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Laminar premixed stoichiometric methane/hydrogen/oxygen/argon flames were investigated with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionizaUon and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry techniques. The methane/hydrogen fuel blends with hydrogen volumetric fraction of 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% were studied. All observed flame species, including stable intermediates and radicals in the flames, were detected by measuring photoionization mass spectra and photoionization efficiency (PIE) spectra. Mole fraction profiles of major species and intermediates were derived by scanning burner at some selected photon energies near ionization thresholds. The influence of hydrogen addition on mole fraction of major species and intermediates was analyzed. The results show that the major species mole fraction of CO, CO2 and CH4 decreases with the increase of hydrogen fraction. The mole fraction of intermediates measured in this experiment decreases remarkably with the increase of hydrogen fraction. This would be due to the increase of H and OH radicals by hydrogen addition and the high diffusivity and activity of H radical promoting the chemical reaction. In addition, the increase of H/C ratio with the increase of hydrogen fraction also leads to the decrease of the mole fraction of carbon-related intermediates and contributes to the decrease of unburned and incomplete combustion products.  相似文献   

利用同步辐射(SR)和分子束质谱(MBMS)研究了两种含氮燃料(吡咯和吡啶)分别在贫燃和富燃条件下的4个低压预混火焰.通过测量光电离质谱和扫描光电离效率谱(PIE),鉴别了火焰中的燃烧中间体的化学结构.结果表明在富燃火焰中容易产生乙炔(C2H2),而在贫燃火焰中则更容易形成一氧化氮(NO)/甲醛(HCHO).在4个火焰中同时观察到了HCN、C2H4、C3H4、C2H2O、HNCO、C3HN、C3H3N、C3H5N、C4H3N和C6H6等稳定中间体以及CH3、C3H3和C2H2N等自由基.  相似文献   

A kinetic modeling of pollutant formation in hydrocarbon flames is presented through analysis of hierarchical structures. Based on the newly released GRI-Mech 3.0,it was mainly taken from Dean and Bozzelli (DB) and Wang mechanism respectively for the nitrogen chemistry, the formarion and growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The modeling was improved by considering C4 and Howard‘s PAH chemistry. The mechanism consists of 121 species in 731 reactions. Two premixed flame structures are predicted, and the computed results are compared with the experimental ones. It is shown that the mechanism predicts reasonably well the concentration profiles of major, key intermediate and minor species.  相似文献   

利用同步辐射真空紫外单光子电离技术和分子束取样,研究了低压下苯的介质阻挡放电产生的低温等离子体.通过测量光电离质谱和光电离效率谱,鉴别了等离子体放电过程中产生的一系列自由基和中性分子的化学结构.  相似文献   

Here we report a combustion endstation at National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) and some primary experimental results. Synchrotron radiation can provide the tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon with the high intensity and the good collimation. VUV photoioni-ation is a single-photon ionization process. Combined with molecular-beam mass spectrometry (MBMS), the VUV single-photon ionization can be applied to detect the combustion products, especially the intermediates and free radicals produced from combustion process. This method is proved to be a powerful tool for combustion study, which could be helpful for developing combustion kinetic models and understanding the mechanism of combustion reactions.  相似文献   

采用电化学方法将噻吩衍生物[3-(2-甲氧基苯)噻吩和3-溴代噻吩]聚合沉积到Pt片上,利用同步辐射光源采集聚噻吩衍生物中C的近边X射线吸收精细结构(NEXAFS)谱,以特征吸收峰强度对光的入射角度的依赖性为判据,实验证明了聚噻吩衍生物分子在金属表面的分子取向.由于噻吩环上取代基团电负性的差异,分子在衬底表面的取向有所不同:聚3-(2-甲氧基苯)噻吩无序的堆积在Pt表面,聚3-溴代噻吩倾斜于金属Pt表面.  相似文献   

三相泡沫阻化特性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了三相泡沫防治煤炭自燃的新技术.利用煤自燃特性实验系统测试研究了三相泡沫处理后煤样的氧化升温速率和CO的释放速率,包括煤样煤质、三相泡沫浓度、浆液农度和颗粒粒度等因素的影响.研究结果表明三相泡沫对煤体的阻化效果显著。能有效地减缓煤的氧化放热速率,抑制煤温度的升高;同时也极大地抑制了CO的释放量.图6,表2。参8.  相似文献   

利用三极差分抽气分子束质谱装置在亚大气压介质阻挡放电产生的氮等离子体中观测到,粒子流中的主要离子成分是N^+,N2^+,并且分别研究了放电气压、放电电压、放电重复频率对氮等离子体中N^+与N2^+活性物种离子流强度的影响。结果显示,N^+的离子流强明显高于N2^+,主要是由于产生的N^+和时在电场作用下向阴极板运动时,N2^+会与中性粒子及电子碰撞发生反应而进一步生成了N^+,并且N^+与啊流强随放电电压、放电频率的增大而增大,N^+,N2^+的相对浓度几乎不变,而随N2压力变化N^+与N2^+流强会出现一个极值。进而对该现象的产生、检测和形成机制进行了研究。  相似文献   

Experimental study of turbulence effect on re-aeration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is proposed that the oxygen fluxes caused by molecular and turbulent diffusion should be studied separately. Based on turbulent re-aeration experiments, a quantitative relationship between interfacial mass transfer coefficient and interfacial kinetic energy is developed. It not only simplifies the formula of re-aeration coefficient, but also gives fully consideration to the effect of interfacial kinetic energy on re-aeration. It is of great importance for predicting dissolved oxygen distribution and studying the effect of hydrodynamic characteristics on turbulent re-aeration processes.  相似文献   

程海涛  邹彪  刘嵩  李聪 《科学技术与工程》2022,22(30):13599-13604
秸秆是引起山火的常见典型可燃物之一。为了有效预防由秸秆火灾引起的大规模山火,有必要对秸秆燃烧过程进行深入研究。文章开展了直径为1 m、宽度从10 cm到60 cm的初始线性火源的秸秆燃烧实验。对比分析了不同工况下的火焰蔓延扩散过程,并对秸秆的质量损失速率、火焰温度等燃烧特性进行了分析。结果表明:秸秆燃烧过程呈现匀速蔓延的特点,蔓延速率与秸秆宽度成正相关关系;火焰前锋在宽度较窄时呈现凹形形状,在宽度较宽时呈现凸形形状。建立了秸秆的质量损失速率与火焰前锋横纵比的定量模型;火焰温度呈现“快速升高-缓慢降低”的趋势,秸秆表面温度超过500 ℃。研究结论有助于评估由秸秆燃烧造成的火灾危险程度。  相似文献   

水合物造成的管道流动安全问题长期困扰着油气生产和运输部门。采用高压蓝宝石反应釜,系统研究了一类水合物动力学抑制剂在油水体系内的抑制性能,实验结果表明:在(柴油+水+甲烷)体系内,可视观察法测定的诱导时间更能真实反映水合物动力学抑制剂的抑制性能;随着动力学抑制剂添加浓度的增加,在进气压力相近情况下,体系可承受的最大过冷度呈现先增大后减少的趋势。在(柴油+水+乳化剂+甲烷)体系内,乳化剂的添加浓度对体系可承受的最大过冷度无明显影响;在动力学抑制剂添加浓度相同情况下,实验测定的最大过冷度比(柴油+水+甲烷)体系中的测定结果偏小。最后从油水乳化角度对比分析了动力学抑制剂在油水体系内的抑制机理。  相似文献   

In order to study the interference effect of rarefaction wave on the laminar flame propagating structure and pressure characteristics of methane-air mixture, a small scale combustion chamber has been built. The techniques of high speed Schlieren photograph, pressure measurement and so on, are used to study the influence of rarefaction wave on the laminar flame propagating through methane-air mixture. The results show that, after the rarefaction wave acts on the propagation laminar flame, the laminar combustion is fully transformed into turbulent combustion just during several milliseconds, which leads to a sharp increase in the burning surface area and the pressure rise rate.  相似文献   

应用离子束为诱变因素,对活性污泥进行辐照处理,研究经驯化培育后,处理一定浓度的焦化废水的结果表明:活性污泥的性能及数量的评价指标、生化指标、污泥增长率以及与污染负荷等有明显的变化,经离子束照射处理后活性污泥的SV30值为11.0%~14.0%,SVI值为34.97~42.02 mL/g,辐照后的活性污泥SVI值低于未辐照活性污泥的SVI值,MLSS值在2 940~3 515 mg/L,污泥增长率变化范围为17.17%~-2.00%,最佳CODcr去除率为92.17%,最佳氨氮去除率可达到94.64%,挥发酚去除率效果最好,可达到99.83%,处理效果优于未辐照前。  相似文献   

低渗透油藏油水两相启动压力梯度变化规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
低渗油藏单相渗流启动压力梯度目前已进行了大量研究,但油水两相启动压力目前研究很少,没有明确的结论.较系统地研究了两相启动压力梯度产生原因及变化规律,从启动压力梯度定义出发研究了两相启动压力梯度的测定方法.用胜利油田天然低渗岩心测定了不同渗透率岩心油水两相启动压力梯度与含水饱和度的关系,通过数据回归建立了油水两相启动压力梯度与渗透率、饱和度之间的经验关系式.实验结果表明:油水两相同时渗流时,两相的启动压力梯度相等,随含水饱和度的增加而呈线性降低的趋势,并且渗透率越低的岩心,降低的趋势越明显.建立了根据岩石的物性预测研究区块两相启动压力梯度的经验方法.  相似文献   

彭然  郭玉辉  李聪 《科学技术与工程》2023,23(15):6693-6699
近年来,世界范围内森林火灾事故频发,造成了极大的人员伤亡和财产损失。目前对于木材堆垛燃烧特征的理论及模型研究较为缺乏。本文以典型松木材料为对象,开展了不同初始质量的小尺度松木燃烧特性实验,研究了松木的质量损失速率、火焰温度等燃烧特征。结果表明:松木的剩余质量和质量损失速率都呈现“缓慢下降—迅速降低—逐渐平缓”的趋势;在松木燃烧初期,相同时间内松木质量和损失速率呈反比;在松木燃烧中后期,松木质量和质量损失速率呈正比关系;松木燃烧初期的热释放速率增长趋势为t2火的定量数学模型;同一工况下热电偶到火源距离与热电偶的温度峰值和波动程度呈反比,且温度峰值的出现时间和波动程度大致相同。  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of the dunite from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau were measured with the impedance spectra method at 1.0-4.0 GPa and 643-1093 K. The experimental results indicated that activation enthalpies of the dunite are smaller than 0.9 eV, the conduction mechanism in dunite may be attributed to the mixed electrical conduction involving grain interiors and boundaries. On the basis of the results of this experiment, we can deduce that there exists cold mantle in the area of Gaize-Lugu in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau by reverse methods from the magnetotelluric sounding data (conductivity-depths profile) available for western Tibet. The result provides the present cold mantle viewpoint with strong proof on the basis of high temperature and pressure experiments.  相似文献   

基于碳分子筛动态吸附机理,建立了分离氧氩的实验装置.实验研究了流程形式、清洗比、吸附时间对碳分子筛分离氧氩过程性能的影响.结果表明,循环过程中增加产品气清洗阶段可以显著提高解吸气的纯度.为了得到质量分数为99.0%以上的氧气,循环过程中清洗比应控制在0.4左右,最佳吸附时间为60 s.以95%氧、5%氩的混合气作为原料气,实验装置的产品气纯度可以达到99.4%,氧气回收率为42%.  相似文献   

利用水射流切割实验系统,在80~240 MPa压力范围内对完全淹没状态下磨料水射流切割岩石的性能进行了实验研究.通过实验及数据分析,得出了磨料粒径和质量流量、射流压力、靶距、切割横移速度等参数对射流切割性能的影响规律.结果表明,在实验给出的工况条件下,磨料流量存在最佳值,在一定范围内切割深度随磨料流量增加而增加,当磨料流量达到一定值后,切割深度随流量增加反而下降;切割深度与射流压力基本呈线性增长关系;随着靶距的增大,切割深度逐渐减小;切割深度随切割速度的增加呈指数衰减趋势.  相似文献   

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