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Zusammenfassung Die bakterizide Eigenschaft des Serums gegen grampositive TestbakterienB. anthracoides wurde an 136 Hämoblastosekranken untersucht. Bedeutend erhöhte Bakterizidinmittelwerte wurden bei akuten Leukämien, chronischen myeloiden Leukämien, M. Hodgkin, Retikulosarkom und Lymphosarkom, Myelom und Myelofibrose im Vergleich mit der gesunden Kontrollgruppe gefunden. Einzig bei chronischen lymphatischen Leukämien war der Bakterizidinmittelwert nicht erhöht.  相似文献   

Résumé On a étudié l'histopathologie de la peau chez 43 sujets ayant un emphysème pulmonaire chronique. Chez la plupart de ces malades, on a observé des lésions cutanées de hyperkératose ortokératosique diffuse du corps muqueux de Malpighi, l'épaisseur de la couche granuleuse diminuée ou absente et des phénomènes dégénératifs des fibres élastiques. L'analyse de contingence a montré des différences hautement significatives (P0.001) par rapport aux malades asthmatiques sans emphysème pris comme témoins.  相似文献   

A new hemagglutinin was isolated from the plasmodium ofPhysarum polycephalum by salting out with ammonium sulphate followed by chromatography on DE-32, DEAE-Toyopearl and hydroxyapatite. This hemagglutinin, named physarumin, was purified 1000-fold over crude extracts. The molecular weight of physarumin was determined to be 22,000 by size exclusion chromatography on Bio-Gel P-60 and 8,700 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Physarumin agglutinated rabbit, guinea pig, horse and human erythrocytes. Physarumin-induced hemagglutination was inhibited by fetuin and 1 glycoprotein, but not by commercially available mono-and disaccharides. Hemagglutinating activity was blocked by EDTA, and was restored by adding Ca2+ but not by Mg2+.  相似文献   

2D-gel electrophoresis was used to investigate protein synthesis in leukaemic cells from a series of 15 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients, and in non-malignant B-cell populations from different sources. The protein synthesis profiles of CD5+ B-cells from umbilical cord blood and from tonsil were determined, and the levels of expression of their proteins were observed to be similar to the CLL cells. The CD5-cells from cord blood resembled peripheral blood B-lymphocytes, and the protein synthesis profile of CD5-cells from tonsils was very complex. One protein was also identified which consistently appeared to be synthesised at a low level in CD5+ B-cells from tonsil but which was always more prominant in CLL cells and other non-malignant B-lymphocytes. On the basis of these data it is possible that the closest non-malignant counterpart to CLL is the CD5+ B-lymphocyte from cord blood.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der crsten Phase (K1) und der zweiten Phase (K2) der fraktionellen Senkung des Bromsulphthaleinspiegels hat sich an von hepatoxischcn Krankheiten befallenen Kühen und Schafen erwiesen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die K2-Werte empfindlichere Nachweise der Lebertätigkeit in diesen Tieren aufweisen als die K1-Werte.  相似文献   

In this paper we offer a formal-logical analysis of the famous reversibility objection against the Second Law of thermodynamics. We reconstruct the objection as a deductive argument leading to a contradiction, employing resources of standard quantified modal logic and thereby highlighting explicit and implicit assumptions with respect to possibility, identity, and their interaction. We then describe an alternative framework, case-intensional first order logic, that has greater expressive resources than standard quantified modal logic. We show that in that framework we can account for the role of sortals in possibility judgments. This allows us to formalize the relevant truths involved in the reversibility objection in such a way that no contradiction ensues. We claim that this analysis helps to understand in which way the Second Law is, specifically, a law of thermodynamics, but not of systems of particles in general.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden sowohl giftige als auch ungiftige Schlangen aus Burma auf den Gehalt an Flavinen in Blut und Haut untersucht.  相似文献   

The occurrence of infectious disease represents a failure of the immune system, a failure that must be prevented by effective vaccination or remedied by treatment. Vaccination against acute diseases such as smallpox and polio are very effective, due to the rapid and increased immune response of vaccinated individuals upon natural infection. In contrast, effective vaccination against intracellular pathogens that cause chronic diseases, such as the leishmaniases, tuberculosis and AIDS, has not been achieved. Clinical observations suggest cell-mediated, Th1 responses, exclusive of antibody production and the generation of Th2 cells, are optimally protective against these intracellular pathogens. Effective vaccination must ensure the generation of such a protective response. We explore here whether understanding very broad features of the regulation of the immune response can accommodate modern findings on the immunological features of these diseases, and provide a perspective within which strategies for effective vaccination and treatment can be developed.  相似文献   

Summary Urine from patients with melanoma metastases is shown to contain, in addition to the previously described 5-S-cysteinyldopa (I), 2 closely related metabolites which have been isolated and identified as 2-S-cysteinyldopa (II) and 2, 5-S, S-dicysteinyldopa (III).Supported by grants from the Swedish Cancer Society (No. 626-B76-05XB and 869-B75-01P), the Swedish Medical Research Council (No. B76-04X-00056-12), and the Walter, Ellen and Lennart Hesselman Foundation for Scientific Research. Professor Prota was a visiting scientist of the Swedish Cancer Society (No. 626-B75-04V). The authors are indebted to Dr Soshuke Ito for samples of 2-S-cysteinyldopa and 2,5-S,S-dicysteinyldopa.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei oraler Gabe von täglich 125 bzw. 250 mg/kg 6-Sulfanilamidoindazol zeigten am 9. Tag 93% der Ratten Arthritis der hinteren Extremitäten. Im Serum waren Sulfhydrylgruppen um 40% abgesunken, Kupfer um 82% und Diphenylaminreaktion um 55% angestiegen. Die Fermente Lysozym, LDH, LAP und GOT sowie die Entzündungseinheiten blieben unbeeinflusst.

Acknowledgments. 6-SAI was kindly supplied by Mr.Z. E. Mielens, Sterling Winthrop Research, Institute, Rensselaer, USA, and Prof. Dr.E. Hannig and Mr.C. Kollmorgen, Sektion Pharmazie, Halle. We thank Mrs.R. Wangemann for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

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