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Insufficient vocabulary has become a barrier to reading comprehension and translation in the process of ME (medical English) study to the third-year students at medical universities or colleges. The current study was designed to investigate corpus- based teaching approach to enlarging students'vocabulary in the course of higher learning of ML (medical literature). The study was carried out from 2006.9 to 2008.9 among third -year medical students in our college. Students were encouraged to augment their vocabulary by active practice, intensive learning, and comprehensive learning respectively through discovering study by using self-made ME corpuses (90,000 words). In doing so, their vocabulary was enlarged by actively using the essential vocabulary, attaching more attention to the difficult technical vocabulary, and getting familiar with medical terms, which eliminated their language barrier, improved their integrated language proficiency, and developed their sense of achievement.  相似文献   

Parameter optimization of a hydrological model is an indispensable process within model development and application.The lack of knowledge regarding the efficient optimization of model parameters often results in a bottle-neck within the modeling process,resulting in the effective calibration and validation of distributed hydrological models being more difficult to achieve.The classical approaches to global parameter optimization are usually characterized by being time consuming,and having a high computation cost.For this reason,an integrated approach coupling a meta-modeling approach with the SCE-UA method was proposed,and applied within this study to optimize hydrological model parameter estimation.Meta-modeling was used to determine the optimization range for all parameters,following which the SCE-UA method was applied to achieve global parameter optimization.The multivariate regression adaptive splines method was used to construct the response surface as a surrogate model to a complex hydrological model.In this study,the daily distributed time-variant gain model(DTVGM) applied to the Huaihe River Basin,China,was chosen as a case study.The integrated objective function based on the water balance coefficient and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was used to evaluate the model performance.The case study shows that the integrated method can efficiently complete the multi-parameter optimization process,and also demonstrates that the method is a powerful tool for efficient parameter optimization.  相似文献   

A 3-D transient mathematical model for laser cladding by powder feeding was developed to examine the macroscopic heat and momentum transport during the process, based on which a novel method for determining the configuration and thickness of cladding layer was presented. By using Lambert-Beer theorem and Mie′s theory, the interaction between powder stream and laser beam was treated to evoke their subtle effects on heat transfer and fluid flow in laser molten pool. The numerical study was performed in a co-ordinate system moving with the laser at a constant scanning speed. A fixed grid enthalpy-porosity approach was used,which predicted the evolutionary development of the laser molten pool. The commercial software PHOENICS, to which several modules were appended, was used to accomplish the simulation. The results obtained by the simulation were coincident with those measured in experiment basically.  相似文献   

The geomechanical and stability design of an underground granite mine located in Canal San Bovo (Trento district, Northeastern Italy) was described. The exploitation of the granite, which is used in the ceramic industry, was carried out by the rooms and rib pillars method. The rooms are 12 m wide while the pillars are 11 m wide and they cross the main discontinuity set of the rock mass in the perpendicular direction. To verify the stability condition of an underground mine, it is necessary to carry out the calculations that are able to check both the local and global stability of the rock mass. In the studied example, this approach has been applied with the development of analytical and numerical parametric analyses and it has permitted to get the best orientation and to design the size of rooms and pillars.  相似文献   

An Intrusion Detection Method Based on Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an anomaly detection approach to detect intrusions into computer systems. In this approach, a hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM) is used to represent a temporal profile of normal behavior in a computer system. The HHMM of the norm profile is learned from historic data of the system's normal behavior. The observed behavior of the system is analyzed to infer the probability that the HHMM of the norm profile supports the observed behavior. A low probability of support indicates an anomalous behavior that may result from intrusive activities. The model was implemented and tested on the UNIX system call sequences collected by the University of New Mexico group. The testing results showed that the model can clearly identify the anomaly activities and has a better performance than hidden Markov model.  相似文献   

In this study, lmmunocaspase-3 gene was transfected into Jurkat T lymphocytes and the targeted proapoptotic protein Immunocaspase-3 was stably secreted.Its entry to ErbB2 positive SKBr3 breast carcinoma cell line was observed by indirect immunofluorescence staining.Growth of SKBr3 cells was significantly inhibited when they were cultured with medium containing Immunocaspase-3.Next, lmmunocaspase-3 gene was cloned into retrovirus vector pLNCX, which was then transfected into PA317 cells to package. Packaged cells producing high titer pseudoviruses were acquired and the pseudoviruses were harvested to infect PBMCs, which had been stimulated to division. The latter were selected and administered to nude mice bearing SKBr3 tumors through tail vein. The results showed that the treatment contributed to an inhibition of tumor growth and prolonged the lifetime of nude mice bearing SKBr3 tumor.The efficiency of inhibition of tumor reached 73.25%, and the average lifetime of treated nude mice was 80.95% longerthan that of control group. Immunohistochemical examination revealed the exclusive distribution of Immunocaspase-3 proteins only in the tumor tissue samples; and TUNEL assay confirmed the occurrence of apoptosis in tumor calls. Thepresent study suggests that Immunocaspase-3 secreted by T lymphocytes can selectively bind and enter into ErbB2 positive breast cancer cells, where it exhibits a proapoptotic activity and causes tumor suppression in an in vivo tumor model.  相似文献   

Embedding particle drugs in beaded nanofibers by electrospinning has been shown a potential approach to control drug release in tissue engineering. The bead size is one of the critical parameters in controlling the drug release rate. In this study,the relationship between polymer concentration and beads size was investigated. Aqueous polyethylene oxide( PEO) solutions with different concentrations were prepared to obtain various beaded nanofibers by electrospnning. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope( SEM) were used to observe the variation tendency of bead size. With an increase in the polymer concentration,the diameter of fibers between beads became bigger,while the fiber uniformity improved. In addition, the polymer concentration influenced the distribution of bead diameter. Higher polymer concentration would reduce the possibility of small-sized beads formation and improve the uniformity of bead diameter. The study provides a possible way to control the size of beads,which is helpful for further research on the control of particle drug release.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of inelastic structures during an earthquake is a complicated non-stationary process that is affected by the random characteristics of seismic ground motions. The conventional Fourier analysis describes the feature of a dynamic process by decomposing the signal into infinitely long sine and cosine series, which loses all time-located information. However, both time and frequency localizations are necessary for the analysis of an evolutionary spectrum of non-stationary processes. In this paper, an analytical approach for seismic ground motions is developed by applying the wavelet transform, which focuses on the energy input to the structure. The procedure of identification of the instantaneous modal parameters based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is given in detail. And then, a novel method using the auto-regressive moving average (ARMA), called "prediction extension”, is presented to remedy the edge effect during the numerical computation of the CWT. The effectiveness of the method is verified by the use of the benchmark model developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Finally, a scale model with three-storey reinforced concrete frame-share wall structure is made and tested on a shaking table to investigate the relation between the dynamic properties of structures and energy accumulation and its change rates during the earthquake. The results have shown that the wavelet transform is able to provide a deep insight into the identity of transient signals through time-frequency maps of the time variant spectral decomposition.  相似文献   

The effects of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) and cobalt porphyrin (CoPp) on inner pressure and cycle behavior of sealed Ni-MH batteries were investigated in this study. The morphology of battery electrode was observed by SEM. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of floating-charge/discharge battery was also measured. Experimental results show that the addition of FePc or CoPp to the alloy electrode is an effective approach to decrease the internal pressure of battery during the process of charge and overcharge. In contrast to CoPp, the battery with FePc exhibits a slower capacity decay and a smaller overpotential at the same charge-discharge rate. As an electrocatalyst, FePc may more effectively speed up the reduction of oxygen, and decrease its reduction potential. As a result, the charge process is accelerated, the gas evolution is reduced and the pulverization of electrode materials is slowed down.  相似文献   

This essay defines the concepts of ecological flow velocity as well as ecological hydraulic radius (EHR) and proposes an ecological hydraulic radius approach (EHRA) which considers both the watercourse information (including hydraulic radius, roughness coefficient and hydraulic gradient) and the required stream velocity necessary for maintenance of certain ecological functions all together. The key parameter of EHRA is to fix the watercourse cross-sectional flow area corresponding to EHR, by which the relation between parabola shaped cross-sectional flow area and hydraulic radius is deduced. The EHRA not only meets the requirement of flow velocity for adequate fish spawning migration, but also is applicable to the ecological flows in regard with other ecological issues (such as the calculation of the instream flow requirements for transporting sediment and for pollution self-purification, etc.). This essay has illuminated the computational process taking the estimation of ecological water requirement of Zhuba Hydrologyical Station watercourse in Niqu branch of the Yalong River as an example. Additionally, we compare EHRA with Tennant approach. The result shows that the Zhuba Hydrological Station ecological water requirement calculated by EHRA lies between the minimum and favorable ecological water requirement calculated by the Tennant approach. This is due to the fact that the ecological flow velocity (such as the fish spawning migration flow velocity) was taken into consideration, producing results applicable to the practical situation.  相似文献   

中国共产党的新文艺方针在1949年7月第一次文代会上周总理的政治报告中阐述得非常清晰。共和国诞生后,这个新文艺方针的首次实践凸显在《新曲艺丛书》的编撰出版发行和新曲艺活动的展开传播层面上。这是中国共产党掌握了全国政权后,在新文艺方针指导下以北京为中心展开的首次"新文艺运动"的实践,新中国成立初期新文艺方针的初步制定和具体实践,为共和国十七年的新文艺走向指明了前进的方向,并为旧文艺的高雅向新文艺的通俗转化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后期以来,国内史学、文学等研究领域出现人类学转向的趋势。不过相比较史学而言,文学领域的人类学转向目前尚未引起足够重视。文章以文学人类学对中国古典文学的重释、文化诗学对人类学知识的借鉴、少数民族文学研究对人类学理论与方法的移植等个案为例,就当代中国文学研究的人类学转向进行了考察,以期引起学界对这一转向的关注和进一步探讨。  相似文献   

中国共产党的新文艺方针在1949年7月第一次文代会上周总理的政治报告中阐述得非常清晰。共和国诞生后,这个新文艺方针的首次实践凸显在《新曲艺丛书》的编撰出版发行和新曲艺活动的展开传播层面上。这是中国共产党掌握了全国政权后,在新文艺方针指导下以北京为中心展开的首次"新文艺运动"的实践,新中国成立初期新文艺方针的初步制定和具体实践,为共和国十七年的新文艺走向指明了前进的方向,并为旧文艺的高雅向新文艺的通俗转化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

周超波 《科技信息》2013,(14):167-167
As the first African American female Nobel laureate for literature, Toni Morrison is one of the most outstanding black writers in contemporary American literature. Her first novel The Bluest Eye, vividly depicts the physical and mental trauma of black people from slavery and the internalization of the white values with the loss of their own identity. The New Criticism advocates the application of tension, irony and paradox in works to generate a resonant effect. This essay intends to explore the strategy of irony used in The Bluest Eye by adopting the New Critic approach. It digs out the various manifestations of irony and investigates its contributions to highlighting the theme and its contextual significance.  相似文献   

新批评派在批评实践中通过文本细读,实际上是把作品放在封闭的圈子里,隔断它和文本生成的社会关系,过于纯粹,显得贫血。社会批判派,马克思主义的文学批评是其中的重要流派,强调文本所蕴含的社会价值,力图通过文本去认识社会,积极地社会批判;此派源远流长,具有强大的生命力,尤其是西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞的传唤理论,在传统的诗歌研究中具有借鉴意义,值得移植。  相似文献   

吴宓和梁实秋作为同门师兄弟,他们的文学思想却有诸多不同之处。吴宓重视"平民文学",强调文学的道德教化作用。梁实秋则倡导"知识贵族主义",强调文学的独立性和艺术性。吴宓的文学观是以群体为本位的儒家传统文学观,而梁实秋的文学观则是受到西方文化影响的以个体为本位的文学观。以二人为代表,我们可以窥见五四新文化运动前、后的知识分子文化价值取向的变化,以及他们为沟通中西文化做出的共同努力。  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范院校教师教育专业教学计划的重要组成部分,是中小学教师培养不可或缺的重要环节。文章旨在探讨在我国基础教育新课程改革的大背景下,如何以落实教育部大力提倡的师范生"顶岗实习支教,置换教师培训"为契机,推动我国教师教育实践教学体系的深化改革。  相似文献   

“文学史”研究应当是全部“文学”研究的最终落脚点,文学史的根本责任也正是要勾画出文学演进过程中所隐含的人的精神轨迹,“人的自觉的现代意识的确立”应当是作为独立学科的当代文学的核心支撑点,《中国当代文学史新稿》一书在这方面为我们现有的研究确立了一种全新的构架。  相似文献   

作为近现代史上最有影响的期刊之一,《新青年》在新文学方面的贡献除了熟知的思想启蒙的能指层面外,其所指的本体层面尚很少进入当下的研究视野。关于注音字母的讨论贯穿了《新青年》的办刊始终,这一过程与新文学相伴生,并对新文学发展有实际的奠基和推动作用。  相似文献   

《新文学比较研究》是一部见解深思熟虑、行文老到、耐人寻味的现代文学研究成果汇集。作者着眼于鲁迅、茅盾、老舍、丁玲、赵树理等文学大家,从新的视角深入开掘,显示出新的理论色彩。作者善于攻克难点,公正、客观地对待有争议的人物与作品。翔实的资料,严谨的学风,是本书所体现出的突出特色。作者采用比较研究方法研究新文学,这部论著堪称新文学比较研究的典范。  相似文献   

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