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Quigg A Finkel ZV Irwin AJ Rosenthal Y Ho TY Reinfelder JR Schofield O Morel FM Falkowski PG 《Nature》2003,425(6955):291-294
Phytoplankton is a nineteenth century ecological construct for a biologically diverse group of pelagic photoautotrophs that share common metabolic functions but not evolutionary histories. In contrast to terrestrial plants, a major schism occurred in the evolution of the eukaryotic phytoplankton that gave rise to two major plastid superfamilies. The green superfamily appropriated chlorophyll b, whereas the red superfamily uses chlorophyll c as an accessory photosynthetic pigment. Fossil evidence suggests that the green superfamily dominated Palaeozoic oceans. However, after the end-Permian extinction, members of the red superfamily rose to ecological prominence. The processes responsible for this shift are obscure. Here we present an analysis of major nutrients and trace elements in 15 species of marine phytoplankton from the two superfamilies. Our results indicate that there are systematic phylogenetic differences in the two plastid types where macronutrient (carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus) stoichiometries primarily reflect ancestral pre-symbiotic host cell phenotypes, but trace element composition reflects differences in the acquired plastids. The compositional differences between the two plastid superfamilies suggest that changes in ocean redox state strongly influenced the evolution and selection of eukaryotic phytoplankton since the Proterozoic era. 相似文献
Sañudo-Wilhelmy SA Tovar-Sanchez A Fu FX Capone DG Carpenter EJ Hutchins DA 《Nature》2004,432(7019):897-901
The Redfield ratio of 106 carbon:16 nitrogen:1 phosphorus in marine phytoplankton is one of the foundations of ocean biogeochemistry, with applications in algal physiology, palaeoclimatology and global climate change. However, this ratio varies substantially in response to changes in algal nutrient status and taxonomic affiliation. Here we report that Redfield ratios are also strongly affected by partitioning into surface-adsorbed and intracellular phosphorus pools. The C:N:surface-adsorbed P (80-105 C:15-18 N:1 P) and total (71-80 C:13-14 N:1 P) ratios in natural populations and cultures of Trichodesmium were close to Redfield values and not significantly different from each other. In contrast, intracellular ratios consistently exceeded the Redfield ratio (316-434 C:59-83 N:1 intracellular P). These high intracellular ratios were associated with reduced N2 fixation rates, suggestive of phosphorus deficiency. Other algal species also have substantial surface-adsorbed phosphorus pools, suggesting that our Trichodesmium results are generally applicable to all phytoplankton. Measurements of the distinct phytoplankton phosphorus pools may be required to assess nutrient limitation accurately from elemental composition. Deviations from Redfield stoichiometry may be attributable to surface adsorption of phosphorus rather than to biological processes, and this scavenging could affect the interpretation of marine nutrient inventories and ecosystem models. 相似文献
The proton/oxygen stoichiometry and the mechanism of the proton pumping respiratory complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain have been central issues in bioenergetics for several years. Recently, a number of disagreements about stoichiometry have been resolved, and H+/O ratios of 6 (refs 1-3) or perhaps 8 (refs 4 and 5) for succinate oxidation are now accepted. Suggestions that the stoichiometry in mitochondria is intrinsically variable ('slip' in the pumps) have been made but the evidence has been neither strong nor direct. We now show by direct measurement in steady-state conditions that the H+/O ratio (measured as the charge/O ratio) for isolated mitochondria respiring on succinate varies from 6 at low membrane potential to 2.5-3 at membrane potentials of about 170 mV. 相似文献
通过对湘南学院翠柳湖四个采样点春、夏、秋、冬四季的浮游植物进行调查,研究了浮游植物的种类、群落组成、优势种和生物多样性,对翠柳湖水质的基本营养状况进行评价分析。研究发现该湖浮游植物共计6门51属84种,其中绿藻门最多,为21属31种,占36.9%;蓝藻门16属29种,占34.5%;二者占总的种类数的70%以上。硅藻13种,占15.5%,隐藻门、甲藻门和裸藻门占比最少仅为2.3%。浮游植物种类在全年分布中春、冬两季数量多。各采样点的浮游植物丰富度在季节变化上均成先上升、后下降趋势,均在夏季浮游植物丰富度最高,最高可达6.67×107 cells·L-1。夏季优势种主要是铜绿微囊藻、伪鱼腥藻和线性菱形藻,而在冬季转变为铜绿微囊藻和梅尼小环藻。全年Shannon-Wiener指数在2.35~3.84之间,Pielou均匀度指数在0.29~0.81之间。翠柳湖浮游植物多样性随季节变化较明显,呈夏季>春季>秋季>冬季的趋势,空间分布上呈现s4>s3>s1>s2的特征。结果表明,翠柳湖浮游植物多样性较好,分布格局存在一... 相似文献
Determination of the subunit stoichiometry of a voltage-activated potassium channel. 总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49
R MacKinnon 《Nature》1991,350(6315):232-235
The voltage-activated K+, Na+ and Ca2+ channels are responsible for the generation and propagation of electrical signals in cell membranes. The K+ channels are multimeric membrane proteins formed by the aggregation of an unknown number of independent subunits. By studying the interaction of a scorpion toxin with coexpressed wild-type and toxin-insensitive mutant Shaker K+ channels, the subunit stoichiometry can be determined. The Shaker K+ channel is found to have a tetrameric structure. This is consistent with the sequence relationship between a K+ channel and each of the four internally homologous repeats of Na+ and Ca2+ channels. 相似文献
瓯江大溪的浮游藻类与水体污染 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
朱圣潮 《杭州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》2001,(2)
根据 1 999年 5月至 2 0 0 0年 4月对瓯江大溪的统计调查 ,发现有浮游藻类 85种 .藻类的总数和类型与水体污染有关 .在重污染水体中 ,数量最多的是裸藻门、硅藻门和蓝藻门 . 相似文献
Although the oceans cover 70% of the Earth's surface, our knowledge of biodiversity patterns in marine phytoplankton and zooplankton is very limited compared to that of the biodiversity of plants and herbivores in the terrestrial world. Here, we present biodiversity data for marine plankton assemblages from different areas of the world ocean. Similar to terrestrial vegetation, marine phytoplankton diversity is a unimodal function of phytoplankton biomass, with maximum diversity at intermediate levels of phytoplankton biomass and minimum diversity during massive blooms. Contrary to expectation, we did not find a relation between phytoplankton diversity and zooplankton diversity. Zooplankton diversity is a unimodal function of zooplankton biomass. Most strikingly, these marine biodiversity patterns show a worldwide consistency, despite obvious differences in environmental conditions of the various oceanographic regions. These findings may serve as a new benchmark in the search for global biodiversity patterns of plants and herbivores. 相似文献
Pentameric structure and subunit stoichiometry of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are members of a gene family of ligand-gated transmitter receptors that includes muscle nicotinic receptors, GABAA receptors and glycine receptors. Several lines of evidence indicate that neuronal nicotinic receptors can be made up of only two subunits, an alpha (alpha) subunit which binds ligand, and a non-alpha (n alpha) or beta (beta) subunit. The stoichiometry of each subunit in the functional receptor has been difficult to assess, however. Estimates of the molecular weight of neuronal nicotonic receptor macromolecules suggest that these receptors contain at least four subunits but probably not more than five. We have examined the subunit stoichiometry of the chick neuronal alpha 4/n alpha 1 receptor by first using site-directed mutagenesis to create subunits that confer different single channel properties on the receptor. Co-injection with wild-type and mutant subunits led to the appearance of receptors with wild-type, mutant and hybrid conductances. From the number of hybrid conductances, we could deduce the number of each subunit in the functional receptor. 相似文献
刘轩黄 《苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版)》2005,22(1):1-9
以广义逆矩阵的理论和Bellman动态规划方法为基础,给出了离散线性时变系统最优和最小能量最优跟踪问题的两种形式的解,对每一种情形,还给出了最小跟踪误差和最小控制能量的简洁表达式. 相似文献
Stomp M Huisman J De Jongh F Veraart AJ Gerla D Rijkeboer M Ibelings BW Wollenzien UI Stal LJ 《Nature》2004,432(7013):104-107
The dazzling diversity of the phytoplankton has puzzled biologists for decades. The puzzle has been enlarged rather than solved by the progressive discovery of new phototrophic microorganisms in the oceans, including picocyanobacteria, pico-eukaryotes, and bacteriochlorophyll-based and rhodopsin-based phototrophic bacteria. Physiological and genomic studies suggest that natural selection promotes niche differentiation among these phototrophic microorganisms, particularly with respect to their photosynthetic characteristics. We have analysed competition for light between two closely related picocyanobacteria of the Synechococcus group that we isolated from the Baltic Sea. One of these two has a red colour because it contains the pigment phycoerythrin, whereas the other is blue-green because it contains high contents of the pigment phycocyanin. Here we report theory and competition experiments that reveal stable coexistence of the two picocyanobacteria, owing to partitioning of the light spectrum. Further competition experiments with a third marine cyanobacterium, capable of adapting its pigment composition, show that this species persists by investing in the pigment that absorbs the colour not used by its competitors. These results demonstrate the adaptive significance of divergence in pigment composition of phototrophic microorganisms, which allows an efficient utilization of light energy and favours species coexistence. 相似文献
刘轩黄 《苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版)》2005,22(2):9-18
以广义逆矩阵的理论和Bellman动态规划方法为基础,给出了离散线性时变系统最优和最小能量最优跟踪问题的两种形式的解,对每一种情形,还给出了最小跟踪误差和最小控制能量的简洁表达式。 相似文献
This research considers the mathematical relationship between concentration of Chla and seven environmental factors, i.e. Lake water temperature (T), Secci-depth (SD), pH, DO, CODMn, Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP). Stepwise linear regression of 1997 to 1999 monitoring data at each sampling point of Qiandaohu Lake yielded the multivariate regression models presented in this paper. The concentration of Chla as simulation for the year 2000 by the regression model was similar to the observed value. The suggested mathematical relationship could be used to predict changes in the lakewater environment at any point in time. The results showed that SD, TP and pH were the most significant factors affecting Chla concentration. 相似文献
Boyd PW Law CS Wong CS Nojiri Y Tsuda A Levasseur M Takeda S Rivkin R Harrison PJ Strzepek R Gower J McKay M Abraham E Arychuk M Barwell-Clarke J Crawford W Crawford D Hale M Harada K Johnson K Kiyosawa H Kudo I Marchetti A Miller W Needoba J Nishioka J Ogawa H Page J Robert M Saito H Sastri A Sherry N Soutar T Sutherland N Taira Y Whitney F Wong SK Yoshimura T 《Nature》2004,428(6982):549-553
Iron supply has a key role in stimulating phytoplankton blooms in high-nitrate low-chlorophyll oceanic waters. However, the fate of the carbon fixed by these blooms, and how efficiently it is exported into the ocean's interior, remains largely unknown. Here we report on the decline and fate of an iron-stimulated diatom bloom in the Gulf of Alaska. The bloom terminated on day 18, following the depletion of iron and then silicic acid, after which mixed-layer particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations declined over six days. Increased particulate silica export via sinking diatoms was recorded in sediment traps at depths between 50 and 125 m from day 21, yet increased POC export was not evident until day 24. Only a small proportion of the mixed-layer POC was intercepted by the traps, with more than half of the mixed-layer POC deficit attributable to bacterial remineralization and mesozooplankton grazing. The depletion of silicic acid and the inefficient transfer of iron-increased POC below the permanent thermocline have major implications both for the biogeochemical interpretation of times of greater iron supply in the geological past, and also for proposed geo-engineering schemes to increase oceanic carbon sequestration. 相似文献
Macroecological patterns of phytoplankton in the northwestern North Atlantic Ocean 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
Many issues in biological oceanography are regional or global in scope; however, there are not many data sets of extensive areal coverage for marine plankton. In microbial ecology, a fruitful approach to large-scale questions is comparative analysis wherein statistical data patterns are sought from different ecosystems, frequently assembled from unrelated studies. A more recent approach termed macroecology characterizes phenomena emerging from large numbers of biological units by emphasizing the shapes and boundaries of statistical distributions, because these reflect the constraints on variation. Here, I use a set of flow cytometric measurements to provide macroecological perspectives on North Atlantic phytoplankton communities. Distinct trends of abundance in picophytoplankton and both small and large nanophytoplankton underlaid two patterns. First, total abundance of the three groups was related to assemblage mean-cell size according to the 3/4 power law of allometric scaling in biology. Second, cytometric diversity (an ataxonomic measure of assemblage entropy) was maximal at intermediate levels of water column stratification. Here, intermediate disturbance shapes diversity through an equitable distribution of cells in size classes, from which arises a high overall biomass. By subsuming local fluctuations, macroecology reveals meaningful patterns of phytoplankton at large scales. 相似文献
To investigate the dynamics of phytoplankton size structure in the Pearl River estuary, concentrations of size-fractionated chlorophyll a (Chl a) were determined during four cruises carried out in 2008 and 2010. The distribution of Chl a in this geographical location showed a high degree of temporal variation. Chl a concentrations were highest in autumn, approximately three times higher than those in summer and winter. Microphytoplankton was the dominant contributor, accounting for 66.9% of the Chl a concentration in autumn 2008. In summer and spring 2008, nano-sized cells dominated the phytoplankton population throughout the study region. During the winter cruise, two different areas of water were found, characterized by (1) low salinity and high nutrient content and (2) high salinity and low nutrient content; nano- and picophytoplankton co-dominated the first area, while microphytoplankton dominated the second. It is arguable that grazing could have played a role in determining phytoplankton community size structure in winter. Nutrient concentrations were assumed not to limit phytoplankton growth during the investigation period. Size-differential capacity in competing for the resources available under different hydrodynamic conditions seemed to be the major factor in determining seasonal variation in the structure of the phytoplankton communities. High N:P ratios in the Pearl River estuary had major implications for nutrient pollution control. Our results indicated that studies of phytoplankton size structure provide greater insight into phytoplankton dynamics and are necessary to better manage water quality in the Pearl River estuary. 相似文献
分别于2010年和2011年的7月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)对铁岗水库5个样点的浮游植物样品进行采集,初步检出113种(含变型和变种)浮游植物,分属7门10纲20目35科75属。其中,绿藻55种、蓝藻22种、硅藻21种。细小隐球藻、细小平裂藻、狭细贾丝藻、断裂颤藻、水华束丝藻、颗粒直链藻极狭变种、梅尼小环藻、小球藻、针形纤维藻、月牙藻、双对栅藻、四角十字藻和空星藻为丰水期优势种;狭细贾丝藻、给水席藻、颗粒直链藻极狭变种、梅尼小环藻、尖针杆藻、小球藻和双对栅藻为枯水期优势种。丰水期和枯水期浮游植物丰度为(3. 69±2. 38)×107cells/L和(3. 99±2. 58)×107cells/L;生物量为(11. 74±3. 99) mm3/L和(18. 61±16. 60)mm3/L; Margalef指数为(1. 43±1. 01)和(1. 44±1. 00); Shannon-Weaver指数为(2. 17±0. 13)和(1. 72±0. 36);Pielou均匀度指数为(0. 73±0. 11)和(0. 64±0. 25)。铁岗水库浮游植物演替特征表现为Shannon-Weaver指数和绿藻物种丰富度增加,浮游植物丰度降低;优势种由单一蓝藻型演替为多门类复合型,物种组成由蓝-绿-硅藻型演替为绿-蓝-硅藻型。 相似文献
Cell cycle and cell signal transduction in marine phytoplankton 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
tAs unicellular phytoplankton, the growth of a marine phytoplankton population results directly from the completion of a cell cycle, therefore, cell-environment communication is an important way which involves signal transduction pathways to regulate cell cycle progression and contribute to growth, metabolism and primary production and respond to their surrounding environment in marine phytoplankton. Cyclin-CDK and CaM/Ca2+ are essentially key regulators in control of cell cycle and signal transduction pathway, which has important values on both basic research and applied biotechnology. This paper reviews progress made in this research field, which involves the identification and characterization of cyclins and cell signal transduction system, cell cycle-control mechanisms in marine phytoplankton cells, cell cycle proteins as a marker of a terminal event to estimate the growth rate of phytoplankton at the species level, cell cycle-dependent toxin production of toxic algae and cell cycle progression regulated by environmental factors. 相似文献
Importance of stirring in the development of an iron-fertilized phytoplankton bloom 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
The growth of populations is known to be influenced by dispersal, which has often been described as purely diffusive. In the open ocean, however, the tendrils and filaments of phytoplankton populations provide evidence for dispersal by stirring. Despite the apparent importance of horizontal stirring for plankton ecology, this process remains poorly characterized. Here we investigate the development of a discrete phytoplankton bloom, which was initiated by the iron fertilization of a patch of water (7 km in diameter) in the Southern Ocean. Satellite images show a striking, 150-km-long bloom near the experimental site, six weeks after the initial fertilization. We argue that the ribbon-like bloom was produced from the fertilized patch through stirring, growth and diffusion, and we derive an estimate of the stirring rate. In this case, stirring acts as an important control on bloom development, mixing phytoplankton and iron out of the patch, but also entraining silicate. This may have prevented the onset of silicate limitation, and so allowed the bloom to continue for as long as there was sufficient iron. Stirring in the ocean is likely to be variable, so blooms that are initially similar may develop very differently. 相似文献