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A compound process that integrates end electrical discharge (ED) milling and mechanical grinding to machine silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics is developed in this paper. The process employs a turntable with several uniformly-distributed cylindrical copper electrodes and abrasive sticks as the tool, and uses a water-based emulsion as the machining fluid. End electrical discharge milling and mechanical grinding happen alternately and are mutually beneficial, so the process is able to effectively machine a large surface area on SiC ceramic with a good surface quality. The machining principle and characteristics of the technique are introduced. The effects of polarity, pulse duration, pulse interval, open-circuit voltage, discharge current, diamond grit size, emulsion concentration, emulsion flux, milling depth and tool stick number on performance parameters such as the material removal rate, tool wear ratio, and surface roughness have been investigated. In addition, the microstructure of the machined surface under different machining conditions is examined with a scanning electron microscope and an energy dispersive spectrometer. The SiC ceramic was mainly removed by end ED milling during the initial rough machining mode, whereas it is mainly removed by mechanical grinding during the later finer machining mode; moreover, the tool material can transfer to the workpiece surface during the compound process.  相似文献   

在侧钻开窗过程中,选择动力钻具、确定钻压和转速等参数的重要依据是铣鞋在开窗过程中的受力状态。建立套管-铣鞋的相互作用模型,并编制计算程序对铣鞋受力情况进行分析,获取不同施工参数(如钻压、切入角度和转速)对开窗铣鞋的受力和钻进速度的影响;并进行多组套管开窗实验验证所建立套管相互作用模型以及仿真结果的正确性。结果表明:在整个开窗过程中,随着铣鞋铣入套管的深度加深,侧向力逐渐变小,变为0后反向增加;钻压越大铣鞋上的扭矩和钻进速度越大;切入角度越大铣鞋上的侧向力和扭矩越大。  相似文献   

微弧氧化机理及电击穿模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究微弧氧化的基本过程和机理,采用自行设计的气体介质电极击穿放电试验装置,测量了微弧氧化过程中阴极和阳极之间的距离与最低击穿电压的关系曲线,并建立了微弧氧化阳极气泡击穿理论模型和阳极等效电路.结果表明:最低击穿电压Vk值大小随阴、阳极之间距离增大而近似线性增加,微弧氧化膜层是在气泡位于陶瓷层的孔隙处时而生长;阳极气泡击穿理论模型能够合理地解释微弧氧化的基本过程和机理,并为改善微弧氧化工艺和提高膜层性能提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

柱腔上微孔电火花加工技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用线电极火花磨削(WEDG)技术加工微细电极,通过电火花加工技术在微靶柱腔上加工直径小于等于20um的诊断孔。对影响诊断孔质量的加工参数进行了优化,并探索了不同加工参数所产生的电极损耗以及直径12μm的电极制备。  相似文献   

为了提高碳化硅颗粒增强铝基复合材料(SiCp/Al)的切削加工性,本文提出了一种激光诱导氧化辅助铣削的复合加工方法。在激光参数为平均功率10 W,扫略速度为2 mm/s,扫略间距为10 μm的条件下,能够获得疏松多孔氧化层,从而提高加工效率和加工质量。本文主要研究该材料在激光辐照下的氧化机理,以及铣削过程中铣削参数对切削力和表面完整性的影响规律。在铣削深度为0.1 mm,每齿进给量为0.005 mm/z时,加工质量最佳。  相似文献   

采用ZJM10T型搅拌球磨机和X射线衍射仪(XRD),研究了机械研磨(MG)条件下MoSi2的同素异构转变及其非晶化,并对其转变机理进行了初步分析和讨论.结果表明,当球料比为10∶1,球磨机转速为450 r/min时,MoSi2粉末在机械球磨80 h后,没有H-MoSi2生成;而当球料比为20∶1,转速为600 r/min时,机械球磨60 h,已有少量的H-MoSi2生成,同时随着球磨时间的增加H-MoSi2的量逐渐增加.继续机械研磨,MoSi2合金粉末呈非晶化.试验结果证实相对高的能量有助于MoSi2的固态相变.  相似文献   

将广义回归神经网络(GRNN)应用到电火花线切割多次切割加工预测中,减少参数选择的盲目性.采用正交试验的方法,进行放电脉宽、脉间、峰值电流、运丝速度、工作液及每次切割的偏移量对切割速度、表面粗糙度的影响试验,将实验数据作为神经网络的训练样本;将误差序列的均方差作为广义回归神经网络性能的评价指标.实验发现:利用GRNN网络的切割速度预测误差小于4%,表面粗糙度预测误差小于2%,预测精度较高,可以有效地指导加工参数的选择.  相似文献   

针对基于线电极展成加工的放电间隙进行了理论分析,提出了一些新的研究观点。研究分析表明,其放电间隙对制定伺服控制进给策略至关重要。  相似文献   

β-Al3Mg2 intermetallic was used as a reinforcing agent to improve the mechanical properties of an aluminum matrix. Different amounts of Al3Mg2 nanoparticles (ranging from 0wt% to 20wt%) were milled with aluminum powders in a planetary ball mill for 10 h. Consolidation was conducted by uniaxial pressing at 400°C under a pressure of 600 MPa for 2 h. Microstructural characterization confirms the uniform distribution of Al3Mg2 nanoparticles within the matrix. The effects of nano-sized Al3Mg2 content on the wear and mechanical properties of the composites were also investigated. The results show that as the Al3Mg2 content increases to higher levels, the hardness, compressive strength, and wear resistance of the nanocomposites increase significantly, whereas the relative density and ductility decrease. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of worn surfaces reveals that a transition in wear mechanisms occurs from delamination to abrasive wear by the addition of Al3Mg2 nanoparticles to the matrix.  相似文献   

设计一种针-板型介质阻挡放电装置,在大气压下以空气/氩气混合作为工作气体,研究了在混合气体流动和不流动2种情况下介质阻挡放电的光电特性.利用玻尔兹曼法计算氮分子振动温度(Tv)和谱线相对强度比值法计算电子激发温度(Texc),实验结果表明:输入功率(P)和Tv随外加电压(Ua)增加而增大,而Texc随Ua增加有减小的趋势;当Ua一定,气体流动时,P变大,Texc变小,而Tv基本不变.通过对高能电子与工作气体发生非弹性碰撞进行定性解释,对于大气压等离子体动力学行为的深入研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

A new method which employs a group pulse power supply for electric discharge milling of the silicon carbide ceramic with the resistivity of 500 Ω·cm is presented. Due to the good machining stability and high pulse utilization, the material removal rate (MRR) can reach 72.9 mm^3/min. The effects of high-frequency pulse duration, high-frequency pulse interval, peak voltage, peak current, polarity, rotate speed and group frequency on the process performance have been investigated. Also the EDMed surface microstructure is examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), an X-ray diffraction (XRD), an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and a micro hardness tester. The results show that the conditions of smaller high-frequency pulse duration and pulse interval, higher peak voltage and peak current, and positive tool polarity are suitable for machining the SiC ceramic. The optimal rotate speed is 1090 r/min and the preferable group frequency is 730 Hz. In addition, there is a small quantity of iron on machined surface when machining with steel electrode. The average grain size of the EDMed surface is smaller than that of the unprocessed, and the micro hardness of machined surface is superior to that of the unprocessed.  相似文献   

电火花放电通道在正交磁场的作用下向洛伦兹力方向偏转、延伸,进而导致电蚀凹坑形貌发生变化,研究磁场辅助电火花加工(MF-EDM)过程中电蚀凹坑的形貌变化规律及特点,对进一步明晰电火花加工机理具有重要意义.基于MF-EDM气中单脉冲放电试验,使用表面轮廓仪观测电蚀凹坑延伸长度、深度、宽度及放电起始点偏移量,并得出磁场及放电参数对电蚀凹坑的影响规律.结果表明:电蚀凹坑长度随着磁感应强度、开路电压的增大而增大;电极外伸长度的影响结果相反;电蚀凹坑深度随着磁感应强度、开路电压、电极外伸长度的增加没有明显的变化规律;电容与磁感应强度存在最优参数组合以使凹坑长度最大;随着磁感应强度及放电能量的增加放电起始点的偏移量增加.  相似文献   

针对电工电子实验教学中存在的学时短、实验过程流程化、重点和难点不突出、课前预习不到位等问题,充分利用网络教学平台资源丰厚、交互性强的优势,有针对性地制作实验教学视频,其中突出实验方法、电工电子基本原理、重点难点问题等内容,作为课外辅助教学手段,使课堂理论教学与实验教学更好地相互促进,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

微细电火花放电加工过程中,由于单位脉冲放电的材料去除率(放电凹坑直径)决定了最小加工尺寸以及微细电火花加工的加工表面粗糙度,所以减少单位脉冲放电的材料去除率具有重要作用。为达到此目的,采用具有高电阻材料如单晶硅作为工具电极。分析结果显示,随着工具电极电阻提高,放电电流峰值逐渐降低,脉冲放电时间增加,放电能量减小。另外,研究并测试了硅电极加工不锈钢工件时电阻值对工件表面放电凹坑直径的影响。实验结果表明当硅工具电极电阻值提高时,放电凹坑直径逐渐降低;并达到最小值0.5μm;同时降低了工件表面粗糙度值0.03μm;提高了表面加工质量。  相似文献   

对非导电工程陶瓷加工新技术--双电极同步伺服跟踪电火花磨削加工(EDGSSDE)中产生的热量进行了分析,建立了EDGSSDE的热源模型和热量在非导电工程陶瓷、金属结合剂砂轮、磨屑和工作液间的分配模型,并进行了数值计算.计算结果表明,热量在金属结合剂砂轮和工作液间的分配随着加工深度的增加而逐渐减小,热量在非导电工程陶瓷间的分配随着加工深度的增加而逐渐增大,热量在磨屑间的分配比很小,且随着加工深度的增加变化不大.加工中工作液和砂轮带走大部分的热量.  相似文献   

对非导电工程陶瓷加工新技术——双电极同步伺服跟踪电火花磨削加工(EDGSSDE)中产生的热量进行了分析,建立了EDGSSDE的热源模型和热量在非导电工程陶瓷、金属结合剂砂轮、磨屑和工作液间的分配模型,并进行了数值计算。计算结果表明,热量在金属结合剂砂轮和工作液间的分配随着加工深度的增加而逐渐减小,热量在非导电工程陶瓷间的分配随着加工深度的增加而逐渐增大,热量在磨屑间的分配比很小,且随着加工深度的增加变化不大。加工中工作液和砂轮带走大部分的热量。  相似文献   

The degradation of an azo dye, acid orange 7 (AO7), caused by different high voltage pulsed electrical discharge modes (spark, streamer and corona discharge) induced by the various initial conductivities was investigated. A new type of pulsed high voltage source with thyratron switch and Blumlein pulse forming net (BPFN) was used. The typical discharge waveforms of voltage, current, power, pulse energy and the pictures of spark, streamer and corona discharge modes were presented. The results indicated that pulsed electrical discharges led to complete decolorization and substantial decrease of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the dye solution. The main intermediate products were monitored by GC-MS. The discharge modes changed from spark to streamer and to corona discharge, and the streamer length decreased with the liquid conductivity increasing. At a constant input power, the peak voltage, peak current, peak power and energy per pulse of the three discharge modes ranked in the following order: spark 〉 streamer 〉 corona. The effective energy transfer efficiency of AO7 removal was higher for spark discharge (57.2%) than for streamer discharge (40.4%) and corona discharge (27.6%). Moreover, the energy utilization efficiency of AO7 removal for spark discharge was 1.035×10^9 mol/J, and for streamer and corona discharge they were 0.646×10^-8 and 0.589×10^-8 mol/J. Both the energy transfer efficiency and the energy utilization efficiency of spark discharge were the highest.  相似文献   

To promote substantially the performances of red phosphorous(P) anode for lithium and sodium-ion batteries, a simple plasma assisted milling(P-milling) method was used to in-situ synthesize SeP2/C composite. The results showed that the amorphous SeP2/C composite exhibits the excellent lithium and sodium storage performances duo to the small nano-granules size and complete combination of selenium(Se) and phosphorous(P) to generate Se–P alloy phase. It was observed that insid...  相似文献   

In this work, bionic-superhydrophobic surfaces on aluminum alloy 5083 are fabricated by reciprocatingtype high-speed wire cut electrical discharge machining based on the hydrophobic property of the rice leaf. Submillimeter-scale rectangular grooves are processed on the surfaces. The superhydrophobic surface has shown a static contact angle of 158°, which is similar to the rice leaf. The morphological features are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, showing that the craters and bumps are uniformly distributed on the surfaces of the rectangular grooves with porous nanostructures. The method proposed in this work has the advantages of using only one step,requiring no further procedure to lower the surface energy and processing a large-area surface efficiently.  相似文献   

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