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在今天,"呆"读dāi,"待"读dāi和dài。在dāi音"停留"意义上,两字存在混用的情况。"待"字比"呆"出现早,先秦就有"待"字,而"呆"最初是"保"的古文,到元朝才有了"傻"的意义。在明清之前,"待"字的含义没有"停留"意义,明清开始才有此含义。"呆"字到明清也只有"傻"之类的含义,只是到了新中国建立后现当代文学作品中才出现了"停留"的意义,也是在这个时候,"呆"、"待"混用了。"待"读"dāi"是在与"呆"混用后,受"呆"的影响才增读"dāi"的。  相似文献   

银钱财务意义之"帐"与"账"长期混用而致失范,主要原因是"账"字之造出比"帐"字晚千多年;当代辞书漠视简化字表字头设置之偏误及语言文字规范化宣传落实乏力所致。语言文字的规范化标准化工作正在加速。  相似文献   

李志超先生曾撰文"射仪考",对"仪"字的字源及其用在射弩器具上的瞄准装置进行了文献梳理.这里借助出土实物和实践知识重新考证了作为瞄准意义上的"仪"字在古法射箭与射弩上的不同用法.并对"仪"字作为姓氏、礼节、祥瑞之意等进行了新的诠释.  相似文献   

"亦"甲骨文作■、"夜"甲骨文作■,"腋"字在甲骨文未见。从隶变和形声造字法来看,"亦"是"腋"的本字,为指事字,"夜"是从夕亦声的形声字,副词"亦"为"本无其字"的假借字。"腋"字出现在隶变时期,从汉字分化理论来看,表"胳肢窝"义的"腋"字为"从肉亦声"构形的形声字,但隶变后的"月"与"肉"书写形式相混,古文中"夕"与"月"字皆从月象形,故"从肉亦声"构形与"从夕亦声"构形相似。从文字构形避让原则考虑,后来才造出"从月(肉)夜声"的后起字"腋"。  相似文献   

"婴儿"、"赤子"、"孩"这几个词反复多次出现在《老子》这部五千字的著作中,无疑是值得思考的。通过对其日常意义和比喻意义的考察,指出婴儿状态的柔弱性、专一性和混沌性,明确它们是对"道"的觉解的不同阶段的比喻性表述,并对其政治学上的批判意义作了评说。  相似文献   

"喻"字的产生年代要追溯到先秦时期,它的产生、发展以及运用都经历了悠久的历史。无论是字形、语音、语义乃至作为姓氏都经历了长足的变化与发展。形体方面,"喻"字最早出现在先秦时期的诸子著作中,到了明代,其形体已经定型;语音方面,主要是yu、shu、tou(古音),发展到现代,只有yu音;语义方面,所有意义都是从"告诉"义引申发展出来的,这是"喻"的本义;通过对古人的考证,"喻"也可以作为姓氏。本文拟从以上四个方面对"喻"字进行考证。  相似文献   

为了重新释读《说文解字》目部"眄"字的字义以及探讨含有"不正"义素的词语之间的关系,文章通过对比分析目部与"眄"意义相关的字以及其他部首含有"不正"义的若干字,对这些字的辨析可以准确地理解《说文解字注》的疏证,有助于更加深入地认识目部?、?、眄等字,通过分析同义词、同源词之间的音义关系,能够系统地梳理词语关系,也能更科学地检视《说文解字注》中出现的一些误解。  相似文献   

《说文解字》和《说文解字注》中对"亥"字都有解释,各有不同,本文就其中的几种解释做了分析和探究,以求了解"亥"字的意义。  相似文献   

关于"方"字构形及其本义的分析一直各说其是,本文将这些观点逐一分类评析,进一步理顺了"方"字的意义演变线索,并在前人基础上得出"方(旁)乃同一字"旁"乃"从方凡声(方亦声)"的论断。  相似文献   

在日常生活中,"借过"一词使用较为频繁,但是目前所有的工具书没有收录它。我们从"借"字出发,联系它的的通假字"藉"及各种文献材料来考察"借过"的意义和源流,对深入理解这个词语具有很好的启发意义,此词是值得现在日常常用词典收录的。  相似文献   

"休"是先秦文献和金文中的一个常用词,论文讨论了金文中的"休"的意义系统及其"赐予"义同义词。  相似文献   

Tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TBC) is a heterocyclic brominated flame retardant that was recently detected in the environment in China. TBC is semi-volatile and can accumulate in the lipid of some species, but little is known about its effect on aquatic organisms. We exposed adult zebrafish to 0, 0.25, 1 and 4 mg/L TBC for 28 d and measured the effect on survival, growth, histopathology, hormone levels, enzyme activity, and gene expression. TBC exposure had no effect on survival or growth. We observed significant damage to the liver and gill, including hepatocellular swelling and fatty degeneration in the liver as well as proliferation and edema of epithelial cells in the gills. In addition, exposure to 4 mg/L TBC induced proliferation of goblet cells in the intestine of both sexes, acellular areas in the testis, and thinly scattered vitellogenic granules in vitellogenic oocytes. TBC exposure had no effect on the levels of thyroid hormones, testosterone, estradiol, liver superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde content, and brain cholinesterase activity. By contrast, hepatic vitellogenin and cytochrome P4501A gene expression was significantly down-regulated in both male and female zebrafish in response to TBC exposure. Our results suggest that exposure to TBC causes a variety of potential reproductive and endocrine toxic effects.  相似文献   

A new type of highly selective aptamer-labeled fluorescent silica nanoparticles [Apt-tris(2,2'-bipyri- dyl)ruthenium(II)@SiO2 NPs] were prepared through the reverse microemulsion method by using prolonged fluorescence lifetime ruthenium complexes of tris(2,2'-bipyri- dyl)ruthenium(II) (Ru(bpy)2+) as the source of the fluorescence for cellular prion protein imaging. Investigations showed that the newly prepared Ru(bpy)32+@Si02 NPs possessed superior advantages of strong fluorescence, low toxicity, and easy surface modification for bioconjugation. Cell imaging experiments indicated that Apt- Ru(bpy)32+@SiO2 NPs had great tendency to human bone marrow neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-SH cells), since they can express large amount of prion protein on the surface of the cell, while in HeLa cells this phenomenon disappeared for the reason that HeLa cells cannot express prion proteins.  相似文献   

《论语·宪问篇》“九合诸侯”中“九”字的注解历来众说纷纭,概括古今注家的歧解大致可分为四类:实数说;虚数说;通假说;同源通用说。从文献例证、字形、读音以及古人行文特点诸方面进行分析,虚数说、通假说虽值得肯定但有失偏颇,实数说则明显有失,同源通用说比较合理。“九合”中的“九”和“合”是同义并列关系。  相似文献   

本文从文字演变的角度出发,结合词汇、语法和文化知识,重新训释了《汉书》的两个文字,认为"今其甚者杀父兄"的"甚"是"揕"的记音字;"其冤死者多少相覆"的"少"是"尸"的讹体字,这句话应标点为"其冤死者多,尸相覆。"并认为在汉代偏义复词的"多少"并未产生。  相似文献   

针对单载波频域均衡中噪声预测判决反馈均衡结构,介绍了一种基于独特字块结构的分数阶域噪声预测均衡方法,即将接收端的时域信号转换到分数阶域实现噪声预测判决反馈均衡。分数阶域的判决反馈均衡在保持前馈与反馈部分相互独立的同时,还利用了分数阶域信号的灵活性使均衡效果更好;与此同时,利用独特字的已知特性,在接收端将独特字和有用数据分开,再进行分数阶域均衡处理,恢复出原始数据。仿真结果表明,基于独特字的分数阶域噪声预测判决反馈方法相比传统基于循环前缀的均衡方法性能有很大提升。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》第四十一回"说菜"一节存在两个版本异文群,分别以庚辰本"茄鲞"和戚序本"茄胙"为代表。茄胙之名,缺乏旁证,但因"胙"与"鲊"同源,可作茄鲊解。从鲞与鲊的发展源流来看,二者虽源头不同,但都引申出腌腊食品这一义项,从而产生词义交集;而鲞的异体字"鯗"与鲊的异体字"鲝"在字形上相近,这两种条件使得鲞与鲊可能混用,而红楼抄手们或受各自方言和饮食习俗影响,对鲞与鲊存在不同的认识,故而产生"说菜"一节的异文现象。  相似文献   

In situ U-Pb dating of xenotime by laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xenotime is an ideal mineral for U-Th-Pb isotopic dating because of its relatively high U and Th contents, but typically low concentration of common Pb. These characteristics, and the fact that it is widespread throughout various types of rocks, suggest that the U-Th-Pb dating of xenotime has broad applications. Studies of U-Pb dating on xenotime by ion microprobe (such as SHRIMP) have increased in recent years, whereas studies by laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS are still rare. In this study, we developed a technique for U-Pb dating of xenotime using the 193 nm ArF laser-ablation system and Agilent 7500a Q-ICP-MS. To evaluate the reliability of our method, a xenotime standard, BS-1, was analyzed and calibrated against another xenotime standard, MG-1. The weighted mean 206 Pb/ 238 U ages of 510.1 ± 5.2 Ma (2 n = 21), 509.8 ± 4.3 Ma (2 n = 21) and 510.0 ± 4.6 Ma (2 n = 21) were obtained using beam diameters of 16, 24 and 32 m, respectively. These ages are identical to those determined by ID-TIMS method (weighted mean 206 Pb/ 238 U age of 508.8 ± 1.4 Ma), which supports the reliability of our LA-ICP-MS method. We also analyzed xenotimes in leucogranites from South Tibet and granites from Xihuashan in southern China, and obtained accurate and precise ages. Nevertheless, we observed systematic differences in Pb/U fractionation among xenotime, monazite and zircon. The matrix-effect resulted in either under-correction or over-correction of fractionation, and thus led to inaccurate ages. Thus, a matrix-matched material is required for U-Pb dating of xenotime by LA-ICP-MS.  相似文献   

钌(Ⅱ)多吡啶配合物具有丰富的光物理与电化学性质,在光化学、光物理、光催化,电化学、电子转移和能量传递、分子识别等研究领域有着广泛的应用.配合物分子识别方面的研究是当今配位化学的研究热点.评述了Ru(bpy)32+配合物及其衍生物的分子识别研究现状及最新进展.主要从pH发光传感器、阳离子识别、阴离子识别、DNA分子识别四个方面进行综述.  相似文献   

潘洁敏 《韶关学院学报》2007,28(11):135-138
从日本人的“ラち”、“そと”意识角度出发,通过对川端康成、志贺直哉的几部小说进行分析统计,探讨日语在描写过去的事件中,插入“内时态‘る’形”的条件和原因。分析发现当作者为了使作品更生动,或是作者与作品中人物产生“同感”时,或是表达作者的主观思想、评论时,往往发生时态的转换。  相似文献   

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