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脑电癫痫波的自动检测与分类是具有重要临床意义的课题。现存的算法大都着重于对棘、尖波形的检测 ,而忽略了慢波所包含的有用信息。为满足临床要求 ,论文提出了一种改进的脑电癫痫波自动分析系统。系统采用“分层次、多方法”的检测策略 ,兼顾了各种癫痫病理波形 ;整个处理过程综合应用了自适应预测、小波变换、人工神经网络、启发式规则等多种信号处理方法。经临床数据测试 ,该系统对癫痫波的总检测率达 83.6 % ,误检率为 1.1%。通过分层次处理 ,运用多方法的结合 ,可以提高检测敏感度和特异度 ,减少计算量 ,适合对长程脑电数据进行分析  相似文献   

癫痫是一种常见的大脑神经紊乱疾病,癫痫性发作主要由大脑中反常的神经元的超同步放电引起。为了更好地完成癫痫性发作的自动检测,文中提出了一种新的癫痫脑电融合特征提取方法。一方面,在基于Hjorth参数的振幅移动性与振幅复杂度的基础上,结合Hilbert变化提出了一种新的频率移动性与频率复杂度,然后将他们合成定义为改进的Hjorth参数特征;另一方面,结合二阶差分提出了一种改进的二阶差分样本熵。最后将改进的Hjorth参数特征与二阶差分样本熵一起作为融合特征放入超限学习机(ELM)中进行分类。数值实验结果表明,文中所提出的融合特征与ELM结合的癫痫性发作的自动检测方法与已有方法相比,检测性能有了很大提高,准确率可达到97.42%。  相似文献   

从脑电信号与非线性动力学各种物理量之间的对应关系人手,在Van der Pol方程基础上推导了表达脑电信号的广义非线性动力学方程组系统,讨论了该系统的特性和3种求解方法,指出混沌系统内部存在吸引子突然消失(边界激变)或膨胀(内部激变)现象.  相似文献   

癫痫发作具有突发性和反复性,给患者的生命安全带来巨大隐患。为了给患者提供有效的预警,结合时间和空间两个维度,选取模糊熵和皮尔逊相关性作为特征参数,分别衡量时序信号复杂度和空间通道间的相关性; 利用F-score筛选出最优特征组合,既增加了预测的准确率又去除冗余信息; 利用支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)分类器识别癫痫发作前期和发作间期的颅内脑电信号。为验证该特征的预测效果,进行了模糊熵或皮尔逊相关性单独作为特征参数的对比试验。实验结果表明,与单一特征相比,时空特征的预测效果更好,准确率高达91.26%,误报率仅为2.32%。该方法能有效提取癫痫特征信息,为癫痫的临床预警提供新思路。  相似文献   

癫痫是最常见的神经系统疾病之一。脑电图是大脑电活动的记录,已成为检测癫痫发作的一种有效工具。如何通过数据分析以挖掘癫痫脑电的本质特征,是实现癫痫性发作自动检测的关键。提出了一种新的脑电信号相似性的分析方法,进而在这一方法的基础上定义了待测脑电与模版脑电之间的最大余弦相似度为癫痫脑电特征,并将其应用于癫痫性发作的自动检测。采用BONN和CHB-MIT两个公开数据库来验证该文所提方法的性能。和已有方法相比,该文所提自动检测方法将检测准确率从97. 53%提高至99. 85%。该文所提出的脑电信号相似性分析方法可以成功应用于癫痫性发作的自动检测。  相似文献   

Wild-type p53 activates transcription in vitro.   总被引:70,自引:0,他引:70  
G Farmer  J Bargonetti  H Zhu  P Friedman  R Prywes  C Prives 《Nature》1992,358(6381):83-86

Superoxide activates mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) diverts energy from ATP synthesis to thermogenesis in the mitochondria of brown adipose tissue by catalysing a regulated leak of protons across the inner membrane. The functions of its homologues, UCP2 and UCP3, in other tissues are debated. UCP2 and UCP3 are present at much lower abundance than UCP1, and the uncoupling with which they are associated is not significantly thermogenic. Mild uncoupling would, however, decrease the mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species, which are important mediators of oxidative damage. Here we show that superoxide increases mitochondrial proton conductance through effects on UCP1, UCP2 and UCP3. Superoxide-induced uncoupling requires fatty acids and is inhibited by purine nucleotides. It correlates with the tissue expression of UCPs, appears in mitochondria from yeast expressing UCP1, and is absent in skeletal muscle mitochondria from UCP3 knockout mice. Our findings indicate that the interaction of superoxide with UCPs may be a mechanism for decreasing the concentrations of reactive oxygen species inside mitochondria.  相似文献   

Raf-1 activates MAP kinase-kinase.   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
The normal cellular homologue of the acutely transforming oncogene v-raf is c-raf-1, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that is activated by many extracellular stimuli. The physiological substrates of the protein c-Raf-1 are unknown. The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases Erk1 and 2 are also activated by mitogens through phosphorylation of Erk tyrosine and threonine residues catalysed by a protein kinase of relative molecular mass 50,000, MAP kinase-kinase (MAPK-K). Here we report that MAPK-K as well as Erk1 and 2 are constitutively active in v-raf-transformed cells. MAPK-K partially purified from v-raf-transformed cells or from mitogen-treated cells can be deactivated by phosphatase 2A. c-Raf-1 purified after mitogen stimulation can reactivate the phosphatase 2A-inactivated MAPK-K over 30-fold in vitro. c-Raf-1 reactivation of MAPK-K coincides with the selective phosphorylation at serine/threonine residues of a polypeptide with M(r) 50,000 which coelutes precisely on cation-exchange chromatography with the MAPK-K activatable by c-Raf-1. These results indicate that c-Raf-1 is an immediate upstream activator of MAPK-K in vivo. To our knowledge, MAPK-K is the first physiological substrate of the c-raf-1 protooncogene product to be identified.  相似文献   

200例小儿热性惊厥的脑电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨脑电图(EEG)与小儿热性惊厥的关系.方法:应用EEG检测200例6个月至12岁热性惊厥患儿.结果:年龄≤2岁组与>2岁组,体温>38.5℃与≤38.5℃组比较,后者EEG异常率明显高于前者(P<0.05).结论:对年龄>2岁,体温≤38.5℃且反复发作的小儿热性惊厥必须引起足够重视,对EEG异常和有癫痫样放电的患儿均应酌情投以抗癫痫药物治疗.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of neurofeedback on brain electrophysiology and to determine how biofeedback works, power spectral density (PSD) and approximate entropy (ApEn) analyses are applied to the EEGs of six patients with intractable epilepsy who received neurofeedback training. After sessions of treatment, the EEG sensorimotor rhythm to theta PSD ratio calculated from the C4 electrode site becomes larger than that before the treatment, which is consistent with the biofeedback protocol. The ApEn over 16-channel EEG recordings all increase to different degrees. Larger increases occur in channels located near the training position (C4). All these results suggest that these EEG measurements are new criteria that can be used to evaluate the effect of neurofeedback.  相似文献   

Seizures, status epilepticus, and seizure-like rhythmic or periodic activity are common, pathological, and harmful states of brain electrical activity seen in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of patients during critical medical illnesses or acute brain injury. In this study, we aimed to develop a valid method to automatically discover a small number of homogeneous pattern clusters, to facilitate efficient interactive labelling by EEG experts. Long term continuous EEG of ten ICU patients at MGH were analysed, undergoing the pipeline of feature extraction, PCA-based dimensionality reduction, and embedding through LE map. This research suggests that large EEG datasets can be automatically clustered into a small number of patterns described by standard ICU EEG pattern labels. We demonstrated efficient cluster labelling by inspecting only the centroids of clusters. Furthermore, LE visualizations support the hypothesis of an interictal-ictal continuum.  相似文献   

癫痫性发作、持续状态及痫样节律性活动是常见的病理性脑部放电状态,通常会在急性脑损伤患者的脑电图(EEG)中表现出来。完成此类病理性波形的有效标记,是进一步诊断与治疗相关疾病的重要前提。为辅助神经内科专家对不同病理波形进行快速标记,文中提出了一种全新的辅助检测标记系统。该系统分别采用特征提取、PCA降维和LE映射可视化等技术,实现EEG中同质模式簇的自动检测。所提方法对哈佛医学院/麻省总医院中10例ICU患者的长时程连续脑电图进行了系统分析。数值实验结果表明,海量脑电数据能够被有效地自动聚类为多种ICU典型标准波形,而且仅通过观测类中心及若干同类成员就能够达到有效标记的目标。同时,LE可视化结果也进一步证实了"发作间期-发作期"连续统假设是成立的。  相似文献   

Insertion of DNA activates the cryptic bgl operon in E. coli K12   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
A E Reynolds  J Felton  A Wright 《Nature》1981,293(5834):625-629

E Eiseman  J B Bolen 《Nature》1992,355(6355):78-80
The high-affinity IgE receptor (Fc epsilon RI), which is expressed on the surface of mast cells and basophils, has a central role in immediate allergic responses. In the rat basophilic leukaemia cell line RBL-2H3, which is a model system for the analysis of Fc epsilon RI-mediated signal transduction, surface engagement of Fc epsilon RI induces histamine release and the tyrosine phosphorylation of several distinct proteins. Although the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of Fc epsilon RI lack intrinsic tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) activity, a kinase that copurifies with Fc epsilon RI phosphorylates the beta and gamma subunits of the receptor on tyrosine residues. We report here that in RBL-2H3 cells, p56lyn and pp60c-src are activated after Fc epsilon RI crosslinking, and p56lyn coimmunoprecipitates with Fc epsilon RI. In the mouse mast-cell line PT-18, another cell type used to study FC epsilon RI-mediated signalling, tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins is also an immediate consequence of receptor crosslinking. Notably, the only detectable src protein-related TPK in PT-18 cells is p62c-yes, and it is this TPK that is activated on Fc epsilon RI engagement and coimmunoprecipitates with the receptor. Therefore, it seems that different src protein-related TPKs can associate with the same receptor and become activated after receptor engagement.  相似文献   

The medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) of human adults is involved in attributing mental states to real human agents but not to virtual artificial characters. This study examined whether such differential MPFC activity can be observed in children who are more fascinated by cartoons than adults. We measured brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while 10-year-old children watched movie and cartoon clips, simulating real and virtual visual worlds, respectively. We showed neuroimaging evidence that, in contrast to adults, the MPFC of children was activated when perceiving both human agents and artificial characters in coherent visual events. Our findings suggest that, around the age of 10 years, the MPFC activity in children is different from that in adults in that it can be spontaneously activated by non-human agents in a virtual visual world.  相似文献   

目的:探讨102例难以分类的原发性头痛病例可能的头痛类型.方法:对102例难以分类的原发性头痛处于发作期的病例进行经颅多普勒(TCD)和脑电图(EEG)检测,观察脑血流动力学改变和脑电活动异常情况.结果:102例病例中脑血流动力学异常者79例(77.5%),分布在前循环较多,以血流速度增快为主;脑电活动异常者28例(27.5%),均分布在前脑区,多为轻度异常.结论:本组难以分类的原发性头痛病例多数可能属于偏头痛类型,TED及EEG有协助诊断的价值.  相似文献   

GAL4 activates transcription in Drosophila   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
J A Fischer  E Giniger  T Maniatis  M Ptashne 《Nature》1988,332(6167):853-856

在脑电信号的混沌态分析中引入阵发性40HZ脑电信号检测理论,用以判断受试者是否合作,并决定可用于混沌状态分析的数据段,文中对阵发性40HZ脑电依赖从理论、检测方法的实现、实际应用等几个方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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