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Thedioxotetraamineligandspossessthestructuressimilartothoseoftheoligopeptides .Theyareabletoformstablecomplexeswithtransitionmetalions .Theirtwoamidemoietieslosehydrogenionsduringcoordinationwithdivalentmetalions,thereforetheyareabletosta bilizehighoxid…  相似文献   

IntroductionThemainmissionofpowerplantsimulatorsistoprovideinvaluabletrainingtoplantoperationalpersonnel.Todaythesimulatorshavebeenwidelyusedandtheirtrainingvalueshavebeenwellrecognized.Overthepastthreedecades,thesimulatorshavegonethroughseveralmajor…  相似文献   

Chitosan Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionTransectioninjuredperipheralnervehasalwaysbeendifficulttorepair .Clinicalmethodsincludeepineuriumsuturing (usedforslightlyinjurednerves)andautograft (usedforseverelylaceratednerves) .Unfortunately ,bothmethodshavedisadvantagessuchasnervedistort…  相似文献   

Triple-layer Absorptive Structures for Shock Wave Blast Protection   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Thesurvivabilityofamissilesiloagainstablastwaveconstitutesacriticalissuefornationaldefense.Atriplelayerstructureisdesignedtostrengthentheprevioussinglelayerdesign.AsshowninFig1,thebottomlayerisacircularplatemadeofreinforcedconcrete(RC).Tworingsofsimples…  相似文献   

IntroductionInthestudyofanelectricalnetworkorapowersystem,theconceptofenergyfunctionisveryusefulindeducingthetransientstabilityofthesystem.BasedondissipativetheoryandnonlinearH∞approach,thispaperdiscussestwospecialsupplyrates,whichcorrespondtopassivi…  相似文献   

IntroductionThemethodologyofmulticlassifiercombinationattractsextensiveattentionfromresearchersinthefieldofpatternrecognition.Mostresearchesfocusonhowtoselectthebestresultfromthosegivenbyseveraldifferentclassifiersforthepurposeofthebestrecognitionra…  相似文献   

Numerical Investigation of a High-speed Centrifugal Compressor Impeller   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionCentrifugalcompressorsareusedwidelyinindustryduetotheiradvantagesofsimplestructureandhighpressureratio.Theirefficiencyandstabilityareadverselyinfluencedbythepresenceofimpellerexitflownonuniformity.Inrecentyears,asaresultofimprovementsin…  相似文献   

Point-pattern Matching Using Irreducible Matrix and Relative Invariant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionPointpatternmatchingisanimportanttopicinthefieldsofcomputervisionandpatternrecognition.Itsmaintaskistopairupthepointsintwoimagesofthesamescenewhenthereisageometrictransformationrelatingthetwoimages.Thetransformationmayberigidtransformati…  相似文献   

TheexpressionofheterologousproteinsinEscherichiacolihasbecomeastandardtech niqueinmolecularbiology .E .coliexpressionsystemshavetheadvantagesofproductioneco nomicsandlogistics .TheseadvantageshavemadeE .coliexpressionsystemapopularchoicefortheproductionof…  相似文献   

IntroductionThephotosynthesislightreactionin plantsoccursinthethylakoidmembraneofthechloroplasts .Theproteincomplexesinthethylakoidmembranesaresupermolecularsystemsconsistingof proteins ,lipidsand pigmentswhichregulateandcontrolthelightenergyabsorption ,…  相似文献   

H J Cooke  W A Brown  G A Rappold 《Nature》1984,311(5983):259-261
During meiosis the human X and Y chromosomes form a synaptonemal complex which covers most of Yp and the terminal 30% of Xp (ref. 1). By analogy with the autosomes, this is presumed to reflect DNA sequence homology. It has been suggested that these regions of the X and Y chromosomes contain either related or identical loci which are distal to a site of cross-over, and support for these ideas has come from the finding that an X-linked cell-surface antigen controlling gene MIC2 is related to a gene on the Y chromosome. A number of DNA sequences have been shown to occur either on the X and Y chromosomes or on the X, Y and autosomes. We have now isolated a sequence from the Y chromosome which is present on Xq and Yq. This region lies well outside the pairing segments, and sequence analysis reveals no base change in 1 kilobase pair (kb). This high degree of similarity between the X and Y chromosomes near the tips of the long arms is a strong indication that interchange can occur in this region.  相似文献   

舍蝇染色体组型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对舍蝇的染色体组型进行了分析研究,绘制了组型模式图。舍蝇的染色体组型2n=12,染色体臂数为24(N.F),配成六对。五对染色体属于中部和亚中部着丝粒染色体,其中有一对为异型染色体(X、Y)。舍蝇染色体组型的分析为研究其他家蝇的分类,亲缘关系提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

本文对舍蝇的染色体组型进行了分析研究,绘制了组型模式图。舍蝇的染色体组型2n=12,染色体臂数为24(N.F),配成六对。五对染色体属于中部和亚中部着丝粒染色体,其中有一对为异型染色体(X、Y)。舍蝇染色体组型的分析为研究其他家蝇的分类,亲缘关系提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

Two centuries after the duck-billed platypus was discovered, monotreme chromosome systems remain deeply puzzling. Karyotypes of males, or of both sexes, were claimed to contain several unpaired chromosomes (including the X chromosome) that form a multi-chromosomal chain at meiosis. Such meiotic chains exist in plants and insects but are rare in vertebrates. How the platypus chromosome system works to determine sex and produce balanced gametes has been controversial for decades. Here we demonstrate that platypus have five male-specific chromosomes (Y chromosomes) and five chromosomes present in one copy in males and two copies in females (X chromosomes). These ten chromosomes form a multivalent chain at male meiosis, adopting an alternating pattern to segregate into XXXXX-bearing and YYYYY-bearing sperm. Which, if any, of these sex chromosomes bears one or more sex-determining genes remains unknown. The largest X chromosome, with homology to the human X chromosome, lies at one end of the chain, and a chromosome with homology to the bird Z chromosome lies near the other end. This suggests an evolutionary link between mammal and bird sex chromosome systems, which were previously thought to have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Characterization of a murine gene expressed from the inactive X chromosome   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
In mammals, equal dosage of gene products encoded by the X chromosome in male and female cells is achieved by X inactivation. Although X-chromosome inactivation represents the most extensive example known of long range cis gene regulation, the mechanism by which thousands of genes on only one of a pair of identical chromosomes are turned off is poorly understood. We have recently identified a human gene (XIST) exclusively expressed from the inactive X chromosome. Here we report the isolation and characterization of its murine homologue (Xist) which localizes to the mouse X inactivation centre region and is the first murine gene found to be expressed from the inactive X chromosome. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that Xist may be associated with a protein product. The similar map positions and expression patterns for Xist in mouse and man suggest that this gene may have a role in X inactivation.  相似文献   

K Harbers  P Soriano  U Müller  R Jaenisch 《Nature》1986,324(6098):682-685
The mammalian X and Y chromosomes, in contrast to the autosomes, pair during male meiosis only near the telomeres. Alleles localized in this region can undergo reciprocal exchange during meiosis. Because such sequences do not show strict sex-linked inheritance, they have been termed pseudoautosomal. In man, several DNA sequences have been described which show pseudoautosomal transmission and which are localized in the pairing region at the ends of the short arms of both the X and Y chromosomes (refs 6-9, and D. Page, unpublished results). We now show that the transgenic mouse strain, Mov-15, contains a single Moloney murine leukaemia virus (M-MuLV) genome in its germline, and genetic evidence indicates that the provirus is integrated into the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosome. Proviral copies are lost or gained in 7% of male meioses in this strain, and mouse sequences flanking the provirus are tandemly repeated and highly variable. We conclude that unequal recombination events occur with high frequency in the pairing region, possibly because of the presence of repeated sequences.  相似文献   

Homologous expressed genes in the human sex chromosome pairing region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The human sex chromosomes share a pair of homologous genes which independently encode a cell-surface antigen defined by the monoclonal antibody 12E7 (refs 1, 2; see refs 3, 4 for review). The X-located homologue, MIC2X, escapes X-inactivation and the equivalent Y-located locus, MIC2Y, was one of the first genes shown to reside on a mammalian Y chromosome. By using a bacterial expression system we have previously cloned a complementary DNA sequence corresponding to a MIC2 gene and have used this probe to show that the MIC2X and MIC2Y loci are closely related, if not identical. Here we report the use of the cloned probe to confirm the localization of the MIC2X locus to the region Xpter-Xp22.32 (ref. 7) and demonstrate, for the first time, that the MIC2Y locus is located on the short arm of the Y chromosome in the distal region Ypter-Yp11.2. The MIC2 sequences and the sequences described in the accompanying papers by Cooke et al. and Simmler et al. are the first which have been shown to be shared by the sex chromosomes in the pairing region.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes share a small terminal region of homologous DNA sequences, which pair and recombine during male meiosis. Alleles in this region can be exchanged between X and Y chromosomes and are therefore inherited as if autosomal. Genes from this so-called pseudoautosomal region (PAR) are present in two doses in both males and females, and escape inactivation of the X chromosome in females. Indirect evidence suggests that there must be several pseudoautosomal genes, and several candidates have been proposed. Until now, the only gene that has been unequivocally located in the PAR is MIC2, which encodes a cell-surface antigen of unknown function. We now report the localization of a gene of known function to this region--the gene for the receptor of the haemopoietic regulator, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. The chromosomal localization of this gene may be important in understanding the generation of M2 acute myeloid leukaemia.  相似文献   

The mammalian sex chromosomes are thought to be related to each other by sharing a common origin. That is, the X and Y chromosomes originally evolved from a pair of chromosomes that only differed at the locus determining sexual differentiation. For example, this evolutionary relationship is reflected during meiosis in chromosomal pairing between the tip of the human X chromosome short arm and the Y chromosome which presumably implies sequence homology. However, compelling genetic evidence for functional homology between the mammalian X and Y chromosome is lacking. We describe here the localization of a gene to the tip of the short arm of the human X chromosome and evidence for a related gene on the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

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