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Riassunto L'inoculazione endoperitoneale di Clorochina, a dosi comprese tra 15 e 45 mg/kg di peso corporeo determina una stimolazione precoce delle sintesi proteiche nel fegato di ratto. Questa azione non é correlata ad un aumento della sintesi di RNA, né appare conseguente ad una stimolazione corticosurrenalica. L'effetto osservato é brevemente discusso sulla base delle note interazioni tra lisosomi e Clorochina.  相似文献   

Riassunto La comparsa, da digiuno, di una nuova attività arginasica nel fegato di pulcino del ceppo Nuova Livornese Dorata, è associata al decrescere della incorporazione di arginina nelle proteine epatiche. Il fenomeno potrebbe avere interesse nella regolazione della sintesi proteica.

Supported by grants from the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Impresa di Enzimologia) and from the National Institutes of Health No. GM 12291.  相似文献   

Summary The fatal syndrome produced by cycloheximide given 6 h after a hepatonecrogenic dose of CCl4 is due neither to direct toxic synergism between CCl4 and cycloheximide nor to transient sinusoidal thrombosis. It is suggested that survival in the presence of unknown factors released from dying liver cells requires uninterrupted protein synthesis. The life-saving effect of sterilization of the intestine by antibiotics indicates that the gut flora or its products play a vital role in pathogenesis.Acknowledgments. I wish to thank Mr C. R. West for carrying out the statistical analysis, Mrs Brenda Brooks for histological processing, and Berk Pharmaceuticals Ltd for information on Ancrod defibrination in mice.  相似文献   

E W Parry 《Experientia》1985,41(10):1319-1320
The fatal syndrome produced by cycloheximide given 6 h after a hepatonecrogenic dose of CCl4 is due neither to direct toxic synergism between CCl4 and cycloheximide nor to transient sinusoidal thrombosis. It is suggested that survival in the presence of unknown factors released from dying liver cells requires uninterrupted protein synthesis. The life-saving effect of sterilization of the intestine by antibiotics indicates that the gut flora or its products play a vital role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eier des SeeigelsParacentrotus lividus wurden in unbefruchtetem Zustand und in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien gefroren, vakuumgetrocknet, fein zerrieben und mit 0,9%iger Kochsalzlösung extrahiert. Diese Produkte wurden als Suspensionen Kaninchen injiziert und damit Immunsera erhalten, in denen spezifische Antikörper mit Hilfe der Präcipitinreaktion nachzuweisen waren. Als Antigenlösungen dienten klare, dialysierte Zentrifugate der Extrakte.Mit spezifischer Adsorption konnte folgendes festgestellt werden: In den Extrakten von 48 Stunden alten Larven (Plutei) ist eine Antigenfraktion vorhanden, die in früheren Stadien noch fehlt. Sie wird offenbar von der Seeigelzelle erst nach vollendetem Blastulastadium und nach begonnener Gastrulation in größerer Menge gebildet. Extrakte von 48 Stunden alten Larven, die durch Lithiumbehandlung stark vegetativiert waren, unterschieden sich in ihrer serologischen Konstitution anscheinend nicht von denen normaler Plutei.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Autoradiographie von Gliazellen, welche regenerierende motorische Nervenzellen umgeben, ergab eine stark erhöhte DNA-Synthese in den Gliazellen zwischen dem zweiten und sechsten Tag nach dem Nervenschaden. Morphologisch erscheinen typische Gliaveränderungen mit hochgradiger Hypertrophie der Astrocyten in der zweiten und dritten Woche nach der Operation.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in the brain of rats thyroidectomized at birth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Zusammenfassung Im Rattenversuch wurde die Möglichkeit, dass eine Störung in der Proteinsynthese für die geistige Retardierung beim Kretinismus verantwortlich sei, untersucht. Ein Beweis dafür, dass die Funktion neuronaler Polysome durch Thyroidektomie bei der Geburt geschädigt wird, wurde nicht erbracht.  相似文献   

The relationship between incorporation of intravenously injected 14C lysine and specific radio-activity of precursor was used to estimate protein synthesis in muscle of growing lambs. The rate of protein synthesis per unit of muscle weight in Supraspinatus and Extensor digitorum longus decreased strongly from one week of age to puberty (10 weeks); afterwards it decreased in supraspinatus and increased slightly in Extensor digitorum longus. The rate of protein synthesis increase in muscle protein weight was constant during the whole experiment (1 week-16 weeks). In preruminant Lambs )1 week-5 weeks) the rate of protein synthesis per unit of muscle weight decreased; however, due to the increase in muscle weight, the rate of protein synthesis in whole muscle remained relatively constant. In order Lambs the rate of protein synthesis in whole muscle decreased. The turnover time of protein increased with age. These results give some explanation on muscular development of Lambs.  相似文献   

Summary Simultaneous topochemical analyses of calcium, magnesium, carbonate (as CO2) and phosphorus in a mineralizing collagen rich system (turkey tibia tendon) showed a strong enrichment of Mg and CO2 in the prestages of biomineralization.We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for support and Mr E. Kalthoff for assistance.  相似文献   

Résumé La toxine diphthérique n'inhibe pas l'incorporation de lal-leucine-1-C14 dans les protéines des leucocytes polymorphonucléaires de l'homme et de la souris; on sait que l'homme est très sensible à la toxine et que la souris est très résistante. La synthèse protéique dans le même type de cellules du cobaye a été fortement inhibée dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales.  相似文献   

The effect of aging on rat liver regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The effect of age on hepatocyte mensuration and mitotic activity 48 h after partial hepatectomy was investigated in rats. Both age and partial hepatectomy had significant effects upon hepatocyte counts per microscopic field. The number of hepatocytes per microscopic field declined with age in the control groups of different advancing ages and in the experimental groups of advancing ages. There was essentially no mitotic activity in the livers of the control groups. However, mitotic counts were greatly increased in livers from those animals that were partially hepatectomized; the increase in mitotic activity in the 13-month-old animals was double over that observed in both the very young and the very old.Acknowledgment. This research was supported in part by an Eastern Virginia Medical School Biomedical Research Development Fund. The investigators acknowledge the Gerontology Research Center, NIA, Baltimore, Maryland for their support.  相似文献   

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