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Terrestrial heat flow in Junggar Basin, Northwest China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Based on temperature logs of 117 boreholes and thermal conductivity of 119 rock samples, the first group of 35 heat flow data in the Junggar Basin are presented. The thermal gradients vary between 11.6 and 26.5°C/km, and the thermal conductivity changes from 0.17 to 3.6 W/mK. Heat flow ranges from 23.4 to 53.7 mw/m2 with a mean of (42.3±7.7) mW/m2. The heat flow pattern shows that heat flow is higher in the uplifts and lower in the depressions. The factors affecting the heat flow and its distribution include basin type, basement structure, sediment thickness, radioactive heat generation, etc. The overall low present-day heat flow in the Junggar Basin reflected its tectonothermal evolution characterized by lithospheric thickening, thrust and fault at shallow crust as well as consequently quick subsidence during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Different types of UHP metamorphic rocks havebeen recently discovered in the Altyn Tagh[1—4], the north-ern margin of Qadam Basin[5—7], the southwestern Tian-shan Mountains[8,9] and the northern Qinling Moun-tains[10,11] in Central and Western China. And these areashave attracted focus attention of geologists at home andabroad to the studying of UHP metamorphism and conti-nental deep subduction. However, as newly discoveredUHP metamorphic terranes, some questions have beenarisen abou…  相似文献   

The continental lithosphere growth mainly includes the horizontal accretion at the plate boundaries and vertical accretion within the plate[1]. Mafic magmatic materials, as the products of crust-mantle interaction[2,3], became more and more important in studying the formation and evolu- tion of the lower crust. The previous geologic researcheson Tianshan, extending nearly 2500 km from east to west, and the neighbor area were mainly focused on the Paleozoic collision structure[4 ― 6], Mesozoi…  相似文献   

The Dabie-Sulu UHP rocks belt: review and prospect   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The new results in the studies of the Dabie-Sulu UHP rocks belt during the past 5 years were summarized and discussed. The discussion included the following key points: ( i ) UHP eclogite has two kinds of country rocks, with one being UHP eclogite facies rocks and the other non-UHP granitic gneiss. ( ii ) The FeTiO3 in olivine indicated exsolution at depth of 300–400 km. However, the key point is to prove the peridotite in which the FeTlO3 in olivine was found once had been subducted down that depth. ( iii ) UHP hydrous phase evidenced that fluids had taken part in the UHP metamorphism, while the meter-scale inhomogeneous distribution of O-, C-isotope indicated no fluid activity in the deep subduction environment. ( IV ) No agreement has been arrived on many problems related to the tectonic background of the UHP rocks, such as “whether or not ophiolitic rocks there exist now?”, “when did UHP metamorphism proceed?”, “what is the subdution polarity?”, etc. ( V ) How did the UHP rocks exhume from mantle depth? The future studies will focus on the following three subjects: ( i ) thermal dynamics of the UHP metamorphism, ( ii ) relationship between UHP metamorphism and collision orogeny, as well as their geodynamics, and ( iii ) interactions between crust and mantle, and between continental lithosphere and asthenosphere during the collision orogenic process, as well as their constraints to the evolution of continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Fluidinclusionstudiesarepowerfultoolsfordeci-pheringthefluidevolutionandfluid-rockinteractionin-volvingultrahigh-pressure(UHP)metamorphismofcrustalrocksatmantledepths.Thecompositionandprop-ertiesoffluidinclusionscanreflectthephysico-chemicalconditionsofthefluidsduringplatesubduction,UHPmetamorphismandexhumation.However,UHPmeta-morphicrockscommonlyexperiencedconsiderablede-compressionrelatedtotherapidexhumationprocess.Thishascausedtheinternalpressureoftheinclusionstrappedinthemetamorphicmin…  相似文献   

The possible subduction of continental material to depths greater than 200 km   总被引:102,自引:0,他引:102  
Ye K  Cong B  Ye D 《Nature》2000,407(6805):734-736
Determining the depth to which continental lithosphere can be subducted into the mantle at convergent plate boundaries is of importance for understanding the long-term growth of supercontinents as well as the dynamic processes that shape such margins. Recent discoveries of coesite and diamond in regional ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks has demonstrated that continental material can be subducted to depths of at least 120 km (ref. 1), and subduction to depths of 150-300 km has been inferred from garnet peridotites in orogenic UHP belts based on several indirect observations. But continental subduction to such depths is difficult to trace directly in natural UHP metamorphic crustal rocks by conventional mineralogical and petrological methods because of extensive late-stage recrystallization and the lack of a suitable pressure indicator. It has been predicted from experimental work, however, that solid-state dissolution of pyroxene should occur in garnet at depths greater than 150 km (refs 6-8). Here we report the observation of high concentrations of clinopyroxene, rutile and apatite exsolutions in garnet within eclogites from Yangkou in the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt, China. We interpret these data as resulting from the high-pressure formation of pyroxene solid solutions in subducted continental material. Appropriate conditions for the Na2O concentrations and octahedral silicon observed in these samples are met at depths greater than 200 km.  相似文献   

Greenschist-facies metasedimentary and metaigne- ous rocks are frequently found to occur continuously along convergent plate margins where high pressure (HP) or ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks also crop out[1-7]. Geological investigations of co…  相似文献   

Mean heat flows and heat Josses of the Northern and Southern hemispheres are calculated using degree 12 spherical harmonic representation of the global heat flow field (Pollacket al., 1993). Mean heat flows and heat losses of 0° hemisphere and 180° hemisphere, with median lines being 0° longitude and 180° longitude, are also calculated. The mean heat flow of the Southern Hemisphere is 99.3 mW·m¨, significantly higher than that of the Northern Hemisphere (74.0 mW·m¨). The mean heat flow of 0° hemisphere (94. 1 mW·m2) is also higher than the value of 180° hemisphere (79. 3 mW·m2). The mantle heat loss from the Southern Hemisphere is 22.1 × 1012 W, as twice as that from the Northern Hemisphere (10.8 × 1012 W). The 16.9 × 1012 W mantle heat loss from 0° hemisphere is close to 16.0 × 1012 W from 180° hemisphere. The hemispherical asymmetry of global heat loss is originated by the asymmetry of geographic distribution of continents and oceans. The asymmetric distribution of heat loss is a long-term phenomenon in the geological history.  相似文献   

Some new ideas about the deep subduction of continental crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery of coesite in metasedimentary rocks not only implies that the materials of continental crust with low density could subduct down to mantle depth, but also initiates a series of studies on continent-deep-sub-duction. Could continental crust be subducted down to the depth of more than 300 km? Water played a role in ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphism although limited. Was the fluid really limited within meter-scale, as the authors suggested, at mantle depth? Erosion and extension could remove the overburden of the UHP rocks, while squeezing and buoyancy could lift up the UHP rocks through the overburden. What, however, is the main process and mechanism with which the UHP rocks have exhumed from mantle depth? All progress of these studies will eventually form and complete a new paradigm of geodynamics.  相似文献   

Based on the available borehole temperature data and measurements of thermal conductivities on 10 core samples in the Southern South Yellow Sea Basin, 8 heat flow values are obtained. The results show that the mean values of temperature gradient and heat flow are 28.6“C/km and 69 mW/m^2, respectivdy. The thermal history reconstruction from the inversion of vitrinite reflectance data, using the temperature-gradient method, indicates that the highest paleo-heat flow occurred at the end of the Mesozoic, and then the barn began to cool to present day. Tectonic subsidence analysis shows that the basin experienced at least four episodes of quick subsidence since the late Paleozoic and that the tectonic evolution was quite strong and complex.  相似文献   

Abundantbasic-ultrabasicbodiescropoutintheDabie-Suluultrahighpressure(UHP)metamorphicbeltandoccurasgroupandband.Muchresearchworkhasbeencarriedoutonthebasic-ultrabasicbodiesandmadeagreatprogressespeciallyonmineralogy.ThediscoveryofmineralassemblagesofUHPmetamorphismandexsolvedlamellaesuggestthattherocksmaycomefromthedeepmantleorwasonceemplacedintotheshallowlevelofthecrustandthensubductedtothemantledepthsduringsub-ductionofthecrust[1—13].However,theiroriginandtec-tonicsettingarestillacontrov…  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,discoveriesofhightoultrahighpressuremetamorphicrocksatthenorthandsouthsidesoftheQinlingGroupinthenorthernpartoftheQinlingMountains(hereafterNorthQinling)haveattractedfocusattentionofgeologistsworldwide.Thenorthhigh-pressure(HP)metamorphicbelt,distributedintheareafromGuanpotoShuanghuaishunorthwardtoShizipin,LushCountyinHenanProvince,consistsmainlyofeclogiteoutcroppedaslenticularmassesofdifferentsizesinthegneissesoftheQinlingGroupclosetothesouthsideofZhuyangguan-Xiaguanfault…  相似文献   

The geological characteristics of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belts formed by deep subduction of oceanic crust are summarized in this paper. Oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is characterized by its protolithlc assemblage of typical oceanic crust, the peak metamorphic temperature 〈600℃, P-T path undergoing blueschist facies during prograde and retrograde metamorphic evolution, reepectively, with low geothermal gradient of cold subduction. The further study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is very significant for constructing metamorphic reaction series of cold subduction zone, for understanding how aqueous fluids were transported into deep mantle and for classifying the types of UHP metamorphism in cold subduction zone. The uplift and exhumation mechanism of oceanic UHP metamorphic rocks is one of the most challenging problems in the study of UHP metamorphism, which is very important for understanding the geodynamic mechanism of solid Earth. As a traveler eubducted into the mantle depth end then uplifted to the surface, oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts witness the bulk process from the subduction to exhumation and is an ideal target to study the geochemical behavior end cycling of elements in subduction zones. The tectonic evolution of one convergent orogenic belt can be usually divided into two stages of oceanic subduction and followed continental subduction and collision, and the two best-established examples of orogenic belts are Alpa and Himalaya. Therefore, the study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is the frontier of the current plate tectonic theory. As two case studies, the current status and existing problems of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts in Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam, NW China, are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

Zircon CL imaging and SHRIMP U-Pb dating were carried out for migmatite in the Dabie orogen. Zircons from the Manshuihe migmatite show clear core-rim structures. The cores display sector or weak zoning and low Th/U ratios of 0.01 to 0.17, indicating their precipitation from metamorphic fluid. They yield a weighted mean age of 137±5 Ma. By contrast, the rims exhibit planar or nebulous zoning with relatively high Th/U ratios of 0.35 to 0.69, suggesting their growth from metamorphic melt. They give a weighted mean age of 124±2 Ma. Zircons from the Fenghuangguan migmatite also display core-rim structures. The cores are weakly oscillatory zoned or unzoned with high Th/U ratios of 0.21 to 3.03, representing inherited zircons of magmatic origin that experienced different degrees of solid-state recrystallization. SHRIMP U-Pb analyses obtain that its protolith was emplaced at 768±12 Ma, consistent with middle Neoproterozoic ages for protoliths of most UHP metaigneous rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. By contrast, the rims do not show significant zoning and have very low Th/U ratios of 0.01 to 0.09, typical of zircon crystallized from metamorphic fluid. They yield a weighted 206Pb/238U age of 137±4 Ma. Taking the two case dates together, it appears that there are two episodes of zircon growth and thus migmati-tization at 137±2 Ma and 124±2 Ma, respectively, due to metamorphic dehydration and partial melting. The appearance of metamorphic dehydration corresponds to the beginning of tectonic extension thus to the tectonic switch from crustal compression to extension in the Dabie orogen. On the other hand, the partial melting is responsible for the extensional climax, resulting in formation of coeval migmatite, granitoid and granulite. They share the common protolith, the collision-thickened continental crust of mid-Neoproterozoic ages.  相似文献   

The Yematan batholith crops out over 120 km^2 in the North Qaidam ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. It consists of granodiorite, monzogranite and biotite granite and forms an irregular intrusion into Neoproterozoic gneiss that has undergone Caledonian UHP metamorphism. Zircons from the Yematan granodiorite yield a SHRIMP U-Pb age of 397 3 Ma. These granitic rocks have geochemical characteristics intermediate between I- and S-type granites, and are post-collisional. We suggest that the Yematan granitic rocks were formed during the last exhumation event of the North Qaidam UHP belt.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the recent literature on the synthesis, characterization, and adsorption properties of meal-organic framework MOF-177. MOF-177 is a porous crystalline material that consists of Zn4O tetrahedrons connected with benzene tribenzoate (BTB) ligands. It is an ideal adsorbent with an exceptionally high specific surface area (BET4500 m2/g), a uniform micropore size distribution with a median pore diameter of 12.7 ?, a large pore volume (2.65 cm3/g), and very promising adsorption properties for hydrogen storage and other gas separation and purification applications. A hydrogen adsorption amount of 19.6 wt.% on MOF-177 at 77 K and 100 bar was observed, and a CO2 uptake of 35 mmol/g on MOF-177 was measured at 45 bar and an ambient temperature. Other hydrogen properties (kinetics and heat of adsorption) along with adsorption of other gases including CO2, CO, CH4, and N2O on MOF-177 were also be discussed. It was observed in experiments that MOF-177 adsorbent tends to degrade or decompose when it is exposed to moisture. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the structure of MOF-177 remains intact at temperatures below 330℃ under a flow of oxygen, but decomposes to zinc oxide at 420℃.  相似文献   

Leucogranites play a significant role in understanding crustal thickening, melting within continental collisional belts, and plateau uplift. Field investigations show that Miocene igneous rocks from the Hoh Xil Lake area mainly consist of two-mica leucogranites and rhyolites. We studied the Bukadaban two-mica leucogranites and the Kekao Lake, Malanshan and Hudongliang rhyolites by zircon U-Pb, muscovite and sanidine 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis. Results yielded crystallization and cooling ages for the Bukadaban leucogranites of 9.7±0.2 and 6.88±0.19 Ma, respectively. Extrusive ages of the Kekao Lake and Malanshan rhyolites are 14.5±0.8 and 9.37±0.30 Ma, respectively. All rocks are enriched in SiO2 (70.99%-73.59%), Al2O3 (14.39%-15.25%) and K2O (3.78%-5.50%) but depleted in Fe2O3 (0.58%-1.56%), MgO (0.11%- 0.44%) and CaO (0.59%-1.19%). The rocks are strongly peraluminous (A/CNK=1.11?1.21) S-type granites characterized by negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu=0.18-0.39). In also considering their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sri=0.7124 to 0.7143; δ Nd (9 Ma) =-5.5 to -7.1), we propose that these igneous rocks were generated through dehydration melting of muscovite in the thickened middle or lower crust of northern Tibet. Melting was probably triggered by localized E-W stretching decompression in the horse tails of Kunlun sinistral strike-slip faults. Reactivation of the Kunlun strike-slip faults, accompanied by emplacement of leucogranite and eruption of rhyolite in the Hoh Xil Lake area, indicates that large-scale crustal shortening and thickening in northern Tibet mainly occurred before 15 Ma. In addition, these findings suggest that the northern Tibetan Plateau attained its present elevation (~5000 m) at least 15 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra in the region of 3 000 to 4 000 cm−1 have been measured by an FTIR spectrometer on minerals in UHP eclogites from the Bixiling and Shuanghe areas, the Dabie Mountains. It is shown that omphacite is the most important hydrous mineral (100–200 μg/g) in UHP eclogites. Garnet and quartz contain virtually no H2O or OH. Accessory mineral rutile contains a significant amount of OH (>1 000 μg/g). Coesite gives no indication of the presence of OH but apparent H2O bands. The results have considerable implications for existing forms and contents of hydroxyl in the continental deep subduction zone, the eastern Dabie Mountains.  相似文献   

A felsic tuffaceous rock, obtained from a metamorphosed sequence of volcanics and sediments of the Hutuo Group, 8 km south of Taihuai in Wutaishan, contains two zircon populations. These record SHRIMP 207Pb/206Pb weighted mean ages of 2180±5 Ma and 2087±9 Ma, respectively. The older date is within error of the age of the Dawaliang Granite in Wutaishan and is considered to be  相似文献   

Although tectonic models were presented for exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks during the continental collision, there is increasing evidence for the decoupling between crustal slices at various depths within deeply subducted continental crust. This lends support to the multi-slice successive exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. The available evidence is summarized as follows: (1) the low-grade metamorphic slices, which have geotectonic affinity to the South China Block and part of them records the Triassic metamorphism, occur in the northern margin of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic zone, suggesting decoupling of the upper crust from the underlying basement during the initial stages of continental subduction; (2) the Dabie and Sulu HP to UHP metamorphic zones comprise several HP to UHP slices, which have an increased trend of metamorphic grade from south to north but a decreased trend of peak metamorphic ages correspondingly; and (3) the Chinese Continental Science Drilling (CCSD) project at Donghai in the Sulu orogen reveals that the UHP metamorphic zone is composed of several stacked slices, which display distinctive high and low radiogenic Pb from upper to lower parts in the profile, suggesting that these UHP crustal slices were derived from the subducted upper and middle crusts, respectively. Detachment surfaces within the deeply subducted crust may occur either along an ancient fault as a channel of fluid flow, which resulted in weakening of mechanic strength of the rocks adjacent to the fault due to fluid-rock interaction, or along the low-viscosity zones which resulted from variations of geotherms and lithospheric compositions at different depths. The multi-slice successive exhumation model is different from the traditional exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in that the latter assumes the detachment of the entire subducted continental crust from the underlying mantle lithosphere and its subsequent exhumation as a whol  相似文献   

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