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Dominance-based rough set approach(DRSA) permits representation and analysis of all phenomena involving monotonicity relationship between some measures or perceptions.DRSA has also some merits within granular computing,as it extends the paradigm of granular computing to ordered data,specifies a syntax and modality of information granules which are appropriate for dealing with ordered data,and enables computing with words and reasoning about ordered data.Granular computing with ordered data is a very general...  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the Internet has resulted not only in the ever growing amount of data therein stored, but also in the burgeoning complexity of the concepts and phenomena pertaining to those data. This issue has been vividly compared by the renowned statistician, prof. Friedman of Stanford University, to the advances in human mobility from the period of walking afoot to the era of jet travel. These essential changes in data have brought new challenges to the development of new data mining methods, especially that the treatment of these data increasingly involves complex processes that elude classic modeling paradigms. “Hot” datasets like biomedical, financial or net user behavior data are just a few examples. Mining such temporal or stream data is on the agenda of many research centers and companies worldwide. In the data mining community, there is a rapidly growing interest in developing methods for process mining, e.g〖DK〗., for discovery of structures of temporal processes from data. Works on process mining have recently been undertaken by many renowned centers worldwide. This research is also related to functional data analysis , cognitive networks , and dynamical system modeling, e.g., in biology. In the lecture, we outline an approach to discovery of processes from data and domain knowledge which is based on the roughgranular computing.  相似文献   

复合粒计算模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粒计算(granular computing,GrC)是人工智能领域中的一种模拟人类思考和解决复杂问题的新理念和新方法,粗糙集理论、商空间理论和模糊集理论是3种主要的粒计算模型。首先回顾几种基本的粒计算模型,介绍了几个复合粒计算模型,最后探讨了粒计算模型的进一步发展方向。  相似文献   

<正> Security assessment can help understand the security conditions of an information system and yieldresults highly conducive to the solution of security problems in it.Taking the computer networks in a certainuniversity as samples,this paper,with the information system security assessment model as its foundation,proposes a multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) security assessment method based ona variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach (VC-DRSA).This assessment method combinesVC-DRSA with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP),uncovers the inherent information hidden indata via the quality of sorting (QoS),and makes a synthetic security assessment of the information systemafter determining the security attribute weight.The sample findings show that this methoil can effectivelyremove the bottleneck of MAGDM,thus assuming practical significance in information system security assessment.  相似文献   

决策粗糙集模型研究综述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
主要对决策粗糙集(decision-theoretic rough sets,DTRS)理论的内容与发展概况作综述性回顾。介绍了决策粗糙集的基本理论,包括决策粗糙集产生的背景、决策粗糙集的Bayes决策理论基础、概率粗糙集模型、决策粗糙集模型与经典Pawlak代数粗糙集模型以及一般概率粗糙集模型之间的关系等;讨论了决策粗糙集意义下的三值决策语义以及约简定义,并回顾了决策粗糙集在实际问题中的应用。  相似文献   

The model of grey multi-attribute group decision-making(MAGDM)is studied,in which the attribute values are grey numbers.Based on the generalized dominance-based rough set approach(G-DRSA),a synthetic security evaluation method is presented.With the grey MAGDM security evaluation model as its foundation,the extension of technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS)integrates the evaluation of each decision-maker(DM)into a group's consensus and obtains the expected evaluation results of information system.Via the quality of sorting(QoS)of G-DRSA,the inherent information hidden in data is uncovered,and the security attribute weight and DMs'weight are rationally obtained.Taking the computer networks in a certain university as objects,the example illustrates that this method can effectively remove the bottleneck of the grey MAGDM model and has practical significance in the synthetic security evaluation.  相似文献   

粒集理论:粒计算的新模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在已有的有关粒计算研究成果的基础上,表述了信息的粒化、层次化和动态性原理,并综合了粒的表示形 式后,提出了粒集的概念,确认了粒的二元组的表示形式#同时借用统一集的形式对粒集进行了描述,分析了统一 集与粒集的异同,给出了与粒集相关的一些概念,讨论了用粒集形式来表达其他各种各样的集合,诸如经典集合、 模糊集合、可拓集合、Vague集合、粗糙集合等后,又讨论并表示了粒运算和粒集运算,最后给出了粒集理论的初步 应用框架。粒集理论为粒计算提供很好的理论基础,从而使粒计算确立自己独立的研究领域。  相似文献   

优势关系多粒度粗糙模糊集及决策规则获取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了将多粒度粗糙集方法进一步扩展以适应模糊信息系统的需求,将多粒度思想引入到基于优势关系的粗糙模糊集模型中,提出了基于优势关系的乐观和悲观多粒度粗糙模糊集.在这2种多粒度粗糙模糊集中,采用一族而非一个优势概念来进行目标的逼近,并且被近似的目标是模糊而非清晰的集合.不仅对这2种新的粗糙模糊集的性质进行了讨论,而且研究了如何从模糊信息系统中获取逻辑连接词为"或"的决策规则,并采用一个模糊信息系统对新提出的粗糙集模型及决策规则获取进行了实例分析.结果表明:借助优势关系的方法,可以进一步扩展多粒度粗糙集方法,以处理模糊数据,从而扩大多粒度概念的应用范围.  相似文献   

基于熵和变精度粗糙集的规则不确定性量度   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
由已知数据中产生的粗糙决策规则往往具有不确定性 ,需要适当的不确定性量度。借鉴变精度粗糙集理论的思想 ,采用基于信息熵的方法构造了两个新的粗糙决策规则不确定性量度函数。它们不仅可以兼顾由划分的粒度引起的规则不确定性的两个方面 ,即不一致性和随机性 ,还考虑了数据中的噪声对规则一致性的影响。因此 ,它们对一类“几乎一致性规则”具有一定的保护作用。通过举例分析 ,说明它们更适于评价从有噪声数据中提取的粗糙决策规则。  相似文献   

扩展的粗糙集模型及其不确定性量度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为克服标准的粗糙集模型不能表示数据对象的不同重要性和属性的不同特性的局限 ,需对其进行扩展。在可变精度粗糙集的基础上 ,构造了一种新的扩展粗糙集模型。它通过在知识表示系统和决策表中引入数据对象的权值函数和属性的特性函数来克服上述局限。给出了适于数据对象具有不同重要性情况下的粗糙决策规则集合的不确定性量度 ,以其作为规则评价的标准 ,可以方便地融入主观偏好、先验知识等因素。通过对一个数据集的分析实例对此进行了说明  相似文献   

介绍了粗糙集理论实现数据分类和规则推理的基本原理,并利用粗糙集理论中核及决策类覆盖的概念,提出了一个在数据集中发现没有冗余属性的最小归纳依赖关系,并简化带有不相容规则的决策系统的多层次数据挖掘算法,应用一实际的例子说明如何在数据库中发现分类规则.  相似文献   

基于粗糙集理论的运输机故障诊断与分类   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
应用粗糙集约简理论,根据煤矿安全规程分析了煤矿胶带运输机的10种安全保护措施和统计的故障样本,提出了一种以决策表作为主要工具,直接从故障样本集中导出诊断规则及其故障分类的方法,并用实际发生的故障检验了该方案的正确性。  相似文献   

Machine intelligence,is out of the system by the artificial intelligence shown.It is usually achieved by the average computer intelligence.Rough sets and Information Granules in uncertainty management and soft computing and granular computing is widely used in many fields,such as in protein sequence analysis and biobasis determination,TSM and Web service classification Etc.  相似文献   

结合粗糙集理论与扩张矩阵理论的数据挖掘方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出将粗糙集理论、扩张矩阵理论进行有机结合的新方法 ,该方法吸收了两者的优点同时消除了两者的缺点 .实践证明 ,该方法可以十分有效地从数据库中挖掘出准确而精悍的知识 .  相似文献   

针对科技项目团队能力评估问题进行了研究,引入粗糙集和信息熵理论,总结以往项目经验,建立了基于粗糙集的团队能力指标评价模型。最后通过实例分析,对该模型的科学性和可行性进行了验证。  相似文献   

基于灰决策和粗糙集的BOT项目投标方案风险评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了BOT项目投标方案风险评价指标体系,构建了BOT项目投标方案风险评价目标决策指标集,建立了基于灰决策和粗糙集的BOT项目投标风险评价模型,并通过案例研究说明了该模型的可靠性和适用性。为规避BOT项目投标方案风险提供了理论依据及最佳投标决策方案。  相似文献   

产品工序和设备最佳组合问题为生产技术中的重要决策,内容,但由于较复杂,很多技术经济教科书上未涉及 此类决策。而以内容全面、方法众多的特点的教科书「1」却给出一在于费用损失指数的经验算法。本文给出这一类问题的基于规划技术的解法,特点为概念清晰,易于理解,计算简便,结果最优。  相似文献   

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