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The human PAX6 gene is mutated in two patients with aniridia.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Aniridia is an inherited ocular disorder of variable expressivity characterized by iris hypoplasia. A candidate aniridia gene, AN, which is the human homologue of the mouse Pax-6 gene, has recently been isolated by positional cloning from the WAGR region of 11p13. Here we describe mutations in this gene in two cases of sporadic aniridia, one detected at the DNA level and one at the RNA level, both of which are predicted to affect protein function. Mutations in Pax-6 have been described previously in Small eye, the proposed mouse model for aniridia. We present new phenotypic evidence for the validity of this mouse model.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial (mt) DNA depletion syndromes (MDDS) are genetic disorders characterized by a severe, tissue-specific decrease of mtDNA copy number, leading to organ failure. There are two main clinical presentations: myopathic (OMIM 609560) and hepatocerebral (OMIM 251880). Known mutant genes, including TK2, SUCLA2, DGUOK and POLG, account for only a fraction of MDDS cases. We found a new locus for hepatocerebral MDDS on chromosome 2p21-23 and prioritized the genes on this locus using a new integrative genomics strategy. One of the top-scoring candidates was the human ortholog of the mouse kidney disease gene Mpv17. We found disease-segregating mutations in three families with hepatocerebral MDDS and demonstrated that, contrary to the alleged peroxisomal localization of the MPV17 gene product, MPV17 is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein, and its absence or malfunction causes oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) failure and mtDNA depletion, not only in affected individuals but also in Mpv17-/- mice.  相似文献   

Mutant mitochondrial thymidine kinase in mitochondrial DNA depletion myopathy.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pool is separated from the cytosolic pool because the mitochondria inner membrane is impermeable to charged molecules. The mitochondrial pool is maintained by either import of cytosolic dNTPs through dedicated transporters or by salvaging deoxynucleosides within the mitochondria; apparently, enzymes of the de novo dNTP synthesis pathway are not present in the mitochondria. In non-replicating cells, where cytosolic dNTP synthesis is down-regulated, mtDNA synthesis depends solely on the mitochondrial salvage pathway enzymes, the deoxyribonucleosides kinases. Two of the four human deoxyribonucleoside kinases, deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) and thymidine kinase-2 (TK2), are expressed in mitochondria. Human dGK efficiently phosphorylates deoxyguanosine and deoxyadenosine, whereas TK2 phosphorylates deoxythymidine, deoxycytidine and deoxyuridine. Here we identify two mutations in TK2, histidine 90 to asparagine and isoleucine 181 to asparagine, in four individuals who developed devastating myopathy and depletion of muscular mitochondrial DNA in infancy. In these individuals, the activity of TK2 in muscle mitochondria is reduced to 14-45% of the mean value in healthy control individuals. Mutations in TK2 represent a new etiology for mitochondrial DNA depletion, underscoring the importance of the mitochondrial dNTP pool in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial depletion.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) recombination was recently obtained in an individual with paternal inheritance of mtDNA and in an in vitro cell culture system. Whether mtDNA recombination is a common event in humans remained to be determined. To detect mtDNA recombination in human skeletal muscle, we analyzed the distribution of alleles in individuals with multiple mtDNA heteroplasmy using single-cell PCR and allele-specific PCR. In all ten individuals who carried a heteroplasmic D-loop mutation and a distantly located tRNA point mutation or a large deletion, we observed a mixture of four allelic combinations (tetraplasmy), a hallmark of recombination. Twelve of 14 individuals with closely located heteroplasmic D-loop mutation pairs contained a mixture of only three types of mitochondrial genomes (triplasmy), consistent with the absence of recombination between adjacent markers. These findings indicate that mtDNA recombination is common in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Hereditary inclusion body myopathy (HIBM; OMIM 600737) is a unique group of neuromuscular disorders characterized by adult onset, slowly progressive distal and proximal weakness and a typical muscle pathology including rimmed vacuoles and filamentous inclusions. The autosomal recessive form described in Jews of Persian descent is the HIBM prototype. This myopathy affects mainly leg muscles, but with an unusual distribution that spares the quadriceps. This particular pattern of weakness distribution, termed quadriceps-sparing myopathy (QSM), was later found in Jews originating from other Middle Eastern countries as well as in non-Jews. We previously localized the gene causing HIBM in Middle Eastern Jews on chromosome 9p12-13 (ref. 5) within a genomic interval of about 700 kb (ref. 6). Haplotype analysis around the HIBM gene region of 104 affected people from 47 Middle Eastern families indicates one unique ancestral founder chromosome in this community. By contrast, single non-Jewish families from India, Georgia (USA) and the Bahamas, with QSM and linkage to the same 9p12-13 region, show three distinct haplotypes. After excluding other potential candidate genes, we eventually identified mutations in the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE) gene in the HIBM families: all patients from Middle Eastern descent shared a single homozygous missense mutation, whereas distinct compound heterozygotes were identified in affected individuals of families of other ethnic origins. Our findings indicate that GNE is the gene responsible for recessive HIBM.  相似文献   

Identifying individuals by sequencing mitochondrial DNA from teeth.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was extracted from teeth stored from 3 months to 20 years, including teeth from the semi-skeletonized remains of a murder victim which had been buried for 10 months. Tooth donors and/or their maternal relatives provided blood or buccal cells, from which mtDNA was also extracted. Enzymatic amplification and direct sequencing of roughly 650 nucleotides from two highly polymorphic regions of mtDNA yielded identical sequences for each comparison of tooth and fresh DNA. Our results suggest that teeth provide an excellent source for high molecular weight mtDNA that can be valuable for extending the time in which decomposed human remains can be genetically identified.  相似文献   

Tangier disease (TD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of lipid metabolism. It is characterized by absence of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and deposition of cholesteryl esters in the reticulo-endothelial system with splenomegaly and enlargement of tonsils and lymph nodes. Although low HDL cholesterol is associated with an increased risk for coronary artery disease, this condition is not consistently found in TD pedigrees. Metabolic studies in TD patients have revealed a rapid catabolism of HDL and its precursors. In contrast to normal mononuclear phagocytes (MNP), MNP from TD individuals degrade internalized HDL in unusual lysosomes, indicating a defect in cellular lipid metabolism. HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux and intracellular lipid trafficking and turnover are abnormal in TD fibroblasts, which have a reduced in vitro growth rate. The TD locus has been mapped to chromosome 9q31. Here we present evidence that TD is caused by mutations in ABC1, encoding a member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family, located on chromosome 9q22-31. We have analysed five kindreds with TD and identified seven different mutations, including three that are expected to impair the function of the gene product. The identification of ABC1 as the TD locus has implications for the understanding of cellular HDL metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport, and its association with premature cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Optic atrophy type 1 (OPA1, MIM 165500) is a dominantly inherited optic neuropathy occurring in 1 in 50,000 individuals that features progressive loss in visual acuity leading, in many cases, to legal blindness. Phenotypic variations and loss of retinal ganglion cells, as found in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), have suggested possible mitochondrial impairment. The OPA1 gene has been localized to 3q28-q29 (refs 13-19). We describe here a nuclear gene, OPA1, that maps within the candidate region and encodes a dynamin-related protein localized to mitochondria. We found four different OPA1 mutations, including frameshift and missense mutations, to segregate with the disease, demonstrating a role for mitochondria in retinal ganglion cell pathophysiology.  相似文献   

We identified three distinct mutations and six mutant alleles in GDAP1 in three families with axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy and vocal cord paresis, which were previously linked to the CMT4A locus on chromosome 8q21.1. These results establish the molecular etiology of CMT4A (MIM 214400) and suggest that it may be associated with both axonal and demyelinating phenotypes.  相似文献   

Chorea-acanthocytosis is a neurodegenerative disorder with peripheral red cell acanthocytosis. Linkage of chorea-acanthocytosis to chromosome 9q21 has been found. We refined the locus region and identified a previously unknown, full-length cDNA encoding a presumably structural protein, which we called chorein. We found a deletion in the coding region of the cDNA leading to a frame shift resulting in the production of a truncated protein in both alleles of patients and in single alleles of obligate carriers.  相似文献   

Neutral lipid storage disease comprises a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by systemic accumulation of triglycerides in cytoplasmic droplets. Here we report a neutral lipid storage disease subgroup characterized by mild myopathy, absence of ichthyosis and mutations in both alleles of adipose triglyceride lipase (PNPLA2, also known as ATGL). Three of these mutations are predicted to lead to a truncated ATGL protein with an intact patatin domain containing the active site, but with defects in the hydrophobic domain. The block in triglyceride degradation was mimicked by short interfering RNA directed against ATGL. NLSDM is distinct from Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome, which is characterized by neutral lipid storage disease with ichthyosis, mild myopathy and hepatomegaly due to mutations in ABHD5 (also known as CGI-58).  相似文献   

The gene TFR2 is mutated in a new type of haemochromatosis mapping to 7q22   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Haemochromatosis is a common recessive disorder characterized by progressive iron overload, which may lead to severe clinical complications. Most patients are homozygous for the C282Y mutation in HFE on 6p (refs 1-5). A locus for juvenile haemochromatosis (HFE2) maps to 1q (ref. 7). Here we report a new locus (HFE3) on 7q22 and show that a homozygous nonsense mutation in the gene encoding transferrin receptor-2 (TFR2) is found in people with haemochromatosis that maps to HFE3.  相似文献   

Wolcott-Rallison syndrome (WRS) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by permanent neonatal or early infancy insulin-dependent diabetes. Epiphyseal dysplasia, osteoporosis and growth retardation occur at a later age. Other frequent multisystemic manifestations include hepatic and renal dysfunction, mental retardation and cardiovascular abnormalities. On the basis of two consanguineous families, we mapped WRS to a region of less than 3 cM on chromosome 2p12, with maximal evidence of linkage and homozygosity at 4 microsatellite markers within an interval of approximately 1 cM. The gene encoding the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 (EIF2AK3) resides in this interval; thus we explored it as a candidate. We identified distinct mutations of EIF2AK3 that segregated with the disorder in each of the families. The first mutation produces a truncated protein in which the entire catalytic domain is missing. The other changes an amino acid, located in the catalytic domain of the protein, that is highly conserved among kinases from the same subfamily. Our results provide evidence for the role of EIF2AK3 in WRS. The identification of this gene may provide insight into the understanding of the more common forms of diabetes and other pathologic manifestations of WRS.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (ALS2) is an autosomal recessive form of juvenile ALS and has been mapped to human chromosome 2q33. Here we report the identification of two independent deletion mutations linked to ALS2 in the coding exons of the new gene ALS2. These deletion mutations result in frameshifts that generate premature stop codons. ALS2 is expressed in various tissues and cells, including neurons throughout the brain and spinal cord, and encodes a protein containing multiple domains that have homology to RanGEF as well as RhoGEF. Deletion mutations are predicted to cause a loss of protein function, providing strong evidence that ALS2 is the causative gene underlying this form of ALS.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) is a disorder of neurodevelopment resulting in a small brain. We identified WDR62 as the second most common cause of MCPH after finding homozygous missense and frame-shifting mutations in seven MCPH families. In human cell lines, we found that WDR62 is a spindle pole protein, as are ASPM and STIL, the MCPH7 and MCHP7 proteins. Mutant WDR62 proteins failed to localize to the mitotic spindle pole. In human and mouse embryonic brain, we found that WDR62 expression was restricted to neural precursors undergoing mitosis. These data lend support to the hypothesis that the exquisite control of the cleavage furrow orientation in mammalian neural precursor cell mitosis, controlled in great part by the centrosomes and spindle poles, is critical both in causing MCPH when perturbed and, when modulated, generating the evolutionarily enlarged human brain.  相似文献   

X-linked dominant disorders that are exclusively lethal prenatally in hemizygous males have been described in human and mouse. None of the genes responsible has been isolated in either species. The bare patches (Bpa) and striated (Str) mouse mutations were originally identified in female offspring of X-irradiated males. Subsequently, additional independent alleles were described. We have previously mapped these X-linked dominant, male-lethal mutations to an overlapping region of 600 kb that is homologous to human Xq28 (ref. 4) and identified several candidate genes in this interval. Here we report mutations in one of these genes, Nsdhl, encoding an NAD(P)H steroid dehydrogenase-like protein, in two independent Bpa and three independent Str alleles. Quantitative analysis of sterols from tissues of affected Bpa mice support a role for Nsdhl in cholesterol biosynthesis. Our results demonstrate that Bpa and Str are allelic mutations and identify the first mammalian locus associated with an X-linked dominant, male-lethal phenotype. They also expand the spectrum of phenotypes associated with abnormalities of cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa ARG13 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ARG11 encode mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) proteins that transport ornithine across the mitochondrial inner membrane. We used their sequences to identify EST candidates that partially encode orthologous mammalian transporters. We thereby identified such a gene (ORNT1) that maps to 13q14 and whose expression, similar to that of other urea cycle (UC) components, was high in liver and varied with changes in dietary protein. ORNT1 expression restores ornithine metabolism in fibroblasts from patients with hyperammonaemia-hyperornithinaemia-homocitrullinuria (HHH) syndrome. In a survey of 11 HHH probands, we identified 3 ORNT1 mutant alleles that account for 21 of 22 possible mutant ORNT1 genes in our patients: F188delta, which is common in French-Canadian HHH patients and encodes an unstable protein; E180K, which encodes a stable, properly targeted protein that is inactive; and a 13q14 microdeletion. Our results show that ORNT1 encodes the mitochondrial ornithine transporter involved in UC function and is defective in HHH syndrome.  相似文献   

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