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Two types of quartzofeldspathic inclusions hosted by omphacite and garnet were identified in the Sulu UHP eclogites. The first consists of albite, quartz, and various amounts of K-feldspar. In contrast, the second consists predominantly of K-feldspar and quartz without any albite. The presence of quartzofeldspathic inclusions within the UHP mafic eclogites indicates that partial melting occurred in deeply subducted continental crust via mica dehydration melting reactions at an early stage of rapid exhumation. Such a melting event generated hydrous Na-K-Al-Si melts. These melts infiltrated into the mafic eclogite and were captured by recrystallizing garnet or omphacite, which together followed by dehydration and crystallization to form feldspar-bearing polyphase inclusions. Formation of silicate melts within the deeply subducted continental slab not only provides an excellent medium to transport both mobile (LILE) and immobile (HFSE) elements over a large distance, but also induces effective changes in the physical properties of the UHP slab. This process could be a major factor that enhances rapid exhumation of a deeply subducted continental slab.  相似文献   

The tower continental crust is one of the most important sphere-layers in the deep earth, and is the direct place where the crust-mantle interactions occur. Granulttes are the dominated rocks in the lower crust, and have critical implications for the knowledge of the composition, nature and evolution of the deep crust; fluids are important mediums influencing many geochemical, geophysical and geodynamical characteristics of the lower crust, and may also play a fundamental role in the petrogenesis of granulites and the formation of the lower crusts. In this paper, we review recent advances involved with the deep continental crust, granulites and fluids, and some longstanding debates. Combined with the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis performed on the mineral assemblages (cpx, opx, plag and grt) in lower crustal granulite xenoliths and terrains (exposed section) from east China, it is suggested that structural water, dominated by OH, in these nominally anhydrous phases may constitute the most important water reservoir in the deep crust. This structual water may help to understand many lower crustal geological processes and phenomena (e.g. seismic activities and electrical conductive anomalies), and influences from these water must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The lower continental crust is one of the most important sphere-layers in the deep earth, and is the direct place where the crust-mantle interactions occur. Granulites are the dominated rocks in the lower crust, and have critical implications for the knowledge of the composition, nature and evolution of the deep crust; fluids are important mediums influencing many geochemical, geophysical and geodynamical characteristics of the lower crust, and may also play a fundamental role in the petrogenesis of granulites and the formation of the lower crusts. In this paper, we review recent advances involved with the deep continental crust, granulites and fluids, and some long-standing debates. Combined with the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis performed on the mineral assemblages (cpx, opx, plag and grt) in lower crustal granulite xenoliths and terrains (exposed section) from east China, it is suggested that structural water, dominated by OH, in these nominally anhydrous phases may constitute the most important water reservoir in the deep crust. This structual water may help to understand many lower crustal geological processes and phenomena (e.g. seismic activities and electrical conductive anomalies), and influences from these water must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The sodium-rich dacites and albite porphyries of Permian in the Awulale Mountain of west Tianshan have unique chemical and trace element signatures identical to adakite. These intermediate-acidic igneous rocks are characterized by high Na2O, Al2O3 and Sr contents and high Sr/Y and La/Y ratios (>40 and >20, respectively), and low Y and Yb contents, and strong depletion in HREE, and positive Eu anomaly. The (143Nd/144Nd)i is in the range from 0.51236 to 0.51248 and the eNd(t) is positive value (+0.79—+3.11); the (87Sr/86Sr)i is in the range from 0.7052 to 0.7054. These Nd and Sr isotopic composition features indicate that the source rocks of these adakite-type rocks are from a weakly depleted mantle, or a depleted mantle, but was contaminated by the crustal materials. These adakite-type rocks were most likely derived from the partial melting of new underplated basaltic rocks under the conditions of amphibolite to eclogite transition in the postcollisional environment of North Xinjiang during the Permian Period. They are not only the Phanerozoic juvenile crust materials, but also are probably animportant symbol of the underplating of mantle- derived basaltic magmas and the vertical growth of continental crust in the west Tianshan area during the postcollision of Late Paleozoic.  相似文献   

The continental lithosphere growth mainly includes the horizontal accretion at the plate boundaries and vertical accretion within the plate[1]. Mafic magmatic materials, as the products of crust-mantle interaction[2,3], became more and more important in studying the formation and evolu- tion of the lower crust. The previous geologic researcheson Tianshan, extending nearly 2500 km from east to west, and the neighbor area were mainly focused on the Paleozoic collision structure[4 ― 6], Mesozoi…  相似文献   

Adakites and Nb-enriched arc basaltic rocks (NEABs) in arc setting, which are closely correlated in petrogenesis, have recently been widely followed with interest[1—9]. In general, adakite is derived from partial melting of subducting oceanic crust[1]. When adakitic magma (slab melt) passes through the mantle wedge, the interactions between slab melt and mantle peridotite will occur: slab melt is contaminated by peridotite, meanwhile peridotite is metasomated by slab melt. The NEABs are d…  相似文献   

根据分析型嵌入原子模型(MAEAM)和分子动力学(MD)方法,在NPT系综条件下从原子尺度上研究难熔金属V、Nb、Ta的内能、结构、密度等物理量随温度变化,并根据各物理量随温度突变得出3种金属晶体熔点分别为(2 180±20) K、(2 820±20) K、(3 280±20) K,所得到的结果与已有实验值吻合.本文根据径向分布函数随温度变化,从微观方面探讨金属熔化过程及其引起它们熔化原因,为进一步研究金属在高温条件下特异性能打下了基础.  相似文献   

余启刚 《贵州科学》2002,20(4):57-59
本文首先从IVI(IntelligentVirtualInstruments智能虚拟仪器 )驱动器对VXI总线pnp(plug&play ,即插即用 )标准仪器驱动器结构与功能上的全面改进 ,分析了智能化对虚拟仪器快速发展的强大推进作用。然后 ,剖析了当今时代智能科技分支林立 ,蓬勃发展的大好形势 ,指出了以智能化大力推动我国仪器工业飞速赶超世界先进水平的重要性与可能性。最后展望了IVI的未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

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