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以文化学为视角,运用比较法、个案研究法分析了武术与奥林匹克的形成因素,梳理武术和奥运会的内部特征、精神实质以及价值取向.结论:武术与奥运会源于古代祭祀活动,与民族习性有关;两者运动形式不同,价值取向各异,但内部精神实质相似.建议:武术竞赛以民族化内养为根本,开创全球化发展新模式,从而促进中西文明的长期对话和交流.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法,对世界各国及中国运动员参加2008年北京奥运会的竞技状况进行分析。研究结果表明:世界田径强国中,美国、俄罗斯、肯尼亚、牙买加、埃塞俄比亚5国竞技实力很强,美国、俄罗斯优势更加明显;中国总体竞争实力较弱,阴盛阳衰的现象明显。建议:要加大优势和潜优势项目的投入,增强训练的科技含量;加强教练员培养比赛型运动员的能力,不断缩小参赛能力与训练水平的差距。  相似文献   

To examine the effect of pollution control measures on Beijing air quality during the 2008 Olympic Games, this paper analyzes the variation of aerosol extinction coefficient observed with a Dual-wavelength Polarized Lidar in Beijing during the Olympic Games. The results show that (1) during the Beijing Olympic Games, the aerosol extinction coefficient decreased to about 42.3% in the surface layer (below 250 m) compared with that in 2007 under almost the same meteorological conditions, indicating the effecti...  相似文献   

Tropospheric column amounts of NO 2 from OMI/Aura products were applied to investigate the seasonal variation of NO x on the east side of the Taihang Mountains (ESTM) in China. The NO 2 concentration varied seasonally, with winter maxima and summer minima. To explore the causes of the heavy NO 2 pollution in this region, wind field simulations were conducted by using the Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5). MM5 simulations showed that wind directions in the ESTM region were dominated by northeasterly and northwesterly winds throughout the year and to a lesser degree by southwesterlies. Elevated NO 2 concentrations (higher than 50×10 15 molec/cm 2 ) occurred in three meteorological situations: convergent wind fields (5 days), northeasterly winds (2 days), and calm days (1 day) in January. Although the local anthropogenic NO x emission strength was not so high as that in other developed areas, the calms and frequent occurrence of convergent wind fields, as well as unfavorable terrains for diffusion, resulted in the accumulation of atmospheric pollutants and hence heavy NO x pollution. Furthermore, long-distance NO x transportation from the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region to the ESTM area could be seen when the wind was from a northeasterly direction, especially under high wind speeds.  相似文献   

Mid-troposphere CO2 data retrieved by the AIRS (atmospheric infrared sounder) were validated with five ground-based stations and aircraft measurements in the Northern Hemisphere. AIRS CO2 products show good agreement with ground and aircraft observations. The data had a monthly average accuracy better than 3 ppmv. In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution of mid-troposphere CO2 from January 2003 to December 2008 was analyzed based on this satellite product. The average concentration of atmospheric CO2 was higher in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. The yearly average results show a gradual increase from 2003 to 2008. In China, the annual growth rate was about 2 ppmv/a, similar to the United States, Europe, Australia and India, but was slightly lower than Canada and Russia. Mid-troposphere CO2 concentrations were higher over northern China than over southern areas, due to differences in natural conditions and industrial layout. There were four centers of high CO2 concentration between 35° and 45°N over China, with low concentrations over Yunnan Province. There was a significant seasonal CO2 variation with peak concentration in spring and the lowest concentration in autumn.  相似文献   

The Er3 doped Al2O3 powders were prepared by the sol-gel method using the aluminium isopropoxide [Al(OC3H7)3]-derived Al2O3 sols with addition of the erbium nitrate [Er(NO3)3.5H2O]. The different phase structure, including three crystalline types of (Al,Er)2O3 phases, γ, θ, α, and two Er-Al-O phases, ErAlO3 and Al10Er6O24, was obtained with the 1 mol% Er3 doped Al2O3 powders at the different sintering temperatures of 600―1200℃. The green and red up-conversion emissions centered at about 523, 545 and 660 nm, corresponding respectively to the 2H11/2, 4S3/2→4I15/2 and 4F9/2→4I15/2 transitions of Er3 , were detected by a 978 nm semiconductor laser diodes excitation. The phase structure and OH content had evident influence on the up-conversion emissions intensity. The maximum intensities of both the green and red emissions were obtained respectively for the Er3 doped Al2O3 powders sintered at 1200 ℃, which was composed mainly of α-(Al,Er)2O3, less of ErAlO3 and Al10Er6O24 phases, and with the least OH content. The two-photon absorption up-conversion process was involved in the green and red up-conversion emissions of the Er3 doped Al2O3 powders.  相似文献   

Ag2S nanoparticle nanowires were prepared in a porous anodic aluminum oxide template by a simple paired cell method,and were characterized by XRD,FESEM,HRTEM and EDS.The results showed that the as-prepared nanowires were composed of monoclinic Ag2S nanoparticles.The nanowire diameters ranged from 165 to 270 nm,and Ag2S nanoparticles were nearly spherical with diameters of 40 to 60 nm.The paired cell method is simple,low cost and easy to control for the fabrication of high density and high aspect ratio Ag2S nanoparticle nanowires.A formation mechanism for the nanoparticle nanowires was suggested.  相似文献   

CO2 emission fluxes of two types of ecosystem, swamp meadow and alpine meadow, in the Fenghuo- shan region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were studied by the static chamber-portable infrared chro- matographic method. The results showed that there was large difference in the CO2 emission fluxes between the two ecosystems and in the same ecosystem of different degradation degrees. CO2 emis- sion flux of the swamp meadow gradually decreased with increasing degradation degree, while that of the alpine meadow gradually increased with increasing degradation degree except in May. The CO2 emission flux of undegraded swamp meadow was 65.1%―80.3% higher than that of undegraded alpine meadow; and the CO2 emission flux of moderately degraded swamp meadow was 22.1%―67.5% higher than that of alpine meadow; but the CO2 emission flux of severely degraded alpine meadow was 14.3%―29.5% higher than that of swamp meadow. The soil moisture content and temperature in the upper 5 cm soil layer and above-ground biomass were significantly correlated with the CO2 emission fluxes and regarded as the main environment factors to control the CO2 emission.  相似文献   

A series of hydrogen-containing a-Si:H/SiO2 multilayers with different a-Si:H sublayer thickness were fabricated by layer-by-layer deposition and in situ plasma oxidation in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD). Optical induced blue emission from the samples was observed by the naked eye at room temperature, which has never been reported in the luminescence study of Si/SiO2 multilayers up to now. Both the photoluminescence (PL) peak and the absorption edge show a blue shift as the a-Si:H sublayer thickness decreases. The origin of the blue emission and the effect of hydrogen are discussed.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of pCO2 in the tropic ocean is one of the most important issues to understand global climatic changes.In this study,the high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of core 17962 was conducted,which is Iocated in the southern South China Sea(SCS).The contents of sedimentary organic matter,the stable carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter,and the δ^13C values of black carbon and terrigenons n-alkanes were determined.And the δ^13Cwc value of carbon derived from aquatic was calculated.On the basis of δ^13Corg-pCO2equation proposed by Popp et al.(1989),we estimated the pCO2 in the Nansha area,SCS,since the last glaciation using δ^13Cwc instead of δ^13Corg.The results show that the average pCO2 was estimated at 240 ppm V during the last glaciation,and at 320ppm V in the Holocene.A comparison of surface sea pCO2 with the atmosphere CO2 recorded in the Vostok ice core,indicates that CO2 in surface water of the southern SCS could emit into atmosphere during the last 30ka.  相似文献   

The current study was to investigate mRNA expression of cyclin D2 and p16 during the transition from cardiac myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Cultured cardiac myocytes (CM) and fibroblasts (FC) obtained from 1-day-old Sparague-Dawley rats were used in this study. We have determined (1) hyperplasia by cell growth curve and fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS); and (2) ultrastructure by electron microscope observation; and (3) expresions of cyclin D2 mRNA and p16 mRNA by using in situ hybridization and image analysis. The results were shown (1) Results of cell growth curve and FACS analysis showed CM could proliferate in the first 3 cultured days (4 days in postnatal development). But the ability decreased quickly, concomitant with the differentiation. (2) The ultrastructure of CM showed the large amount of myofilaments and mitochondrion and FC showed moderate amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. (3) The expression of cyclin D2 mRNA in 3−, 4−, 5−day CM group was 0.89 times (p<0.05), 0.80 times (p<0.05) and 0.56 times (p<0.01) of that in 1-day group respectively. P16 mRNA in 2−, 3−, 4−, 5−day CM group were 1.63 times (p<0.01), 1.72 times (p<0.01), 1.99 times (p<0.01) and 2.84 times (p<0.01) of that in 1−day group respectively. It can be concluded that cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes could proliferate during the first 3 cultured days, but the ability of proliferation decreased, from the fourth day, concomitant with differentiation. Cyclin D2 and p16 have the key roles during the transition from myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Biography: Zhang Yu-xia (1974-), female, Master, research direction: cardiovascular pathology.  相似文献   

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