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We consider the behavior of solutions to the system ut +vx =0, vt +ux =(au-v)/τ as the relaxation parameter τ approaches 0. If the sub characteristic condition|a| is satisfied, then u approaches a solution to the equilibrium equation ut + aux = 0 and v approaches au. If this condition is violated then solutions have not Fourier transformation when τ→0.  相似文献   

We consider the Poisson integral u = P*μ on the half-space R+^N+1 ( N 〉 1 ) (or on the unit ball of the complex plane) of some singular measureμ. If μ is an s-measure (0 〈 s 〈 N), then some sharp estimates of the integration of the harmonic function u near the boundary are given. In particular, we show that fpr p〉1,∫R^Nu^p(x,y)dx- y^-τ (y〉0,τ =(N-s)(p-1) ) (Given for p〉1, RN f 〉 0 and g 〉 0, " f-g " will mean that there exist constants C1 and C2, such that C1f ≤ g ≤ CEf ).  相似文献   

Let I= [0,1] and ω0 be the first limit ordinal number. Assume that f: I→I is continuous , piece-wise monotone and the set of periods of f is { 2': i∈ {0} ∪ N}. It is known that the order of (I, f) is ω0 or ω0 + 1. It is shown that the order of the inverse limit space (I, f) is ω0 (resp. ω0 + 1) if and only if f is not (resp. is) chaotic in the sense of Li-Yorke.  相似文献   

Let R(t)=u+ct-∑ I=1^N(t) Xi,t≥0 be the renewal risk model, with Fx(x)being the distribution function of the claim amount X. Let ψ(u) be the ruin probability with initial surplus u. Under the condition of Fx(x) ∈ S^*(γ),y ≥ 0, by the geometric sum method, we derive the local asymptotic behavior for ψ(u,u + z] for every 0 ( z ( oo, On one hand, the asymptotic behavior of ψ(u) can be derived from the result obtained. On the other hand, the result of this paper can be applied to the insurance risk management of an insurance company.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with some chemotaxis model ∂u/∂t=D▿(u▿ln(u/w))+u(abu),∂w/∂t=f(u,w). To study the behavior of the solution, some function transformations are introduced, and the main tool is sup-sub-solution method. The result shows that, whether the solution blows up in finite time depends on the parameters and the initial data. As the chemical substance w has linear growth, f(u,w)=βuδw, where β>0, δ>0 and a+δ>0, wherein the solution exists globally. However, as w possesses exponential growth, f(u,w)=(βuδ)w, wherein both u and w share the same blowup point and time if the solution blows up in finite time. Biography: CHEN Hua(1956–), male, Professor, Ph. D., research direction: partial differential equation and its application.  相似文献   

A formulated as △fH m (PPDs,g)=a+ΣbiPi + cifi is put forward for estimating standard formation enthalpies of pyridine-derivatives (PDDs), in which,P i is path index andc i f i is an amended term of interaction between substituent and N atom on pyridine ring. The Calculations based on the model were carried out for some pyridine-derivatives. The values of standard formation enthalpy calculated are consistent with those in literature. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (29971024) Biography: LI Liang-chao (1958-), male, Associate professor, Research direction: calculating chemistry.  相似文献   

We discussed the Dirichlet problem of semilinear elliptic equationin (Pβ,α)D;-β△u=uε+εu,u>0,in Ω u=0, on(e),Ω where Ω(∪)RN(N≥4) is smooth and bounded domain,P=N+2/N-2,β,ε>0. We have proved that there exist positive ε0 and ε1 , such that when 0≤ε≤ε0,β>√ε1,(P0,1)has a single-peaked solution uβ, furthermore, |▽μβ|-0in the sense of measure as ε→0 and β→0.  相似文献   

We investigated the directed graph self similar sets under some weak overlapping condition. We get the multifractal decomposition formulas for these sets, i. e.,dim Ku^a DimKu^a =f(a), where fis the multifractal spectral function of the directed graph self similar measure. Especially, the results improve that of Edgar and Mauldin to the case which allows certain overlapping.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionLeqtuiliHnebaer afo rHimlbaenrtd sap baoceun.dLeedtlianaenardfufnbceti oan baolu onndeHd ,serse--spectively. Our goal is to seekv∈Hsuchthata(u,v) =f(u) , u∈ H (1)As a rule, we call the expression (1) a variational equationandva solutiontothis equation.By virtue of the Riesz repre-sentationtheorem,there exists a uniquely determined boundedlinear operatorA:H→Hsuchthata(u,v) =〈u,Av〉, u,v∈ H,where〈·,·〉is the inner product onH.If the sesquilinearformais also with posit…  相似文献   

Holub proved that any bounded linear operator T or -T defined on Banach space L 1(μ) satisfies Daugavet equation1+‖T‖=Max{‖I+T‖, ‖I-T‖}.Holub's theorem is generalized to the nonlinear case: any nonlinear Lipschitz operator f defined on Banach space l 1 satisfies1+L(f)=Max{L(I+f), L(I-f)},where L(f) is the Lipschitz constant of f. The generalized Holub theorem has important applications in characterizing the invertibility of nonlinear operator.  相似文献   

We consider the following non-linear elliptic equation △u+ f(x,u)=0,x∈K on fractal domains with zero-Dirichlet boundary conditions, where K is self-similar fractal, △ is the Laplacian defined on K. f(x, t) is asymptotically linear as t→ ∞. We get the non-trivial and non-negative solution by using Mountain Pass lemma.  相似文献   

It is dealt with positive solutions to the systems: u-t-u- XX =v+p, v-t-v XX =u+q in Ω×(0, T) subject to either initial conditions or boundary_value conditions. The exact blowup rate estimates of solution are established under some monotonicity assumptions on the initial values.  相似文献   

Let u ∈ R ,for any ω 〉 0, the processes X^ε = {X^ε(t); 0 ≤ t≤ 1} are governed by the following random evolution equations dX^ε(t)= b(X^ε(t),v(t))dt-εdSt/ε, where S={St; 0≤t≤1} is a compound Poisson process, the process v={v(t); 0≤t≤1} is independent of S and takes values in R^m. We derive the large deviation principle for{(X^ε,v(.)); ε〉0} when ε↓0 by approximation method and contraction principle, which will be meaningful for us to find out the path property for the risk process of this type.  相似文献   

研究了下面带有p-Laplacian算子的非线性奇异边值系统:(фp(u'i))'+ai(t)fi(u1,u2)=0, 0<t<1,αiфp(ui(0))-βiфp(u'i(0))=0, γiфp(ui(1))+δiфp(u'i(1))=0,(i=1,2)正解的存在性。其中фp(s)为p-Laplacian 算子,即фp(s)=|s|p-2s, p>1, (фp)-1q,1/p+1/q=1, αi>0, βi≥0, γi>0, δi≥0, i=1,2.这里fi是下半连续函数(i=1,2). 通过使用锥上的不动点定理,在相当弱的条件下, 获得了这类奇异边值系统正解的存在性.  相似文献   

The influence of two main characteristics of steel fiber, the aspect ratio (Df) and volume fraction (ρf), on the bending strength of Layered Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (LSFRC) is investigated by using orthogonal test. Via the variance analysis on the experimental results and trend analysis on the two characteristics, Df is found significantly related to the bending strength of LSFRC. The influence ratio is 63.3%. The bending strength of LSFRC increases if Df increases, makes better when Df reaches 100. ρf has ordinary influence on the bending strength of LSFRC. The influence ratio is 29.2%. Other characteristics, such as the shape of steel fiber and the mix proportion, have less influence. The best ρf contributing to the bending strength of LSFRC is 1.5 %. If ρf is greater than 1.5%, it has negative influence on the bending strength of LSFRC. So, ρf makes a limited contribution to the bending strength of LSFRC.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionInrecentyears,studiesonBinghamfluid ,suchasElec trorheologicalfluid ,areactivelypursued[1 6] .Rheologicaltechniqueshavebeenplayinganimportantroleinsyntheticchem istry .Therheologicalphasereactionmethodisthe processofpreparingcompoundsormaterialsfromasolid liquidrheologicalmixture.Thatis,thesolidreactantsarefullymixedinapropermolarratio ,andmadeupbyaproperamountofwaterorothersolventstoaBinghambodyinwhichthesolidparticlesandliquidsubstanceareuniformlydistributed ,sothattheprodu…  相似文献   

Letm, n andk be positive integers, m> 1 andk≤ n. Let ‰ m =‰m‰ denote the residue class ring modulom. Let ‰ m denote the group of additive characters of ‰ m denote the identity of ‰ m . A necessary and sufficient condition for the systemf 1,...,f k ∈ ‰ m [x 1, ...,x m ] to be orthogonal is given: for all additive characters ψ1, ..., ψ k ∈ ‰ m with ψi,≠x0 forsomei, . As corollaries, the result of Shiue-Sun-Zhang and the result of Sun are obtained.  相似文献   

The principles of the new maximal operator H* we defined are discussed. We prove that it is bounded from martingale Hardy-Lorentz L^Xp.q[0,1) to the Lorentz L^Xp.q[0,1) for 1/2〈 p〈∞, 0〈~ q ≤ ∞, where X is any Banach space. When the Banach space X has the RN property, the sequence dnHnf converges to f a.e. Meanwhile the convergence in L^Xp norm for 1≤p〈∞ is a consequence of that the family functions K (n∈N) is an approximate identity.  相似文献   

A tree decomposition of graph G=(V, E) is referred to as a partition of edge set E into edge-disjoint trees. Given (not necessarily distinct) vertices u-1, u-2...u-k∈V with k≥2, a sufficient and necessary condition is given for a connected graph G=(V,E) to have a tree decomposition {T-1, T-2...T-k} such that V(T-i)=V{u-i}, i=1,2,... k.  相似文献   

Suppose that P=(p\-1, p\-2, ..., p\-M)\% is a probability vector with p\-i>0 and Y={1, 2, ..., M}. Let (Y, 2\+Y, μ) be a probability space with μ(i)=p\-i, i=1, 2, ..., M, and (∑\-M, B, m)= Π \+∞\-0(Y, 2\+U, μ). It is shown that for any a \%(0≤a ≤1) \%, there exists a set U∈B such that m(U)=a and the Julia set associated with U is equal to the Julia set associated with ∑\-M\%. Moreover repelling fixed points with respect to U are dense in the Julia set associated with U.  相似文献   

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