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为了研究大学生参与志愿者活动的动机及阻碍因素,协助建立大学生志愿者活动的激励机制,以大学生志愿者为研究对象,通过访谈法、文献法、问卷调查及因子分析等研究方法进行分析,确定我国大学生参与志愿者活动动机包含利己主义、个人发展、利他主义、精神追求和环境因素5个因素;阻碍因素包括心理顾虑、志愿者组织缺陷、志愿者精神背离、社会环境、客观条件限制5个因素。  相似文献   

基于消费者类型,从效用角度分析了新、旧耐用品对消费者的市场覆盖;讨论了耐用品垄断商在两周期上最优租赁定价策略及相关特征。发现第一期新耐用品的最优租赁定价高于第二期新耐用品的最优租赁定价,但第一期新耐用品的市场覆盖高于第二期新耐用品的市场覆盖;垄断商在第一期对新耐用品的最优租赁定价先随着耐用度的增加而增加,然后随着耐用度的增加而下降,在第二期,新耐用品的最优租赁定价不受耐用度影响。  相似文献   

消费者在网络促销购物时出现决策犹豫行为,是由于高水平感知风险的存在。消费者个人因素对网络促销感知风险水平的影响是最基本的,也是最难以控制的。在已有研究的基础上,经过问卷调查统计与相关性分析,得出消费者因素与网络促销消费者感知风险七个维度的关系如下:年龄与商店不可靠、产品效果和支付风险成负相关关系;学历与时间、支付、个人信息被滥用和财务风险呈负相关关系;网络熟悉度与支付、个人信息被滥用和财务风险呈负相关关系;风险态度与网络促销消费者感知风险各个维度均呈正相关关系;网络促销购物经历与商店不可靠和产品效果风险呈负相关关系。在此结论基础上,对网络促销活动提出一定的可行性建议,以促进其更好的发展。  相似文献   

作为新一代人工智能的重要研究领域,群体智能是解决开放不确定环境中大规模复杂问题的必由途径,对人工智能的其他研究领域有着基础性和支撑性的作用.群体智能系统中,智能体遵循共识机制进行交互演化产生群体共识,辨识共识机制是构建和理解群体智能系统的关键.传统的共识机制建模方法需要做过多简化假设,难以面对复杂多样的群体智能系统,应建立数据驱动的共识机制辨识方法.本文将共识机制的辨识问题转化为群体智能系统的逆强化学习问题,提出面向群体共识机制的逆强化学习辨识方法,并将上述辨识方法应用于集群系统,在多个场景中验证了对群体智能系统的辨识能力,实现了对群体智能系统的共识机制的反演.  相似文献   

发达国家的国家创新战略对我国的启示   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文探讨了发达国家的国家创新战略比较注重、而我国比较忽视的五个方面.一、加强中小学科学教育,从小培养国民的创新思维和创新能力;二、积极支持中小企业在创新活动中发挥关键作用;三、设立具体明确、具有可检验性的创新战略目标;四、注重发挥产业界在创新战略制定中的作用;五、将公众的支持和消费者的参与视为创新成功的重要因素.  相似文献   

多目标搜索问题是群体机器人一个重要的研究方向.现有工作多集中在带边界空间内的多目标搜索问题,而在开放环境中,探索机制会导致群体分散性过强而减弱探索能力.本文通过引入自适应扩散回归策略,在带有假目标的开放环境中,提出了具有高鲁棒性和适应性的群体机器人多目标搜索算法.文中首先从初始状态和处理假目标两方面对现有的主流群体机器人多目标搜索算法进行优化;基于机器人分布控制,本文对自适应群体机器人粒子群优化算法进行优化,提出基于自适应分布控制的群体机器人粒子群优化算法;其次,基于概率有限状态机搜索算法(PFSMS)对开放环境中的多目标搜索算法进行进一步的探索,本文以搜索时间为切入点,在PFSMS原有三种状态的基础上,添加回归状态作为附加状态,提出了基于自适应分布控制的概率有限状态机搜索算法(DPFSMS).当智能体的探索时间超过阈值时,智能体的速度由回归分量和扩散/搜索分量构成. DPFSMS算法给出了在无边界开放环境中的搜索策略,通过限制群体的扩散速度来自适应地调整智能体在无适应度值区域的运动随机性.最后,本文将DPFSMS算法与现有方法进行了对比,在对比实验中DPFSMS算法取得了目前最好的效...  相似文献   

为了探究影响高校学生这一消费群体网购从众行为的产品因素,设计了3组实验来验证产品价格、产品类型、产品品牌知名度这3种产品因素对高校学生从众行为的影响。实证分析显示,这三类因素对高校学生网购从众行为均存在影响,他们在购买价格高的产品、体验型的产品以及品牌知名度低的产品时更容易发生从众行为。  相似文献   

集群系统合围跟踪控制是群体智能涌现在运动控制层面的实现途径之一,在智能化战争时代具有广阔的应用前景.本文面向未来空地群体智能作战中护卫任务的应用需求,聚焦军品押送、重要人物护送等典型任务场景,研究了异构集群系统考虑领导者具有未知输入的分布式编队-合围跟踪控制问题,以实现复杂环境下空地协同智能作战.首先引入代数图论知识,建立具有未知输入的异构集群系统模型,提出了一种编队构型生成系统.之后结合自适应控制律,利用邻居局部信息交互设计了基于边的分布式编队-合围跟踪控制器,并证明了闭环系统的稳定性.此外,对异构集群系统涌现出的更复杂的群体智能特征进行了分析与总结.最后,通过数值仿真验证了本文所提出的方法能够实现预期的编队-合围跟踪控制,并建立了实物等效验证系统,对控制方法的有效性进行了验证,为实际情况下大规模空地协同智能作战提供了有力的理论支撑.  相似文献   

随着网络时代的来临,软件的开发模式、运行环境和提供方式发生了巨大变化.互联网作为一种开放的协同工作环境,其中孕育的大规模协同创作机理对软件开发和应用产生了深刻影响.如何将其与工业化可信软件生产相结合以提高软件生产效率和质量,是网络时代软件技术面临的新课题.本文提出汇聚群体智慧的可信软件开发新方法——群体化方法,该方法的核心是"群体协同、资源分享、运行监控、可信分析",支持创新软件作品向可信软件产品转化,支持软件的可信演化.提出一种基于证据的可信软件概念模型,将软件在开发阶段、分享阶段和应用阶段的基础数据作为软件的可信证据,并据此建立了软件演化过程模型;提出一种支持可信软件协同开发与演化的服务模型,支持软件创作与生产深度协同的可信软件社会化生产、开放有序的可信软件资源分享,以及基于海量数据分析的软件可信评估.最后以"十一五"国家高技术研究发展计划重点项目"高可信软件生产工具及集成环境"为背景,阐述了面向群体化方法的关键技术、开发环境和应用实践.  相似文献   

在高铁运营中,不同座次的消费价格存在明显差别.将高铁的客流OD矩阵根据座次进行客流划分,使客流分属于两类消费行为不同的群体.利用灰色理论的关联度分析分别对于两种客流群体进行敏感因素的定性及定量分析,找出不同消费群体的敏感因素,结果显示高端消费群体更加注重于高铁服务的品质,对服务频次及旅行时间比较敏感,而中端消费群体对出行成本的考虑较多,对旅行距离及票价比较敏感.最后根据分析结果为高铁运营提供几点战略参考.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the patient's perspective should be considered when making decisions about how her care will be managed. Patient participation in the decision making process may play an important role in bringing to light and incorporating her perspective. The GRADE framework is touted as an evidence-based process for determining recommendations for clinical practice; i.e. determining how care ought to be managed. GRADE recommendations are categorized as “strong” or “weak” based on several factors, including the “values and preferences” of a “typical” patient. The strength of the recommendation also provides instruction to the clinician about when and how patients should participate in the clinical encounter, and thus whether an individual patient's values and preferences will be heard in her clinical encounter. That is, a “strong” recommendation encourages “paternalism” and a “weak” recommendation encourages shared decision making. We argue that adoption of the GRADE framework is problematic to patient participation and may result in care that is not respectful of the individual patient's values and preferences. We argue that the root of the problem is the conception of “values and preferences” in GRADE – the framework favours population thinking (e.g. “typical” patient “values and preferences”), despite the fact that “values and preferences” are individual in the sense that they are deeply personal. We also show that tying the strength of a recommendation to a model of decision making (paternalism or shared decision making) constrains patient participation and is not justified (theoretically and/or empirically) in the GRADE literature.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth century French chemistry was marked by an outstanding number of Alsatian chemists whose scientific contributions cannot be ignored. Especially following the Franco-Prussian War, their regional origin was given a particular importance as a means of affirming their singularity on the French scientific scene. However, some questions may be raised: can we distinguish the Alsatians from other French chemists before 1870? Were they a homogeneous group sharing a common origin? The aim of this article therefore, is, to show that by their theoretical options within chemistry, their personal and professional relationships, as well as by their participation in various common initiatives, they organized themselves both formally and informally within the Parisian scientific community. Amongst these forms of organization the research school of Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817-84) emerges as the nucleus of what we may envisage as a network of Alsatian chemists working in Paris, in the second half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

During S phase of the eukaryotic cell division cycle, newly replicated DNA is rapidly assembled into chromatin. Newly synthesised histones form complexes with chromatin assembly factors, mediating their deposition onto nascent DNA and their assembly into nucleosomes. Chromatin assembly factor 1, CAF-1, is a specialised assembly factor that targets these histones to replicating DNA by association with the replication fork associated protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA. Nucleosomes are further organised into ordered arrays along the DNA by the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin assembly and spacing factors such as ATP-utilising chromatin assembly and remodelling factor ACF. An additional level of controlling chromatin assembly pathways has become apparent by the observation of functional requirements for cyclin-dependent protein kinases, casein kinase II and protein phosphatases. In this review, we will discuss replication-associated histone deposition and nucleosome assembly pathways, and we will focus in particular on how nucleosome assembly is linked to DNA replication and how it may be regulated by the cell cycle control machinery.  相似文献   

Diffusion of new products may be deterred by consumers' uncertainties about how they will perform. This paper introduces a decision-theoretic framework for modeling the diffusion of consumables, in which consumers choose between a current and new product so as to maximize expected utility. Consumers that are sufficiently risk-averse delay adoption, and change their prior uncertainties in a Bayesian fashion using information generated by early adopters. Under certain assumptions about the underlying consumer choice process and the market dynamics, the result is logistic growth in the share of consumers that choose the new product. The model can be generalized by allowing for consumer heterogeneity with respect to performance of the new product. The paper concludes with a discussion of applications for market forecasting, design of market trials and other extensions.  相似文献   

Low MF 《Annals of science》1996,53(4):345-359
This paper examines the introduction of European anatomy to Japan via translated medical texts in the eighteenth century. It argues how detailed illustrations of the body found in the texts presented a new discourse by which to objectify and control the body, and new metaphors and analogies by which to view society. Inspection of bodily parts through dissection and the reading of anatomical texts marked a transition to Western forms of science, to 'reliable' knowledge which was certified by the social status of the author. By looking at one important text, the Kaitai shinsho [A New Book of Anatomy] (1774), it will be shown that changes in representations of the body reflect the social construction of gender.  相似文献   

为实现节能减排目标,探求二氧化碳排放影响因子,在分析以往研究基础上,选取2000~2007年EIA和国家统计年鉴相关数据,采用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析模型计算各因子间的灰色关联度,比较得出:能源消费对二氧化碳排放影响最大,其次是GDP,然后是人口数量、固定资产投资和居民消费。据此提出,转变能源结构、适当控制人口增长、调节固定资产投资方向、引导居民消费方向等是我国经济发展中降低二氧化碳排放的有效途径。  相似文献   

信号处理的基础是信号表示(或称信号变换)。构造新的信号表示方法是信号处理中的关键问题.本文提出信号表示统一设想,试图从群结构层面探索现有名目繁多的信号表示之间的内在关联性,以达到统一现有变换的目的.设想以巧己素周期表,,进行类比,旨在构造一种由“群格”组成的“群表”,用以给出现有信号表示在“群表”上的统一形式,并根据该统一形式所揭示的现有变换在群上的内在关系,期望定义出若干具备所需性质和应用价值的新的变换.  相似文献   

针对小流域生态补偿实践中存在的补偿标准偏低、静态、管理体制不健全、补偿方式单一等弊端,采用系统研究、文献分析、实证检验等方法,揭示了秋浦河流域生态补偿机制,包括流域协调与管理机制;生态补偿法律机制;多元补偿方式机制;政府主导,市场参与的多元融资机制;公众参与、监督机制;动态补偿机制;科学确定补偿标准机制。基于秋浦河上游生态服务主导效应因子价值、生态保护成本、发展机会成本,下游社会经济发展实际,2009年下游补偿上游金额为41448.0277。秋浦河流域生态补偿机制构建,有利于促进秋浦河流域上、下游协调发展与社会公平,可为我国小流域生态补偿构建与实践提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Survey‐based indicators are widely seen as leading indicators for economic activity. As such, consumer confidence might be informative for the future path of private consumption. Although the indicators receive high attention in the media, their forecasting power often appears to be very limited. This paper takes a fresh look at the data that serve as a basis for the consumer confidence indicator (CCI) reported by the EU Commission for the euro area. Different pooling methods are applied to exploit the survey information. Forecasts are based on mixed data sampling (MIDAS) and bridge equations. While the CCI does not outperform the autoregressive benchmark, the new indicators are able to raise forecasting performance. The best performing indicator should be built upon pre‐selection methods. Data‐driven aggregation methods should be preferred to determine the weights of the individual ingredients. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In vitro import studies have confirmed the participation of cytosolic protein factors in the import of various precursor proteins into mitochondria. The requirement for extramitochondrial adenosine triphosphate for the import of a group of precursor proteins seems to be correlated with the chaperone activity of the cytosolic protein factors. One of the cytosolic protein factors is hsp70, which generally recognizes and binds unfolded proteins in the cytoplasm. Hsp70 keeps the newly synthesized mitochondrial precursor proteins in import-competent unfolded conformations. Another cytosolic protein factor that has been characterized is mitochondrial import stimulation factor (MSF), which seems to be specific to mitochondrial precursor proteins. MSF recognizes the mitochondrial precursor proteins, forms a complex with them and targets them to the receptors on the outer surface of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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