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In this paper we study further on a group testing problem of identifying the defective from a n-coin set containing one defective coin with a balance without weight. The defective coin is not of the same weight as each of the normal ones. We derive a new testing algorithm which can tell out the defective from the n-coin set with the worst-case minimum number of tests.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionItiswellknownthatmoralhazardproblemoccursinsingle-agentcasewithuncertaintyinproduction,whereastherewouldbefree-riderinmultiple-agentscaseevenifthereisnouncertaintyinoutput,becauseagentswhocheatcannotbeidentifiedifjointoutputistheonlyobservableindicatorofinputs.Thedifficultyofcalculatingindividualcontributiontojoinedoutputmakesitmorecomplicatedtodesignefficientincentivemechanismsforagroupthanforasingleagent.AgencyTheoryindicatesthatwhenasingleagentisriskneutral,acontractthatgives…  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the fully distributed cooperative motion of group robots and proposes a new approach. Each robot has a local sensing ability and a simple action selection strategy. Computational complexity is decreased by the fully distributed architecture and the information insufficiency is solved by the interaction between the robots and the environment. Variable loop and random method are used to deal with the fluctuation and equity selection problem and the rapidity and reasonabiliiy are guaranteed. Some simulations have proved the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A New Method for Grey Forecasting Model Group   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 .INTRODUCTIONGreysystemtheorywasinitiatedin 1982 [1] .Thesystemthatlacksinformation ,suchasstructuremessages ,operationmechanismsandbehaviordocuments ,isreferredtogreysystem .Forexample ,thehumanbody ,a griculture ,economy ,etc .,aregreysystems .Greyforecastingisone…  相似文献   

TheApplicationsofMaximalSubgroupofFluteGroupQUKaishe(DepartmentofComputerScience,ShanxiUniversity,Taiyuan,030006)QIQuanyue(In...  相似文献   

The Distribution of Power Among Group Decision Makers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TheDistributionofPowerAmongGroupDecisionMakersYANGLeiXIYouminManagementSchoolXi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an710049Abstract.Thes...  相似文献   

The multiobjective group decision-making problem under risk is common in reality. This paper focuses on the study about risky multiobjective group decision-making problem where the index value is not certain. We give indexes classifying method and index normalizing formula of this type problem. By building objective function that minimizes general weighted distance from every alternative to the relatively best and worst alternative, the optimal membership degree of every decision-maker to every alternative can be obtained, and by building another objective function that minimizes general weighted distance from the optimal membership degree of every decision-maker to every alternative to the group optimal alternative and the group inferior alternative, the optimal membership degree of every decision-maker to every alternative can be obtained, which are both based on probability theory and fuzzy theory. Aftermost a model is established which collects group preferences. This method provides a new idea and  相似文献   

1  IntroductionThe research of the Management Mechanism Design( MMD) has been a focus and a signifi-cant frontier in management science and it is an important problem for top managers offirms to care about.The MMD is meant to find out some Management Mec…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThegroupschedulinghasbeenanactiveareaofresearchsincegrouptechnology (GT)waswidelyappliedinin dustrialproductionsystems .IntheGTschedulingproblem ,jobstobeprocessedareclassifiedintogroupsandalljobsinaparticulargroupneedsomecommonsetupateachm…  相似文献   

The issue of stability and group consensus tracking is investigated for the discrete-time heterogeneous networked multi-agent systems with communication constraints(e.g., time delays and data loss) in this paper. Firstly, the couple-group consensus tracking control is analyzed theoretically,the communication constraints are compensated by the prediction method, and the factor of leaders is introduced to make the system not lose generality. Secondly, the necessary and sufficient condition is give...  相似文献   

Group buying (GB) has emerged and evolved into various forms over the past decade. We investigate a distinct form of GB, namely consumer-driven group buying, whereby some consumers form purchase groups to visit stores together and negotiate for discounts. We refer to these consumers as GB consumers that differ from regular consumers who visit stores individually and pay regular prices. Visited by a purchase group, a store has to make an immediate decision to serve their demand in its entirety. Turned down by the first store it visits, the purchase group continues to visit the other store. After accommodating GB demand, the stores use remaining stocks to serve regular consumers. We demonstrate that GB can be a treat to stores that adopt proper policies to utilize it as an instrument to reach consumers. The stores are able to accommodate group demand at a price lower than regular price in most circumstances but still manage to earn stable profits. The presence of regular consumers has a subtle effect on equilibrium formation, by strengthening the stores’ power in negotiating with GB consumers to make group price weakly increase with group size. Moreover, competing stores are able to manipulate the interactions between purchase groups and collectively earn a higher total profit than a monopolist store when GB consumers account for a small fraction of market base and competition is intense.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) ,introduced by Saaty[7] ,is one of the popular andpowerful technique for decision making,and has also been applied to group decisionproblems(Hannan[2 ] ,Khorramshahgol and Moustakis[5] ,Islei and Lockett[3] ) .TheWeighted Arithmetic Mean Method (WAMM) and Weighted Geometric Mean Method(WGMM) are the mostcommon group preference aggregation methods in AHP.In orderto use the WAMM and WGMM,one has to find the weights to be assigned…  相似文献   

1  IntroductionThere are many methods in studying uncertainty,and among them the sets pair analysis isa new method. It is used widely in many fields,such as behavior science,social science,managementscience and so on,and the effectis especially betterin decision making.″Setspair″means the combination of two sets having some relation.In the view of systemscience,any two parts of system can be considered as a sets pair in certain condition,suchas system and circumstance,system and people,betw…  相似文献   

RadarCross-sectionImagingofaRotatingObjectwithaMulti-frequencyHolographyZhouJun,FangDagang,SunJintao&ShengWeixingMillimeterWa...  相似文献   

We will present the concept and definition about software architecture and software reuse. And then discuss the software architecture that can be reused. Finally we present a demo of reusable software system in a MIS project.  相似文献   

ElectromagneticFieldDuetoaLoopAntennaBuriedinaMediumwithComplexBoundariesLongYunliang(DepartmentofElectronics,ZhongshanUnivcr...  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Handoverarecrucialandessentialpartofcellularsys tems.Handoverinitiationcanbebasedonvariouscri teria,analyticmodelofhandoverinitiationcriteria hasbeenpresentedinRefs.[1~3]basedonsignal strengthsreceivedfromtwobasestations(BS’s)ina log normalfadingenvironment,andpresentedin Refs.[4,5]basedonthedistancesbetweenthemo bilestation(MS)andthesurroundingBS’s.Onthe otherhand,theapplicationsofadaptiveantennasin themobilecommunicationssystemsareemerged[5], andtheapplicationswi…  相似文献   

The Choice of a Forecasting Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, several criteria for forecasting model selection are proposed, and some empirical comparison results are given.  相似文献   


The analytical investigation of a damped power system has been made based on Holmes and Marsden's theorems. The condition for the occurrence of chaotic motions in the system is that the damping factor has to possess negative values. The numerical simulation results concur very well with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

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