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Summary A method is presented by which the electric organ discharge of the weakly electric fish,Gnathonemus petersii, can be registrated by means of external electrodes. Thus the principle of the electrostatic induction (influence) is utilized.  相似文献   

Summary A new simple method for the production of experimental hypertension has been developed. Anoxæmia of the kidney has been produced by encapsulating the organ in tubes of acetyl cellulose. Development and degree of hypertension is directly depending on the ratio between size of kidney and tube, so that standard size tubes for definite animal weight may be used with high percentage of success.  相似文献   

Summary The set-up of a transducer is described: The deviation of a laser beam, reflected from the mirror of a torsion-myograph is transformed into an electrical analog signal.  相似文献   

Summary Observing the discharge-frequencies of the electrical organ ofGnathonemus petersii, it was found that there are characteristic frequencies in relation to different behaviour as: slow and fast swimming, at rest, at appetive and agressive behaviour. No such characteristic frequencies could be detected in relation to comfort movements.  相似文献   

Summary A colorimetric method for the determination of thyroxin has been worked out. Directions for practical use are given.  相似文献   

Summary A recording method for the ventilation movement by means of the Hall-effect in the unrestrained crayfish is described. Frequency, amplitude and direction of movement can be measured quantitatively by this method which may be applicable also to other physiological preparations.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch Mittel, die die Stiftung Volkswagenwerk Herrn Prof. Dr.Huber zur Verfügung stellte.  相似文献   

Summary In order to measure the clotting time of blood plasma the sol-gel transformation is observed. The process is retarded with mol/18 of 1,4-oxyphenyl-sulfonate. A lowering of the prothrombin content of 50% results in a difference of time against normal values of 45–55 sec., compared with 3–4 sec. with the method ofQuick.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans une étude histochimique on a montré que les inclusions cytoplasmiques des tumeurs pulmonaires de la souris (Klärner etGieseking) contenaient une polysaccharide neutre jointe à l'acide ribonucléique. Les résultats ont été discutés au sens d'une hypothèse virale.  相似文献   

Summary The coordinate plotter summarizes impulses from digital control mechanisms geometrically in terms of time. It is possible to obtain additional impulses from the plotter by mounting of special switches.  相似文献   

Summary In rat urine, determinations of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity were performed. Normal values ranged between 94 and 140 mU/24 h urine specimens. Experimentally induced renal damage (anaphylactic or anaphylactoid shock; administration of sodium tetrathionate; potassium depletion) provoked a statistically significant increase in urinary LDH-activity. The 3 mechanisms by which such an increase might occur are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The new methods for the production of 19-norsteroids described involve the conversion of 5-halogen-6-hydroxy-steroids into the corresponding 5-halogen-6:19-ethers either with lead tetraacetate or by the hypoiodite reaction8,10. The 6:19-oxygen bridge is then opened reductively either directly or after oxidation of the 6:19-ethers to lactones or preferably after introduction of a 4,6-3-oxo grouping. Acylolytic cleavage of the 4-3-oxo-6:19-ethers followed by alkaline hydrolysis gives 4,6-3-oxo-19-hydroxy-steroids. The 19-hydroxycompounds formed are easily converted into 19-norsteroids by known methods.

Über Steroide, 189. (vorläufige) Mitteilung; 188. Mitt. vgl.J. Kalvoda, J. Schmidlin, G. Anner undA. Wettstein, Exper.18, 398 (1962).  相似文献   

Summary Methyl-nitrosourea, an unstable nitrosamide, exhibits a resorptive cancerogenic effect after shorttermed oral administration of high doses (4 times 40 mg/kg body weight). Induction time and localization of the observed tumours depend, among other things, on the dose and the pH of the cancerogen solution and on the age of animals.  相似文献   

Summary By oxidative degradation of capsorubin, it could be demonstrated that the methyl groups are in position 1, 1, 5 (1, 1, 5) and the OH-group is attached to carbon atom 3 (3). An analogous structure may be assumed for capsanthin and cryptocapsin.  相似文献   

Summary With the addition of N-phthaloyl-dl-glutamic acid, a metabolite of thalidomide, the solubility of folic acid rises owing to greater complexity. These results could explain the teratogenic effect of thalidomide.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of development of contact eczema, which might serve as a working hypothesis for other clinical forms of eczema, is not yet fully understood. An attempt was made, by means of sensitization with Dinitrochlorobenzol in guinea-pigs, to determine the time and place of the pathogenetic phenomena, as well as the organs and tissues affected. Experiments on skin-explants permitted the separate investigation of the different systems, i.e. the blood, nerve and lymphe, presumed to be involved.It was ascertained that the lymphatic system is absolutely essential for the development of sensitization, and the blood path for its generalized spread.

Ausführliche Publikation erscheint demnächst in Dermatologica, Basel.  相似文献   

Summary In a range from 6 to 30°C, the influence of temperature on the relation between the light intensity and the amplitude of the b-wave of the exposure potential has been investigated for the isolated frog retina. Between 10 and 25°C, the gross activation energy of the response to light leads to a temperature coefficient which shows that the formation of the b-wave is mainly checked by diffusion processes. While at 6°C the b-wave has vanished, a complete delayed off-response can still be registered.  相似文献   

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