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Martin OY  Hosken DJ 《Nature》2003,423(6943):979-982
Classical population-genetics theory suggests that reproductive isolation will evolve fastest in small isolated populations. In contrast, recent theory suggests that divergence should occur fastest in larger allopatric populations. The rationale behind this is that sexual conflict, potentially the strongest driver of speciation, is greater in larger, higher-density populations. This idea is highly controversial and has little experimental support. Here we show, using replicate fly populations with varying levels of sexual conflict, that larger, more dense populations with more sexual conflict diverged to a greater degree than small populations with relaxed conflict. This result strongly suggests that speciation can occur rapidly in large populations through increased sexual conflict.  相似文献   

van Doorn GS  Kirkpatrick M 《Nature》2007,449(7164):909-912
Sex-determination genes are among the most fluid features of the genome in many groups of animals. In some taxa the master sex-determining gene moves frequently between chromosomes, whereas in other taxa different genes have been recruited to determine the sex of the zygotes. There is a well developed theory for the origin of stable and highly dimorphic sex chromosomes seen in groups such as the eutherian mammals. In contrast, the evolutionary lability of genetic sex determination in other groups remains largely unexplained. In this theoretical study, we show that an autosomal gene under sexually antagonistic selection can cause the spread of a new sex-determining gene linked to it. The mechanism can account for the origin of new sex-determining loci, the transposition of an ancestral sex-determining gene to an autosome, and the maintenance of multiple sex-determining factors in species that lack heteromorphic sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution of male reproductive genes in the descent of man   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
Wyckoff GJ  Wang W  Wu CI 《Nature》2000,403(6767):304-309
A diverse body of morphological and genetic evidence has suggested that traits pertaining to male reproduction may have evolved much more rapidly than other types of character. Recently, DNA sequence comparisons have also shown a very high level of divergence in male reproductive proteins between closely related Drosophila species, among marine invertebrates and between mouse and rat. Here we show that rapid evolution of male reproductive genes is observable in primates and is quite notable in the lineages to human and chimpanzee. Nevertheless, rapid evolution by itself is not necessarily an indication of positive darwinian selection; relaxation of negative selection is often equally compatible with the DNA sequence data. By taking three statistical approaches, we show that positive darwinian selection is often the driving force behind this rapid evolution. These results open up opportunities to test the hypothesis that sexual selection plays some role in the molecular evolution of higher primates.  相似文献   

Divergent sexual selection enhances reproductive isolation in sticklebacks   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Boughman JW 《Nature》2001,411(6840):944-948
Sexual selection may facilitate speciation because it can cause rapid evolutionary diversification of male mating signals and female preferences. Divergence in these traits can then contribute to reproductive isolation. The sensory drive hypothesis predicts that three mechanisms underlie divergence in sexually selected traits: (1) habitat-specific transmission of male signals; (2) adaptation of female perceptual sensitivity to local ecological conditions; and (3) matching of male signals to female perceptual sensitivity. I test these mechanisms in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus spp.) that live in different light environments. Here I show that female perceptual sensitivity to red light varies with the extent of redshift in the light environment, and contributes to divergent preferences. Male nuptial colour varies with environment and is tuned to female perceptual sensitivity. The extent of divergence among populations in both male signal colour and female preference for red is correlated with the extent of reproductive isolation in these recently diverged species. These results demonstrate that divergent sexual selection generated by sensory drive contributes to speciation.  相似文献   

Deleterious mutations and the evolution of sexual reproduction   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
A S Kondrashov 《Nature》1988,336(6198):435-440
The origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction continues to be an important problem in evolutionary biology. If the deleterious mutation rate per genome per generation is greater than 1, then the greater efficiency of selection against these mutations in sexual populations may be responsible for the evolution of sex and related phenomena. In modern human populations detrimental mutations with small individual effects are probably accumulating faster than they are being eliminated by selection.  相似文献   

Host-plant adaptation drives the parallel evolution of reproductive isolation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Nosil P  Crespi BJ  Sandoval CP 《Nature》2002,417(6887):440-443
Parallel evolution of similar traits in independent populations that inhabit ecologically similar environments strongly implicates natural selection as the cause of evolution. Parallel speciation is a special form of parallel evolution where traits that determine reproductive isolation evolve repeatedly, in closely related populations, as by-products of adaptation to ecological conditions. The outcome of such parallel evolution is that ecologically divergent pairs of populations exhibit greater levels of reproductive isolation than ecologically similar pairs of populations of a similar or younger age. The parallel evolution of reproductive isolation provides strong evidence for natural selection in the process of speciation, but only one conclusive example from nature is known. Populations of the walking-stick insect Timema cristinae that use different host-plant species have diverged in body size and shape, host preference, behaviour and the relative frequency of two highly cryptic colour-pattern morphs. Here we report that divergent selection for host adaptation, and not genetic drift, has promoted the parallel evolution of sexual isolation in this species. Our findings represent a clear demonstration that host-plant adaptation can play a crucial and repeatable role in the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution in response to high-temperature selection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A F Bennett  K M Dao  R E Lenski 《Nature》1990,346(6279):79-81
Temperature is an important environmental factor affecting all organisms, and there is ample evidence from comparative physiology that species and even conspecific populations can adapt genetically to different temperature regimes. But the effect of these adaptations on fitness and the rapidity of their evolution is unknown, as is the extent to which they depend on pre-existing genetic variation rather than new mutations. We have begun a study of the evolutionary adaptation of Escherichia coli to different temperature regimes, taking advantage of the large population sizes and short generation times in experiments on this bacterial species. We report significant improvement in temperature-specific fitness of lines maintained at 42 degrees C for 200 generations (about one month). These changes in fitness are due to selection on de novo mutations and show that some biological systems can evolve rapidly in response to changes in environmental factors such as temperature.  相似文献   

Pms1, a locus for photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility in rice, was identified and mapped to chromosome 7 in previous studies. Here we report an effort to identify the candidate genes for Pms1 by comparative sequencing of BAC clones from two cultivars Minghui 63 and Nongken 58, the parents for the initial mapping population. Annotation and comparison of the sequences of the two clones resulted in a total of five potential candidates which should be functionally tested. We also conducted com-parative analysis of sequences of these two cultivars with two other cultivars, Nipponbare and 93-11, for which sequence data were available in public databases. The analysis revealed large differences in sequence composition among the four genotypes in the Pms1 region primarily due to retroelement activity leading to rapid recent growth and divergence of the genomes. High levels of polymorphism in the forms of indels and SNPs were found both in intra- and inter-subspecific comparisons. Dating analysis using LTRs of the retroelements in this region showed that the substitution rate of LTRs was much higher than reported in the literature. The results provided strong evidence for rapid genomic evolution of this region as a consequence of natural and artificial selection.  相似文献   

中立型微分方程不仅依赖现在和过去的状态,而且包含有时滞的导数项.研究一类随机中立型时滞发展方程非Lipschtiz情形下mild解的存在唯一性,改进了最新参考文献的结论.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the recent discoveries of many authors who found that in amphioxus Hatschek’s pit is capable of synthesizing vertebrate gonadotropin-like substance, and that the content of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the amphioxus’ body shows a positive correlation with the reproductive cycle, and that the sex steroid hormone exists in gonads. Exogenous hormones could promote gonadal development, maturation and reproductive activity in amphioxus. A possible implication might be that the reproductive activity in amphioxus is regulated by reproductive hormones like vertebrate, indicating the existence of primitive reproductive endocrine regulatory axis, brain vesicle-Hatschek’s pit-gonads axis, as compared with regulatory axis of vertebrate. It will provide a new line for establishing the position of reproductive endocrine evolution in lancelet.  相似文献   

Yoshida T  Jones LE  Ellner SP  Fussmann GF  Hairston NG 《Nature》2003,424(6946):303-306
Ecological and evolutionary dynamics can occur on similar timescales. However, theoretical predictions of how rapid evolution can affect ecological dynamics are inconclusive and often depend on untested model assumptions. Here we report that rapid prey evolution in response to oscillating predator density affects predator-prey (rotifer-algal) cycles in laboratory microcosms. Our experiments tested explicit predictions from a model for our system that allows prey evolution. We verified the predicted existence of an evolutionary tradeoff between algal competitive ability and defence against consumption, and examined its effects on cycle dynamics by manipulating the evolutionary potential of the prey population. Single-clone algal cultures (lacking genetic variability) produced short cycle periods and typical quarter-period phase lags between prey and predator densities, whereas multi-clonal (genetically variable) algal cultures produced long cycles with prey and predator densities nearly out of phase, exactly as predicted. These results confirm that prey evolution can substantially alter predator-prey dynamics, and therefore that attempts to understand population oscillations in nature cannot neglect potential effects from ongoing rapid evolution.  相似文献   

F H Bronson 《Nature》1979,281(5729):301-302
Many of the reproductive processes of house mice are regulated exteroceptively by social cues. Puberty in a female mouse, for example, is a labile event that can be accelerated markedly if the young female is housed with an adult male. The relevant male stimuli in this case are a combination of pheromonal and tactile cues. The female's responses to these cues include an immediate, sequential release of gonadotropic and ovarian hormones, which in turn evoke a series of predictable changes in most of the female's reproductive tissues and culminate in the pubertal ovulation. I report here an unexpected consequence of exposing a young female mouse to a male, namely an intense response of a non-reproductive tissue. Specifically, young female mice experience a rapid thickening of their subcutaneous areolar tissue when they are exposed to males. The proximal cause of this response seems to be largely, but not exclusively, an enhanced secretion of ovarian oestrogen.  相似文献   

Curvature of clathrin-coated pits driven by epsin   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Ford MG  Mills IG  Peter BJ  Vallis Y  Praefcke GJ  Evans PR  McMahon HT 《Nature》2002,419(6905):361-366
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves cargo selection and membrane budding into vesicles with the aid of a protein coat. Formation of invaginated pits on the plasma membrane and subsequent budding of vesicles is an energetically demanding process that involves the cooperation of clathrin with many different proteins. Here we investigate the role of the brain-enriched protein epsin 1 in this process. Epsin is targeted to areas of endocytosis by binding the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2)). We show here that epsin 1 directly modifies membrane curvature on binding to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) in conjunction with clathrin polymerization. We have discovered that formation of an amphipathic alpha-helix in epsin is coupled to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) binding. Mutation of residues on the hydrophobic region of this helix abolishes the ability to curve membranes. We propose that this helix is inserted into one leaflet of the lipid bilayer, inducing curvature. On lipid monolayers epsin alone is sufficient to facilitate the formation of clathrin-coated invaginations.  相似文献   

Stern SA  Weissman PR 《Nature》2001,409(6820):589-591
The Oort cloud of comets was formed by the ejection of icy planetesimals from the region of giant planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune--during their formation. Dynamical simulations have previously shown that comets reach the Oort cloud only after being perturbed into eccentric orbits that result in close encounters with the giant planets, which then eject them to distant orbits about 10(4) to 10(5) AU from the Sun (1 AU is the average Earth-Sun distance). All of the Oort cloud models constructed until now simulate its formation using only gravitational effects; these include the influence of the Sun, the planets and external perturbers such as passing stars and Galactic tides. Here we show that physical collisions between comets and small debris play a fundamental and hitherto unexplored role throughout most of the ejection process. For standard models of the protosolar nebula (starting with a minimum-mass nebula) we find that collisional evolution of comets is so severe that their erosional lifetimes are much shorter than the timescale for dynamical ejection. It therefore appears that collisions will prevent most comets escaping from most locations in the region of the giant planets until the disk mass there declines sufficiently that the dynamical ejection timescale is shorter than the collisional lifetime. One consequence is that the total mass of comets in the Oort cloud may be less than currently believed.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation by sexual selection   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Higashi M  Takimoto G  Yamamura N 《Nature》1999,402(6761):523-526
There is increasing evidence for the process of sympatric speciation, in which reproductive isolation of species occurs without physical isolation. Theoretical models have focused on disruptive natural selection as the crucial pressure for splitting a species. Here we report the theoretical finding that sympatric speciation may be caused by sexual selection even without disruptive natural selection. Specifically, we show that variation in a male secondary sexual character with two conspicuous extremes and the corresponding variance in female mating preference around no preference may jointly evolve into bimodal distributions with increasing modal divergence of the male and female traits, pulling a population apart into two prezygotically isolated populations. This mode of speciation, driven by two runaway processes in different directions, is promoted by an increase in the efficiency of females in discriminating among males or a decrease in the cost of male conspicuousness, indicating that sympatric speciation may occur more readily if barrier-free or predator-free conditions arise. Although even a slight cost of female preference would cancel the runaway process of sexual selection, it would not cancel the divergent runaway processes of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

信息技术对组织结构变革的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术与组织结构之间存在着对应和互动关系。随着企业信息化程度的日益提高,企业组织结构正朝着扁平化、集成化和虚拟化的方向发展。  相似文献   

The stochastic transport driven by flashing multi-noise sources in a ratchet is studied. The stationary current versus the noise strength and the colored noise correlated time T is obtained . At a fixed flip rate and strength of the colored noises, the novel phenomenon of the current reversal occurs as T reaches a certain value. More than one reversal point exists when a flashing colored noise source and a flashing white noise source are simultaneously taken into account.  相似文献   

元宇宙是互联网应用更新迭代的高级形态,其愿景是为人们提供一个平行于现实世界的数字化生活空间。该文以元宇宙驱动的“新技术、新应用与新政策”为主题,将元宇宙与传统互联网进行对比,归纳得出元宇宙的突出特点,包括低延迟、强沉浸感、高度自治与深度智能化;详细介绍了各特点所驱动的新技术内涵、现状及未来趋势;深入剖析了元宇宙驱动下新应用的落地现状与发展态势;整理总结了当前我国各级政府机构所采取的与元宇宙相关的各项举措以及其他国家对于元宇宙的不同态度;分析了元宇宙所面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

The stochastic transport driven by flashing multi-noise sources in a ratchet is studied. The stationary current versus the noise strength and the colored noise correlated time r is obtained. At a fixed flip rate and strength of the colored noises, the novel phenomenon of the current reversal occurs as τ reaches a certain value. More than one reversal point exists when a flashing colored noise source and a flashing bdIite noise source are simultaneously taken into account.  相似文献   

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