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The netrins, a family of laminin-related secreted proteins, are critical in controlling axon elongation and pathfinding. The DCC (for deleted in colorectal cancer) protein was proposed as a receptor for netrin-1 in the light of many observations including the inhibition of netrin-1-mediated axon outgrowth and attraction in the presence of an anti-DCC antiserum, the similitude of nervous system defects in DCC and netrin-1 knockout mice and the results of receptor swapping experiments. Previous studies have failed to show a direct interaction of DCC with netrin-1 (ref. 10), suggesting the possibility of an additional receptor or co-receptor. Here we show that DCC interacts with the membrane-associated adenosine A2b receptor, a G-protein-coupled receptor that induces cAMP accumulation on binding adenosine. We show that A2b is actually a netrin-1 receptor and induces cAMP accumulation on binding netrin-1. Finally, we show that netrin-1-dependent outgrowth of dorsal spinal cord axons directly involves A2b. Together our results indicate that the growth-promoting function of netrin-1 may require a receptor complex containing DCC and A2b.  相似文献   

Atomic structures of amyloid cross-beta spines reveal varied steric zippers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amyloid fibrils formed from different proteins, each associated with a particular disease, contain a common cross-beta spine. The atomic architecture of a spine, from the fibril-forming segment GNNQQNY of the yeast prion protein Sup35, was recently revealed by X-ray microcrystallography. It is a pair of beta-sheets, with the facing side chains of the two sheets interdigitated in a dry 'steric zipper'. Here we report some 30 other segments from fibril-forming proteins that form amyloid-like fibrils, microcrystals, or usually both. These include segments from the Alzheimer's amyloid-beta and tau proteins, the PrP prion protein, insulin, islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), lysozyme, myoglobin, alpha-synuclein and beta(2)-microglobulin, suggesting that common structural features are shared by amyloid diseases at the molecular level. Structures of 13 of these microcrystals all reveal steric zippers, but with variations that expand the range of atomic architectures for amyloid-like fibrils and offer an atomic-level hypothesis for the basis of prion strains.  相似文献   

一种基于弯曲结构的线状要素Morphing方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于弯曲结构的线状要素Morphing方法。对于2个不同比例尺地图上表达的同一线状要素,首先根据其各自形态特征分别利用约束Delaunay三角网提取线状要素的独立弯曲及其层次结构信息,并用弯曲森林和弯曲树来表达线状要素的弯曲结构。然后,通过识别对应独立弯曲,从高层次到低层次对它们的层次弯曲结构进行识别与匹配,从而将两线状要素分割成多对对应线段。在此基础上,借助常用的插值算法进行Morphing。实验证明,提出的基于弯曲结构的Morphing方法要比已有的方法精度高,并有效保持Morphing过程中内插线状要素弯曲特征的一致性。  相似文献   

A common E2F-1 and p73 pathway mediates cell death induced by TCR activation   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Lissy NA  Davis PK  Irwin M  Kaelin WG  Dowdy SF 《Nature》2000,407(6804):642-645

AcrB is a principal multidrug efflux transporter in Escherichia coli that cooperates with an outer-membrane channel, TolC, and a membrane-fusion protein, AcrA. Here we describe crystal structures of AcrB with and without substrates. The AcrB-drug complex consists of three protomers, each of which has a different conformation corresponding to one of the three functional states of the transport cycle. Bound substrate was found in the periplasmic domain of one of the three protomers. The voluminous binding pocket is aromatic and allows multi-site binding. The structures indicate that drugs are exported by a three-step functionally rotating mechanism in which substrates undergo ordered binding change.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacterial hosts and their viruses (phages) lead to reciprocal genome evolution through a dynamic co-evolutionary process. Phage-mediated transfer of host genes--often located in genome islands--has had a major impact on microbial evolution. Furthermore, phage genomes have clearly been shaped by the acquisition of genes from their hosts. Here we investigate whole-genome expression of a host and phage, the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus MED4 and the T7-like cyanophage P-SSP7, during lytic infection, to gain insight into these co-evolutionary processes. Although most of the phage genome was linearly transcribed over the course of infection, four phage-encoded bacterial metabolism genes formed part of the same expression cluster, even though they are physically separated on the genome. These genes--encoding photosystem II D1 (psbA), high-light inducible protein (hli), transaldolase (talC) and ribonucleotide reductase (nrd)--are transcribed together with phage DNA replication genes and seem to make up a functional unit involved in energy and deoxynucleotide production for phage replication in resource-poor oceans. Also unique to this system was the upregulation of numerous genes in the host during infection. These may be host stress response genes and/or genes induced by the phage. Many of these host genes are located in genome islands and have homologues in cyanophage genomes. We hypothesize that phage have evolved to use upregulated host genes, leading to their stable incorporation into phage genomes and their subsequent transfer back to hosts in genome islands. Thus activation of host genes during infection may be directing the co-evolution of gene content in both host and phage genomes.  相似文献   

同系物概念沿用至今,已经有不少学者提出了异议,但都没有从根本上去思考,分析同系物理概念的本质和非本质属性,为了明确地界定同系物,对同系物概念大胆地提出了质疑,从逻辑学的角度论证了同系物的共同特征与本质属性,提出了“具有同一个通式且结构特征相似的物质互称为同系物”的新概念,可望从根本上解决同系物数学中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Interactions between ligands and receptors are central to communication between cells and tissues. Human airway epithelia constitutively produce both a ligand, the growth factor heregulin, and its receptors--erbB2, erbB3 and erbB4 (refs 1-3). Although heregulin binding initiates cellular proliferation and differentiation, airway epithelia have a low rate of cell division. This raises the question of how ligand-receptor interactions are controlled in epithelia. Here we show that in differentiated human airway epithelia, heregulin-alpha is present exclusively in the apical membrane and the overlying airway surface liquid, physically separated from erbB2-4, which segregate to the basolateral membrane. This physical arrangement creates a ligand-receptor pair poised for activation whenever epithelial integrity is disrupted. Indeed, immediately following a mechanical injury, heregulin-alpha activates erbB2 in cells at the edge of the wound, and this process hastens restoration of epithelial integrity. Likewise, when epithelial cells are not separated into apical and basolateral membranes ('polarized'), or when tight junctions between adjacent cells are opened, heregulin-alpha activates its receptor. This mechanism of ligand-receptor segregation on either side of epithelial tight junctions may be vital for rapid restoration of integrity following injury, and hence critical for survival. This model also suggests a mechanism for abnormal receptor activation in diseases with increased epithelial permeability.  相似文献   

I N Crispe  M J Bevan  U D Staerz 《Nature》1985,317(6038):627-629
Resting T lymphocytes may be activated either physiologically, by the specific recognition of antigen in association with molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), or non-physiologically using mitogens such as concanavalin A (Con A). The former activation process is difficult to analyse because resting precursor T cells specific for a particular antigen-MHC combination can only be isolated in the presence of a large excess of bystander cells of irrelevant specificity; clonal populations of uniform specificity are not useful for studying the activation of naive T cells because there is no reason to believe that such cloned cells ever return to the state of resting precursors. Mitogens may activate a large fraction of resting T cells, but analysis is again complicated because the target molecule(s) of most mitogens is unknown and the relationship of this kind of activation to physiological induction by antigen plus MHC molecules remains unclear. By using a monoclonal antibody specific for the antigen receptors on approximately 25% of all T cells of both Lyt 2+ and Lyt 2- subsets, we have studied the induction of lymphokine responsiveness in resting normal T cells. This antibody, immobilized on Sepharose beads, is sufficient to activate Lyt 2+ T cells, but not Lyt 2- T cells, to clonal expansion in the presence of a mixture of lymphokines (10% rat spleen Con A supernatant). We report here that clonal growth of the T cells obeys single-hit kinetics in limiting-dilution microcultures, suggesting that a single cell type is limiting. We conclude that cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (Tc) precursors require only ligation of the antigen receptor before they become responsive to lymphokines, whereas helper T-lymphocyte (Th) precursors require additional signals.  相似文献   

在完备的2-距离空间中引入广义拟弱交换,利用广义拟弱条件讨论了2-距离空间中一类压缩映象的公共不动点的存在性定理,给出了一个新压缩映象公共不动点的存在性定理,从而推广和改进了有关文献中的结果。  相似文献   

Fibronectin receptor structures in the VLA family of heterodimers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Y Takada  C Huang  M E Hemler 《Nature》1987,326(6113):607-609
Multiple cell surface proteins of relative molecular mass 115,000-155,000 (Mr 115K-155K) have been implicated as receptors mediating adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins. But the organization and relatedness of these peptides has remained unclear. In separate studies, the 'very late antigens' VLA-1 (Mr 210K/130K) and VLA-2 (Mr 160K/130K) were initially characterized as surface heterodimers appearing 2-4 weeks after in vitro stimulation of human T cells. Three more VLA heterodimers have since been discovered, which, like VLA-1 and VLA-2, are each composed of unique alpha-subunits in association with a common 130K beta subunit. This paper shows that the common VLA beta-subunit is equivalent to subunits found in structures with known fibronectin and laminin receptor activity, and that VLA-3 and VLA-5 are similar or identical to these previously defined receptors for adhesion molecules. Antibody blocking studies confirmed that at least some of the widely distributed VLA proteins of previously unknown function are involved in cell adhesion to fibronectin and laminin. We suggest that the VLA family of receptors may provide cells with multiple independent substrate adhesion capabilities.  相似文献   

W Hunziker  T Koch  J A Whitney  I Mellman 《Nature》1990,345(6276):628-632
It is well known that Fc receptors for IgG (FcRII) on macrophages mediate the endocytosis of antibody-antigen complexes and signal the release of inflammatory and cytotoxic agents. FcRII are also expressed at high levels on B cells where they are less involved in endocytosis than in modulating B-cell activation by membrane immunoglobulins. Although crosslinking of membrane immunoglobulins can result in B-cell differentiation and proliferation through stimulation of phospholipase C, mobilization of intracellular Ca2+, and activation of protein kinase C, crosslinking FcR with membrane immunoglobulins confers a dominant inhibitory signal that prevents or aborts activation. This form of regulation may have a role in the induction of tolerance by IgG and in controlling the B-cell repertoire by anti-idiotypes. The different functions of FcR on B cells and macrophages may reflect the fact that these cell types express closely related but distinct FcR isoforms. We have recently found that the main lymphocyte FcR isoform, FcRII-B1, is unable to mediate endocytosis by way of coated pits and coated vesicles owing to an in-frame insertion of 47 amino acids in its cytoplasmic tail. Here we show that this insert, absent from the FcRII-B2 macrophage isoform, also contains serine phosphorylation sites that may have a role in the ability of FcR to regulate B-cell activation through membrane immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

在完备的2距离空间中,建立一个新的φ压缩条件,研究了6个相容和次相容自映象的公共不动点的存在性和唯一性,从而得到了一个新的公共不动点定理,改进了相关文献的结果.  相似文献   

A Hemmati-Brivanlou  D A Melton 《Nature》1992,359(6396):609-614
Activins can induce mesoderm in embryonic explants and have been proposed as the natural inducer in Xenopus. A mutant activin receptor that inhibits activin signalling is used to show that activin is required for the induction of mesoderm in vivo and the patterning of the embryonic body plan. Blocking the activin signal transduction pathway also reveals autonomous induction of a neural marker and unmasks a relationship between activin and fibroblast growth factor.  相似文献   

功率VDMOSFET与IGBT的最新结构与性能特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综合评述了VDMOSFET(Vertical Double Diffused MOSFET)与IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)的一般器件结构,分析比较了采用垂直沟槽栅极(Trench gate)新结构的功率VDMOSFET与IGBT的结构与性能特点.新结构的VDMOSFET与IGBT能有效地减少原胞尺寸和增加沟道密度,具有大电流,高电压,开关频率高,高可靠性,低损耗的特点.在性能上明显优于目前广泛使用的VDMOSFET和IGBT结构.  相似文献   

旋转机械常见故障的振动三维谱特征及其识别   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
变速过程中振动特征的提取及其识别对于旋转机械故障诊断是极其重要的,本文通过对发电设备旋转机械中常见的不对中、轴裂纹、动静件碰摩、基础部件松动故障的运动微分方程及三维谱图的分析,讨论了变速过程中系统振动所包含的故障信息。分析表明这几类带有故障的转子系统都是非线性振动系统,振动三维谱图中含有丰富的高次谐波分量,可以用对三维谱图进行扫描的方法来发现故障信息。三维谱图可以丰富旋转机械故障诊断系统知识库中的振动特征信息,对于更准确地诊断发电设备中的故障具有重要的意义  相似文献   

Hibbs RE  Gouaux E 《Nature》2011,474(7349):54-60
Fast inhibitory neurotransmission is essential for nervous system function and is mediated by binding of inhibitory neurotransmitters to receptors of the Cys-loop family embedded in the membranes of neurons. Neurotransmitter binding triggers a conformational change in the receptor, opening an intrinsic chloride channel and thereby dampening neuronal excitability. Here we present the first three-dimensional structure, to our knowledge, of an inhibitory anion-selective Cys-loop receptor, the homopentameric Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel α (GluCl), at 3.3?? resolution. The X-ray structure of the GluCl-Fab complex was determined with the allosteric agonist ivermectin and in additional structures with the endogenous neurotransmitter L-glutamate and the open-channel blocker picrotoxin. Ivermectin, used to treat river blindness, binds in the transmembrane domain of the receptor and stabilizes an open-pore conformation. Glutamate binds in the classical agonist site at subunit interfaces, and picrotoxin directly occludes the pore near its cytosolic base. GluCl provides a framework for understanding mechanisms of fast inhibitory neurotransmission and allosteric modulation of Cys-loop receptors.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NK cell receptors are the most important receptor superfamilies in innate immunity. TLRs act as the sensor of external pathogens, while NK cells detect alterations in endogenous protein expression on target cells through activating and inhibitory receptors. Accumulating data has demonstrated that TLRs and NK cell receptors can coordinate and regulate each other during immune responses, which contributes to the initiation of innate response and the priming of adaptive responses. TLRs can activate NK cell function directly or with the help of accessory cells in a cytokine or cell-to-cell contact dependent manner. More understanding of the recognition of innate receptors and interactions between them may provide important insights into the design of effective strategies to combat tumor and microbial infections. In this review, we summarize how TLRs and NK cells discriminate the self or non-self components respectively. And importantly, we pay more attention to the role of TLR sig-naling in induction of NK cell activation, responses and the crosstalk between them.  相似文献   

Understanding the actions of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain is important in view of its roles in neuropsychiatric illnesses. Dopamine D1 receptors, which stimulate both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C, and D2 receptors, which inhibit them, can nevertheless act synergistically to produce many electrophysiological and behavioral responses. Because this functional synergism can occur at the level of single neurons, another, as yet unidentified, signalling pathway activated by dopamine has been hypothesized. We report here that in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the D2 receptor complementary DNA, D2 agonists potently enhanced arachidonic acid release, provided that such release has been initiated by stimulating constitutive purinergic receptors or by increasing intracellular Ca2+. In CHO cells expressed D1 receptors, D1 agonists exert no such effect. When D1 and D2 receptors are coexpressed, however, activation of both subtypes results in a marked synergistic potentiation of arachidonic acid release. The numerous actions of arachidonic acid and its metabolites in neuronal signal transduction suggest that facilitation of its release may be implicated in dopaminergic responses, such as feedback inhibition mediated by D2 autoreceptors, and may constitute a molecular basis for D1/D2 receptor synergism.  相似文献   

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