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Early tumorigenesis is associated with the engagement of the DNA-damage checkpoint response (DDR). Cell proliferation and transformation induced by oncogene activation are restrained by cellular senescence. It is unclear whether DDR activation and oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) are causally linked. Here we show that senescence, triggered by the expression of an activated oncogene (H-RasV12) in normal human cells, is a consequence of the activation of a robust DDR. Experimental inactivation of DDR abrogates OIS and promotes cell transformation. DDR and OIS are established after a hyper-replicative phase occurring immediately after oncogene expression. Senescent cells arrest with partly replicated DNA and with DNA replication origins having fired multiple times. In vivo DNA labelling and molecular DNA combing reveal that oncogene activation leads to augmented numbers of active replicons and to alterations in DNA replication fork progression. We also show that oncogene expression does not trigger a DDR in the absence of DNA replication. Last, we show that oncogene activation is associated with DDR activation in a mouse model in vivo. We propose that OIS results from the enforcement of a DDR triggered by oncogene-induced DNA hyper-replication.  相似文献   

Oncogene-induced senescence as an initial barrier in lymphoma development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acute induction of oncogenic Ras provokes cellular senescence involving the retinoblastoma (Rb) pathway, but the tumour suppressive potential of senescence in vivo remains elusive. Recently, Rb-mediated silencing of growth-promoting genes by heterochromatin formation associated with methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me) was identified as a critical feature of cellular senescence, which may depend on the histone methyltransferase Suv39h1. Here we show that Emicro-N-Ras transgenic mice harbouring targeted heterozygous lesions at the Suv39h1, or the p53 locus for comparison, succumb to invasive T-cell lymphomas that lack expression of Suv39h1 or p53, respectively. By contrast, most N-Ras-transgenic wild-type ('control') animals develop a non-lymphoid neoplasia significantly later. Proliferation of primary lymphocytes is directly stalled by a Suv39h1-dependent, H3K9me-related senescent growth arrest in response to oncogenic Ras, thereby cancelling lymphomagenesis at an initial step. Suv39h1-deficient lymphoma cells grow rapidly but, unlike p53-deficient cells, remain highly susceptible to adriamycin-induced apoptosis. In contrast, only control, but not Suv39h1-deficient or p53-deficient, lymphomas senesce after drug therapy when apoptosis is blocked. These results identify H3K9me-mediated senescence as a novel Suv39h1-dependent tumour suppressor mechanism whose inactivation permits the formation of aggressive but apoptosis-competent lymphomas in response to oncogenic Ras.  相似文献   

During the evolution of cancer, the incipient tumour experiences 'oncogenic stress', which evokes a counter-response to eliminate such hazardous cells. However, the nature of this stress remains elusive, as does the inducible anti-cancer barrier that elicits growth arrest or cell death. Here we show that in clinical specimens from different stages of human tumours of the urinary bladder, breast, lung and colon, the early precursor lesions (but not normal tissues) commonly express markers of an activated DNA damage response. These include phosphorylated kinases ATM and Chk2, and phosphorylated histone H2AX and p53. Similar checkpoint responses were induced in cultured cells upon expression of different oncogenes that deregulate DNA replication. Together with genetic analyses, including a genome-wide assessment of allelic imbalances, our data indicate that early in tumorigenesis (before genomic instability and malignant conversion), human cells activate an ATR/ATM-regulated DNA damage response network that delays or prevents cancer. Mutations compromising this checkpoint, including defects in the ATM-Chk2-p53 pathway, might allow cell proliferation, survival, increased genomic instability and tumour progression.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response: putting checkpoints in perspective   总被引:141,自引:0,他引:141  
Zhou BB  Elledge SJ 《Nature》2000,408(6811):433-439
The inability to repair DNA damage properly in mammals leads to various disorders and enhanced rates of tumour development. Organisms respond to chromosomal insults by activating a complex damage response pathway. This pathway regulates known responses such as cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis (programmed cell death), and has recently been shown to control additional processes including direct activation of DNA repair networks.  相似文献   

A DNA damage checkpoint response in telomere-initiated senescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most human somatic cells can undergo only a limited number of population doublings in vitro. This exhaustion of proliferative potential, called senescence, can be triggered when telomeres--the ends of linear chromosomes-cannot fulfil their normal protective functions. Here we show that senescent human fibroblasts display molecular markers characteristic of cells bearing DNA double-strand breaks. These markers include nuclear foci of phosphorylated histone H2AX and their co-localization with DNA repair and DNA damage checkpoint factors such as 53BP1, MDC1 and NBS1. We also show that senescent cells contain activated forms of the DNA damage checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2. Furthermore, by chromatin immunoprecipitation and whole-genome scanning approaches, we show that the chromosome ends of senescent cells directly contribute to the DNA damage response, and that uncapped telomeres directly associate with many, but not all, DNA damage response proteins. Finally, we show that inactivation of DNA damage checkpoint kinases in senescent cells can restore cell-cycle progression into S phase. Thus, we propose that telomere-initiated senescence reflects a DNA damage checkpoint response that is activated with a direct contribution from dysfunctional telomeres.  相似文献   

MDC1 is required for the intra-S-phase DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
MRE11, RAD50 and NBS1 form a highly conserved protein complex (the MRE11 complex) that is involved in the detection, signalling and repair of DNA damage. We identify MDC1 (KIAA0170/NFBD1), a protein that contains a forkhead-associated (FHA) domain and two BRCA1 carboxy-terminal (BRCT) domains, as a binding partner for the MRE11 complex. We show that, in response to ionizing radiation, MDC1 is hyperphosphorylated in an ATM-dependent manner, and rapidly relocalizes to nuclear foci that also contain the MRE11 complex, phosphorylated histone H2AX and 53BP1. Downregulation of MDC1 expression by small interfering RNA yields a radio-resistant DNA synthesis (RDS) phenotype and prevents ionizing radiation-induced focus formation by the MRE11 complex. However, downregulation of MDC1 does not abolish the ionizing radiation-induced phosphorylation of NBS1, CHK2 and SMC1, or the degradation of CDC25A. Furthermore, we show that overexpression of the MDC1 FHA domain interferes with focus formation by MDC1 itself and by the MRE11 complex, and induces an RDS phenotype. These findings reveal that MDC1-mediated focus formation by the MRE11 complex at sites of DNA damage is crucial for the efficient activation of the intra-S-phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

MDC1 is a mediator of the mammalian DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Stewart GS  Wang B  Bignell CR  Taylor AM  Elledge SJ 《Nature》2003,421(6926):961-966
To counteract the continuous exposure of cells to agents that damage DNA, cells have evolved complex regulatory networks called checkpoints to sense DNA damage and coordinate DNA replication, cell-cycle arrest and DNA repair. It has recently been shown that the histone H2A variant H2AX specifically controls the recruitment of DNA repair proteins to the sites of DNA damage. Here we identify a novel BRCA1 carboxy-terminal (BRCT) and forkhead-associated (FHA) domain-containing protein, MDC1 (mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1), which works with H2AX to promote recruitment of repair proteins to the sites of DNA breaks and which, in addition, controls damage-induced cell-cycle arrest checkpoints. MDC1 forms foci that co-localize extensively with gamma-H2AX foci within minutes after exposure to ionizing radiation. H2AX is required for MDC1 foci formation, and MDC1 forms complexes with phosphorylated H2AX. Furthermore, this interaction is phosphorylation dependent as peptides containing the phosphorylated site on H2AX bind MDC1 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. We have shown by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) that cells lacking MDC1 are sensitive to ionizing radiation, and that MDC1 controls the formation of damage-induced 53BP1, BRCA1 and MRN foci, in part by promoting efficient H2AX phosphorylation. In addition, cells lacking MDC1 also fail to activate the intra-S phase and G2/M phase cell-cycle checkpoints properly after exposure to ionizing radiation, which was associated with an inability to regulate Chk1 properly. These results highlight a crucial role for MDC1 in mediating transduction of the DNA damage signal.  相似文献   

Z M Yuan  H Shioya  T Ishiko  X Sun  J Gu  Y Y Huang  H Lu  S Kharbanda  R Weichselbaum  D Kufe 《Nature》1999,399(6738):814-817
The protein p73 is a structural and functional homologue of the p53 tumour-suppressor protein but, unlike p53, it is not induced in response to DNA damage. The tyrosine kinase c-Abl is activated by certain DNA-damaging agents and contributes to the induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis) by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. Here we show that c-Abl binds to p73 in cells, interacting through its SH3 domain with the carboxy-terminal homo-oligomerization domain of p73. c-Abl phosphorylates p73 on a tyrosine residue at position 99 both in vitro and in cells that have been exposed to ionizing radiation. Our results show that c-Abl stimulates p73-mediated transactivation and apoptosis. This regulation of p73 by c-Abl in response to DNA damage is also demonstrated by a failure of ionizing-radiation-induced apoptosis after disruption of the c-Abl-p73 interaction. These findings show that p73 is regulated by a c-Abl-dependent mechanism and that p73 participates in the apoptotic response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Clustered DNA damage is considered as a critical type of lesions induced by ionizing radiation, which can be converted into the fatal or strong mutagenic complex double strand breaks (DSBs) during damage processing in the cells. The new data show that high energy protons produce more potentially lethal DSBs than low LET radiation. In this study, plasmid DNA were used to in-vestigate and re-evaluate the biological effects induced by the protons with the LET of ~3.6 keV/μm at the molecular level in vitro, including single strand breaks (SSBs), DSBs, isolated and clustered base damages. The results of complex DNA damage detections indicated that protons at the given LET value induce about 1.6 fold more non-DSB clustered DNA damages than the prompt DSB. The DNA damage yields by protons were greater than that by γ-rays, specifically by 6 fold for the isolated type of DNA damage and 14 fold for the clustered damage. Furthermore, the spectrum of damages was also demonstrated to be depended on the radiation quality, with protons producing more DSBs relative to clusters than do γ-rays.  相似文献   

Min JH  Pavletich NP 《Nature》2007,449(7162):570-575
Mutations in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway can cause the xeroderma pigmentosum skin cancer predisposition syndrome. NER lesions are limited to one DNA strand, but otherwise they are chemically and structurally diverse, being caused by a wide variety of genotoxic chemicals and ultraviolet radiation. The xeroderma pigmentosum C (XPC) protein has a central role in initiating global-genome NER by recognizing the lesion and recruiting downstream factors. Here we present the crystal structure of the yeast XPC orthologue Rad4 bound to DNA containing a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) lesion. The structure shows that Rad4 inserts a beta-hairpin through the DNA duplex, causing the two damaged base pairs to flip out of the double helix. The expelled nucleotides of the undamaged strand are recognized by Rad4, whereas the two CPD-linked nucleotides become disordered. These findings indicate that the lesions recognized by Rad4/XPC thermodynamically destabilize the Watson-Crick double helix in a manner that facilitates the flipping-out of two base pairs.  相似文献   

以吖啶酯为嵌入DNA双螺旋结构的化学发光指示剂,以0.10 mol/L HNO3 0.3%H2O2和0.3 mol/L NaOH 2%TritonX—100为发光启动试剂,建立了一种简单的评价DNA断裂损伤的化学发光分析新方法.结果表明,低浓度的甲醛引起DNA的断裂损伤,高浓度的甲醛引起DNA链的交联,乙醛仅引起DNA链的断裂损伤.同时研究了甲醛和乙醛对DNA的损伤行为及其可能的机制.  相似文献   

Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is characterized by extreme radiation sensitivity, chromosomal instability and cancer. The phenotypes are similar to those of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) disease, where there is a deficiency in a protein kinase that is activated by DNA damage, indicating that the Nbs and Atm proteins may participate in common pathways. Here we report that Nbs is specifically phosphorylated in response to gamma-radiation, ultraviolet light and exposure to hydroxyurea. Phosphorylation of Nbs mediated by gamma-radiation, but not that induced by hydroxyurea or ultraviolet light, was markedly reduced in ATM cells. In vivo, Nbs was phosphorylated on many serine residues, of which S343, S397 and S615 were phosphorylated by Atm in vitro. At least two of these sites were underphosphorylated in ATM cells. Inactivation of these serines by mutation partially abrogated Atm-dependent phosphorylation. Reconstituting NBS cells with a mutant form of Nbs that cannot be phosphorylated at selected, ATM-dependent serine residues led to a specific reduction in clonogenic survival after gamma-radiation. Thus, phosphorylation of Nbs by Atm is critical for certain responses of human cells to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Bao S  Wu Q  McLendon RE  Hao Y  Shi Q  Hjelmeland AB  Dewhirst MW  Bigner DD  Rich JN 《Nature》2006,444(7120):756-760
Ionizing radiation represents the most effective therapy for glioblastoma (World Health Organization grade IV glioma), one of the most lethal human malignancies, but radiotherapy remains only palliative because of radioresistance. The mechanisms underlying tumour radioresistance have remained elusive. Here we show that cancer stem cells contribute to glioma radioresistance through preferential activation of the DNA damage checkpoint response and an increase in DNA repair capacity. The fraction of tumour cells expressing CD133 (Prominin-1), a marker for both neural stem cells and brain cancer stem cells, is enriched after radiation in gliomas. In both cell culture and the brains of immunocompromised mice, CD133-expressing glioma cells survive ionizing radiation in increased proportions relative to most tumour cells, which lack CD133. CD133-expressing tumour cells isolated from both human glioma xenografts and primary patient glioblastoma specimens preferentially activate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to radiation, and repair radiation-induced DNA damage more effectively than CD133-negative tumour cells. In addition, the radioresistance of CD133-positive glioma stem cells can be reversed with a specific inhibitor of the Chk1 and Chk2 checkpoint kinases. Our results suggest that CD133-positive tumour cells represent the cellular population that confers glioma radioresistance and could be the source of tumour recurrence after radiation. Targeting DNA damage checkpoint response in cancer stem cells may overcome this radioresistance and provide a therapeutic model for malignant brain cancers.  相似文献   

Damage to DNA in the cell activates the tumour-suppressor protein p53, and failure of this activation leads to genetic instability and a predisposition to cancer. It is therefore crucial to understand the signal transduction mechanisms that connect DNA damage with p53 activation. The enzyme known as DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) has been proposed to be an essential activator of p53, but the evidence for its involvement in this pathway is controversial. We now show that the p53 response is fully functional in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking DNA-PK: irradiation-induced DNA damage in these defective fibroblasts induces a normal response of p53 accumulation, phosphorylation of a p53 serine residue at position 15, nuclear localization and binding to DNA of p53. The upregulation of p53-target genes and cell-cycle arrest also occur normally. The DNA-PK-deficient cell line SCGR11 contains a homozygous mutation in the DNA-binding domain of p53, which may explain the defective response by p53 reported in this line. Our results indicate that DNA-PK activity is not required for cells to mount a p53-dependent response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

本实验利用单细胞凝胶电泳技术(Single cell gel electrophoresis,SCGE)分析细胞中DNA的损伤情况,实验使用受试生物为土壤毒理学常用的模式生物赤子爱胜蚯蚓.从SCGE技术的实验方法开始,摸索SCGE的实验步骤,分别从体腔细胞的提取、铺胶、裂解、染色四个方面优化实验.探究了阴阳性的对照组,观察到阳性对照组出现条带状的DNA片段,而阴性对照组只观察到团状DNA,说明本实验的实验方法摸索成功.与此同时,将经过零价纳米铁染毒的赤子爱胜蚯蚓体腔细胞作为平行样品,进一步分析零价纳米铁(n ZVI)的生态毒理学效应,实验结果发现,在该实验条件设置下,纳米铁的急性毒性效应并不强烈,无法观察到DNA损伤.这一结论为纳米铁在环境领域的应用提供可行性的参考.  相似文献   

MDC1 is coupled to activated CHK2 in mammalian DNA damage response pathways   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Lou Z  Minter-Dykhouse K  Wu X  Chen J 《Nature》2003,421(6926):957-961
Forkhead-homology-associated (FHA) domains function as protein-protein modules that recognize phosphorylated serine/threonine motifs. Interactions between FHA domains and phosphorylated proteins are thought to have essential roles in the transduction of DNA damage signals; however, it is unclear how FHA-domain-containing proteins participate in mammalian DNA damage responses. Here we report that a FHA-domain-containing protein-mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1; previously known as KIAA0170)--is involved in DNA damage responses. MDC1 localizes to sites of DNA breaks and associates with CHK2 after DNA damage. This association is mediated by the MDC1 FHA domain and the phosphorylated Thr 68 of CHK2. Furthermore, MDC1 is phosphorylated in an ATM/CHK2-dependent manner after DNA damage, suggesting that MDC1 may function in the ATM-CHK2 pathway. Consistent with this hypothesis, suppression of MDC1 expression results in defective S-phase checkpoint and reduced apoptosis in response to DNA damage, which can be restored by the expression of wild-type MDC1 but not MDC1 with a deleted FHA domain. Suppression of MDC1 expression results in decreased p53 stabilization in response to DNA damage. These results suggest that MDC1 is recruited through its FHA domain to the activated CHK2, and has a critical role in CHK2-mediated DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

Base-excision repair of oxidative DNA damage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
David SS  O'Shea VL  Kundu S 《Nature》2007,447(7147):941-950
Maintaining the chemical integrity of DNA in the face of assault by oxidizing agents is a constant challenge for living organisms. Base-excision repair has an important role in preventing mutations associated with a common product of oxidative damage to DNA, 8-oxoguanine. Recent structural studies have shown that 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylases use an intricate series of steps to locate and excise 8-oxoguanine lesions efficiently against a high background of undamaged bases. The importance of preventing mutations associated with 8-oxoguanine is shown by a direct association between defects in the DNA glycosylase MUTYH and colorectal cancer. The properties of other guanine oxidation products and the associated DNA glycosylases that remove them are now also being revealed.  相似文献   

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