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针对目前自动反冲洗过滤器过滤过程不连续、占地面积大和自重对过滤过程有影响的问题开发了一种全新的自动反冲洗过滤器。采用混合多相流模型、标准的k-e湍流模型和SIMPLEC算法,应用计算流体力学软件Flu-ent对过滤头相邻叠片间的流场进行分析。通过数值模拟,可以很清楚的显示出深层过滤时叠片间过滤液的过滤过程以及过滤液的速度矢量分布情况。由模拟结果可知过滤头的结构改进满足设计要求,本方案有利于提高过滤效率和降低过滤过程中的压力损失,从而降低了过滤器的成本,有很高的经济价值。在没有成熟设计理论的背景下,为设计方案可行性提供了依据。  相似文献   

Ball P 《Nature》2002,419(6902):12-14

DUNGEY JW  HOYLE F 《Nature》1948,162(4127):888


Stecher TP  Stecker FW 《Nature》1970,226(5252):1234-1235

通过对臭氧清洗工艺参数优化,确定了膜的清洗流速为3.5 m/s,臭氧投加质量浓度为4 mg/L,清洗时间为10 m in,清洗水的初始pH值为10.利用该工艺参数对原油污染超滤膜进行清洗,总体膜通量恢复率接近100%.对清洗后的超滤膜污染物GC-MS分析表明,臭氧使膜表面轻烃类污染物氧化为小分子有机酸或CO2和H2O,而难溶于水的重烃类污染物降解为易溶于水的极性物质.  相似文献   

Plaga R 《Nature》2008,453(7191):48-49

C Borek  E J Hall  M Zaider 《Nature》1983,301(5896):156-158
The introduction in the 1950s of 60Co teletherapy units and megavoltage X-ray accelerators for radiotherapy prompted several studies which showed that the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of orthovoltage X rays, compared with 60Co gamma rays, was approximately 1.1-1.2 (refs 1, 2). Subsequently, radiation therapists confirmed that the effect of established treatment protocols using orthovoltage X rays could be duplicated with the higher energy radiation by increasing the dose by approximately 10%, when radiation doses are of the order of tens of grays (or thousands of rads). The dependence of biological effectiveness on photon energy led to recommendations in which the quality factor, Q, which is an RBE for radiation protection purposes, was set at unity for X and gamma rays as well as for electrons or other directly ionizing particles having a linear energy transfer (LET) of less than 3.5 ke V microns-1. Over the past decade, however, several studies have shown differences in RBE between various low-LET radiations having LET values within the range designated for standard radiation. Underbrink et al. found an RBE for orthovoltage X rays relative to 60Co gamma rays of approximately 2 at 0.04 Gy, for induction of pink mutations in the stamen hairs of Tradescantia. Schmidt et al. scored chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes, and at 0.25 Gy found the RBE of 200-k Vp X rays relative to 3-MeV electrons to be also approximately 2. Here we have compared 60Co gamma rays and orthovoltage X rays over the dose range 0.03-1.5 Gy using malignant transformation in mammalian cells in vitro as an end point. Our findings indicate that whereas the transformation incidence seems similar for X and gamma rays at high doses, the malignant potential of X rays is about twice that of gamma rays at 0.03 Gy.  相似文献   

运用组织学方法研究了蒙古绵羊胚胎胃的组织发生,主要对5-550mm胚胎胃的组织结构及主要组织结构的发育规律进行了研究.结果如下: 5mm胚胃芽呈梭形膨大;胚胎发育到70mm胃的外形同成体的基本一致; 5mm胚胃壁由复层上皮和多层胚性结缔组织细胞构成;8mm胚胃上皮为单层柱状上皮,其下为大量的胚性结缔组织;30mm时瘤胃和网胃上皮均为复层扁平上皮,瓣胃和真胃上皮仍为单层柱状上皮,胃腺开始发育;90mm胚网胃皱襞开始形成; 164mm胚真胃胃小凹底部形成强嗜碱性细胞群;195 mm胚瘤胃瘤状突开始发育,真胃出现壁细胞;252 mm胚网胃出现平滑肌带;290 mm胚真胃腺体可分辨出壁细胞、主细胞、颈黏液细胞;335 mm胚网胃黏膜肌可见并进入皱襞;550 mm胚网胃平滑肌带清晰可见,网状皱襞及其乳突从外形上开始形成.  相似文献   

研究射线电离标记气体测流速,可为现场提供新的计量方法。利用计算机调制使β射线脉冲穿过流经的气体,形成分离的离子团,并记下离子团生成时刻,而后利用在气体流动方向下游布置的传感器探测离子团的到来,即可得到气体传播一段距离所需的时间,因而就可求得气体的流速。本文导出了电机调制离子团尺寸及极板偏压的计算公式。采用平行于射线入射方向的新型传感器结构,可以提高离子探测效率,减小测量误差。经实验,该种新型流量测量系统既具有较高的测量精度,可达到2%,又具有一定的抗干扰及污染能力。  相似文献   

宇宙线的能谱延展到超过1015电子伏特(PeV)的能段,这表明银河系中存在超高能的宇宙线加速源.而近期的甚高能伽马射线观测表明,长期以来被认为是主要宇宙线加速源的超新星遗迹很难把宇宙线加速到超高能.因此,寻找超高能(PeV)宇宙线加速源是宇宙线起源研究中的核心问题.其中一个最直接的方法就是寻找加速源附近宇宙线与星际气体相互作用产生的超高能伽马射线辐射.我国的高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO),由于其在超高能伽马射线能段世界领先的灵敏度,成为这一研究的理想工具.LHAASO半阵列建成后一年之内,已经在银盘上观测到了十二个超高能伽马射线源,在这一领域取得了突破性的进展.本文将介绍这些已得到的观测结果,并对LHAASO全阵列建成后可能的新进展进行展望.  相似文献   

Uchiyama Y  Aharonian FA  Tanaka T  Takahashi T  Maeda Y 《Nature》2007,449(7162):576-578
Galactic cosmic rays (CRs) are widely believed to be accelerated by shock waves associated with the expansion of supernova ejecta into the interstellar medium. A key issue in this long-standing conjecture is a theoretical prediction that the interstellar magnetic field can be substantially amplified at the shock of a young supernova remnant (SNR) through magnetohydrodynamic waves generated by cosmic rays. Here we report a discovery of the brightening and decay of X-ray hot spots in the shell of the SNR RX J1713.7-3946 on a one-year timescale. This rapid variability shows that the X-rays are produced by ultrarelativistic electrons through a synchrotron process and that electron acceleration does indeed take place in a strongly magnetized environment, indicating amplification of the magnetic field by a factor of more than 100. The X-ray variability also implies that we have witnessed the ongoing shock-acceleration of electrons in real time. Independently, broadband X-ray spectrometric measurements of RX J1713.7-3946 indicate that electron acceleration proceeds in the most effective ('Bohm-diffusion') regime. Taken together, these two results provide a strong argument for acceleration of protons and nuclei to energies of 1 PeV (10(15) eV) and beyond in young supernova remnants.  相似文献   

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