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Zusammenfassung Nach Bestrahlung mit UV- und ge-, wöhnlichem Licht entstehen in Dünnschichtchromatogrammen von Tyrosin, Thyronin und ihren Jodderivaten wie auch Dopa und Dopamin dunkle Flecken an den entsprechenden Stellen dieser Substanzen. UV-Licht ist für das Auftreten der Pigmente verantwortlich, welche melaninähnliche Polymere zu sein scheinen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Infektion von Schimmelpilzen,C. albicans, durch Polyomavirus mit isolierter Polyoma-DNS und die aktivierende Wirkung von DMSO werden beschrieben.

Supported by a grant of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.

The assistance of Mr. G.Kolompár and B.Bucz during these assays is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons étudié l'effet des rayons UV sur l'ultrastructure des globules rouges des mammifères. L'examen électronoscopique montre qu'après ce rayonnement la membrane des globules rouges devient moins granulaire et moins épaisse. La répartition de ses plis ressemble à celle que présentent les globules plus vieux ou atteints de défauts enzymatiques (p. ex. le manque de G-6-PD).

Acknowledgments. The authors with to express their gratitude to Prof.M. Olszewska for her advice in interpretation of electron microscope photograms.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung UV-Bestrahlungen von menschlichem dermalem Kollagen führen in vitro zu einer Zunahme des Hydroxyprolingehaltes.  相似文献   

Lipid accumulation by a cellulolytic mold,Aspergillus niger, was studied. The amount of lipid accumulated ranged from 13.6–16.6% on various carbon sources, namely glucose, xylose, avicel (microcrystalline cellulose) and bagasse (a natural lignocellulosic substrate). Neutral lipids, phospholipids and glycolipids of the mycelia varied from 41.0–46.2%, 34.9–38.4% and 18.7–22.6% of total lipids, respectively. Unsaturated fatty acids comprised around 80% of total fatty materials with linoleic and oleic acid predominating. Of the four nitrogen sources tested, NH4Cl was the best source for lipid synthesis from cellulose (bagasse). Optimum temperature range for growth and lipid synthesis was 25–30°C.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of porphobilinogen accumulated by aBacillus subtilis hemC mutant strain is dependent on time and exogenic aminolevulinic acid addition.hemC mutant seems to be suitable for porphobilinogen production on a large scale.Acknowledgments. We thank Prof. I. Bélàdi for renewing our interest in pophyrin auxotrophs and for her current help.  相似文献   

Summary Factors exhibiting anti-complementary activity released from trypanosomes after incubation at 20°C were described. The active material was shown to consume the first component of bovine complement. While the anticomplementary factor(s) from T. lewisi could activate bovine, human and guinea pig complement, the factor(s) from T. congolense was observed to activate bovine complement, but not guinea pig and only slightly human complement. The roles of complement activating factor(s) of trypanosomes in the pathology of the disease are discussed.This project is supported by National Research Council of Canada grant A 0068 and a grant from the International Development Research Centre.  相似文献   

A Singh 《Experientia》1992,48(3):234-236
Lipid accumulation by a cellulolytic mold, Aspergillus niger, was studied. The amount of lipid accumulated ranged from 13.6-16.6% on various carbon sources, namely glucose, xylose, avicel (microcrystalline cellulose) and bagasse (a natural lignocellulosic substrate). Neutral lipids, phospholipids and glycolipids of the mycelia varied from 41.0-46.2%, 34.9-38.4% and 18.7-22.6% of total lipids, respectively. Unsaturated fatty acids comprised around 80% of total fatty materials with linoleic and oleic acid predominating. Of the four nitrogen sources tested, NH4Cl was the best source for lipid synthesis from cellulose (bagasse). Optimum temperature range for growth and lipid synthesis was 25-30 degrees C.  相似文献   

K Nielsen  J Sheppard 《Experientia》1977,33(6):769-771
Factors exhibiting anti-complementary activity released from trypanosomes after incubation at 20 degrees C were described. The active material was shown to consume the first component of bovine complement. While the anti-complementary factor(s) from T. lewisi could activate bovine, human and guinea pig complement, the factor(s) from T. congolense was observed to activate bovine complement, but not guinea pig and only slightly human complement. The roles of complement activating factor(s) of trypanosomes in the pathology of the disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Röntgenbestrahlung von polykristallinemdl-Valin bei Zimmertemperatur ergibt sich ein ESR-Spektrum ohne aufgelöste Hyperfeinstruktur. Erwärmt man die bestrahlte Substanz auf 353 °K, so zeigt das Spektrum mehrere gut aufgelöste Tripletts. Demnach ist die intermolekulare Radikalwanderung bei Zimmertemperatur noch nicht abgeschlossen, sondern erst nach weiterer Temperaturerhöhung.  相似文献   

Summary FAB-MS has been applied to the analysis of a nisin complex and FAB-MS and FAB-MS/MS data from the major component used to provide confirmation of the amino sequence and positions of the sulphur-bridged rings in these highly modified peptides.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus einer Mutante vonStreptomyces indicus Chakrabarty sp. nov. wurde das neue Antibiotikum MT-10 (orange-gelbe Kristalle) isoliert. Die antibakterielle und antifungische Aktivität wurde untersucht und festgestellt, dass MT-10 mit Actinomycin D verwandt ist.  相似文献   

FAB-MS has been applied to the analysis of a nisin complex and FAB-MS and FAB-MS/MS data from the major component used to provide confirmation of the amino sequence and positions of the sulphur-bridged rings in these highly modified peptides.  相似文献   

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