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The research team led by Prof.Chenho Tung (CAS member) trekked in the research of photoinduced electron transfer,energy transfer and chemical reactions of supramolecular system for 20 years.  相似文献   

The NSFC funded Key Program project "A real-time analysis of the early diagnosis of cancer markers", undertaken by Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), recently received recognition from an expert team for assessment. Experts pointed out that the research was of great value for the fast ascertain of cancer markers and the early warning and diagnosis. The research team was headed by Academician Wang Erkang, CAS and Prof. Kong Jilie, Fudan University.  相似文献   

NSFC Vice President Prof. Shen Wenqing met with an US science dean delegation on 21 October, 2008. Prof. Shen briefed the delegation on NSFC's profile of international cooperation with the United States, followed by discussions on how to better develop China-US collaboration in science and technology and how to encourage US students to do research in China. Dr. Alex DeAngelis, the new Director of NSF Beijing Office, joined the delegation. NSFC staff from the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Bureau of International Cooperation attended the meeting.  相似文献   

On April 7, Prof. Chen Yiyu, President of NSFC, met with Mr. Philippe Busquin, the Research Commissioner of the European Commission. Prof. Zhu Zuoyan, Vice Presi-dent of NSFC, first gave a brief introduction about NSFC and its cooperation and exchange with European countries.Both sides then exchanged their views on the support of ba-sic research, project evaluation,  相似文献   

Supported by NSFC, Prof. Wu Shuangqing from Huazhong Normal University conducted independent research on gravitation theory, discovered the exact solutions for the five-dimensional Godel charged rotating black hole in the universe, and made important headway in the characteristic research of black hole solutions. Part of the research results has been published in international top journal Physical Review Letters 100, 121301 (2008).  相似文献   

冷雨欣 《自然杂志》2018,40(6):400-406
1985年,Donna Strickland和Gérard Mourou等提出了啁啾脉冲放大(chirped pulse amplification,CPA)技术的概念,这是超高峰值功率超短脉冲激光技术发展的一个重要里程碑,直接推动了超强超短激光和强场激光物理等研究领域的诞生。目前,利用CPA技术已经可以获得峰值功率达到10拍瓦(PW,1 PW =1015 W)量级的激光脉冲,被认为是“将影响从聚变到天体物理的每一项研究”的成果。也正因此,发明啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)技术的法国科学家Gérard Mourou和加拿大科学家Donna Strickland,获得了2018年诺贝尔物理学奖。首先,初步介绍了Strickland和Mourou提出的啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)技术;然后,结合上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点室在超强超短激光技术和强场激光物理研究等方面的成果,以及承担的国家重大科技基础设施项目“上海超强超短激光实验装置”,简单介绍了Gérard Mourou和Donna Strickland 获奖的意义;最后,对相关领域未来发展进行了初步的展望。  相似文献   

In 1996, Department of Engineering and Material Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), accepted the suggestion made by some experienced members of CAS and published the key support project Green Architecture System and Dwelling Pattern in application guide for NSFC project. The project research group, led by Prof. Liu Jiaping, submitted an application entitled Green Architectural System and Dwelling Patterns, which was approved with support in August. In January 1997, Prof. Liu Jiaping and Prof. Wang Zhu put  相似文献   

The NSFC-JST Workshop on Environment Conservation and Restoration Using Bioremediation Function/Technology was successfully held in Xi'an from June 24 to 25, 2008. Prof. He Minghong, Vice President of NSFC, and Mr. Fumiaki Takahashi, Executive Director of JST, headed delegations respectively to attend the workshop and delivered speeches at the workshop. About 30 scientists from Japan and China as well as the representatives from both funding agencies joined the meeting.  相似文献   

Prof. Shen Wenqing, Vice president of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the second meeting of ASIAGORCs in Japan which was held from Nov. 27 to 28, 2008 and delivered his speech entitled "Regional scientific collaboration in the era of globalization of science and research".  相似文献   

February 23, 2004, Prof Chen Yiyu President of NSFC, Prof. Zhu Zuoyan Vice President of NSFC and Prof. Shi Changxu, Member ofCAS, met with Prof. Yang Zhenning, American Chinese Nobel Prize Laureate.  相似文献   

NSFC President Prof. Chen Yiyu announced at NSFC's Sixth Plenary Session of the General Assembly that a budget of 53.59 billon yuan, which is an increased of 25% to that of last year, was approved by the government for the fiscal year 2008. In practice, NSFC, based on the demand of national budgeting reform and the development of basic research, will arrange a funding plan of 6.4 billion yuan.  相似文献   

A NSFC delegation headed by Prof. Li Zhuqi, Vice President, paid a visit to Northern Europe from August 19 to August 31, 2003. The delegation visited the Research Council of Norway, the Academy of Finland, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, some international organizations, universities and research institutes.  相似文献   

On August 10, 2004, Prof. Chen Yiyu, President ofNSFC, met with Prof. Colin Blakemore, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council (MRC), UK. On behalfofNSFC, Prof. Chen expressed a warm welcome to Prof.Blakemore. Prof. Han Jianguo, Director General of the Bureau of International Cooperation, gave a brief introduc-tion about NSFC and its international cooperation. And then both sides exchanged the views about the talent training,  相似文献   

A research group from Tsinghua University led by Prof. Fan Shoushan, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jiang Kaili, associate professor of Physics, found that carbon nanotube thin film could act as a speaker once fed by audio frequency electric currents. These carbon nanotube loudspeakers are only tens of a nanometer thick, transparent, flexible and stretchable, which can be further tailored into any shape and size. These results have been published in the journal Nano Letter.  相似文献   

NSFC delegation, headed by Prof. Zhu Daoben, Vice President, paid a visit to Belgium and Poland from May 11 to 19. In Belgium, Prof. Zhu and his delegation held a meeting with Prof. Dr. Maurice Pensaert, Secretary General,and Dr. Benno Hinnekint, Director, Flanders Foundation for Scientific Research (FWO). During the talk, both sides exchanged the information about the latest development of the two organizations and their international activities,  相似文献   

On April 24, 2008, Prof. Chen Yiyu, NSFC President, met with the delegation headed by Mr. Kouji OMI, Member of the Japanese Lower House of Representatives at Beijing Hotel. Mr. Omi briefed the 5th Science and Technology in Society Forum to be held in Kyoto in October 2008 and formally invited Prof. Chen to attend the Forum. Prof. Chen expressed his interests to the Forum and had a discussion on the topics of the Forum.  相似文献   

Prof. Shen Wenqing, Vice President of NSFC, met with President of French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) on November 18, 2008. Prof. Han Jianguo, Director General of International Cooperation Bureau and Prof. Chai Yucheng, Deputy Director of the Earth Science Department also attended the meeting.  相似文献   

NSFC President Prof. Chen Yiyu met with President of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RF- BR), Prof. Vladislav Ya. Panchinko and Prof. Vladimir Kovalev, Director of Department of International Relations of RFBR on November 22, 2008. Both leaders briefed the latest developments of respective organization and discussed the issues of science fund management, strategies and priorities of disciplines, etc. , and expressed satisfactory regarding the friendly and fruitful cooperative relations that have been established between NSFC and RFBR since long. Consensus was reached to further explore possibilities to foster collaborations between young scientists by holding joint workshops on specific topics with common interest.  相似文献   

The First Sino-Thailand Joint Workshop for Natural Products and Drug Discovery was successfully held in Chengdu from September 16 to 19, 2008. This is the first workshop jointly organized by NSFC and Thailand Research Fund (TRF) under the MOU between the two funding agencies. During the meeting, 30 distinguished scientists from both countries reached several agreements on further cooperation through idea exchange and discussion session. Dr. Piyawat Boon-long,  相似文献   

The 10th 5-year Plan for National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) for fostering competent research teams and highly qualified scholars in fundamental research in glaciology and geocryology was based on the strategy of incubating "competitive, pr  相似文献   

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