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本文描述了用GaAs作衬底,集成肖特基势垒裂缝和类指数天线作为瞬态电磁脉冲的发射器和接收器,用超短光脉冲照射其裂缝,我们得到了高达55GHz的宽带电磁辐射冲。  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍了光纤—光栅对光学脉冲压缩和孤子效应光学脉冲压缩的原理及其进展,报道了我们最近的研究结果,讨论了在光纤中实现高效率孤子效应光学脉冲压缩的途径。  相似文献   

高速半导体激光器超短光脉冲产生及脉宽测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了利用增压开关半导体激光器产生超短光脉冲的实验结果,研制了适合测量半导体激光器超短光脉冲宽度的强度自相关测试系统,测得其脉宽为40ps。  相似文献   

从理论上讨论了强调制半导体激光器产生的超短光脉冲,解释了用微波强调制半导体激光器产生超短光脉冲的实验结果.  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍了在单模光纤中实现啁啾脉冲压缩和基于交叉相位调制效应脉冲压缩的方法和原理.报道了我们最近的研究结果,讨论了实现高效率光学脉冲压缩的途径。  相似文献   

采用新型晶体POM作倍频器件,建立了超短光脉冲二阶强度自相关检测系统,并对半导体超短光脉冲进行了测量。系统的最小可检测平均光功率为100μW,可测最大脉宽为180ps,最高分辨率为16fs。  相似文献   

在准单色近似下,利用泰勒级数展开导出了考虑光场横向效应,光纤介质横向非均匀性关含有高阶色散项的NLS方程。此方程的各种特例可以用来研究与其对应的光孤子效应。  相似文献   

当激光脉冲极短时,通常使用的半高全宽脉冲宽度并不能很好地描述洛仑兹脉冲,使用均方根脉冲宽度更为严格.利用理论推导的方法,给出了超短洛仑兹脉冲均方根脉冲宽度与半高全宽脉冲宽度的关系式.研究表明,当半高全宽脉冲宽度大于一个光学振荡周期时,均方根脉冲宽度与半高全宽脉冲宽度一致;当半高全宽脉冲宽度小于一个光学振荡周期时,均方根脉冲宽度与半高全宽脉冲宽度有较大的差异,并且绝对相位对均方根脉冲宽度的影响很大.  相似文献   

系统地综述了基于单模光纤的超短光脉冲放大方法及原理,介绍了我们最近的研究结果,并对今后的发展方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

介绍超短光脉冲技术在光合作用中的应用;总结超短光脉冲技术在研究光合作用过程中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

The effective photonic control is one of the key issues in photo-physics. Significant advancement in photonic crystals, quantum optics, ultrafast optics as well as micro-nano-optics gives rise to new op-portunities to manipulate the emission and propagation in optical fields, leading to a number of new and interesting discoveries, e.g., ultrashort light pulse storage and efficient energy conversion. This paper reviews the latest research progress in storage, release and energy conversion for ultrashort laser pulses in periodical arrays of absorbing medium. Techniques to fabricate such devices are also presented.  相似文献   

脉冲的准确测量影响脉冲在很多方面的应用。对于脉冲宽度在飞秒量级的超短脉冲可以采用频率分辨光栅(FROG)方法进行准确测量,这篇目文章讨论了FROG的基本原理和它的算法,并进行了数值模拟。  相似文献   

光学超短脉冲整形的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于光学脉冲整形在超短脉冲应用中具有重要的作用,近几年光学脉冲整形技术发展迅速。本文介绍了国内外几种光学脉冲整形方法的发展概况,如电光原理,非线性双折射原理,空间滤波原理等,在此重点介绍了使用不同空间光调制器的 4F结构整形系统;最后探讨了超快脉冲整形技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过数值求解麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程,研究了2个相干超短激光脉冲在硝基苯胺分子(pNA分子)介质中的非线性传播过程.量化计算表明该分子在低能级区域内只有1个电荷转移态,因此可把该分子看作二能级体系.当3竹共振脉冲与4π非共振脉冲先后入射到硝基苯胺分子介质中进行传播时,3π脉冲的能量将转移给后面的4竹脉冲,前者面积逐渐变为2π,激发分子能级占有率发生一次完整的拉比振荡;后者在介质中仍保持非共振传播,只能激发分子能级占有率发生不完整的拉比振荡.脉冲的频谱发生展宽,并在共振频率附近振荡剧烈.通过引入固有偶极矩为零的赝分子作为比较对象,发现硝基苯胺分子的固有偶极矩导致非线性传播过程更为复杂.  相似文献   

Combining the configurations of collinear and small-angle noncollinear phase-matching, a mid-infrared (MIR) femtosecond optical parametric amplifier (OPA) with extended tunability is proposed and demonstrated. A tuning range from 2.0 μm to 4.7 μm is demonstrated by a two-stage LiNbO3-based femtosecond OPA, which well exceeds the typical tuning range reported so far. MIR femtosecond pulses with energy up to 30 μJ are obtained.  相似文献   

基于光纤中的四波混频(FWM)产生高重复频率超短光脉冲的原理,并为抑制光纤中的受激Brillouin散射(SBS),采用非均匀掺杂高SBS阈值非线性光纤,通过FWM对双拍频信号进行整形压缩,实验上获得了100GHz的高重复率超短光脉冲序列,进而分析了入纤功率对输出光脉冲的影响。  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal characteristics of electromagnetic pulses with ultrabroad spectral bandwidth in the far field are analyzed by using classical scalar diffraction theory. The effects of the ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency on the diffraction spatial distribution are discussed. It is concluded that the diffraction spatial distribution of the pulsed radiation gets narrower than a monochromatic wave when the frequency width of the pulse is comparable to or larger than its central frequency.  相似文献   

High quality cubic diamond crystals were grown using the temperature gradient method at high pressure and high temperature(HPHT),in a new FeNi alloy as solvent.The crystals were grown at relatively low temperatures suitable for the growth of {100} faces.An increase in the radial growth rate,and inhibition of the axial growth caused the growth of large,high quality cubic diamond single crystals at high growth rates.For example,over 33 h,the radial growth rate was 0.22 mm/h,while the axial growth rate was only 0.08 mm/h;the growth rate by weight was also increased to 7.3 mg/h.The yellow color of our crystal samples was more uniform than samples from Sumitomo Corporation of Japan and Element Six Corp.The Raman FWHW of the 1332 cm 1 peak in our diamond sample was smaller than the Element Six Corp.sample,but larger than that of the Sumitomo Corp.sample.The nitrogen content of our diamond samples was 240 ppm,which was much higher than the Sumitomo and Element Six samples because of the higher growth rate of our diamond samples.  相似文献   

应用传输矩阵推导出了光脉冲通过一维光子晶体时电、磁场时空的分布函数;同时以Gaussian脉冲为例,指出任意空间位置,电场和磁场随时间变化大体上均保持为高斯分布;从入射端到出射端电,磁场的幅度逐渐衰减,而且电场的节点处正对应着磁场的峰值处。  相似文献   

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