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The focus of this paper is on control design and simulation for the longitudinal model of a flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicle(FAHV).The model of interest includes flexibility effects and intricate couplings between the engine dynamics and flight dynamics.To overcome the analytical intractability of this model,a nominal control-oriented model is constructed for the purpose of feedback control design in the first place.Secondly,the multi-input multi-output(MIMO) quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode(HOSM) controller is proposed to track step changes in velocity and altitude,which is based on full state feedback.The simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

This paper describes an adaptive control approach for an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle.The control objective is to provide robust altitudes and velocity tracking in the presence of model uncertainties and varying disturbances.A fuzzy-neural disturbance observer is developed to estimate uncertainties and disturbances,and the adaptive controller is synthesized by the dynamic surface approach combing with the observer.The tracking error at the steady state can be guaranteed to converge to inside of a small residue set which the size of the set can be an arbitrary small value.Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of reference tracking control for the flexible air-breathing hypersonic flight vehicle with actuator delay and uncertainty.By constructing the Lyapunov functional including the lower and upper bounds of the time-varying delay,the non-fragile controller is designed such that the resulting closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and satisfies a prescribed performance cost index.The simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method,which is validated by excellent output reference altitude and velocity tracking performance.  相似文献   

A novel gain-scheduled switching control method for the longitudinal motion of a flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicle (FAHV) is proposed.Firstly,velocity and altitude are selected as scheduling variables,a polytopic linear parameter varying(LPV) model is developed to represent the complex nonlinear longitudinal dynamics of the FAHV.Secondly,based on the obtained polytopic LPV model,the flight envelope is divided into four smaller subregions, and four gain-scheduled controllers are designed for these parameter subregions.Then,by the defined switching characteristic function,these gain-scheduled controllers are switched in order to guarantee the closed-loop FAHV system to be asymptotically stable and satisfy a given tracking error performance criterion.The condition of gain-scheduled switching controller synthesis is given in terms of linear matrix inequalities(LMIs) which can be easily solved by using standard software packages.Finally,simulation results show the effectiveness of the presented method.  相似文献   

针对高超声速飞行器纵向模型的快时变、强耦合和高度非线性的特点,在考虑模型不确定性的情况下,采用李导数的方法对某型高超声速飞行器进行输入输出的精确线性化。基于线性化后的模型,提出一种非线性动态逆控制的方法,并对其稳定性进行分析,实现对该型高超声速飞行器的轨迹跟踪控制。并利用Matlab搭建仿真平台,仿真结果显示仿真平台的正确性和控制算法的有效性。  相似文献   

不完全驱动船舶航迹控制输入输出线性化设计   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
针对船舶航迹保持控制系统模型中存在的非线性 ,建立了不完全驱动水面船舶直线航迹控制系统的非线性数学模型 ;基于输入输出线性化技术 ,采用重定义输出变量思想 ,提出了一种状态反馈控制律。该控制律克服了转首角速度不能为零及重定义输出变量中组成元素的收敛性不能保证的局限 ,使得偏航船舶能够渐近镇定于直线参考航迹 ,并以实习船为例 ,利用MatlabSimulink工具箱进行了计算机仿真研究 ,并对所提出的控制器进行了验证。结果表明 ,所提出的控制器具有比较理想的控制效果和良好的瞬态性能。  相似文献   

针对高超声速制导炮弹的动力学耦合与非线性控制问题,设计一种基于反馈线性化的终端滑模控制器。首先,兼顾控制系统设计的简便性要求与高超声速制导炮弹的强非线性特点,建立非线性控制模型。然后,对模型中动力学耦合问题,根据微分几何理论对其进行反馈线性化,实现俯仰通道与偏航通道的解耦。最后,对两通道分别设计终端滑模控制器,且控制器有限时间收敛。仿真结果表明,所设计的控制器能够快速稳定的追踪指令信号,且在外界干扰与参数摄动的情况下依然具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一类径向基神经网络干扰观测器轨迹线性化控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用径向基神经网络(RBFNN)的逼近能力,研究了基于径向基神经网络干扰观测器(RDO)的鲁棒自适应轨迹线性化控制(TLC)策略,以解决空天飞行器复杂飞行条件下系统不确定及干扰的控制问题。分析了系统存在不确定性时轨迹线性化控制方法性能降低甚至失效的原因,设计了自适应调节律,并采用Lyapunov方法严格证明了在该自适应调节律作用下闭环系统所有误差信号最终有界。仿真结果表明,较当前TLC方法的控制性能,新方案在空天飞行器系统上具有更优异的控制性能和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一种基于二步反馈线性化方法设计解耦跟踪控制器,应用于一个三自由度(3-DOF)直升机实验系统。3-DOF直升机实验模型是典型的高阶多输入设计的多输出系统,具有较强的通道耦合和非线性特性。基于该仿真平台,将线性化系统分解成两个子系统,定义输出为输出误差积分以实现积分控制,按照输入-输出线性化方法通过坐标变换和输入变换对其线性化模型全状态精确线性化,实现了系统完全解耦,对扩展系统按照线性LQR方法设计跟踪控制器。计算机仿真和实时控制表明系统能够很好的跟踪高度和旋转速度参考轨迹。  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器自抗扰姿态控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高超声速飞行器无动力再入过程中具有强耦合、气动参数摄动及不确定性的非线性姿态模型,结合自抗扰控制中的扩张状态观测器(extended state observer, ESO)及非线性状态误差反馈律(nonlinear law state error feedback, NLSEF),分别设计了高超声速飞行器内环和外环自抗扰姿态控制器。将不确定性、耦合及参数摄动等干扰作为“总和干扰”利用扩张状态观测器进行估计并动态反馈补偿,再利用NLSEF抑制补偿残差。自抗扰控制器(active disturbance rejection control, ADRC)设计无需精确的飞行器被控模型,也无需精确的气动参数及摄动界限。仿真结果表明,控制系统能够克服干扰及气动参数大范围摄动的影响,在获取良好的动态品质和跟踪性能的同时,具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

An enhanced trajectory lineazization control(TLC)structure based on radial basis function neural network(RBFNN)and its application on an aerospace vehicle(ASV)flight control system are presensted.The influence of unknown disturbances and uncertainties is reduced by RBFNN thanks to its approaching ability,and a robustifying item is used to overcome the approximate error of RBFNN.The parameters adaptive adjusting laws are designed on the Lyapunov theory.The uniform ultimate boundedness of all signals of the composite closed-loop system is proved based on Lyapunov theory.Finally,the flight control system of an ASV is designed based on the proposed method.Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the designed approach.  相似文献   

A robust adaptive trajectory linearization control (RATLC) algorithm for a class of nonlinear systems with uncertainty and disturbance based on the T-S fuzzy system is presented. The unknown disturbance and uncertainty are estimated by the T-S fuzzy system, and a robust adaptive control law is designed by the Lyapunov theory. Irrespective of whether the dimensions of the system and the rules of the fuzzy system are large or small, there is only one parameter adjusting on line. Uniformly ultimately boundedness of all signals of the composite closed-loop system are proved by theory analysis. Finally, a numerical example is studied based on the proposed method. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

An application of the multiobjective fault detection and isolation (FDI) approach to an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle (HSV) longitudinal dynamics subject to disturbances is presented. Maintaining sustainable and safe flight of HSV is a challenging task due to its strong coupling effects, variable operating conditions and possible failures of system components. A common type of system faults for aircraft including HSV is the loss of effectiveness of its actuators and sensors. To detect and isolate multiple actuator/sensor failures, a faulty linear parameter-varying (LPV) model of HSV is derived by converting actuator/system component faults into equivalent sensor faults. Then a bank of LPV FDI observers is designed to track individual fault with minimum error and suppress the effects of disturbances and other fault signals. The simulation results based on the nonlinear flexible HSV model and a nominal LPV controller demonstrate the effectiveness of the fault estimation technique for HSV.  相似文献   

针对一类非线性不确定系统,基于轨迹线性化控制(TLC)方法及模糊干扰观测器(FDO)技术研究了一种新的非线性控制结构。利用模糊系统具有以任意精度逼近非线性函数的能力设计FDO对未知干扰和不确定进行估计,并通过鲁棒控制项来提高系统的性能。采用Lyapunov方法,证明了跟踪误差和干扰观测误差一致最终有界。最后利用提出的控制方案针对数值算例进行了仿真验证,仿真结果表明了控制方案的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new trajectory linearization control scheme for a class of nonlinear systems subject to harmonic disturbance. It is supposed that the frequency of the disturbance is known, but the amplitude and the phase axe unknown. A disturbance observer dynamics is constructed to estimate the harmonic disturbance,and then the estimation is used to implement a compensation control law to cancel the disturbance. By Lyapunov's direct method, a rigorous pool shows that the composite error of the closed-loop system can approach zero exponen-tially. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated by the application to control of an inverted pendulum. Compared with two existing methods, the proposed method demonstrates better performance in tracking error and response time.  相似文献   

以高超声速再入滑翔目标为研究对象,在对目标机动控制变量进行建模分析的基础上提出了一种轨迹预测算法。首先,基于动力学建模构建了目标跟踪模型,利用气动参数对目标状态向量进行扩维并推导了对应的运动模型。其次,构造了适用于轨迹预测的目标机动控制变量,在不同机动模式下分析了控制变量的变化规律,基于控制变量设计了对应运动方程以及轨迹预测模型。最后,仿真生成了两条轨迹并对所提算法进行了仿真验证,分析了算法性能。仿真结果表明所提轨迹预测算法能够取得较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

针对气动舵受限下的弹性高超声速飞行器控制问题, 提出一种基于神经自适应的智能控制方案。在速度子系统的设计过程中, 为了降低对模型参数的依赖程度, 应用强化学习算法在线调整比例积分微分(proportional integral derivative, PID)控制参数, 给出智能PID控制策略。对于高度子系统, 考虑气动舵的动态特性, 利用神经自适应方法对模型未知函数及不确定项进行逼近。为了处理气动舵的约束问题, 以非线性模型预测控制为优化分配模板生成大量样本数据集, 经离线训练得到深度神经网络代替求解复杂优化问题和控制分配的过程。此外, 通过引入自适应超螺旋微分器处理外部扰动, 增强了系统的鲁棒性。利用Lyapunov方法证明了所设计控制器的稳定性, 并通过仿真验证了所设计控制方案能够快速计算控制指令, 实现高精度跟踪控制。  相似文献   

An enhanced trajectory linearization control (TLC) structure based on radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and its application on an aerospace vehicle (ASV) flight control system are presensted. The influence of unknown disturbances and uncertainties is reduced by RBFNN thanks to its approaching ability, and a robustifying itera is used to overcome the approximate error of RBFNN. The parameters adaptive adjusting laws are designed on the Lyapunov theory. The uniform ultimate boundedness of all signals of the composite closed-loop system is proved based on Lyapunov theory. Finally, the flight control system of an ASV is designed based on the proposed method. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the designed approach.  相似文献   

利用自回归小脑模型神经网络(recurrent cerebella model neural network, RCMAC)良好的非线性逼近能力和自学习能力,结合反馈线性化和反演控制方法,提出了一种自适应非线性控制策略,用于高速再入飞行器控制系统的设计。该方案将RCMAC干扰观测器(recurrent cerebella disturbance observer, RCDO)用于估计系统模型的不确定项,同时采用反演控制方式设计伪线性控制项,并利用符号函数逼近误差的上界,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论设计了权值更新规则,保证闭环系统信号有界。高速再入飞行器的六自由度仿真结果验证了方法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

无人机鲁棒轨迹线性化控制航迹跟踪设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一种鲁棒轨迹线性化控制方法并将其应用于无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV)航迹跟踪控制设计。通过理论分析指明传统轨迹线性化控制方法对系统中的不确定性存在鲁棒性不足的问题,采用改进隐层自适应神经网络对不确定性进行补偿,并利用Lyapunov理论证明了跟踪误差的有界性,最后将该方法应用到无人机三维航迹跟踪控制中。仿真结果表明,当参数摄动在20%时,该控制方法仍能使UAV很好地跟踪理想航迹,从而验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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