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有机场效应晶体管在低价、大面积、柔性电路中具有非常光明的应用前景,因而受到科学家们及工业界的广泛关注.近几年来,有机场效应晶体管在材料、器件性能及电路集成方面都取得了长足的进展.本文从有机场效应晶体管的材料、器件构筑、器件的工作原理、电路仿真与集成方面,简单的综述了有机场效应晶体管及其集成电路的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

巨磁电阻效应的发现开拓了磁电子学的新学科,20世纪90年代,磁电子学得到迅速的发展,并在应用上取得显著的经济效益与巨大的社会效应,本世纪初,研究的重点已转移到半导体自旋电子学的新方向,并已取得重要的进展。本文将结合我们科研组的研究工作,概述从磁电子学到半导体自旋电子学材料的发展,重点介绍稀磁半导体材料研究的进展。  相似文献   

以DNA为模板构筑纳米材料与分子器件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Moore定律正面临着挑战,即以硅材料为基础的集成电路元件尺寸正接近它的极限。而分子电子学有望作为一种解决的方案,替代硅电子学来构建更小的分子集成电路。DNA,以其独特的纳米尺度、分子线性结构、物理化学稳定性、力学刚性、自我识别能力以及自组装等优势,正逐步应用于分子电子学的各个领域。研究表明,DNA导电性存在着争议,而在此基础上以DNA为模板构筑纳米材料及分子器件正成为一个新的研究热点。本文在大量文献的基础上试图对以DNA为模板构筑分子导线、分子晶体管、分子计算机以及分子阵列等纳米材料及分子器件进行较为详细地归纳和总结,并对存在的问题和应用前景进行了分析和预测。  相似文献   

摩擦电子学作为摩擦电与半导体耦合的新研究领域,可以通过机械运动产生的摩擦电荷调控半导体中的电传输与转化特性,建立外界环境与半导体器件的直接交互机制,实现各种主动式功能器件,为人机交互、微纳机电系统、传感和自驱动系统等应用提供全新的思路和途径.本文系统地综述了摩擦电子学的研究进展,首先介绍了摩擦电调控场效应作用机理以及摩擦电子学晶体管基础器件;其次介绍了研制的各种摩擦电子学功能器件,展示了其对于外部环境的主动式机械感知;最后对摩擦电子学领域的研究进展及待解决的问题的进行了总结,并展望了该领域未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

光探测器作为一种将光能转换为电能的电子器件,在军事医疗、遥感通信等方面被广泛地应用.当半导体材料中同时产生光电和热释电时,器件的输出电流及光照时的光响应度,探测率等性能有明显的提升.因此,基于热释电-光伏-半导体三者协同耦合产生的热释电光电子学效应被作为提升光电器件性能的一种有效手段,被应用在多个领域.当器件被光照射时,光感应产生的热释电势对器件接触界面的内建电场进行调制,从而改变载流子的传输过程,而不同类型的材料与半导体接触时形成的内建电场和热释电电势各不相同,因此产生的热释电光电子学效应也存在差异.本文首先介绍了热释电光电子学效应的原理,然后研究了不同类型的材料与半导体接触时产生的热释电光电子学效应对器件电学性能的影响,具体包括半导体与半导体、半导体与金属、半导体与有机物以及半导体与氧化物接触;此外,对提升热释电光电子学效应的方法进行了介绍,包括压电-热释电-光电、铁电-热释电-光电等多物理场协同作用,以及对材料进行掺杂等方法;最后对热释电光电子学效应面临的挑战及在未来的发展作了进一步的展望.  相似文献   

分子增强高分子复合材料由于其诱人的潜在工业应用前景而备受重视。本文就“分子复合材料”这一领域国内外的研究现状、存在的主要问题及未来发展的展望进行综述。  相似文献   

有机功能材料薄膜与器件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
具有光、电、磁物理功能的有机材料的出现促进新思想、新概念、新材料的发展;有机功能材料的电子状态、导电机理以及杂质的影响完全有别于无机金属和半导体,因此,在深入探索结构与功能的关系的基础上,有可能开展分子、聚集态以及器件设计的研究。若与有机化合物的结构多样化,良好的加工性、成膜和成纤性等特点相结合,有可能实现无机电子材料所难兼具的电子行为。进而实现“分子电路”的设想。这里,我们对有机功能材料的基本概念、种类,功能材料薄膜的沉积、器件的构筑,分子电子学和分子器件的概念作了一个较为全面的介绍。  相似文献   

Molecular basis for differences between human joints   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The molecular program of a cell determines responses including induction or inhibition of genes for function and activity, and this is true of the cells within articular cartilage, a major functional component of the joint. While our studies have previously focussed on differences in the molecular programs of the cells within the superficial and deep zones, we have recently begun to focus on relative differences between joints, such as the knee and ankle. In the human, these joints vary greatly in their susceptibility to joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA). We have predicted that there would be a molecular basis for differences between joints that could lead to differences in susceptibility to OA, if inherent pathways locked into the resident cells induce differences in their response to their environment. We have been able to show that there are differences between the matrix components and water content; these properties correspond to a higher equilibrium modulus and dynamic stiffness but lower hydraulic permeability and serve to make the ankle cartilage stiffer, slowing movement of molecules through the cartilage. In addition to these biochemical differences in the cartilage matrix, we have also identified relative differences in the strength of the response to stimulation of chondrocytes from knee and ankle. The stronger response of the knee chondrocytes includes factors that increase damage to the cartilage matrix, such as a depression of matrix synthesis and increased enzyme activity. This response by the knee chondrocytes results in enzyme damage to the matrix that the cells may not be able to repair, while the weaker response of the ankle chondrocytes may allow the cells to repair their matrix damage.  相似文献   

分子生物学技术在环境微生物研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随分子生物学和遗传工程技术的迅速发展,已存在对微生物进行遗传操作而促进微生物在环境生物技术中的应用。本文较系统地概述了与环境微生物密切相关的分子生物学技术,如核酸探针检测技术,利用引物的PCR技术,基因重组技术,基因芯片技术,以及这些相关技术在环境监测、环境污染的防治和环境基因工程菌的稳定性和安全性评估中的应用。结果表明,分子生物学技术在研究环境微生物中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

研究了掺杂铁、镍的MCM-41介孔分子筛.在碱性条件下,以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为硅源,以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,选用水热合成法,合成了MCM-41介孔分子筛.本实验选用了三价铁、二价铁、二茂铁、二茂镍作为掺杂体.采用了扫描电镜、X射线衍射对掺杂三价铁的MCM-41分子筛进行了扫描和表征.结果表明,已合成了掺杂铁、镍的MCM-41介孔分子筛,呈圆形孔道结构,介孔分布在颗粒中,在低角度区具有明显的衍射峰.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450s are a superfamily of hemoprotein enzymes responsible for the metabolism of a wide variety of xenobiotic and endogenous compounds. The individual P450s exhibit unique substrate specificity and stereoselectivity profiles which reflect corresponding differences in primary sequence and tertiary structure. In the absence of an experimental structure, models for mammalian P450s have been generated by their homology with bacterial P450s of known structure. The rather low sequence identity between target and template proteins renders P450 modeling a challenging task. However, the substrate recognition properties of several P450s are consistent with recently developed working models. This review summarizes the major concepts and current approaches of molecular modeling of P450s. Received 28 September 1999; received after revision 25 November 1999; accepted 31 December 1999  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of thrombin function   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The discovery of thrombin as a Na+-dependent allosteric enzyme has revealed a novel strategy for regulating protease activity and specificity. The allosteric nature of this enzyme influences all its physiologically important interactions and rationalizes a large body of structural and functional information. For the first time, a coherent mechanistic framework is available for understanding how thrombin interacts with fibrinogen, thrombomodulin and protein C, and how Na+ binding influences the specificity sites of the enzyme. This information can be used for engineering thrombin mutants with selective specificity towards protein C and for the rational design of potent active site inhibitors. Thrombin also serves as a paradigm for allosteric proteases. Elucidation of the molecular basis of the Na+-dependent allosteric regulation of catalytic activity, based on the residue present at position 225, provides unprecedented insights into the function and evolution of serine proteases. This mechanism represents one of the simplest and most important structure-function correlations ever reported for enzymes in general. All vitamin K-dependent proteases and some complement factors are subject to the Na+-dependent regulation discovered for thrombin. Na+ is therefore a key factor in the activation of zymogens in the coagulation and complement systems.  相似文献   

ROPs in the spotlight of plant signal transduction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Small guanine nucleotide binding proteins of the Rho family called ROP play a crucial role as regulators of signal transduction in plants. They participate in pathways that influence growth and development, and the adaptation of plants to various environmental situations. As members of the Ras superfamily, ROPs function as molecular switches cycling between a GDP-bound ‘off’ and a GTP-bound ‘on’ state in a strictly regulated manner. Latest research provided fascinating new insights into ROP regulation by novel guanine nucleotide exchange factors, unconventional GTPase activating proteins, and guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors, which apparently organize localized ROP activation. Important progress has also been made concerning signaling components upstream and downstream of the ROP cycle involving receptor-like serine/threonine kinases and effectors that can manipulate cytoskeletal dynamics, intracellular calcium levels, H2O2 production and further cellular targets. This review outlines the fast developing knowledge on ROP GTPases highlighting their specific features, regulation and roles in a cellular signaling context. Received 28 April 2006; received after revision 2 June 2006; accepted 29 June 2006  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) enzyme activity was associated in rat superior cervical ganglion with tetrameric DBH-A (294,000 D) and dimeric DBH-B (147,000 D) and in rat adrenal gland with DBH-A and a novel molecular form of DBH, defined as DBH-C, with a molecular weight of 125,000 D. Pretreatment of the rats with cycloheximide markedly reduced DBH activity without altering the molecular heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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