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The occurrence and development of riparian forests which are mainly dominated by mesophytes species relate closely with surface water. Since there is no water discharge to the lower reaches of Tarim River in past 5 decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. Based on the analyses of the monitored data of Yingsu, Argan and Luobuzhuang in 2002 and 2003, the effect of water-recharging is discussed. The water-recharging project neglects the fact that that it is flooding that controls the process of Populus euphratica colonizing on the bare surface, but focuses on groundwater influence on vegetation. The flooding control deviates Inherent laws of riparian forests development, so the natural regeneration of riparian forests is checked. The response scope of riparian plants on groundwater uplift is extremely narrow, and most riparian communities have not been optimized. No seedlings of dominant species are found in flooding areas because their physio-ecological characteristics are ignored. The vegetation changes in vicinities of stream only reflect the demand of mesophytes species on the shallow groundwater, however, the water-recharging fails to provide suitable habitats for the seedlings establishment of riparian plants. The present water-recharging scheme is difficult to realize vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

The occurrence and development of riparian forests which are mainly dominated by mesophytes species relate closely with surface water. Since there is no water discharge to the lower reaches of Tarim River in past 5 decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. Based on the analyses of the monitored data of Yingsu, Argan and Luobuzhuang in 2002 and 2003, the effect of water-recharging is discussed. The water-recharging project neglects the fact that that it is flooding that controls the process of Populus euphratica colonizing on the bare surface, but focuses on groundwater influence on vegetation. The flooding control deviates Inherent laws of riparian forests development, so the natural regeneration of riparian forests is checked. The response scope of riparian plants on groundwater uplift is extremely narrow, and most riparian communities have not been optimized. No seedlings of dominant species are found in flooding areas because their physio-ecological characteristics are ignored. The vegetation changes in vicinities of stream only reflect the demand of mesophytes species on the shallow groundwater, however, the water-recharging fails to provide suitable habitats for the seedlings establishment of riparian plants. The present water-recharging scheme is difficult to realize vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

Evaluation of seedling emergence is a common method used to investigate the vegetation restoration potential of soil seed banks. Previous studies have primarily been conducted in the laboratory using a single water treatment. However, when this method is used, it is difficult to optimize the water conditions for the needs of the individual species of seeds. Additionally, the germination conditions for seedlings in the laboratory are different from those in nature. To avoid these issues, we conducted experiments to activate soil seed banks in the field using different water treatments. The results revealed that: (1) generally, the number of species and quantity of seedlings decrease gradually as the water supply decreases, but that for several species most seedlings did not appear when they were provided with the greatest amount of water, and (2) different species present different germination characteristics. According to the rate of seedling emergence, the species were classified into two germination types: fast and slow. In addition, each species also had a unique climax period of emergence, which was delayed with a decrease in water supply. Therefore, the amount of water provided is vital to seedling emergence, and various water treatments should be evaluated when studying the characteristics of different species in soil seed banks. For the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the optimal soil moisture for seedling emergence ranged from 23% to 28%, and seedling conservation should be strengthened during the climax period of emergence (9-15 days from the day when water became available). These results highlight the importance of the use of an optimal water treatment and demonstrate the danger of using a single treatment method. Our results also emphasize the need for a preliminary study prior to conducting studies to evaluate seed banks.  相似文献   

Evaluation of seedling emergence is a common method used to investigate the vegetation restoration potential of soil seed banks. Previous studies have primarily been conducted in the laboratory using a single water treatment. However, when this method is used, it is difficult to optimize the water conditions for the needs of the individual species of seeds. Additionally, the germination conditions for seedlings in the laboratory are different from those in nature. To avoid these issues, we conducted experiments to activate soil seed banks in the field using different water treatments. The results revealed that: (1) generally, the number of species and quantity of seedlings decrease gradually as the water supply decreases, but that for several species most seedlings did not appear when they were provided with the greatest amount of water, and (2) different species present different germination characteristics. According to the rate of seedling emergence, the species were classified into two germination types: fast and slow. In addition, each species also had a unique climax period of emergence, which was delayed with a decrease in water supply. Therefore, the amount of water provided is vital to seedling emergence, and various water treatments should be evaluated when studying the characteristics of different species in soil seed banks. For the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the optimal soil moisture for seedling emergence ranged from 23% to 28%, and seedling conservation should be strengthened during the climax period of emergence (9–15 days from the day when water became available). These results highlight the importance of the use of an optimal water treatment and demonstrate the danger of using a single treatment method. Our results also emphasize the need for a preliminary study prior to conducting studies to evaluate seed banks.  相似文献   

The river corridor areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River are dominated by the traditional green corridors along the river section from the Qara Reservoir in Yuli County to the Taitema Lake in Ruoqiang County, which plays an important role in the social and economic development in the Tarim River Watershed with a extremely significant ecological functions. The buffer zones perpendicular to the watercourse were defined along both riversides at a 5-km interval beginning from the watercourse (10 km wider) using the method of the buffer zone analysis. The landscape pattern indexes of each buffer zone were calculated, and the indexes of the main landscape patterns were analyzed so as to reveal the radiative effect and the characteristics of the river corridors on landscape and patch levels. The results show that the radiative width is generally 30 km in the study area, and can be up to 50-70 km in sub- region FG1 because the study area is located in two drainage basins, with an ecological interstitial zone between them. The landscapes of woodlands and wetlands are generally distributed within the 10 km buffer zone (it means that the buffer zone is 5 km away from the watercourse; the same hereafter) along both riversides. Moreover, the closer the buffer zone is to the watercourse, the higher the patch density and the largest patch index are. In the ecological and environmental regeneration for the study area, the extent of ecological effect of the river corridors must be fully considered, and the projects must be scientifically and rationally planned and designed.  相似文献   

以巴西亚马逊热带森林为例,在Landsat TM、ETM+影像提取光合植被(PV)、非光合植被(NPV)、土壤(soil)端元光谱的基础上,利用线性光谱分解模型得到端元地物丰度,进而设计合理的检测规则实现了选择性森林砍伐与森林再生所产生的森林变化监测。结果表明,基于线性光谱分解的方法能够以较高精度准确检测出选择性砍伐与森林再生,是森林变化宏观监测的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

Based on the model of grassland climate ecological productivity, the process of grassland degradation and its restoration mechanism in northern Tibetan Plateau were discussed by the model of food-chain in which the environmental and human factors were corrected. The results of case study in Nierong County showed that: ① the climate trend of becoming warmer, more droughts and gales were conflicted with the restoration of grassland degradation, even under level of perfect management the climate ecological productivity was declined from 89. 3 kg/m^2 of 1983 to 71.8 kg/m^2 of 2003; ② from 1983 to 2003, the population increased fast, while the variation of livestock on hand was little, and the cost of its maintaining is rapid grassland degradation; ③ on the present condition of overgrazing, the livestock on hand can be maintained on the level of theoretical carrying capacity in 2033 by applying the mechanism of food-chain in grassland ecological system controlled with expected coefficients, so that to realize the policy of determining the quantity of livestock according to grass growth.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica ofiv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica oliv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

水力资源是中国的优势资源,经过建国60年尤其是改革开放30多年的发展,中国水力资源进入西部开发的关键阶段,需要妥善处理好项目开发建设管理体制、移民搬迁安置、枢纽工程建设、生态环境保护、项目建设程序等问题。结合金沙江下游河段水力资源开发的实践,对西部水力资源开发的项目管理进行了探索。  相似文献   

太白山国家森林公园游客结构及行为特征研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
基于实地问卷调查资料,通过对太白山国家森林公园的游客结构及其行为特征分析,指出其主体客源为省内大中城市居民,游客年轻化的趋势较明显且以中低收入者为主,旅游活动是以基本层次的旅游观光居优;该旅游景区的自然风光使近80%游客的美感体验得到满足、且游客感应最深的是清新空气、山地气候及森林植被等,相对较差的是宗教文化;此外,四成多的游客对旅游服务质量不满意.针对上述结果,就太白山国家森林公园开拓客流市场、促销定位、促使其可持续旅游业发展提出理性建议.  相似文献   

目的为了解决当前地质旅游资源保护与开发利用之间的矛盾与问题,促进地质旅游资源合理有效的保护和利用,尝试利用多元模式进行两者的协调。方法通过对陕西黄河蛇曲地貌景观这一典型实例的研究,采用资源价值指数的评价方法,参考地质公园计划和生态旅游模式,构建多元化的地质旅游资源保护和开发运作模式。结果在地质旅游资源的保护和开发工作中,引入多元化的地质公园模式、生态旅游模式、资源评价保护模式,以达到多方制约、多目标设定、多效益获得的双赢结果。结论利用多元化模式对地质旅游资源进行研究,可以有效地解决其保护和开发工作中面临的问题。  相似文献   

“5· 12”汶川地震后的强震区暴发了数次泥石流灾害,2010年8月13日都江堰龙溪河流域的泥石流灾害就是其中最严重的灾害之一.龙溪河流域在75 mm/h强降雨条件下,长11 km流域内共有45处暴发泥石流灾害.在现场调查和遥感资料分析的基础上,对都江堰龙溪河沿线泥石流灾害分布规律和流域面积、高差、距断层距离、坡度、岩性等影响要素的关系进行了研究,表明:①流域面积小于1.0 km2的泥石流流域占多数,达到总数的73.3%;②高差(200~400)m范围内泥石流点最多,占总数的41.3%%,其他高差区段差别不大;③在坡度为20.~40.的范围内,其数量占总数的90%以上;而在坡度20.以内的泥石流点相对较少;④距离发震断裂5 km范围内集中了该区域的所有泥石流分布点;距断裂带越近,灾害分布越多;⑤泥石流灾害点在各类岩层中均较发育,但硬岩地层地质灾害分布最为集中,占48.9%.通过以上规律研究旨在为泥石流灾害的预测和防治提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

对立统一于干旱区的绿洲—荒漠生态系统在降水等自然因素和人类活动等人为因素的影响下不断进行着演化.从长期看,这一演化过程具有不可预测性,短期内却有细微可预见性.现如今在绿洲扩展同时,荒漠也在扩展,整体趋势仍是荒漠在扩展.为维持绿洲的稳定性,促使绿洲—荒漠系统处于一种稳定的发展趋势,本文从分析绿洲-荒漠这对对立统一的生态系统入手,在探讨引起这对生态系统演化的自然因素和人为因素的基础上,确定了自然因素中的降水和人为因素中的政府调控行为为演化的主导因素,初步探索了促使这对生态系统统演化的主导因素作用所具有的非线性关系,这对维持绿洲的稳定性,抑制荒漠扩展有一定的实际意义.  相似文献   

Based on a long-term ecological monitoring,the present study chose the most dominant benthic macroinvertebrate(Baetis spp.)as tar-get organisms in Xiangxi River,built the habitat suitability models(HSMs)for water depth,current velocity and substrate,respectively,which is the first aquatic organisms model for habitat suitability in the Chinese Mainland with a long-term consecutive in situ measurement.In order to protect the biointegrity and function of the river ecosystem,the theory system of instream environmental flow should be categorized into three hierarchies, namely minimum required instream flow(hydrological level),minimum instream environmental flow(bio-species level),and optimum instream environmental flow(ecosystem level).These three hierarchies of instream environmental flow models were then constructed with the hydropogical and seighted usable area(WUA)method.The results show that the minimum required instream flow of Yiangxi River calculated by the Tennant method(10% of the mean annual flow)was 0.615m3s-1;the minimum instream environmental flow accounted for 19.22% of the mean annual flow(namely 1.182m3s-1),which was the damaged river channel flow in the dry season;and 42.91% of the mean annual flow(namely 2.639m3s-1)should be viewed as the optimum instream environmental flow in order to protect the health of the river ecosystem,maintain the instream biodiversity,and reduce the impact of small hydropower stations nearby the Xiangxi River.We recommend that the hydrological and biological methods can help establish better instream environmental flow models and design best management practices for use in the small hydropower station project.  相似文献   

 自澳门特别行政区政府启动《青年创业援助计划》以来,支援澳门青年创新创业领域的发展已经6年。通过分析澳门开展青年创业领域的起因,并以成立于2015年的澳门青年创业孵化中心为例,探讨了粤港澳大湾区背景下澳门创业孵化系统的优化,展望了澳门青年创业的前景。  相似文献   

泥石流山洪输沙比是工程防治设计的重要参数。本文以金沙江支流海子沟为例,调访了近115a的泥石流活动历史,查明了1996年一次最大规模泥石流运动参数,采用雨洪法计算了不同的泥石流发生频率下泥石流的流量、总量。通过对1899年至今海子沟堰塞坝泥沙淤积的测定,得出海子沟流域每年泥沙淤积量为1.23×10~5 m~3,总输沙量为1.42×107 m~3,流域平均剥蚀速率为1.5mm/a。由不同泥石流频率下海子沟泥石流的固体物质总量,计算出自1963年以来海子沟泥石流输沙量为1.67×10~6 m~3,而此期间山洪泥石流的总输沙量为6.65×10~6 m~3,由此确定海子沟泥石流的输沙量占山洪泥石流输沙总量的25%。而官坝河泥石流、白龙江流域泥石流、蒋家沟泥石流输沙量分别占总输沙量的29.5%、62.9%、99%,泥石流输沙量随着泥石流频率的增加而增加。高频率泥石流工程拦挡仅考虑泥石流输沙量;类似白龙江流域松散固体物质丰富的半干旱气候区泥石流防治拦挡工程需考虑山洪输沙量;而类似官坝河、海子沟中等频率的泥石流沟,需更多考虑山洪输沙量。  相似文献   

通过澜湄合作机制的背景介绍,引出工程教育国际化的改革意义,根据专业应用转型的现实需求、教育体系的创新需求、云南地方特色服务于国家战略的需求提出工程教育国际化改革的措施,探索工程教育国际化改革新理念,创建新模式,构建了"专业+语言"、"教+赛+训"、虚实结合的服务于"一带一路"倡议的人才培养体系.实践结果显示通过系统化的工程教育改革达到了的阶段性成果,工程教育国际化的改革模式为相关行业提供了一定的人才储备并为新工科的推进与发展提供一定参考.  相似文献   

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