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对Milgrom-Weber模型进行了拓展,假定投标人数是服从Poisson分布的随机变量,利用不完全信息静态博弈方法,得到第一价格全支付拍卖中投标人的均衡报价函数,解决了实际中难以确定投标人数的困难.在此基础上,对投标人的目标函数进行了修正,引入两个参数反映投标人对获胜概率和净收益的偏好程度,得到了相应的投标人均衡报...  相似文献   

常见拍卖形式的均衡出价策略及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一个拍卖形式的各种性质和特征的分析都建立在我们对其中的竞价者行为的分析以及对均衡结果得了解的基础上。然而,在多数情形下,拍卖的均衡没有显式表示,但在风险中性的假设下,买者的期望报酬是可加的,它是期望收入和期望支出的差,这种拟线性结构为求解拍卖的均衡策略带来极大的方便,事实上在多数情形下我们能够得到解析解,关于拍卖理论的核心结论也大多建立在风险中性的假设下。本文的目标是对各种拍卖中及其在不同的假设和限制下竞价者的出价行为以及均衡结果进行归纳和总结。  相似文献   

将数量折扣引入到具有随机等价互补品的序贯二价拍卖中,研究了数量折扣对买者均衡报价战略及期望剩余的影响,建立了卖者如何选择最优的数量折扣以最大化自己期望收益的规划问题. 分析结果表明:采用适量的数量折扣可以激发买者之间的激烈竞争行为,进而使得卖者的期望收益得到提高,而最优的数量折扣随着买者人数的增加而减小.  相似文献   

针对拍卖中存在的跳跃投标现象,且跳跃投标对可能改变拍卖双方期望收益情况,以基于跳跃出价的两物品增价拍卖为例,研究了跳跃出价对投标方收益效应,计算了跳跃出价均衡下的投标方期望收益,并在同不存在跳跃出价进行比较的基础上,给出了投标方希望通过跳跃出价改善其期望收益的一般条件.  相似文献   

在复杂合同的采购拍卖中,除价格外投标中还包含其他的质量属性,因价格和质量在量纲和数值上存在较大差异,使得投标策略择和赢者决策问题变得更加困难. 鉴于此,本文基于简单加权法,提出一种新的赢者决策方案,此方案不仅解决格和质量的量纲不统一和数值不可比的难题,而且还简化了评标的计算过程. 在新方案下,本文分别给出风险中性者和风险规避者的均衡投标策略,投标人数对均衡投标,投标者收益和采购者收益的影响. 结果显示: 投标者之间的竞争激烈程度对风险中性者和风险规避者的投标影响方向相同; 但是,相对于风险中性者,风险规避者将报出较低的价格和较高的质量; 其中,部分结广了传统单属性拍卖理论,部分结论较前人的研究成果更加贴近采购现实.  相似文献   

This paper builds a theoretical framework of two-period general equilibrium model to explore whether 1) the restrictions of the Islamic financial system(RIFS) limit economic development in Xinjiang and 2) counterpart financial support for Xinjiang(CFSX) promotes economic development and social stability. First, we introduce above mentioned restrictions caused by Islamic beliefs into a general equilibrium model and modify Islamic agents' budget constraints to define the benchmark equilibrium.Comparing the benchmark equilibrium with the perfect equilibrium, in which these restrictions are removed, we discover the RIFS paradox that RIFS undermine the social welfare and income of Muslims.Second, the financial support is introduced into the pattern of benchmark equilibrium as an exogenous variable to model its impact and hence we define the CFSX equilibrium. A series of policy analyses implies that the CFSX strategy improves living standards and social welfare in Xinjiang.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic bidding model of power markets involving transmission constraints and bounded constraints of bidding variables. On the basis of the Nash equilibrium theory of power markets and the nonlinear complementarity method in optimization computations, the dynamic bidding model is composed of a difference dynamic system and semismooth equations. As examples with three buses and fine buses, numerical simulations analyze that under the different parameters of the market, the system will appear different operation states of transmission (i.e., congestion and non-congestion) and different Nash equilibriums. Furthermore, the local stability of bidding model at Nash equilibriums is investigated. The effect of the adjusting parameter in bidding model to the equilibrium points and the stability is also studied.  相似文献   

针对现有的模型均以投标人是对称的这一刚性假设的局限性, 建立了基于非对称投标人的反向多属性英式拍卖模型, 并在新的拍卖模型中加入投标质量属性最低值约束, 弥补了现有模型在没有考虑实际反向拍卖中拍卖人一般对投标质量属性值会有最低限制这一客观需求的缺陷. 最后基于新的拍卖模型, 给出了结构化的最优投标策略和拍卖过程描述及示例. 上述研究结果适用于通过反向多属性拍卖与信息技术相结合的网上自动化采购和投标人决策支持.  相似文献   

针对上下游企业均发生资金约束的供应链,考虑了两种由交易信用与银行融资组合的融资策略,建立了包含供应商、零售商以及银行在内的动态博弈模型,分别给出了两种组合策略下的最优批发价,订货量以及贷款利率,进一步从供应链成员企业和银行的角度比较了这两种组合融资策略.最后通过数值算例分析了零售商的资金水平对供应链融资系统绩效的影响.研究发现:对于双边资金约束的供应链而言,延期付款与银行融资的组合策略为均衡融资策略;当供应链极度缺乏资金时,对于零售商和银行而言,提前付款与银行融资的组合策略为均衡融资策略,对于供应商而言,延期付款与银行融资的组合策略为均衡融资策略.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison mechanism for a simple procurement auction and generalized Nash bargaining solution in a procurement circumstance. The buyer who hopes to fulfill a project has two options. First, she may award the project to the old provider with an efficient quality by bargaining. Second, she may give the project to the firm who submits the lowest bid through a simple procurement second-price sealed-bid auction with a pre-fixed quality. We compare the expected revenue in the auction with the deterministic profit of the bargaining. In different parameters cases, we find the borderline functions between the two options with respect to the buyer’s bargaining power and the amount of bidders. We also compare our simple procurement auction (SPA) with the optimal multidimensional bid auction by Che (1993), and find our model protects the buyer’s private valuation information by forfeiting some profits. Some properties of the difference between the two auctions are proposed, especially there is no revenue difference when the amount of bidders approaches infinity.  相似文献   

运用局部均衡的原理,按照6位协调商品名称和编码体系的产品分类标准,分析了农业国内支持水平的变动对国家社会福利的影响;并利用非线性规划法,基于国家年度财政预算和WTO农业协议的约束,以最大化国家社会福利为目标,构建我国农业国内支持水平优化模型,寻求我国最优农业国内支持水平.  相似文献   

In sequential auctions the phenomenon of declining prices is often observed, which in theory can be represented by a supermartingale. This paper employs the perspective that bidders’ values may change over stages and the common priors are sequentially adjusted by the remaining bidders. It is shown that the declining price sequence can be explained by the adjustment of common priors between auctions. The adjustment of common priors is characterized by stochastic orders. Sufficient and necessary conditions for a supermartingale price sequence are derived.  相似文献   

建立了基于预算与佣金约束的排污权关联价值拍卖模型,并分析了佣金与预算约束条件下排污权关联价值拍卖机制中厂商的均衡出价策略,投标数量以及厂商、环保部门和拍卖行的期望收益等问题.结论表明,在排污权关联价值拍卖机制中,无论佣金是常数还是成交价格的线性函数,厂商的期望收益都不变.  相似文献   

论文研究了两个销售商在拥有各自销售市场并面对相同供应商情况下的市场进入策略. 分析了单个企业进入对方市场和两个企业同时互相进入对方市场的情况, 得出了在不同情况下供应商的最优定价策略, 以及销售商们的采购数量和销售商们在各市场上输出的产品数量. 研究发现在大多数情况下销售商们的纳什均衡解为互相进入对方市场. 但是当两个市场的市场规模和价格弹性相近的时候, 销售商们面临'囚徒困境'---虽然互相进入对方的市场是市场进入博弈的纳什均衡, 但销售商的利润值均低于各自选择不进入对方市场时的收益.  相似文献   

An acquisition discount can reflect not only the liquidity demands for unlisted targets but also the strategic requirements, management efficiencies and capital allocations for the listed bidders.Based on Officer(2007), the authors choose an acquisition approach to generate an acquisition discount for unlisted targets. In China, unlisted firms are sold at a deeper discount than listed firms. The deeper discount mainly depends on the liquidity demand and the characteristics of the bilateral trading components. Larger bidders tend to pay more, whereas smaller targets are sold at lower discounts. The values of unlisted targets in the TMT industry are underestimated. Furthermore, buying out unlisted targets can significantly increase the abnormal return of public bidders during the announcement period.Deeper discounts or stock payments have a positive effect on the stock values of the bidders, whereas this positive increase will be weakened if the bidder is large or has a previous ownership relationship.  相似文献   

考虑市场上存在两个非对称竞争性厂商,强势品牌厂商比弱势品牌厂商拥有更多的忠诚消费者。研究了竞争性厂商为消费者发放基于LBS的移动定向优惠券的策略,探讨了单位定向成本对厂商的定向促销策略(包括移动优惠券的优惠力度、定向范围、推送对象等)、市场均衡和社会福利的影响。研究结果表明,单位定向成本大小会影响厂商是否发放定向优惠券;厂商发放基于LBS的定向优惠券不一定会导致囚徒困境;在一定条件下基于LBS的定向促销会增加消费者剩余和社会福利。  相似文献   

An acquisition discount can reflect not only the liquidity demands for unlisted targets but also the strategic requirements, management efficiencies and capital allocations for the listed bidders. Based on Officer (2007), the authors choose an acquisition approach to generate an acquisition discount for unlisted targets. In China, unlisted firms are sold at a deeper discount than listed firms. The deeper discount mainly depends on the liquidity demand and the characteristics of the bilateral trading components. Larger bidders tend to pay more, whereas smaller targets are sold at lower discounts. The values of unlisted targets in the TMT industry are underestimated. Furthermore, buying out unlisted targets can significantly increase the abnormal return of public bidders during the announcement period. Deeper discounts or stock payments have a positive effect on the stock values of the bidders, whereas this positive increase will be weakened if the bidder is large or has a previous ownership relationship.  相似文献   

研究保留价格差异和通道费对3种竞争渠道均衡结果和均衡结构的影响,通过对格力和美的渠道结构选择进行案例分析来验证均衡结构的结论,比较了3种竞争渠道下的产品差异化、消费者剩余以及社会福利,最后,从成本差异和网络外部性2个角度对基本模型进行拓展。结论表明:当零售商收取较高通道费时,制造商将自建分销渠道或重新选择其他零售商;消费者剩余在II下最高,社会福利在DD下最低;普通品牌制造商能够通过降低产品成本削弱知名品牌的竞争优势;网络外部性将加剧市场竞争,降低渠道成员利润。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionItiswellknownthatmoralhazardproblemoccursinsingle-agentcasewithuncertaintyinproduction,whereastherewouldbefree-riderinmultiple-agentscaseevenifthereisnouncertaintyinoutput,becauseagentswhocheatcannotbeidentifiedifjointoutputistheonlyobservableindicatorofinputs.Thedifficultyofcalculatingindividualcontributiontojoinedoutputmakesitmorecomplicatedtodesignefficientincentivemechanismsforagroupthanforasingleagent.AgencyTheoryindicatesthatwhenasingleagentisriskneutral,acontractthatgives…  相似文献   

对于拍卖品的最终估价,投标人面临着不确定性,在拍卖之后不确定性得到消除。在第一价格密封拍卖环境下,从拍卖方来说,引进具有撤销权的拍卖可能是适宜的。当存在拍卖品给投标人带来负的或较低效用的情况时,通过引进有撤销权拍卖,可改善拍卖方的预期收益;而当拍卖品给投标人带来较高效用时,拍卖方的预期收益在不采用撤销权的拍卖中更高,拍卖人就没有兴趣采用有撤销权的拍卖方式。  相似文献   

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