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利用恒电位法、循环伏安法和双电位阶跃法在聚苯胺修饰Pt电极上沉积Pt微粒,并用其制备了甲醇阳极氧化的催化电极.研究结果表明,此种电极对甲醇氧化具有很好的电催化活性,并有协同催化作用.对不同Pt微粒电化学沉积方式所得电极的电催化活性进行了比较.在其它条件都相同的情况下,恒电位法沉积Pt微粒所得复合电极的电催化活性最好,双电位阶跃法沉积Pt微粒所得复合电极的电催化活性最差.同时,沉积方式相同时,不同沉积条件对所得复合电极的电催化活性有一定影响.在所研究的范围内,恒电位-0.25 V,循环电位-0.25~0.65 V以及双电位阶跃在-0.25 V持续时间为100 s时所得电极的催化活性优于其它条件下所得复合电极的电催化活性.  相似文献   

通过高电位过氧化活化玻碳电极的方法制得了同多钼酸修饰电极,结果表明该修饰电极保持了同多钼酸的电化学活性,并且有良好的稳定性。所制得的修饰电极对酸性水溶液中的地过氧化氢,氯酸钾,亚硝酸钾具有良好的电化学催化活性,催化过程的EC平行催化机理。  相似文献   

Pt/CeO2–C catalysts with CeO2 pre-calcined at 300–600°C were synthesized by combining hydrothermal calcination and wet impregnation. The effects of the pre-calcined CeO2 on the performance of Pt/CeO2–C catalysts in methanol oxidation were investigated. The Pt/CeO2–C catalysts with pre-calcined CeO2 at 300–600°C showed an average particle size of 2.6–2.9 nm and exhibited better methanol electro-oxidation catalytic activity than the commercial Pt/C catalyst. In specific, the Pt/CeO2–C catalysts with pre-calcined CeO2 at 400°C displayed the highest electrochemical surface area value of 68.14 m2·g?1 and If/Ib ratio (the ratio of the forward scanning peak current density (If) and the backward scanning peak current density (Ib)) of 1.26, which are considerably larger than those (53.23 m2·g?1 and 0.79, respectively) of the commercial Pt/C catalyst, implying greatly enhanced CO tolerance.  相似文献   

采用热解法和电化学沉积法两种方法,在洁净的FTO导电玻璃上沉积纳米铂,用于甲醇的直接电催化氧化.利用SEM、XRD手段对这两种纳米铂催化剂形貌和结构进行了表征,并用电化学方法分析它们的稳定性和对甲醇电催化氧化的活性.实验结果表明,用热解法制备的纳米铂致密地分布在FTO导电玻璃上,而通过电化学沉积方法制备的纳米铂微粒在FTO导电玻璃上分布均匀,其粒径随还原沉积时间的增加逐渐增大,到一定程度会形成团聚.在电极稳定性和对甲醇电催化氧化活性方面,电化学沉积制备的纳米铂催化剂优于热解制备的纳米铂催化剂.  相似文献   

采用低温固相反应法制备了直接甲醇燃料电池用PtSn/C阳极催化剂,采用XRD、TEM等测试方法对催化剂的晶体结构和粒径大小进行了表征. 结果表明:采用低温固相反应法制备的PtSn/C催化剂和Pt/C催化剂均表现为Pt的fcc晶体结构;Sn的加入导致Pt的晶胞参数增大;与同法所制Pt/C催化剂相比较,PtSn/C催化剂中金属Pt在碳载体上分布较均匀,金属粒子的粒径较小,平均粒径约为4.8 nm,从而具有更大的反应表面积. 电化学测试表明,对于甲醇电氧化,PtSn/C催化剂具有比Pt/C催化剂更强的催化能力.  相似文献   

本文采用不同的沉淀方式制备CO2加氢合成甲醇催化剂CuO-ZnO/ZrO2,考察了沉淀方式,生成沉淀pH,沉淀温度,焙烧温度对催化剂活性的影响。  相似文献   

综述了CO2选择性加氢制甲醇非铜基催化剂的研究进展,着重讨论了负载型金属催化剂、双金属催化剂、固溶体催化剂、氧化铟基催化剂。分析表明,以MaZrOx(Ma=Zn, Ga, Cd)固溶体催化剂为代表的新兴复合氧化物催化剂及In2O3基催化剂,可同时实现高甲醇选择性、高甲醇收率、良好稳定性,极具大规模工业化应用前景。  相似文献   

以电位扫描法将铂微粒沉积在聚2,5┐二甲氧基苯胺薄膜电极上制得铂微粒掺杂的聚2,5┐二甲氧基苯胺电极.该电极集催化活性和电活性于一体,在甲醛浓度为1mol/L的硫酸溶液里的电化学氧化显示了较高的催化活性.铂微粒的大小、分布和载量,甲醛的浓度,电氧化温度等因素对电催化作用均有影响  相似文献   

PtCo alloy nanoparticles are deposited onto graphene sheets through a facile and reproducible hydrothermal method.During the hydrothermal reaction,the reduction of graphene oxide and PtCo alloy nanoparticles loading can be achieved.X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses reveal a good crystallinity of the supported Pt nanoparticles in the composites and the formation of PtCo alloy.X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) results depict that Pt mainly exists in the metallic form,while much of the cobalt is oxidized.Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations show that the PtCo alloy nanoparticles are uniformly dispersed on graphene nanosheets compared with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs).This PtCo-graphene composite exhibits excellent electrocatalytic activity and high poison tolerance toward poisoning species for methanol oxidation reaction,far outperforming the Pt-graphene or PtCo-MWNTs composites with the same feeding ratio of Pt/carbon.  相似文献   

酶电极法测定药用乳酸中L-乳酸含量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以固定化L-乳酸氧化酶(与H2O2电极构成乳酸酶电极生物传感器,研究了乳酸酶电极分析法的各种分析条件及参数,并与药典标准酸碱滴定法对比测定了药用乳酸样品中L-左旋乳酸及D.L-外消旋乳酸的含量。结果供试药用乳酸样品中L-乳酸含量约占乳酸总量的10%,因此药用乳酸属于不等量立体异构体药物。采用酶电极法测定药用乳酸中的L-乳酸含量具有专一性高、成本低、分析速度快等优点。  相似文献   

采用循环伏安法电化学聚合制备了聚苯胺/聚砜复合膜电极,研究了复合膜电极对对苯二酚和邻苯二酚的单组分及其混合体系的电催化氧化.结果表明聚苯胺复合膜电极具有很好的电催化作用,在混合体系中对苯二酚的一对氧化还原峰和邻苯二酚的两对氧化还原峰能够清楚地区分;并且在一定的浓度范围内单组分的浓度与峰电流呈良好的线性关系,说明该电极对苯二酚的测定在定性、定量中具有潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

用阶跃过渡应答法研究在PdAg/Al2O3催化剂上甲醇、氧、二氧化碳的吸附行为以及甲醇完全氧化反应应答。结果表明:甲醇为慢吸附、不可逆吸附,氧和二氧化碳为快速、可逆吸附;吸附态氧与吸附态甲醇的反应为快反应;甲醇在催化剂上的吸附是甲醇完全氧化反应的慢步骤。  相似文献   

为解决微细电火花三维加工中存在的电极损耗问题,提出了一种使线性补偿法与均匀损耗法相结合的新的补偿方法.加工实验结果表明,使用这一新补偿方法可明显提高三维微细电火花加工的加工效率和底面粗糙度,并且减少电极损耗.与均匀损耗法相比,电极损耗长度可减少17.8%,表面粗糙度可降低9.9%,材料去除速率可提高10.1%.  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented for computationally simulating collars and drafting patterns. The collar shape was modeled by three-dimensional Bezier patch. Changing the position of control points of the patch can interactively control the collar shape. Using triangular surface developing method, patterns of various styles of stand collar and separating collar were drafted. As the subsystem of 3D apparel design system, an interactive collar design system is constructed. To inspect the practical usage, we reproduced the collars using these patterns drafted by the interactive collar design system. Comparing with simulated collars, the system demonstrated well and we found it is more reliable and accurate than the method of handwork.  相似文献   

Adsorption and oxidation of ethylene glycol (EG) on Pt(100) electrode were studied by in situ timeresolved FTIRS (TRFTIRS). The TRFTIR spectra recorded at 0.10 V illustrate that an IR band appears near 2050 cm^-1 at t 〉 5 s, corresponding to linearly bonded CO formed in dissociative adsorption of EG. The TRFTIR results have confirmed also that CO species are distributed uniformly on Pt(100) surface. Another band appears near 2342 cm^-1 at t 〉 70 s, associating with IR absorption of CO2 produced in the direct oxidation of EG. With the increase of electrode potential, the direct oxidation of EG becomes gradually the main reaction: When the potential is above 0.40 V, the oxidation of EG occurs mainly via the reactive intermediates, i.e. species containing -COOH determined by in situ TRFTIRS.  相似文献   

特高压直流输电换流站接地极的检测多采用人工现场检测,这种方式无法获得接地极的实时运行数据,且人工费用较高.为了满足特高压直流输电系统安全的需求,设计了一种特高压直流输电接地极在线监测系统,该系统采用3G无线通信技术,可远程在线监测接地极电流、观测井水位等重要运行数据及接地极现场视频数据,实现对接地极的故障诊断及寿命评估.系统数据精度高和远程传输快,具有很好的野外运行稳定性.  相似文献   

The platinized FTO glass counter electrode was prepared by employing techniques of colloid preparation, Langmuir-Blodgett film and serf-assembly. The present electrode had very low platinum loading, high catalytic activity for iodine/triiodide reduction reaction. Compared with the conventional counter electrodes used in nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells, the present electrode had provided a much higher catalytic performance which was attributed to the structure of platinum nanoclusters distributed homogeneously on the electrode.  相似文献   

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