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Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, with an overall 5-year survival rate of only 10-15%. Deregulation of the Ras pathway is a frequent hallmark of NSCLC, often through mutations that directly activate Kras. p53 is also frequently inactivated in NSCLC and, because oncogenic Ras can be a potent trigger of p53 (ref. 3), it seems likely that oncogenic Ras signalling has a major and persistent role in driving the selection against p53. Hence, pharmacological restoration of p53 is an appealing therapeutic strategy for treating this disease. Here we model the probable therapeutic impact of p53 restoration in a spontaneously evolving mouse model of NSCLC initiated by sporadic oncogenic activation of endogenous Kras. Surprisingly, p53 restoration failed to induce significant regression of established tumours, although it did result in a significant decrease in the relative proportion of high-grade tumours. This is due to selective activation of p53 only in the more aggressive tumour cells within each tumour. Such selective activation of p53 correlates with marked upregulation in Ras signal intensity and induction of the oncogenic signalling sensor p19(ARF)( )(ref. 6). Our data indicate that p53-mediated tumour suppression is triggered only when oncogenic Ras signal flux exceeds a critical threshold. Importantly, the failure of low-level oncogenic Kras to engage p53 reveals inherent limits in the capacity of p53 to restrain early tumour evolution and in the efficacy of therapeutic p53 restoration to eradicate cancers.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in the early 1990s the deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) gene, located on chromosome 18q21, has been proposed as a tumour suppressor gene as its loss is implicated in the majority of advanced colorectal and many other cancers. DCC belongs to the family of netrin 1 receptors, which function as dependence receptors as they control survival or apoptosis depending on ligand binding. However, the role of DCC as a tumour suppressor remains controversial because of the rarity of DCC-specific mutations and the presence of other tumour suppressor genes in the same chromosomal region. Here we show that in a mouse model of mammary carcinoma based on somatic inactivation of p53, additional loss of DCC promotes metastasis formation without affecting the primary tumour phenotype. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in cell cultures derived from p53-deficient mouse mammary tumours DCC expression controls netrin-1-dependent cell survival, providing a mechanistic basis for the enhanced metastatic capacity of tumour cells lacking DCC. Consistent with this idea, in vivo tumour-cell survival is enhanced by DCC loss. Together, our data support the function of DCC as a context-dependent tumour suppressor that limits survival of disseminated tumour cells.  相似文献   

The cellular oncogene p53 can be activated by mutagenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J R Jenkins  K Rudge  P Chumakov  G A Currie 《Nature》1985,317(6040):816-818
P53 is a cellular phosphoprotein of short half-life (t1/2) which is present at elevated levels in cells transformed by various stimuli including viruses, chemicals and radiation. p53 forms specific stable complexes with simian virus 40 (SV40) large-T antigen and an adenovirus E1b protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 57,000. A number of reports have associated p53 with cell proliferation, and p53 complementary DNA expression constructs immortalize primary cells in vitro and render them sensitive to transformation by an activated ras oncogene. We have examined the biological properties of a set of p53 expression constructs, and report here that cellular immortalization by a wild-type p53 cDNA gene is conditional upon the promoter/enhancer construction used, but that p53 can extend cellular lifespan by a second distinct mechanism involving rearrangements of the coding sequence which give rise to stable protein products. Cells immortalized by one of these mutants are refractory to subsequent transformation by a ras oncogene, indicating that cellular immortalization and ras cooperation are separate activities.  相似文献   

Tumorigenesis is a multi-step process that requires activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumour suppressor genes. Mouse models of human cancers have recently demonstrated that continuous expression of a dominantly acting oncogene (for example, Hras, Kras and Myc) is often required for tumour maintenance; this phenotype is referred to as oncogene addiction. This concept has received clinical validation by the development of active anticancer drugs that specifically inhibit the function of oncoproteins such as BCR-ABL, c-KIT and EGFR. Identifying additional gene mutations that are required for tumour maintenance may therefore yield clinically useful targets for new cancer therapies. Although loss of p53 function is a common feature of human cancers, it is not known whether sustained inactivation of this or other tumour suppressor pathways is required for tumour maintenance. To explore this issue, we developed a Cre-loxP-based strategy to temporally control tumour suppressor gene expression in vivo. Here we show that restoring endogenous p53 expression leads to regression of autochthonous lymphomas and sarcomas in mice without affecting normal tissues. The mechanism responsible for tumour regression is dependent on the tumour type, with the main consequence of p53 restoration being apoptosis in lymphomas and suppression of cell growth with features of cellular senescence in sarcomas. These results support efforts to treat human cancers by way of pharmacological reactivation of p53.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p53 tumour-suppressor gene are the most frequently observed genetic lesions in human cancers. To investigate the role of the p53 gene in mammalian development and tumorigenesis, a null mutation was introduced into the gene by homologous recombination in murine embryonic stem cells. Mice homozygous for the null allele appear normal but are prone to the spontaneous development of a variety of neoplasms by 6 months of age. These observations indicate that a normal p53 gene is dispensable for embryonic development, that its absence predisposes the animal to neoplastic disease, and that an oncogenic mutant form of p53 is not obligatory for the genesis of many types of tumours.  相似文献   

Mutational hotspot in the p53 gene in human hepatocellular carcinomas.   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
I C Hsu  R A Metcalf  T Sun  J A Welsh  N J Wang  C C Harris 《Nature》1991,350(6317):427-428
Human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) from patients in Qidong, an area of high incidence in China, in which both hepatitis B virus and aflatoxin B1 are risk factors, were analysed for mutations in p53, a putative tumour-suppressor gene. Eight of the 16 HCC had a point mutation at the third base position of codon 249. The G----T transversion in seven HCC DNA samples and the G----C transversion in the other HCC are consistent with mutations caused by aflatoxin B1 in mutagenesis experiments. No mutations were found in exons 5,6,8 or the remainder of exon 7. These results contrast with p53 mutations previously reported in carcinomas and sarcomas of human lung, colon, oesophagus and breast; these are primarily scattered over four of the five evolutionarily conserved domains, which include codon 249 (refs 4-9). We suggest that the mutant p53 protein may be responsible for a selective clonal expansion of hepatocytes during carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p53 gene occur in diverse human tumour types   总被引:196,自引:0,他引:196  
The p53 gene has been a constant source of fascination since its discovery nearly a decade ago. Originally considered to be an oncogene, several convergent lines of research have indicated that the wild-type gene product actually functions as a tumour suppressor gene. For example, expression of the neoplastic phenotype is inhibited, rather than promoted, when rat cells are transfected with the murine wild-type p53 gene together with mutant p53 genes and/or other oncogenes. Moreover, in human tumours, the short arm of chromosome 17 is often deleted. In colorectal cancers, the smallest common region of deletion is centred at 17p13.1; this region harbours the p53 gene, and in two tumours examined in detail, the remaining (non-deleted) p53 alleles were found to contain mutations. This result was provocative because allelic deletion coupled with mutation of the remaining allele is a theoretical hallmark of tumour-suppressor genes. In the present report, we have attempted to determine the generality of this observation; that is, whether tumours with allelic deletions of chromosome 17p contain mutant p53 genes in the allele that is retained. Our results suggest that (1) most tumours with such allelic deletions contain p53 point mutations resulting in amino-acid substitutions, (2) such mutations are not confined to tumours with allelic deletion, but also occur in at least some tumours that have retained both parental 17p alleles, and (3) p53 gene mutations are clustered in four 'hot-spots' which exactly coincide with the four most highly conserved regions of the gene. These results suggest that p53 mutations play a role in the development of many common human malignancies.  相似文献   

Localization of gene for human p53 tumour antigen to band 17p13   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
M Isobe  B S Emanuel  D Givol  M Oren  C M Croce 《Nature》1986,320(6057):84-85
Recently the gene for the cellular tumour antigen p53, a phosphoprotein found in increased concentration in a variety of human cells, had been mapped to region 17q22 by in situ hybridization techniques and has been shown to translocate to the chromosome carrying the translocation [t(15; 17)] associated with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). Based on this finding it has been postulated that this gene has a role in the pathogenesis of APL. Here we present evidence that the gene for p53 is not located on the long arm of chromosome 17, but maps to band 17p13. We therefore suggest that this gene is not directly involved in the chromosome translocation observed in APL.  相似文献   

目的:研究p53、Rb和P16 3个抑癌基因在正常胃粘膜→异型增生粘膜→胃癌发展过程中的表达状态及相互关系。方法:收集胃手术及胃镜活检标本共60例,镜下观察胃粘膜并选取不增生病灶、35例胃腺癌和32例正常胃粘膜中的表达情况。应用聚合酶链反应单链构象多态性分析技术(PCR-SSCP)对35例胃腺癌进行p16基因点突变检测。结果:p53阳性率在轻、中、重度异型增生病灶的分别为7.5%、35.1%、59.1%,胃癌组为68.6%,正常对照组中无表达。Rb蛋白阳性率在轻、中、重度异型增生病灶中分别为80.0%、89.3%、81.8%,胃癌组为57.1%,正常对照组为90.6%。p16蛋白在正常胃粘膜、异型增生粘膜和胃癌中普遍表达,3组间阳性率比较无显著性差异。p16基因PCR-SSCP分析示只有1例低分化腺癌出现异常单链泳动带。不同类型(隐窝型、腺瘤型、再生型)异型增生病灶组间、位于癌旁和良性病变旁的异型增生病组间p53、Rb和p16蛋白的阳性率无显著性差异。高-中分化、低分化、未分化胃癌组p53、Rb和p16蛋白的阳性率无显著性差异。结论:突变型p53蛋白的积聚在胃粘膜异型增生阶段已经开始,随着异型增生程度的加重逐渐增加,重度病变中p53表达率与胃癌组相似,提示p53基因突变是胃癌发生过程中的早期事件。Rb蛋白在癌变组中缺失率较异型增生显著,可能是胃癌发生过程中的较晚事件。推测在p53基因突变的基础上加以Rb蛋白的缺失最终导致胃粘膜上皮癌变。p16蛋白的表达在胃癌发生过程的3个阶段病变中无显著的变化,可能不起要作用。不同类型(隐窝型、腺瘤型、再生型)异型增生间、癌旁或良性病变旁的异型增生间,不同分化程度的胃腺癌组间这3种抑癌基因蛋白表达状态基本相同。  相似文献   

Amplification of a gene encoding a p53-associated protein in human sarcomas.   总被引:106,自引:0,他引:106  
Despite extensive data linking mutations in the p53 gene to human tumorigenesis, little is known about the cellular regulators and mediators of p53 function. MDM2 is a strong candidate for one such cellular protein; the MDM2 gene was originally identified by virtue of its amplification in a spontaneously transformed derivative of mouse BALB/c cells and the MDM2 protein subsequently shown to bind to p53 in rat cells transfected with p53 genes. To determine whether MDM2 plays a role in human cancer, we have cloned the human MDM2 gene. Here we show that recombinant-derived human MDM2 protein binds human p53 in vitro, and we use MDM2 clones to localize the human MDM2 gene to chromosome 12q13-14. Because this chromosomal position appears to be altered in many sarcomas, we looked for changes in human MDM2 in such cancers. The gene was amplified in over a third of 47 sarcomas, including common bone and soft tissue forms. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that MDM2 binds to p53, and that amplification of MDM2 in sarcomas leads to escape from p53-regulated growth control. This mechanism of tumorigenesis parallels that for virally-induced tumours, in which viral oncogene products bind to and functionally inactivate p53.  相似文献   

应用PCR-SSCP银染,Southern杂我及免疫组化等方法同步研究25例胃癌标本的p53基因突变,杂合性丢失及蛋白持表达,在22例胃癌中同时获得有关p53基因突变和杂合性丢失的检测结果,被检出p53基因突变的5例胃癌中,2例伴有杂合性丢失,3例仅有p53基因突变。  相似文献   

The autocrine hypothesis proposes that a cell produces and secretes a hormone-like substance that can interact with specific membrane receptors on its surface to induce effects such as proliferation. Thus, a cancer cell could act to stimulate its own growth. Bombesin and bombesin-like peptides (BLPs) such as gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) cause various physiological responses in mammals, including stimulation of proliferation of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and normal human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro and induction of gastrin cell hyperplasia and increased pancreatic DNA content in vivo in rats. Human small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines produce and secrete BLPs and can express a single class of high-affinity receptors for BLPs. Exogenously added BLPs can also stimulate the clonal growth and DNA synthesis of SCLC in vitro. These findings suggest that BLPs function as autocrine growth factors for this tumour. One way to test this hypothesis is to interrupt the function of the endogenously produced BLPs. Here, we demonstrate that a monoclonal antibody to bombesin binds to the C-terminal region of BLPs, blocks the binding of the hormone to cellular receptors and inhibits the clonal growth of SCLC in vitro and the growth of SCLC xenografts in vivo. These results demonstrate that BLPs can function as autocrine growth factors for human SCLC.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21( waf1/cip1/sdil) is an important negative regulator in control of cell cycle. Its functions of inhibiting cancer cell growth and its effects on expression of G1 phase cyclins and related CDKs are a worthy topic for study. The plasmid expressing p2l with high level was transformed to human breast cancer cells, and the expression of p2l in cells was enhanced, then the cell growth rate, anchorage-independent growth and tu-morigenecity were tested, at the same time the expression levels of cyclinD1, CDK4, cyclinE and CDK2 were analyzed by Northern blot. The results showed that since the expression of p21 was enhanced in the cell, the rate of cell growth and anchorage-independent growth was inhibited, tumorigenecity was suppressed, the level of expression of cyclinE and CDK2 decreased while that of cyclinDl and CDK4 was not affected. It is suggested that the enhanced expression of p21 markedly inhibits the proliferation and lessens the tumorigenecity of breast cancer cells, and that p2l expression is not related to that of cyclinDl and CDK4, but affects the expression of cyclinE and CDK2 .  相似文献   

实验以人白血病HL-60细胞为实验对象,观察p53蛋白对HL-60细胞凋亡的影响。采用吖啶橙(AO)荧光染色法分析p53蛋白对HL-60细胞生长的影响,所呈现的量效和时效关系,运用形态学、吖啶橙荧光染色法、透射电子显微镜观察法检测细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

为了研究p53基因与其下游/靶基因的关联性,以了解p53基因表达调控网络,采用文本数据挖取方法,利用自编的Perl 5.10程序,对PubMed文献数据库中p53基因相关文献及人类基因本体数据库进行数据挖掘,并利用连锁聚类法构建p53基因表达调控网络图.结果发现,目标基因的频率分布同文本中所有基因本体的频率分布存在一定的关联性,低频基因的文本挖掘比例明显低于高频基因的文本挖掘比例.从而说明,p53基因表达调控网络中各基因的分布情况与基因频率有较大关系,而文本数据量对文本数据挖掘的准确率也有重要影响.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful new tool with which to perform loss-of-function genetic screens in lower organisms and can greatly facilitate the identification of components of cellular signalling pathways. In mammalian cells, such screens have been hampered by a lack of suitable tools that can be used on a large scale. We and others have recently developed expression vectors to direct the synthesis of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) that act as short interfering RNA (siRNA)-like molecules to stably suppress gene expression. Here we report the construction of a set of retroviral vectors encoding 23,742 distinct shRNAs, which target 7,914 different human genes for suppression. We use this RNAi library in human cells to identify one known and five new modulators of p53-dependent proliferation arrest. Suppression of these genes confers resistance to both p53-dependent and p19ARF-dependent proliferation arrest, and abolishes a DNA-damage-induced G1 cell-cycle arrest. Furthermore, we describe siRNA bar-code screens to rapidly identify individual siRNA vectors associated with a specific phenotype. These new tools will greatly facilitate large-scale loss-of-function genetic screens in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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