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Itoh S  Yurimoto H 《Nature》2003,423(6941):728-731
Chondrules and calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) are preserved materials from the early history of the Solar System, where they resulted from thermal processing of pre-existing solids during various flash heating episodes which lasted for several million years. CAIs are believed to have formed about two million years before the chondrules. Here we report the discovery of a chondrule fragment embedded in a CAI. The chondrule's composition is poor in 16O, while the CAI has a 16O-poor melilite (Ca, Mg, Al-Silicate) core surrounded by a 16O-rich igneous mantle. These observations, when combined with the previously reported CAI-bearing chondrules, strongly suggest that the formation of chondrules and CAIs overlapped in time and space, and that there were large fluctuations in the oxygen isotopic compositions in the solar nebula probably synchronizing astrophysical pulses.  相似文献   

Brunini A 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1163-1165
The origin of the spin-axis orientations (obliquities) of the giant planets is a fundamental issue because if the obliquities resulted from tangential collisions with primordial Earth-sized protoplanets, then they are related to the masses of the largest planetesimals out of which the planets form. A problem with this mechanism, however, is that the orbital planes of regular satellites would probably be uncorrelated with the obliquities, contrary to observations. Alternatively, they could have come from an external twist that affected the orientation of the Solar System plane; but in this model, the outer planets must have formed too rapidly, before the event that produced the twist. Moreover, the model cannot be quantitatively tested. Here I show that the present obliquities of the giant planets were probably achieved when Jupiter and Saturn crossed the 1:2 orbital resonance during a specific migration process: different migration scenarios cannot account for the large observed obliquities. The existence of the regular satellites of the giant planets does not represent a problem in this model because, although they formed soon after the planetary formation, they can follow the slow evolution of the equatorial plane it produces.  相似文献   

Krot AN  Yurimoto H  Hutcheon ID  MacPherson GJ 《Nature》2005,434(7036):998-1001
Chondrules and Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are high-temperature components of meteorites that formed during transient heating events in the early Solar System. A major unresolved issue is the relative timing of CAI and chondrule formation. From the presence of chondrule fragments in an igneous CAI, it was concluded that some chondrules formed before CAIs (ref. 5). This conclusion is contrary to the presence of relict CAIs inside chondrules, as well as to the higher abundance of 26Al in CAIs; both observations indicate that CAIs pre-date chondrules by 1-3 million years (Myr). Here we report that relict chondrule material in the Allende meteorite, composed of olivine and low-calcium pyroxene, occurs in the outer portions of two CAIs and is 16O-poor (Delta17O approximately -1 per thousand to -5 per thousand). Spinel and diopside in the CAI cores are 16O-rich (Delta17O up to -20 per thousand), whereas diopside in their outer zones, as well as melilite and anorthite, are 16O-depleted (Delta17O = -8 per thousand to 2 per thousand). Both chondrule-bearing CAIs are 26Al-poor with initial 26Al/27Al ratios of (4.7 +/- 1.4) x 10(-6) and <1.2 x 10(-6). We conclude that these CAIs had chondrule material added to them during a re-melting episode approximately 2 Myr after formation of CAIs with the canonical 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 x 10(-5).  相似文献   

Aléon J  Robert F  Duprat J  Derenne S 《Nature》2005,437(7057):385-388
The origins of the building blocks of the Solar System can be studied using the isotopic composition of early planetary and meteoritic material. Oxygen isotopes in planetary materials show variations at the per cent level that are not related to the mass of the isotopes; rather, they result from the mixture of components having different nucleosynthetic or chemical origins. Isotopic variations reaching orders of magnitude in minute meteoritic grains are usually attributed to stellar nucleosynthesis before the birth of the Solar System, whereby different grains were contributed by different stars. Here we report the discovery of abundant silica-rich grains embedded in meteoritic organic matter, having the most extreme 18O/16O and 17O/16O ratios observed (both approximately 10(-1)) together with a solar silicon isotopic composition. Both O and Si isotopes indicate a single nucleosynthetic process. These compositions can be accounted for by one of two processes: a single exotic evolved star seeding the young Solar System, or irradiation of the circumsolar gas by high energy particles accelerated during an active phase of the young Sun. We favour the latter interpretation, because the observed compositions are usually not expected from nucleosynthetic processes in evolved stars, whereas they are predicted by the selective trapping of irradiation products.  相似文献   

Origin of the orbital architecture of the giant planets of the Solar System   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tsiganis K  Gomes R  Morbidelli A  Levison HF 《Nature》2005,435(7041):459-461
Planetary formation theories suggest that the giant planets formed on circular and coplanar orbits. The eccentricities of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, however, reach values of 6 per cent, 9 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively. In addition, the inclinations of the orbital planes of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune take maximum values of approximately 2 degrees with respect to the mean orbital plane of Jupiter. Existing models for the excitation of the eccentricity of extrasolar giant planets have not been successfully applied to the Solar System. Here we show that a planetary system with initial quasi-circular, coplanar orbits would have evolved to the current orbital configuration, provided that Jupiter and Saturn crossed their 1:2 orbital resonance. We show that this resonance crossing could have occurred as the giant planets migrated owing to their interaction with a disk of planetesimals. Our model reproduces all the important characteristics of the giant planets' orbits, namely their final semimajor axes, eccentricities and mutual inclinations.  相似文献   

Greenwood RC  Franchi IA  Jambon A  Buchanan PC 《Nature》2005,435(7044):916-918
Immediately following the formation of the Solar System, small planetary bodies accreted, some of which melted to produce igneous rocks. Over a longer timescale (15-33 Myr), the inner planets grew by incorporation of these smaller objects through collisions. Processes operating on such asteroids strongly influenced the final composition of these planets, including Earth. Currently there is little agreement about the nature of asteroidal igneous activity: proposals range from small-scale melting, to near total fusion and the formation of deep magma oceans. Here we report a study of oxygen isotopes in two basaltic meteorite suites, the HEDs (howardites, eucrites and diogenites, which are thought to sample the asteroid 4 Vesta) and the angrites (from an unidentified asteroidal source). Our results demonstrate that these meteorite suites formed during early, global-scale melting (> or = 50 per cent) events. We show that magma oceans were present on all the differentiated Solar System bodies so far sampled. Magma oceans produced compositionally layered planetesimals; the modification of such bodies before incorporation into larger objects can explain some anomalous planetary features, such as Earth's high Mg/Si ratio.  相似文献   

Chaotic capture of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids in the early Solar System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morbidelli A  Levison HF  Tsiganis K  Gomes R 《Nature》2005,435(7041):462-465
Jupiter's Trojans are asteroids that follow essentially the same orbit as Jupiter, but lead or trail the planet by an angular distance of approximately 60 degrees (co-orbital motion). They are hypothesized to be planetesimals that formed near Jupiter and were captured onto their current orbits while Jupiter was growing, possibly with the help of gas drag and/or collisions. This idea, however, cannot explain some basic properties of the Trojan population, in particular its broad orbital inclination distribution, which ranges up to approximately 40 degrees (ref. 8). Here we show that the Trojans could have formed in more distant regions and been subsequently captured into co-orbital motion with Jupiter during the time when the giant planets migrated by removing neighbouring planetesimals. The capture was possible during a short period of time, just after Jupiter and Saturn crossed their mutual 1:2 resonance, when the dynamics of the Trojan region were completely chaotic. Our simulations of this process satisfactorily reproduce the orbital distribution of the Trojans and their total mass.  相似文献   

Dai ZR  Bradley JP  Joswiak DJ  Brownlee DE  Hill HG  Genge MJ 《Nature》2002,418(6894):157-159
Grains of dust that pre-date the Sun provide insights into their formation around other stars and into the early evolution of the Solar System. Nanodiamonds recovered from meteorites, which originate in asteroids, have been thought to be the most abundant type of presolar grain. If that is true, then nanodiamonds should be at least as abundant in comets, because they are thought to have formed further out in the early Solar System than the asteroid parent bodies, and because they should be more pristine. Here we report that nanodiamonds are absent or very depleted in fragile, carbon-rich interplanetary dust particles, some of which enter the atmosphere at speeds within the range of cometary meteors. One interpretation of the results is that some (perhaps most) nanodiamonds formed within the inner Solar System and are not presolar at all, consistent with the recent detection of nanodiamonds within the accretion discs of other young stars. An alternative explanation is that all meteoritic nanodiamonds are indeed presolar, but that their abundance decreases with heliocentric distance, in which case our understanding of large-scale transport and circulation within the early Solar System is incomplete.  相似文献   

Burrows A 《Nature》2005,433(7023):261-268
Astronomy is at times a science of unexpected discovery. When it is, and if we are lucky, new intellectual territories emerge to challenge our views of the cosmos. The recent indirect detections using high-precision Doppler spectroscopy of more than 100 giant planets orbiting more than 100 nearby stars is an example of such rare serendipity. What has been learned has shaken out preconceptions, for none of the planetary systems discovered so far is like our own. The key to unlocking a planet's chemical, structural, and evolutionary secrets, however, is the direct detection of the planet's light. Because there have been as yet no confirmed detections, a theoretical analysis of such a planet's atmosphere is necessary for guiding our search.  相似文献   

Johnson TV  Lunine JI 《Nature》2005,435(7038):69-71
The orbital properties of Phoebe, one of Saturn's irregular moons, suggest that it was captured by the ringed planet's gravitational field rather than formed in situ. Phoebe's generally dark surface shows evidence of water ice, but otherwise the surface most closely resembles that of C-type asteroids and small outer Solar System bodies such as Chiron and Pholus that are thought to have originated in the Kuiper belt. A close fly-by of Phoebe by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft on 11 June 2004 (19 days before the spacecraft entered orbit around Saturn) provided an opportunity to test the hypothesis that this moon did not form in situ during Saturn's formation, but is instead a product of the larger protoplanetary disk or 'solar nebula'. Here we derive the rock-to-ice ratio of Phoebe using its density combined with newly measured oxygen and carbon abundances in the solar photosphere. Phoebe's composition is close to that derived for other solar nebula bodies such as Triton and Pluto, but is very different from that of the regular satellites of Saturn, supporting Phoebe's origin as a captured body from the outer Solar System.  相似文献   

太阳能保证率是太阳能热水系统的设计参数,也是判断太阳能在一个供热系统中所能发挥的作用的评价指标。近年来,在可再生能源建筑应用工程评价中,把太阳能保证率列为系统的重要评价指标。对影响太阳能保证率测量不确定性的因素进行分析,结果表明:现有的短期测量方法所测得的年保证率具有很大的随意性,并不能真实反映系统性能,检测结果没有实际价值,建议进一步完善检测方法或者取消该项检测。  相似文献   

Cameron AG 《Nature》2002,418(6901):924-925

Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canup RM  Asphaug E 《Nature》2001,412(6848):708-712
The Moon is generally believed to have formed from debris ejected by a large off-centre collision with the early Earth. The impact orientation and size are constrained by the angular momentum contained in both the Earth's spin and the Moon's orbit, a quantity that has been nearly conserved over the past 4.5 billion years. Simulations of potential moon-forming impacts now achieve resolutions sufficient to study the production of bound debris. However, identifying impacts capable of yielding the Earth-Moon system has proved difficult. Previous works found that forming the Moon with an appropriate impact angular momentum required the impact to occur when the Earth was only about half formed, a more restrictive and problematic model than that originally envisaged. Here we report a class of impacts that yield an iron-poor Moon, as well as the current masses and angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system. This class of impacts involves a smaller-and thus more likely-object than previously considered viable, and suggests that the Moon formed near the very end of Earth's accumulation.  相似文献   

最近,美国天文学家新近在太阳系边缘地带观测到一个除冥王星之外个头最大的天体.发现者是加利福尼亚理工学院的迈克·布朗及其同事.新发现的这一天体的临时国际代号为"2002LM60",它绕太阳公转的周期为288年,直径约1 290 km,相当于冥王星的一半,位于太阳系边缘的"柯伊伯带".这一发现引起世人的普遍关注.太阳系有九大行星,距太阳最远的是冥王星.这是常识大家都知道.  相似文献   

Meteorites provide a sample of Solar System bodies and so constrain the types of objects that have collided with Earth over time. Meteorites analysed to date, however, are unlikely to be representative of the entire population and it is also possible that changes in their nature have occurred with time. Large objects are widely believed to be completely melted or vaporized during high-angle impact with the Earth. Consequently, identification of large impactors relies on indirect chemical tracers, notably the platinum-group elements. Here we report the discovery of a large (25-cm), unaltered, fossil meteorite, and several smaller fragments within the impact melt of the giant (> 70 km diameter), 145-Myr-old Morokweng crater, South Africa. The large fragment (clast) resembles an LL6 chondrite breccia, but contains anomalously iron-rich silicates, Fe-Ni sulphides, and no troilite or metal. It has chondritic chromium isotope ratios and identical platinum-group element ratios to the bulk impact melt. These features allow the unambiguous characterization of an impactor at a large crater. Furthermore, the unusual composition of the meteorite suggests that the Morokweng asteroid incorporated part of the LL chondrite parent body not represented by objects at present reaching the Earth.  相似文献   

Wood BJ  Halliday AN 《Nature》2005,437(7063):1345-1348
Kelvin calculated the age of the Earth to be about 24 million years by assuming conductive cooling from being fully molten to its current state. Although simplistic, his result is interesting in the context of the dramatic cooling that took place after the putative Moon-forming giant impact, which contributed the final approximately 10 per cent of the Earth's mass. The rate of accretion and core segregation on Earth as deduced from the U-Pb system is much slower than that obtained from Hf-W systematics, and implies substantial accretion after the Moon-forming impact, which occurred 45 +/- 5 Myr after the beginning of the Solar System. Here we propose an explanation for the two timescales. We suggest that the Hf-W timescale reflects the principal phase of core-formation before the giant impact. Crystallization of silicate perovskite in the lower mantle during this phase produced Fe(3+), which was released during the giant impact, and this oxidation resulted in late segregation of sulphur-rich metal into which Pb dissolved readily, setting the younger U-Pb age of the Earth. Separation of the latter metal then occurred 30 +/- 10 Myr after the Moon-forming impact. Over this time span, in surprising agreement with Kelvin's result, the Earth cooled by about 4,000 K in returning from a fully molten to a partially crystalline state.  相似文献   

航天技术的迅猛发展,在打开对外层空间开发和利用通道的同时,也把太空变成了一个重要的军事领域。特别是随着军用航天器的迅速发展,到21世纪,军队将会充分运用高技术武器装备,在广阔的太空开辟新的战场,进行前所未有的军事对抗。展望21世纪太空战场,高技术兵器竟相角逐,高素质军队的智能抗衡,将会描绘出一幅前所未有的战争画卷。天兵天将横空出世随着太空的军事化发展,特别是太空战场的开辟和建立,21世纪将出现一个崭新的军种,即“天军”。天空战场上的“天军”,就是以航天司令部为中心,  相似文献   

Yeomans D 《Nature》2000,404(6780):829-832

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