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当代认知神经科学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
认知神经科学是近年来发展非常迅速的脑科学研究领域,本文着介绍了认知神经科学表成的历史背景,并详述了当代认知神经科学的研究热,包括脑认知功能模块的实验性分离研究,意识与地镱 识的脑机制,学习记忆的脑,个体着异的认知神经科学基础和多种脑成像技术的综合应用理论问题等,最后对欧美发展态势作了分析。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍认知神经科学研究的实验范式,然后比编码/提取的非对称模型、启动效应的神经机制,情景记忆提取的两过程及其脑区和记忆是怎 的几个方面,介绍近年来认知神经科学关于记忆的研究。最后,强调了脑认和成象于心理学与脑科学的重要性。  相似文献   

为揭示当前人工智能领域的发展态势,本文统计分析了当前各主要国家/地区出台的顶层政策规划,并重点分析了人工智能领域论文和专利的年度变化、国家分布、主要机构、技术主题、方向对比和国际合作等。结果显示:当前人工智能科技成果产出正处于快速发展阶段,中美两国引领了人工智能领域科研成果;中国在该领域发文量接近美国,专利数量已超过美国;中国科研机构已具备开展国际竞争的能力,但市场主体的成果产出与先进国家尚有差距,国际化布局程度较低;如何提升机器的"认知能力"是当前人工智能研究的关注焦点。最后,基于分析,提出了对中国人工智能发展的启示。  相似文献   

人工智能已成为引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要驱动力量和战略性技术。本文采用无监督聚类、复杂网络结构洞和突发检测算法对人工智能高水平会议论文进行深度挖掘分析,梳理人工智能领域的关键技术,全面刻画人工智能领域整体技术结构,洞悉关键技术分布和研发态势,明确人工智能领域代表性国家与机构。研究发现:人工智能领域共包含14个大类、132项热点技术,主要分布在机器学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉和机器人等子领域,如一眼模仿学习、智能自动问答、光度立体视觉、多传感器融合等;共性技术则主要分布在机器学习子领域,分类、回归、搜索等基础算法以及优化理论方法等共性技术为其他子领域研究实践奠定坚实基础;新兴技术主要集中在深度学习方面,生成对抗网络和注意力机制是其中的典型代表,此外还包括强化学习、自主代理和多代理系统等。在人工智能领域代表性国家与机构方面,美国在各热点技术大类下的发文量均位居全球首位,中国整体仅次于美国,但在强化学习、机器人、智能多代理系统研究方面发文量排名相对靠后;国内机构中,中国科学院在多个热点技术大类下的发文量均位居全球前列。  相似文献   

随着无人机的应用越来越广泛,与之相适应的保障手段也需与时俱进.在人工智能快速发展的情况下,故障诊断与人工智能方法相结合为无人机保障关键技术的跨越式发展提供了重要契机,也为无人机的使用安全性与运行可靠性水平的提升提供了重要机遇.本文以结构健康监测中的超声信号分析方法为基础,针对无人机起落架关键结构件的损伤检测问题开展研究,结合深度学习模型,对结构件的损伤进行智能化检测,提高检测效率和检测精度.针对结构健康监测中损伤信号的非线性特点,提出了频谱对称点阵图案(frequency symmetrized dot pattern, FSDP)特征提取方法.在此基础上,提出了基于FSDP特征与深度卷积神经网络的损伤智能检测方法.在起落架T型构件实验环境中开展了结构损伤模拟与检测实验,通过实验数据验证了所提出的智能检测方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为深入探究影响居民参与古村落保护意愿的因素及效应大小,以宁波市首批历史文化名村清潭村为例,构建古村落居民保护意愿影响因素的结构方程模型。研究表明:居民的地方依赖、地方认同、旅游发展认知、名村评选认知四个维度是刻画居民保护意愿的结构方程模型的核心参量;"地方依赖"通过"地方认同"对居民保护意愿起作用,而居住条件对村民的地方依赖影响作用最大;在旅游发展初级阶段的古村落中,居民对旅游发展认知具有乐观性和空想性,对居民保护意愿的作用微弱;地方级名村评选作为一种政府行为,对居民保护意愿具有最显著的直接效应。因此,政府在古村保护中要起示范作用,在修缮历史建筑时,不仅要考虑文物保护单位等,更要考虑与居民生活息息相关的古民居。  相似文献   

预测性维护是智能制造领域潜在爆发点.人工智能诊断作为其关键一环,成为近年来工程领域研究的热点,发展出一系列极具应用前景的诊断方法.众所周知,完备故障样本是激活智能诊断模型的关键,然而,在工程实践中,机械系统实际发生的故障远多于我们能预先从运行状态下获得的故障样本.因此,基于机械故障数值模拟驱动的生成式对抗网络,获得完备...  相似文献   

近年来,人工智能临床应用研究进展迅猛,有望为提升疾病防控水平,促进健康中国建设提供重要支撑。本文基于文献研究、专题研讨、专家访谈,从战略布局、研发实力、产品创新、临床应用等方面分析我国人工智能临床应用研究进展。研究发现:我国在该领域研发实力显著增强,学术产出与技术创新水平进入国际第一方阵。其中,申请、公开的专利数分别由2011年的137项、26项增长至2021年的2484项和2909项,均跃居全球首位。发表论文数由2011年的43篇逐年快速增长至2021年的4597篇,仅次于美国。我国医疗人工智能产品研究不断取得创新突破,相关产品的智能化程度不断提高,正在从研究阶段走向应用层面,支撑临床实践提质增效。我国在人工智能临床研究领域也存在一定的问题和短板,主要包括:1)重大原创成果较少,核心技术、关键设备受制于人;2)产品研发临床驱动不足,临床应用场景单一;3)医疗数据质量不高,数据标准与共享机制不健全;4)评价与监管体系不健全,伦理制度与法律法规待完善。对此,提出建议,包括:1)加强顶层设计,统筹国家科技计划系统布局;2)规范数据标准,培育医疗数据建设与共享新业态;3)完善法律法规,优化认...  相似文献   

通过对美国NIH和NSF、我国NSFC、"973计划"和国家重点研发计划在神经科学、神经疾病、精神疾病领域所资助研究项目进行分析,探索两国的研究布局与发展,发现美国在2009、2010年的ARRA政策及2013—2017年的BRAIN计划之后,显著提高了该领域的投入,重点资助神经科学基础研究和技术开发,疾病领域则主要关注神经退行性疾病、抑郁症、精神分裂症和自闭症。我国在该领域的资助力度自"十二五"规划以来得到大力提升,对神经疾病的投入均远高于精神疾病和神经科学,在中风等脑血管疾病领域资助力度最大,神经科学基础技术的开发等主要布局于"973计划"和国家重点研发计划中。  相似文献   

<正>2017年2月,美国计算机社区联盟(CCC)发布的《人工智能的进步需要所有计算机科学的共同进步》白皮书指出,在人工智能与更广泛的计算机科学之间,有六大相互影响的领域存在研发机遇。计算机系统和硬件:开发人工智能系统核心计算程序的加速方法;开发并行性、智能缓存、使用FPGA等专用硬件的新方法,降低人工智能应用的计算成本,满足其需求和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

G C Hewitt 《Experientia》1988,44(4):297-303
Public suspicion of science stems from science's challenging of perceptions and myths about reality, and a public fear of new technology. The result is a susceptibility to pseudoscience. In claiming that creation 'science' is as valid as evolution the creationists misquote scientists and seek to spread their own 'scientific' myths concerning a young age for the earth, an act of creation based on a particular literalist interpretation of the Christian Bible and a single worldwide flood. They use methods of debate and politics, rather than scientific research. A selection of their arguments is examined and the nature of the evidence for evolution is discussed. Problems with the creation 'science' model are noted. In the myth of the hundredth monkey phenomenon, original research is misquoted to denigrate scientific research and support sentimental ideas of paranormal events. The misuse of science is seen as damaging to society because it reduces the effective gathering and application of scientific information. However, pseudoscience provides a valuable guide to gaps in public scientific education.  相似文献   

D F Marks 《Experientia》1988,44(4):332-337
Investigation of paranormal claims has failed to find any repeatable phenomena, yet beliefs in such phenomena are extremely prevalent. Some of the psychological mechanisms which support these beliefs are described. Mental imagery, subjective validation, coincidence, hidden causes, and fraud all contribute to the folklore in this field. Magical thinking is as evident today as it ever has been. Recent research suggests that increased skepticism concerning paranormal claims can result from special educational procedures which emphasize critical thinking rather than learning scientific facts.  相似文献   

Summary Investigation of paranormal claims has failed to find any repeatable paranormal phenomena, yet beliefs in such phenomena are extemely prevalent. Some of the psychological mechanisms which support these beliefs are described. Mental imagery, subjective validation, coincidence, hidden causes, and fraud all contributeto the folklore in this field. Magical thinking is as evident today as it ever has been. Recent research suggests that increased skepticism concerning paranormal claims can result from special educational procedures which emphasize critical thinking rather than learning scientific facts.  相似文献   

The promises and challenges of a cognitive approach to strategic planning and subjective forecasting are examined. Strategic thinking is viewed as comprising three components: (1) knowledge base, (2) problem representation, and (3) inference processes linking the first two. Analysis of these components, it is argued, can be an important aid to understanding and guiding managerial problem solving. We review several techniques for modeling strategic thinking and planning, including network representations, production systems, causal maps, and analyses of argumentation. We consider the strengths and weaknesses of different cognitive analysis techniques and discuss how they might be implemented. Much more experience and refinement will be needed to produce well-specified procedures for cognitive analysis of planning. We conclude, however, that even at the current stage of development, significant benefits can accrue from a cognitive approach to strategic planning.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of science regarding how best to interpret the relationship between neuroscience and psychology. It has traditionally been argued that either the two domains will evolve and change over time until they converge on a single unified account of human behaviour, or else that they will continue to work in isolation given that they identify properties and states that exist autonomously from one another (due to the multiple-realizability of psychological states). In this paper, I argue that progress in psychology and neuroscience is contingent on the fact that both of these positions are false. Contra the convergence position, I argue that the theories of psychology and the theories of neuroscience are scientifically valuable as representational tools precisely because they cannot be integrated into a single account. However, contra the autonomy position, I propose that the theories of psychology and neuroscience are deeply dependent on one another for further refinement and improvement. In this respect, there is an irreconcilable codependence between psychology and neuroscience that is necessary for both domains to improve and progress. The two domains are forever linked while simultaneously being unable to integrate.  相似文献   

According to F. Adams [this journal, vol. 68, 2018] cognition cannot be realized in plants or bacteria. In his view, plants and bacteria respond to the here-and-now in a hardwired, inflexible manner, and are therefore incapable of cognitive activity. This article takes issue with the pursuit of plant cognition from the perspective of an empirically informed philosophy of plant neurobiology. As we argue, empirical evidence shows, contra Adams, that plant behavior is in many ways analogous to animal behavior. This renders plants suitable to be described as cognitive agents in a non-metaphorical way. Sections two to four review the arguments offered by Adams in light of scientific evidence on plant adaptive behavior, decision-making, anticipation, as well as learning and memory. Section five introduces the ‘phyto-nervous’ system of plants. To conclude, section six resituates the quest for plant cognition into a broader approach in cognitive science, as represented by enactive and ecological schools of thought. Overall, we aim to motivate the idea that plants may be considered genuine cognitive agents. Our hope is to help propel public awareness and discussion of plant intelligence once appropriately stripped of anthropocentric preconceptions of the sort that Adams' position appears to exemplify.  相似文献   

Summary Public suspicion of science stems from science's challenging of perceptions and myths about reality, and a public fear of new technology. The result is a susceptibility to pseudoscience. In claiming that creation science is as valid as evolution the creationists misquote scientists and seek to spread their own scientific myths concerning a young age for the earth, an act of creation based on a particular literalist interpretation of the Christian Bible and a single worldwide flood. They use methods of debate and politics, rather than scientific research. A selection of their arguments is examined and the nature of the evidence for evolution is discussed. Problems with the creation science model are noted. In the myth of the hundredth monkey phenomenon, original research is misquoted to denigrate scientific research and support sentimental ideas of paranormal events. The misuse of science is seen as damaging to society because it reduces the effective gathering and application of scientific information. However, pseudoscience provides a valuable guide to gaps in public scientific education.  相似文献   

We consider computational modeling in two fields: chronobiology and cognitive science. In circadian rhythm models, variables generally correspond to properties of parts and operations of the responsible mechanism. A computational model of this complex mechanism is grounded in empirical discoveries and contributes a more refined understanding of the dynamics of its behavior. In cognitive science, on the other hand, computational modelers typically advance de novo proposals for mechanisms to account for behavior. They offer indirect evidence that a proposed mechanism is adequate to produce particular behavioral data, but typically there is no direct empirical evidence for the hypothesized parts and operations. Models in these two fields differ in the extent of their empirical grounding, but they share the goal of achieving dynamic mechanistic explanation. That is, they augment a proposed mechanistic explanation with a computational model that enables exploration of the mechanism’s dynamics. Using exemplars from circadian rhythm research, we extract six specific contributions provided by computational models. We then examine cognitive science models to determine how well they make the same types of contributions. We suggest that the modeling approach used in circadian research may prove useful in cognitive science as researchers develop procedures for experimentally decomposing cognitive mechanisms into parts and operations and begin to understand their nonlinear interactions.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, science has grown increasingly collaborative and interdisciplinary and has come to depart in important ways from the classical analyses of the development of science that were developed by historically inclined philosophers of science half a century ago. In this paper, I shall provide a new account of the structure and development of contemporary science based on analyses of, first, cognitive resources and their relations to domains, and second of the distribution of cognitive resources among collaborators and the epistemic dependence that this distribution implies. On this background I shall describe different ideal types of research activities and analyze how they differ. Finally, analyzing values that drive science towards different kinds of research activities, I shall sketch the main mechanisms underlying the perceived tension between disciplines and interdisciplinarity and argue for a redefinition of accountability and quality control for interdisciplinary and collaborative science.  相似文献   

Both Kant and Dilthey distinguish between cognition and knowledge, but they do so differently in accordance with their respective theoretical interests. Kant’s primary cognitive interest is in the natural sciences, and from this perspective the status of psychology is questioned because its phenomena are not mathematically measurable. Dilthey, by contrast, reconceives psychology as a human science.For Kant, knowledge is conceptual cognition that has attained certainty by being part of a rational system. Dilthey also links knowledge with certainty; however, he derives the latter from life-experience rather than from reason. Dilthey’s psychology begins with the self-certainty of lived experience and life-knowledge, but this turns out to fall short of cognitive understanding. In the final analysis, both Kant and Dilthey move beyond psychology to arrive at self-understanding. Because of his doubts about introspection, Kant replaces psychology with a pragmatic anthropology to provide a communal framework for self-understanding. Dilthey supplements psychology with other human sciences as part of a project of anthropological reflection.  相似文献   

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