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Glycine-rich proteins as structural components of plant cell walls   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) have been found in the cell walls of many higher plants and form a third group of structural protein components of the wall in addition to extensins and proline-rich proteins. The primary sequences of GRPs contain more than 60% glycine. GRPs are localized mainly in the vascular tissue of the plant, and their coding genes provide an excellent system to analyze the molecular basis of vascular-specific gene expression. In French bean, the major cell wall GRP has been localized at the ultrastructural level in the modified primary cell wall of protoxylem. Immunological studies showed that it forms a major part of these highly extensible and specialized cell walls. Specific digestion of GRP1.8 from bean by collagenase suggests that it shares structural similarities with collagen. The protein is synthesized by living protoxylem cells as well as xylem parenchyma cells. After cell death, GRPs are exported from neighboring xylem parenchyma cells to the protoxylem wall, a rare example of protein transport between cells in plants. We propose that GRPs are part of a repair system of the plant during the stretching phase of protoxylem.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Gegensatz zu der allgemeinen Auffassung, dass Arachidonsäure nur in Tieren und den niedrigsten Formen des Pflanzenreiches vorkomme, konnte diese Säure in mehreren Arten Farn und Moos nachgewiesen und identifiziert werden. Die relative Menge der Arachidonsäure beträgt in den bisherigen Beispielen zwischen 10 und 35% der Fettsäurekomponenten.

This work has been supported by a research grant from the National Institutes of Health (USPHS AM-05165) and by The Hormel Foundation.  相似文献   

Résumé Le «nerve growth factor» a été découvert dans les axes spinaux de quelques poissons lors d'un essai biologique, in vitro, provoquant la croissance de fibres nerveuses des ganglia spinaux des embryons de poulet.  相似文献   

U K Rinne  V Sonninen 《Experientia》1968,24(2):177-178

Zusammenfassung Mit chemischer Methode wurden bei grösseren Tierarten die Mengen von Dopamin und Noradrenalin im Eminentia-mediana-Infundibulum-Gebiet, im mediobasalen Hypothalamus und im Endteil des Hypothalamus bei Mensch, Schwein und Rind genau bestimmt. Die höchste Konzentration von Dopamin wurde in Eminentia mediana und die höchste Konzentration von Noradrenalin im mediobasalen Hypothalamus gefunden.

Aided by a grant from the Sigrid Jusélius Stiftelse.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden insbesondere atypische Mitosen im cervico-vaginalen Epithel der Maus untersucht. Diese stehen offenbar mit einer gleichzeitigen starken Gewebsdegeneration in Verbindung.  相似文献   

Resumen Se describen en la membrana y collar del manto próximos al poro respiratorio del moluscoCryptomphallus aspersa (Gasteropoda, Pulmonata) la presencia de varios tipos de neuronas y plexos. Estas observaciones morfológicas se discuten en relación a hallazgos previos con técnicas electrofisiólogicas obtenidos por otros autores.  相似文献   

M R Hanley 《Experientia》1975,31(8):881-883
An unknown dansyl derivative was identified as dansyl sarcosine. In molluscs, sarcosine was found to be largely localized to the nervous system. Examination of individual snail neurones, regions of the octopus brain and the squid giant synapse showed dramatic variations in sarcosine levels.  相似文献   

Summary 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and hypoxanthine were isolated chromatographically from the holothurianPentacter crassa. This study was initiated as a result of the observed hypotensive activity of aP. crassa extract. This activity was also encountered in extracts of the holothuriansThelenota ananus andStichopus chloronatus and can be attributed to 5-HT.  相似文献   

Summary The reported occurrence of L-canavanine in soya bean,Glycine max could not be verified by enzyme treatment of the extracted non-protein amino acids of the seed.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (BMS-75-19770) and funds from N.I.H. Biomedical Grant 5-SO5-RR07114-08.The author thanks Dr D. B. Egli of the University of Kentucky for soya bean seeds and Karen Hughes for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

A Ratajska  Z Gawlik  E Fiejka 《Experientia》1991,47(9):964-969
We studied the distribution of the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LM) in the hypertrophied hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), using an immunofluorescence method with specific antibodies. The immunohistochemical reaction was positive in the cytoplasm of some hypertrophied cardiomyocytes. The results showed that FN and LM can be used as markers for tunnels, i.e. intracardiocytic invaginations of the sarcolemma. The tunnels observed contained capillaries.  相似文献   

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