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Summary The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a cholesterol-rich diet on membrane function and lipid composition in rabbit myocardium. The activity and the ouabain sensitivity of the K-p-nitrophenylphosphatase (K-pNPPase), a partial reaction of the Na, K-ATPase, were diminished after a cholesterol/oil or pure cholesterol diet. The content of cholesterol, cholesterol esters and of several classes of phospholipids was enhanced in microsomes. A causal relationship is assumed between cholesterol accumulation and a decrease in membrane fluidity as well as in Na, K-ATPase activity. The intracellular Na content and the Na-Li-exchange rate were higher after the cholesterol diet. The increase in the Na content is supposed to be induced by a lower Na transport and a higher Na permeability. An enhanced Ca flux via the sarcolemma could be the consequence.To whom reprints should be addressed  相似文献   

Summary The -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol and prostaglandins E1 and E2 (but not F2) increased the cAMP content of rat submandibular acini in vitro, but only isoproterenol enhanced ouabain-sensitive86Rb (K) uptake. These findings suggest that cAMP is not involved in the activation of the Na, K pump in salivary cells.  相似文献   

J R Martinez  N Cassity  S Barker 《Experientia》1987,43(9):1013-1015
The beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol and prostaglandins E1 and E2 (but not F2 alpha) increased the cAMP content of rat submandibular acini in vitro, but only isoproterenol enhanced ouabain-sensitive 86Rb (K) uptake. These findings suggest that cAMP is not involved in the activation of the Na, K pump in salivary cells.  相似文献   

Summary In various organs of the guinea pig, the total cholesterol content of an organ was significantly correlated with the percentage of esterified cholesterol present in this organ. Cholesterol esterifying capacity was shown in most organs, with highest activities in the adrenals, the spleen and the liver. The significant correlation found between the cholesteryl ester content of an organ and its acyl cholesterol acyltransferase activity suggests a possible role of this enzyme in determining the level of the total and esterified cholesterol in a tissue.This work was supported by a grant Crédit aux Chercheurs du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique of Belgium.Acknowledgments. I am indebted to Prof. C. Harvengt for his stimulating interest and helpful suggestions. I wish to thank Y. van Nieuwenhuyze and J. Costermans for their valuable laboratory assistance and Dr H. Baudon for pathological studies.  相似文献   

F R Heller 《Experientia》1984,40(12):1373-1375
In various organs of the guinea pig, the total cholesterol content of an organ was significantly correlated with the percentage of esterified cholesterol present in this organ. Cholesterol esterifying capacity was shown in most organs, with highest activities in the adrenals, the spleen and the liver. The significant correlation found between the cholesteryl ester content of an organ and its acyl cholesterol acyltransferase activity suggests a possible role of this enzyme in determining the level of the total and esterified cholesterol in a tissue.  相似文献   

All mammalian cells maintain a resting potential generated by ions moving down concentration gradients. In excitable cells, the inside potential is negative relative to outside. In order to maintain this electrochemical gradient, the sodium potassium (Na/K) pump actively transports out three sodium ions for every two potassium ions it brings in. This process generates a net outward current and thus hyperpolaizes the resting potential. I employed dihydroouabain (DHO) to inhibit the Na/K pump and thus measure its contribution to the resting potential. It contributed 9.0 mV at 34°C and 3.8 mV at 25°C. The PK/PNa ratios were calculated at both temperatures before and after subtracting the Na/K pump contribution. These ratios also suggested a decreased contribution of the Na/K pump under hypothermia. Taken together, these results suggest that the pump contribution to the resting potential is more significant at physiologic temperatures (34°C) than at room temperature (25°C), and that estimates of selective permeability can only be accurately obtained after assessing and eliminating the Na/K pump contribution to the resting potential.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass in Gehirnen 30 Tage alter für audiogene Krämpfe anfälliger Mäuse (Stamm DBA) die Aktivität der (Na, K)ATPase gegenüber nicht Anfälligen (Stamm C57) signifikant vermindert war.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Fliessgeschwindigkeit der Lymphe im ductus thoracicus und der Gehalt an Phospholipiden, Cholesterin und Triglyceriden wurde vor und nach akutem Blutverlust in anaesthesierten, splenektomierten Hunden bestimmt. Vor allem nach grossen Blutverlusten wurde eine starke Erhöhung des Lipidgehaltes der Lymphe nachgewiesen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Histidin-Decarboxylase-(HD)-Aktivität im Hypothalamus des Kaninchens wurde nach Oophorectomie und Thyroidectomie gemessen. Die Resultate zeigten, dass die HD-Aktivität sich 20 Tage nach der Oophorectomie und der Thyroidectomie verdoppelt. 20 Tage nach kombinierter Oophorectomie und Thyroidectomie stieg die HD-Aktivität ungefär 4mal, verglichen mit der Aktivität des Kontrollmatrials. Sham-operierte Kontrollen zeigten keine Veränderungen der HD-Aktivität im Hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The level of malondialdehyde (MDA), an index of lipid peroxidation, and the antioxidants superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH), as well as the activity of Na+, K+-ATPase, were assessed in whole rat brain after immobilization, anemic hypoxia (NaNO2) and 72 h starvation. The effect of these stressors on plasma glucose and corticosterone levels was also observed. Hypoxia and starvation stimulated the lipidj peroxide formation in braini as indicated by an increase in the level of MDA, being higher after starvation than hypoxia. Brain SOD activity was also increased in response to hypoxia and starvation while GSH content was only diminished ini hypoxia. However, neither MDA nor antioxidants were affected by immobilization. On the other hand, the activity of brain Na+, K+-ATPase was significantly increased by immobilization and hypoxia but decreased in starvation. A similar pattern of change was also observed in plasma glucose and corticosterone levels in response to these stressors. These results elucidate differences in the biochemical response of animals towards various types of stress, with increased lipid peroxide formation in hypoxia and starvation.  相似文献   

Résumé L'ATP induit la libération de catécholamines des granules chromaffines médullaires. Nous discutons le rôle du Cl dans ce processus vis-à-vis l'activité de l'ATPase et la phosphorylation des membranes. Nos résultats indiquent que la réaction aboutissant à la liberation de catécholamines est un phenomène comportant plusieurs étapes échelonnées après l'hydrolyse de l'ATP.

Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

K Yamada  A Goto  M Ishii  M Yoshioka  T Sugimoto 《Experientia》1988,44(11-12):992-993
We measured endogenous digitalis-like factor (EDF) in rat plasma during acute saline infusion by two different procedures. Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitory activity in the rat plasma significantly increased during saline loading (7.8 +/- 2.2 vs 2.5 +/- 0.9%, with and without acute saline loading, respectively, p less than 0.05). On the other hand, the plasma digoxin-like immunoreactivity significantly decreased during acute saline loading (16.9 +/- 1.6 vs 32.0 +/- 2.8 pg digoxin equivalents/ml, with and without acute saline loading, respectively, p less than 0.01). These results indicate that the major substances detected by digoxin-like immunoreactivity and direct Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitory activity are completely different, at least in rat plasma.  相似文献   

Examination of a section of an otolith from a teleost fish by fast atom bombardment-secondary ion mass spectrometry (FAB-SIMS) revealed seasonal periodicity in Sr, Na, and K concentrations that corresponded with visually observed annual banding. Strontium maxima also corresponded with Na and K minima and vice versa. In addition there was a general, apparently age-related, trend in Sr levels, with concentrations at the edge of the otolith being higher than in the core.  相似文献   

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