an ichthyotoxin previously described from a Red Sea sponge,Latrunculia magnifica, has been isolated from a Pacific nudibranch,Chromodoris elisabethina, for which it serves as a defense allomone.  相似文献   

The tropical marine spongeDysidea herbacea contains large numbers of a symbiotic filamentous cyanobacterium identified on the basis of a detailed ultrastructural study asOscillatoria spongeliae. We report the flow-cytometric separation of the symbiont from the sponge cells, and demonstrate by chemical analyses that a unique group of polychlorinated compounds isolated from the whole sponge tissue is limited to the cyanobacterial filaments, whereas the accompanying sesquiterpenoids are found only in the sponge cells. This is the first demonstration that secondary metabolites ascribed to a sponge are localized in prokaryotic symbiont cells.  相似文献   

The marine spongeTheonella swinhoei (lithistid Family Theonellidae, Order Astrophorida) has yielded many important, bioactive natural products, most of which share structural features with bacterial natural products. The presence of microbial symbionts inT. swinhoei has been reported, and it was originally suggested that the cytotoxic macrolide swinholide A and many of the bioactive cyclic peptides fromT. swinhoei were all produced by symbiotic cyanobacteria. By transmission electron microscopy, we found four distinct cell populations to be consistently present inT. swinhoei: eukaryotic sponge cells, unicellular heterotrophic bacteria, unicellular cyanobacteria and filamentous heterotrophic bacteria. Purification and chemical analyses of each cell type showed the macrolide swinholide A to be limited to the mixed population of unicellular heterotrophic bacteria, and an anti-fungal cyclic peptide occurred only in the filamentous heterotrophic bacteria. Contrary to prior speculation, no major metabolites were located in the cyanobacteria or sponge cells.  相似文献   

Summary The spongeDysidea herbacea (Keller) was found to possess hemagglutinins. The major component, DHA-I, is a protein with a mol.wt of 26,000, which dissociates into subunits of equal size (14,000). It contains large amounts of glutamic acid and aspartic acid residues, but no half-cystine, methionine or histidine residues. DHA-I reacted with rabbit and human AB0 erythrocytes. D-galactose and lactose were effective inhibitors of DHA-I. The sponge also contained a minor component(s) which reacted preferentially with rabbit erythrocytes but not with human AB0 erythrocytes.Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. M. Yamazaki, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, for testing mitogenic activity ofDysidea agglutinins. This study was partly supported by a grant-in-aid for Overseas Scientific Survey from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Administration of lymph node cells fromHymenolepis nana-infected mice into lactating mothers, or directly suckling neonates successfully transferred immunity to the neonates. The capacity of lymph node cells to transfer immunity was completely abrogated by pretreatment with anti-Thy-1.2 monoclonal antibody and complement.  相似文献   

Summary Ova production inNippostrongylus brasiliensis infected rats was significantly greater than in rats singly infected with the helminth whenEimeria separata infections were introduced 4, 6 and 11 days postinoculation withN. brasiliensis. Patent periods were unaltered during concurrent infections. These results suggest that the presence ofE. separata affects helminth fecundity but does not increaseN. brasiliensis longevity as has been shown withE. nieschulzi.This study was supported by NIH MB RS Grant RRO8012-8.  相似文献   

Summary A bromine-containing alkaloid, oxysceptrin, has been isolated as a potent actomyosin ATPase activator from the Okinawan marine spongeAgelas cf.nemoechinata, and the structure elucidated to be1 on the basis of the 2D NMR spectral data.Acknowledgments. We thank Mr Z. Nagahama for his help in sponge collecting and Ms M. Takamatsu for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary An antimicrobial blue pigment, which is identical with a tetrapyrrole from a bacterium, was isolated from the bryozoanBugula dentata.  相似文献   

In an attempt to clarify the influence of marine bacteria on the settling of fouling invertebrate larvae, we screened for inhibitors, produced by marine bacteria, of settling by cyprids of the barnacle,Balamus amphitrite. We found that the culture broth ofAlteromonas sp. strain number KK10304, which was associated with the marine sponge,Halichondria okadai, effectively inhibited settling of the cyprids. Bioassay-guided isolation indicated ubiquinone-8 (1) as an effective inhibitor of cyprid settling. As ubiquinones are widely distributed in bacteria, several related compounds were also tested.  相似文献   

To study the origins of biologically active substances in marine sponges, a carotenoid produced by a marine bacterium,Pseudomonas sp. strain number KK10206C, which was associated with a marine sponge,Halichondra okadai, was investigated. A visible absorption spectrum-guided isolation procedure led to the isolation of a novel C50-carotenoid, okadaxanthin. Its structure, 2,2-bis(4-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl)-,-carotene, was elucidated mainly by spectroscopic methods. Okadaxanthin turned out to be a potent singlet oxygen quencher, approximately 10 times as strong as -tocopherol.  相似文献   

Summary Luffariellolide (2) is a sesterterpene from the Palauan spongeLuffariella sp. that has useful anti-inflammatory properties. In contrast with the irreversible action of manoalide (1) on phospholipase A2, luffariellolide (2) is a slightly less potent but partially reversible PLA2 inhibitor.30 December 1986Acknowledgment We thank Edward Luedtke, Elise Clason and Ellen Snideman for performing some of the assays reported above. The sponge was identified by Dr. Klaus Rützler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. The research was supported by grants from Allergan Pharmaceuticals and the California Sea Grant College Program (Projects R/MP-30 and R/MP-31).  相似文献   

Summary Infective stage juveniles ofNeoaplectana carpocapsae (Steinernematidae) andHeterohabditis heliothidis (Heterorhabditidae) were able to penetrate through the alimentary tract of young tadpoles ofHyla regilla (Hylidae) andXenopus laevis (Pipidae) and enter the body cavity. Some infectives ofN. carpocapsae were able to release their symbiotic bacterium,Xenorhabdus nematophilus inside the host and in two cases, the nematodes developed into adult females before they perished. Tadpole mortality was associated with foreign bacteria entering the penetration holes made by the invading nematodes. The infective stage juveniles of both nematodes frequently encountered a host defense reaction upon reaching the tadpole's infective stage juveniles of both nematodes frequently encountered a host defense reaction upon reaching the tadpole's coelom.  相似文献   

Defensive secretions (allomones) from first-instar nymphs of stink bugs in the subfamily Pentatominae contain (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal as a major constituent, whereas this compound is absent from later instars. In contrast, first instars ofEdessa meditabunda (Edessinae) produce allomones like those of later instars. The C6 and C8 (E)-4-oxo-2-alkenals are common, characteristic exocrine compounds of nymphal and adult Heteroptera, but (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal is previously unknown as a major natural product for which a biological role has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Summary Two new metabolites of an apparent propionate origin have been isolated from the organic extract of the ascoglossan molluscCyerce nigricans. The proposed structures for the new natural products are based on interpretation of their physical and spectral properties. The new compounds isolated lacked the potent ichthyodeterrent properties of the whole animal extract suggesting that other molecules are involved in the defense of this shell-less mollusc.  相似文献   

Summary A new bromotyrosine-derived alkaloid with antileukemic activity, purealidin A (5), has been isolated from the Okinawan marine spongePsammaplysilla purea and its chemical structure elucidated on the basis of the spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Summary Results suggest that malabsorption of amino acids which occurs duringEimeria nieschulzi andNippostrongylus brasiliensis infections in rats is not due to impairment by intestinal inflammation of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity.Supported by NIH MBRS grant RR08012-13.  相似文献   

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is now widely distributed throughout the world as a result of transportation by man. The original populations, however, were confined to southern France and Spain. In order to investigate the role of human intervention in determining the genetic diversity of rabbit populations, we are studying the origin of rabbits introduced onto a small Mediterranean island (Zembra) near Tunis over 1400 years ago, by examining ancient DNA extracted from rabbit bones found both on Zembra and on the European mainland. Ancient DNA was successfully extracted from rabbit bones found at two archaeological sites dated to at least the Early Bronze Age (more than 3500 years ago) in south-central France, and compared to that found in modern mainland and island populations using a small variable region of the cytochromeb gene. The results confirm that the Zembra Island population is descended from that present over 1400 years ago. The technical aspects of DNA extraction from bones and the implications of this type of research for determining the origin of introduced rabbit populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A second (challenge) infection ofEimeria nieschulzi in clinically immune rats did not produce weight gain depression but caused a decrease in the absorption of glycine from the ileum. The malabsorption due to challenge was equivalent to that caused by the primary infection which did cause weight loss.  相似文献   

Highly active metabolites have been detected in the hemolymph of the lepidopteranSpodoptera exigua infected with the mycopathogen,Beauveria bassiana. A combination of phenyl sepharose and CM ion exchange chromatography was utilized to extract the active metabolites from infected hemolymph samples. The active in vivo metabolites, having a molecular mass greater than 10 KDa, were thermolabile and were inactivated by proteinase K. These metabolites were characterized by their ability to disrupt metamorphosis, killing treated larvae at the wandering or pupal stage. Additionally, injection ofS. exigua larvae with active samples caused a reduction in the number of filopodial-producing hemocytes. The biological activities and biochemical properties suggest that novel compounds are produced duringB. bassiana mycosis.  相似文献   

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