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临安境内的野生梅花鹿,是大陆上分布最南的一个野生群体.文章对临安野生梅花鹿的栖息环境、历史变迁、现行状况作了介绍;尤其是对1998年以来,梅花鹿在保护方面走上正规化、专业化道路后,野生梅花鹿的分布区域、活动中心、种群数量等作了定量的分析.  相似文献   

Pleiotropic effects of albinism on open field behaviour in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J C DeFries 《Nature》1969,221(5175):65-66

G F Koob  R Dantzer  F Rodriguez  F E Bloom  M Le Moal 《Nature》1985,315(6022):750-752
It has been suggested that arginine vasopressin (AVP) is involved in the retention of learned responses, in addition to its classical physiological functions of water retention and modulation of blood pressure. AVP administered subcutaneously (s.c.), intraventricularly or intracerebrally can prolong extinction of active avoidance behaviour and can enhance retention in inhibitory (passive) avoidance. These effects have been interpreted as a direct action of AVP on the central nervous system to facilitate memory consolidation. AVP also has facilitatory effects on cognitive function in humans, and marked deficits in AVP function have been associated with certain types of psychopathology. Alternative hypotheses for the behavioural actions of AVP have involved motivational constructs such as arousal, and our recent work has focused on the role of arousal resulting from the activation of peripheral visceral signals in the behavioural effects of peripherally administered AVP. The development of a specific antagonist for AVP, 1-deaminopenicillamine-2-O-methyl tyrosine arginine vasopressin (dPTyr(Me)AVP), which can reverse the behavioural effects of exogenously administered AVP, has provided a powerful tool for examining the role of AVP in the behavioural responses produced by physiological challenges known to release vasopressin. However, the relationship between the behavioural effects of exogenously administered AVP and the behavioural function of endogenously released AVP has not been evaluated. We report here that a potent peripheral osmotic stimulus, the intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of hypertonic saline, at doses known to release AVP both centrally and peripherally, will produce behavioural effects similar to those of exogenously administered AVP. Furthermore, the prolongation of active avoidance induced by this osmotic stimulus is reversed by pretreatment with dPTyr(Me)AVP, suggesting that endogenously released AVP may also produce behavioural effects.  相似文献   

Amphetamine-barbiturate mixture: effects on the behaviour of mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mysterud A  Stenseth NC  Yoccoz NG  Langvatn R  Steinheim G 《Nature》2001,410(6832):1096-1099
Large-scale climatic fluctuations, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), have been shown to affect many ecological processes. Such effects have been typically assumed to be linear. Only one study has reported a nonlinear relation; however, that nonlinear relation was monotonic (that is, no reversal). Here we show that there is a strong nonlinear and non-monotonic (that is, reversed) effect of the NAO on body weight during the subsequent autumn for 23,838 individual wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 139,485 individual domestic sheep (Ovis aries) sampled over several decades on the west coast of Norway. These relationships are, at least in part, explained by comparable nonlinear and non-monotonic relations between the NAO and local climatic variables (temperature, precipitation and snow depth). The similar patterns observed for red deer and sheep, the latter of which live indoors during winter and so experience a stable energy supply in winter, suggest that the (winter) climatic variability (for which the index is a proxy) must influence the summer foraging conditions directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

本文在研究宿东矿区构造特征及煤体结构破坏规律的基础上,分析了该地区构造对瓦斯流动、煤体结构破坏的控制作用及它们对瓦斯赋存的影响,并将宿东矿区分为五个构造区,分析每个区的赋存规律.  相似文献   

利用集中质量方法建立了模拟水流作用下网衣动态变形的数学模型.利用此模型分析了重力式网箱在均匀流作用下,不同的配重重量对其受力和变形的影响.对不同流速不同配重大小情况下重力式网箱网衣所受荷载和变形进行了模拟.为了验证数学模型的有效性和数值模拟结果的正确性,将模拟结果与Lader等的试验结果进行了比较.结果表明计算和试验结果吻合良好,各种工况和配重条件下计算结果相对误差都在15%以内.该研究结果为水流条件下网箱的数值模拟奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The characterization of feldspar for electric porcelain and the behaviour of these materials after heating at 1230℃ were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) were used to identify the present phases and the densification level. Feldspar sand was treated by flotation. The floated feldspar is constituted by microcline, quartz, and minor amounts of albite. The microstructure of sintered feldspar at 1230℃ is essentially vitreous with open microporosities. The dielectrical properties of composites were characterized by using the induced courant method (ICM), which indicates that the charge trapping capacity depends on the mineralogical and chemical composition of feldspar.  相似文献   

气升式外环流反应器结构特性对传质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了气升式外环流反应器(EALR)结构特性(高径比、喷嘴结构、喷嘴位置、两管中心距)对气含率、液体体积传质系数的影响。得出了反应器的较优结构尺寸。在冷模试验优选出确定结构的EALR中进行了苏云金杜菌的发酵实验,与传统的机械搅拌罐相比,苏云金杆菌的发酵周期可缩短9h左右,发酵水平可提高35%。  相似文献   

野生木瓜营养成份测定结果为:100g鲜木瓜含有17种氨基酸,总量为132922mg.其中Glu17246mg,粗蛋白181g;粗脂肪030g,还原糖143g;维生素C022mg,B族维生素283mg;主要无机元素K213mg,Na34mg,Ca1566mg,Fe204mg,Zn0714mg.研究结果表明,木瓜对NO-2具有较强的消除作用,消除量达到048mg/g(FW).  相似文献   

本文对野燕麦在新疆兵团垦区内的分布与危害情况,及其生物学特性进行了系统的调查与观察,证明野燕麦对小麦和油菜等作物的产量有严重的影响,轻者减产20~30%,重者达60%以上,最严重的甚至“放荒收草”或翻耕改种其它作物。在防除方法研究中,提出了“以农业措施为基础,化学防除为主体”的综合防除措施,是控制和消灭野燕麦的有效方法。化学除草剂中肯定了作为土壤处理剂的燕麦畏,在小麦田中亩用药量200~250克,防效达78~95%,在油菜田中亩用药量180~220克,防效达70.7~95.6%。作为叶面处理剂的禾草灵、野燕枯和新燕灵,在小麦田中亩用药量分别为150毫升、104毫升、250~350毫升,防效分别达到83.4~98%,70~98.3%,70.8~91.8%;在油菜田中使用拿捕净,稳杀得和禾草克时,亩用药量分别为100~133克,80~100克,56~70克,防效分别达到77.7~97.6%,91~97.9%,98.2~99.8%。而且经济效益显著,亩净收入一般为6.24~31.42元,个别可达100元以上。  相似文献   

一、序言由于当前植物学的教学和准备"本地植物"新课的需要,1955年初开始有计划进行西安有花植物调查工作,并选择雁塔、阿房、草滩、桥四区为重点,较详细的进行植物标本采集工作。截止本年十一月,共采集266号,在工作过程中,由于时间短促其遗  相似文献   

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