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Pathogenic fungus harbours endosymbiotic bacteria for toxin production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Partida-Martinez LP  Hertweck C 《Nature》2005,437(7060):884-888
A number of plant pathogenic fungi belonging to the genus Rhizopus are infamous for causing rice seedling blight. This plant disease is typically initiated by an abnormal swelling of the seedling roots without any sign of infection by the pathogen. This characteristic symptom is in fact caused by the macrocyclic polyketide metabolite rhizoxin that has been isolated from cultures of Rhizopus sp.. The phytotoxin exerts its destructive effect by binding to rice beta-tubulin, which results in inhibition of mitosis and cell cycle arrest. Owing to its remarkably strong antimitotic activity in most eukaryotic cells, including various human cancer cell lines, rhizoxin has attracted considerable interest as a potential antitumour drug. Here we show that rhizoxin is not biosynthesized by the fungus itself, but by endosymbiotic, that is, intracellular living, bacteria of the genus Burkholderia. Our unexpected findings unveil a remarkably complex symbiotic-pathogenic relationship that extends the fungus-plant interaction to a third, bacterial, key-player, and opens new perspectives for pest control.  相似文献   

In vitro phagocytosis of bacteria by insect blood cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N A Ratcliffe  A F Rowley 《Nature》1974,252(5482):391-392

麦胚的提取及有效利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了我国麦胚资源丰富,但未得以充分利用的现状,列举了麦胚的主要营养素(蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿物质)的含量及其生理功能,介绍了小麦胚的提取方法,概要说明了麦胚可能制成的数种麦胚强化营养食品的生产工艺,指出了有效利用麦胚是一个既有经济效益又有社会效益的项目。  相似文献   

细菌降解氰的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过驯化富集培养,从煤气厂曝气池活性污泥中分离出一株能降解氰的菌株,经鉴定为芽孢杆菌属。该菌对氰有较高忍受能力,降解氰的最适条件为:充分曝气供氧;温度为35℃,PH=9.0;在条件下,培养液中氰的浓度为10.89mg/L时,摇床振荡培养35小时,氰的降争率可达61.9%。  相似文献   

目的:探讨提高培养L型菌检出率的方法,了解L型菌对常用抗生素的耐药谱,为防治L型菌所致的肺部感染提供检测依据.方法:对200例肺部感染患者痰标本进行常规与L型菌培养的检测,对分离培养出的细菌进行药敏试验.结果:分离出细菌39株,其中L型菌21株,占53.8%,普通细菌18株,占46.2%;L型菌以克雷伯茵和大肠埃希氏菌最多,各占42.8%.药敏试验对丁胺卡那霉素、庆大霉素、左氧氟沙星及部分头孢类抗生素较为敏感,对氨苄青霉素耐药.结论:L型菌在肺部感染性疾病中比例较高,应将L型菌检测作为常规实验开展,以减少漏诊.同时,临床合理使用抗生素能减少L型菌的产生及提高治疗效果.  相似文献   

采用超滤法从麦胚蛋白酶解物中初步分离纯化抗氧化活性肽,考察了操作压力、操作温度及料液浓度等工艺参数对超滤过程中膜通量的影响,并对超滤前后麦胚蛋白酶解物的相对分子质量分布、氨基酸组成及抗氧化活性进行了比较.结果表明:采用截留相对分子质量3000的聚砜膜对麦胚蛋白酶解物进行超滤分离的最适工艺条件为操作压力0.30 MPa、操作温度20 ℃、麦胚蛋白酶解物浓度35 g/L;超滤有效地除去了料液中相对分子质量较大的组分,麦胚蛋白酶解物中相对分子质量1 000~500及500~130的组分分别为23.81%、48.63%,其抗氧化活性得到提高,清除O2-·的IC50由超滤前的1.64 mg·mL-1降至超滤后的1.29 mg·mL-1.图5,表3,参13.  相似文献   

以感官评价为指标,通过挤压膨化、粉碎和调配等工艺研制了麦胚芽和玉米粉混合的冲剂产品。结果表明:麦胚芽经挤压加工后粗纤维含量下降达46.2%,水溶性蛋白质含量从原来的3.6mg/g增加到38.1mg/g。配料中玉米粉含量越高,挤压加工产物的膨化率越高,但不能改善其粉碎品的溶解性。物料配比对麦胚芽冲剂产品的感官评分有明显的影响(p〈0.1)。多重比较结果表明:物料配比A3(麦胚芽:玉米粉=9:1)与A2(麦胚芽:玉米粉=7:3)之间麦胚芽冲剂的感官评分无明硅的差异。  相似文献   

利用CO2超临界装置萃取小麦胚芽油的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对利用CO2超临界装置萃取小麦胚芽油的各种工艺参数进行了研究。单因子实验研究表明,在萃取压力为30MPa,萃取温度35℃,C02流量20L/h条件下,萃取1小时,能取得比较好的萃取效果。结果对小麦胚芽油的工业化生产有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

This work investigated the spermatogenesis in an infertility BALB/c-nu mouse model by reinfusing germline stem cells into seminiferous tubules. Donor germ cells were isolated from male FVB/NJ-GFP trensgenic mice. Seminiferous tubule microinjection was applied to achieve intratubular germ cell transfer. The germ cells were injected into exposed testes of the infertility mice. We used green fluorescence and DNA analysis of donor cells from GFP transgenic mice as genetic marker. The natural mating and Southern blot methods were applied to analyze the effect of sperm cell transplantation and the sperm function after seminiferous tubule microinjection. The spermatogenesis was morphologically observed from the seminiferous tubules in 41/60 (68.33%) of the injected recipient mice using allogeneic donor cells. In the colonized testes, matured spermatozoa were seen in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. In this research, BALB/c-nu infertility mouse model, the recipient animal, was used to avoid immunological rejection of donor cells, and germ cell transplantation was applied to overcome infertility caused by busulfan treatment. These results demonstrate that this technique of germ cell transplantation is of great use. Germ cell transplantation could be potentially valuable to oncological patients.  相似文献   

The characteristic of hydrogen production by facultative anaerobic bacteria, obligate anaerobic bacteria and their mixed culture was studied by the batch culture method. The results showed that, due to the synergistic effect between facultative bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, the ability of hydrogen production in the mixed culture was much better than that in the pure culture. Especially, the culture Scheme No.7 mixed up with three strains (Bacterium. E: Bacterium. B: Bacterium. P = 1:1:1) not only had the best hydrogen production capacity (1.885 mol H2/mol glucose) and maximum average hydrogen production rate (212.2 mL/(L·h)), but also had stable hydrogen production under continuous culture conditions, which was 1.968 mol H2/mol glucose.  相似文献   

The characteristic of hydrogen production by facultative anaerobic bacteria, obligate anaerobic bacteria and their mixed culture was studied by the batch culture method. The results showed that, due to the synergistic effect between facultative bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, the ability of hydrogen production in the mixed culture was much better than that in the pure culture. Especially, the culture Scheme No.7 mixed up with three strains ( Bacterium.E: Bacterium.B: Bacterium.P = 1:1:1) not only had the best hydrogen production capacity (1.885 mol H2/mol glucose) and maximum average hydrogen production rate (212.2mL/(L·h)), but also had stable hydrogen production under continuous culture conditions, which was 1.968 mol H2/mol glucose.  相似文献   

根际细菌诱导的系统抗性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在植物根际附近(包括根围和根内)存在大量的细菌,其中非致病性根际细菌能诱导植物产生系统抗性,称之为ISR,其表型与病菌诱导的系统获得性抗性(SAR)相似,根际细菌调控诱导的系统抗性对许多植物如拟南芥、豆类、黄瓜等上的真菌、细菌、病毒有抑制作用。诱导细菌和挑战病菌在空间上是相对隔离的,ISR的信号途径需要茉莉酸(JA)和乙烯的作用,ISR不产生PRs。在大田条件下ISR也是有效的,这就提供了一个植物病害生物防治的自然机制。  相似文献   

Natural release of nucleic acids from bacteria into plant cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Stroun  P Anker  G Auderset 《Nature》1970,227(5258):607-608

焙烤小麦胚芽中丙烯酰胺含量的测定与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以小麦胚芽为样品,设定1401,70,200℃3个焙烤温度,每个温度按不同的焙烤时间(分别为10,152,0 min)进行焙烤,样品中加入内标液甲基丙烯酰胺后,以水提取,Carrez试剂除去蛋白质,正己烷脱去油脂,乙酸乙酯萃取,提取液浓缩至1 mL,利用气相色谱测定其丙烯酰胺的浓度,并比较不同焙烤条件下麦芽中丙烯酰胺含量.结果:丙烯酰胺在0.125~2.0μg/mL浓度范围内具有良好的线性(R2=0.999),加标平均回收率为88.1%~104.6%,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于6.7%;焙烤温度相同时,麦芽中丙烯酰胺含量会随着焙烤时间的增加而变大,焙烤时间相同,当焙烤温度为170~200℃时,麦芽中丙烯酰胺含量随着温度的升高而不断减少.  相似文献   

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