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Johnsen A  Andersen V  Sunding C  Lifjeld JT 《Nature》2000,406(6793):296-299
Female birds frequently copulate with extra-pair males, but the adaptive value of this behaviour is poorly understood. Some studies have suggested that 'good genes' may be involved, where females seek to have their eggs fertilized by high-quality males without receiving any material benefits from them. Nevertheless, it remains to be shown that a genetic benefit is passed on to offspring. Here we report that nestling bluethroats, Luscinia svecica, sired by extra-pair males had a higher T-cell-mediated immune response than their maternal half-siblings raised in the same nest. The difference could not be attributed to nestling body mass, sex or hatching order, but may be an effect of paternal genotype. Extra-pair young were also more immunocompetent than their paternal half-sibs raised in the genetic father's own nest, which indicates an additional effect of maternal genotype. Our results are consistent with the idea that females engage in extra-pair copulations to obtain compatible viability genes, rather than 'good genes' per se.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict reduces offspring fitness in zebra finches   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Royle NJ  Hartley IR  Parker GA 《Nature》2002,416(6882):733-736
Parental care is often costly; hence, in sexually reproducing species where both male and female parents rear their offspring (biparental care), sexual conflict over parental investment can arise. Such conflict occurs because each care-giver would benefit from withholding parental investment for use with another partner, leading to a reduction in the amount of care given by one parent at the expense of the other. Here we report experiments to explore the prediction from theory that parents rearing offspring alone may provide greater parental investment than when rearing offspring together with a partner. We found that when the number of offspring per parent, and hence the potential workload, were kept constant, offspring received a greater per capita parental investment from single females than from both parents working together, and that males reared by single mothers were more sexually attractive as adults than their biparentally reared siblings. This difference between single- and two-parent families is due to a reduction in care provided by females when they care together with a male, rather than laziness by males or differences in the begging behaviour of chicks, supporting the claim that sexual conflict in biparental care can reduce the quality of offspring raised.  相似文献   

Fedorka KM  Mousseau TA 《Nature》2004,429(6987):65-67
Indirect-benefit models of sexual selection assert that females gain heritable offspring advantages through a mating bias for males of superior genetic quality. This has generally been tested by associating a simple morphological quality indicator (for example, bird tail length) with offspring viability. However, selection acts simultaneously on many characters, limiting the ability to detect significant associations, especially if the simple indicator is weakly correlated to male fitness. Furthermore, recent conceptual developments suggest that the benefits gained from such mating biases may be sex-specific because of sexually antagonistic genes that differentially influence male and female reproductive ability. A more suitable test of the indirect-benefit model would examine associations between an aggregate quality indicator (such as male mating success) and gender-specific adult fitness components, under the expectation that these components may trade off. Here, we show that a father's mating success in the cricket, Allonemobius socius, is positively genetically correlated with his son's mating success but negatively with his daughter's reproductive success. This provides empirical evidence that a female mating bias can result in sexually antagonistic offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Einum S  Fleming IA 《Nature》2000,405(6786):565-567
Why do highly fecund organisms apparently sacrifice offspring size for increased numbers when offspring survival generally increases with size? The theoretical tools for understanding this evolutionary trade-off between number and size of offspring have developed over the past 25 years; however, the absence of data on the relation between offspring size and fitness in highly fecund species, which would control for potentially confounding variables, has caused such models to remain largely hypothetical. Here we manipulate egg size, controlling for maternal trait interactions, and determine the causal consequences of offspring size in a wild population of Atlantic salmon. The joint effect of egg size on egg number and offspring survival resulted in stabilizing phenotypic selection for an optimal size. The optimal egg size differed only marginally from the mean value observed in the population, suggesting that it had evolved mainly in response to selection on maternal rather than offspring fitness. We conclude that maximization of maternal fitness by sacrificing offspring survival may well be a general phenomenon among highly fecund organisms.  相似文献   

Honeybee colonies achieve fitness through dancing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sherman G  Visscher PK 《Nature》2002,419(6910):920-922
The honeybee dance language, in which foragers perform dances containing information about the distance and direction to food sources, is the quintessential example of symbolic communication in non-primates. The dance language has been the subject of controversy, and of extensive research into the mechanisms of acquiring, decoding and evaluating the information in the dance. The dance language has been hypothesized, but not shown, to increase colony food collection. Here we show that colonies with disoriented dances (lacking direction information) recruit less effectively to syrup feeders than do colonies with oriented dances. For colonies foraging at natural sources, the direction information sometimes increases food collected, but at other times it makes no difference. The food-location information in the dance is presumably important when food sources are hard to find, variable in richness and ephemeral. Recruitment based simply on arousal of foragers and communication of floral odour, as occurs in honeybees, bumble bees and some stingless bees, can be equally effective under other circumstances. Clarifying the condition-dependent payoffs of the dance language provides new insight into its function in honeybee ecology.  相似文献   

Matings between close relatives often reduce the fitness of offspring, probably because homozygosity leads to the expression of recessive deleterious alleles. Studies of several animals have shown that reproductive success is lower when genetic similarity between parents is high, and that survival and other measures of fitness increase with individual levels of genetic diversity. These studies indicate that natural selection may favour the avoidance of matings with genetically similar individuals. But constraints on social mate choice, such as a lack of alternatives, can lead to pairing with genetically similar mates. In such cases, it has been suggested that females may seek extra-pair copulations with less related males, but the evidence is weak or lacking. Here we report a strong positive relationship between the genetic similarity of social pair members and the occurrence of extra-pair paternity and maternity ('quasi-parasitism') in three species of shorebirds. We propose that extra-pair parentage may represent adaptive behavioural strategies to avoid the negative effects of pairing with a genetically similar mate.  相似文献   

对技术健身体育教学思想和新体育课程标准教学思想作了比较分析,指出二者在体育教学目标、体育教学内容、体育教学组织方法、体育教学评价等思想方面存在的异同。  相似文献   

Correlation between heterozygosity and subunit molecular weight.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A J Brown  C H Langley 《Nature》1979,277(5698):649-651

Arising from M. A. Nowak, C. E. Tarnita & E. O. Wilson 466, 1057-1062 (2010); Nowak et al. reply. Nowak et al. argue that inclusive fitness theory has been of little value in explaining the natural world, and that it has led to negligible progress in explaining the evolution of eusociality. However, we believe that their arguments are based upon a misunderstanding of evolutionary theory and a misrepresentation of the empirical literature. We will focus our comments on three general issues.  相似文献   

妇女发展的程度已成为体现一个国家和地区政治、经济、社会发展水平和国际形象的重要标志。大连女性和谐发展是建设和谐大连的重要组成部分,对大连女性在和谐发展过程中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的有效对策,旨在促进大连女性和谐发展,让她们为建设和谐大连发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

通过对中外优秀女子跳远运动员有关技术参数进行比较分析,结果表明,绝对速度和起跳能力是影响我国女子跳远成绩的主要因素.  相似文献   

女性:游弋于传统与现代之间--读苏青的散文   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏青是四十年代上海著名的女作家,她的作品以女性生活为题材,从女性性别特征出发探讨女性生活现状和以后的出路,显示出其独特之处。但在现实面前,在传统与现代之间、事业与婚姻(或爱情)之间该如何进行选择的问题上,苏青有着极大的困惑和矛盾,最终也未能指明一条女性该走的新路子。  相似文献   

徐嘉 《攀枝花学院学报》2009,26(4):51-54,24
本文通过对凯特·肖邦三部作品中几位女性人物的分析,揭示出传统父权制社会对女性的压迫与束缚.通过对<觉醒>中艾德娜进行分析,揭示出她在父权制度下所遭受的精神压迫和物质压迫;对<一小时故事>马兰德夫人的"本我"、"自我"以及"他我"的分析,阐释女主人痛苦的精神生活;<黛西莱的婴儿>中从黛西莱的身世以及其成长的环境,分析其对父权制下压抑的婚姻生活的逆来顺受的原因.  相似文献   

Field J  Cronin A  Bridge C 《Nature》2006,441(7090):214-217
Helpers in primitively eusocial and cooperatively breeding animal societies forfeit their own reproduction to rear the offspring of a queen or breeding pair, but may eventually attain breeding status themselves. Kin selection provides a widely accepted theoretical framework for understanding these societies, but differences in genetic relatedness do not explain a universal societal feature: the huge variation between individuals in helping effort. An alternative explanation for this variation lies in a fundamental trade-off faced by helpers: by working harder, they increase the indirect component of their fitness, but simultaneously decrease their own future survival and fecundity. Here, we show that individuals work less hard when they stand to lose more future fitness through working. We experimentally manipulated two components of future fitness in social queues of hover wasps (Stenogastrinae): a helper's chance of inheriting an egg-laying position, and the workforce available to rear her offspring should she inherit. After each manipulation, helpers increased or decreased their effort as appropriate to the change in expected future fitness that they experienced. Although helping provides significant indirect fitness benefits for hover wasps, our study shows that variation in the costs associated with helping is the major determinant of helping effort.  相似文献   

初步探索指纹和身体素质的关系.发现58名女大学生手指的螺纹数与立定跳远的成绩呈正相关,77名男大学生的箕纹数与100m跑成绩呈负相关.提示在同性别同年龄组中,手指螺纹和箕纹数分别与女子腿部爆发力和男子的速度素质可存在一定的关系,这一发现可能作为进一步研究指纹和身体素质关系的线索.  相似文献   

Le Galliard JF  Clobert J  Ferrière R 《Nature》2004,432(7016):502-505
Strong evidence for a genetic basis of variation in physical performance has accumulated. Considering one of the basic tenets of evolutionary physiology--that physical performance and darwinian fitness are tightly linked--one may expect phenotypes with exceptional physiological capacities to be promoted by natural selection. Why then does physical performance remain considerably variable in human and other animal populations? Our analysis of locomotor performance in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) demonstrates that initial endurance (running time to exhaustion measured at birth) is indeed highly heritable, but natural selection in favour of this trait can be unexpectedly weak. A manipulation of dietary conditions unravels a proximate mechanism explaining this pattern. Fully fed individuals experience a marked reversal of performance within only one month after birth: juveniles with low endurance catch up, whereas individuals with high endurance lose their advantage. In contrast, dietary restriction allows highly endurant neonates to retain their locomotor superiority as they age. Thus, the expression of a genetic predisposition to high physical performance strongly depends on the environment experienced early in life.  相似文献   

Ageing, fitness and neurocognitive function.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

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