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Shell beds in the uppermost Xiangshuyuan Formation and its coeval Upper Shihniulan Formation (Lower Silurian), northern Guizhou, SW China, are interpreted as tempestites occurring on the Upper Yangtze Platform. The shells are dominated by two endemic and transient virgianid (brachiopod) taxa, Paraconchidium shiqianensis and Virgianella glabera, which vary in relative abundance and deposited as fragments of valves with cemented micrite that differs from the surrounding sediment, demonstrat- ing that the shells were not originally preserved in growth positions. The thicknesses of individual shell layers vary from ten centimeters to more than four meters. Shells had been strongly stirred up by high-energy currents, mainly caused by ocean storm events and probably related to the profile of the geographic shape of the coastline. Fragmentation of shells, in particular, their thinning anterior parts of ventral and dorsal valves are more intensive. The benthic assemblages are from lower BA2 to upper BA3 in depth, assigned to near shoal belt in geographic background. Breakage and stacking density are of the indexes of proximal and distal transportations. Northern Guizhou was located within the lower latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere during the Silurian time, and obviously affected the depth of the virgianid inhabitation. Most of these shells were disturbed repeatedly by surges. It is inferred that on average, several ten thousand years of growth of shells were required for development of shell layers, followed by storm disruption.  相似文献   

Siveter DJ  Sutton MD  Briggs DE  Siveter DJ 《Nature》2004,431(7011):978-980
Pycnogonids (sea spiders) are marine arthropods numbering some 1,160 extant species. They are globally distributed in depths of up to 6,000 metres, and locally abundant; however, their typically delicate form and non-biomineralized cuticle has resulted in an extremely sparse fossil record that is not accepted universally. There are two opposing views of their phylogenetic position: either within Chelicerata as sister group to the euchelicerates, or as a sister taxon to all other euarthropods. The Silurian Herefordshire Konservat-Lagerstatte in England (approximately 425 million years (Myr) bp) yields exceptionally preserved three-dimensional fossils that provide unrivalled insights into the palaeobiology of a variety of invertebrates. The fossils are preserved as calcitic void in-fills in carbonate concretions within a volcaniclastic horizon, and are reconstructed digitally. Here we describe a new pycnogonid from this deposit, which is the oldest adult sea spider by approximately 35 Myr and the most completely known fossil species. The large chelate first appendage is consistent with a chelicerate affinity for the pycnogonids. Cladistic analyses place the new species near the base of the pycnogonid crown group, implying that the latter had arisen by the Silurian period.  相似文献   

Hox genes in brachiopods and priapulids and protostome evolution.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Understanding the early evolution of animal body plans requires knowledge both of metazoan phylogeny and of the genetic and developmental changes involved in the emergence of particular forms. Recent 18S ribosomal RNA phylogenies suggest a three-branched tree for the Bilateria comprising the deuterostomes and two great protostome clades, the lophotrochozoans and ecdysozoans. Here, we show that the complement of Hox genes in critical protostome phyla reflects these phylogenetic relationships and reveals the early evolution of developmental regulatory potential in bilaterians. We have identified Hox genes that are shared by subsets of protostome phyla. These include a diverged pair of posterior (Abdominal-B-like) genes in both a brachiopod and a polychaete annelid, which supports the lophotrochozoan assemblage, and a distinct posterior Hox gene shared by a priapulid, a nematode and the arthropods, which supports the ecdysozoan clade. The ancestors of each of these two major protostome lineages had a minimum of eight to ten Hox genes. The major period of Hox gene expansion and diversification thus occurred before the radiation of each of the three great bilaterian clades.  相似文献   

为探讨加压环境下采用不同保存方式及自主研发半月板保存液对半月板保存的最佳方法,用成年山羊20只,共提供40只半月板,将其随机分为4小组分组保存(A组:①自主研发保存液组(国家发明专利号为:201110188468.4),②UV保存液组,③α-MEM保存液组;B组:梯度降温加-80℃低温冰箱保存),定期取部分半月板组织进行组织学、组织化学、细胞存活率及免疫组织化学检测.A组的自主研发保存液组和B组经过冷冻保存1、3、6、9周后,胶原纤维排列规则、紧密,纤维粗细均匀,横纹清晰.半月板纤维软骨细胞形态基本正常,半月板纤维软骨细胞基质黏多糖含量丰富,细胞存活率较高;A组中UV保存液组、α-MEM保存液组组经过保存后细胞大多出现基质中黏多糖含量降低,细胞器结构不清,细胞存活率低.在所有保存组中,自主研发保存液组半月板保存效果更好.说明自主研发保存液组有利于保持半月板中纤维软骨细胞的活性,对半月板损伤更小.在半月板纤维软骨细胞存活率方面,自主研发保存液组和UV保存液组、α-MEM保存液组的差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),自主研发保存液组和- 80℃低温保存对维持半月板纤维软骨细胞活性无明显区别,但保存更方便,保护作用更强.  相似文献   


根据现代沉积学和层序地层学理论,以塔里木盆地志留系大量的岩心、测井和地震资料为基础,开展地层划分与沉积演化研究.塔中地区志留系分为下统柯坪塔格组沉积、塔塔埃尔塔格组、经历碎屑岩潮坪(局部发育扇三角洲)—内陆棚(泻湖)沉积演化.研究成果对于塔里木盆地储层展布及储盖组合具有参考价值,便于指导下一步油气勘探.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地志留系遗迹化石组合及其沉积环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据化石生态和沉积学特征 ,系统地研究了塔里木盆地志留系遗迹化石的组成、分类及其沉积环境 ,认为存在 4种遗迹化石组合 :①Palaeophycus Planolites遗迹组合 ,由进食潜穴、滤食居住潜穴和觅食迹组成 ,包括Planolites,Palaeophycus,Macaronichnus,Skolithos,Ophiomorpha和Taenidium等遗迹属 ,反映了潮间带混合坪沉积环境 ;②Skolithos遗迹组合 ,由居住潜穴组成 ,常见遗迹属有Skolithos,Ophiomorpha ,Arenicolites,Thalassinoides和Cylindrichnus,代表了前滨或潮下带砂坪沉积环境 ;③Planolites Taenidium遗迹组合 ,以进食潜穴和居住潜穴为特征 ,主要组成分子有Taenidium ,Planolites,Palaeophycus,Skolithos,Arenicolites和Thalassinoides等遗迹属 ,指示了具有周期性风暴影响的过渡带沉积环境 ;④Helminthopsis遗迹组合 ,主要由觅食迹组成 ,其中以Helminthopsis和Zoophycos遗迹属最为常见 ,表明了低能的滨外环境  相似文献   

针对夜景图像对比度增强的特点,提出一种亮度保持的夜景图像增强算法。根据平均亮度将夜景图像递归分解为一系列不同灰度级范围的子图像,然后对每个子图像在其灰度级范围内进行均衡。实验结果表明,该算法在充分扩展图像灰度级动态范围的同时,可以通过递归深度的选择控制图像亮度的变化,使增强后的夜景图像显得自然与真实。  相似文献   

EPS复合式保温技术是一项高效经济的外墙外保温技术.本文介绍了EPS复合式保温技术的构造、材料要求、不同的固定方法和质量控制要点.  相似文献   

保存前白细胞滤除对红细胞悬液质量和保存的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究保存前白细胞滤除对于红细胞悬液质量的影响,用一次性使用去白细胞采血袋(规格200mL)采集健康无偿献血者全血30袋,采集后6h内进行白细胞滤除。通过离心将全血制备为去白细胞红细胞悬液,4℃保存。收集过滤前后全血血样,分别检测过滤前后红细胞计数(RBC),白细胞计数(WBC),游离血红蛋白(FHb),乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),K+,及全血容积变化。计算红细胞回收率和白细胞去除率。取10袋在4℃保存35d后,检测FHb,LDH及K+,并与相同环境保存35d后的未去白红细胞悬液进行比较。结果在保存前进行去白细胞滤除的红细胞悬液其白细胞残留量为(0.72±0.46)×106个/U,白细胞去除率为(97.59±1.47)%,红细胞回收率(87.74±2.42)%。过滤前后全血的血样FHb指标统计学差异无显著性(P>0.05),滤后LDH明显低于滤前(P<0.01)。滤后K+则高于滤前(P<0.01)。保存35d后,去白红细胞悬液K+与未去白组统计学差异无显著性(P>0.05),去白组FHb略高于未去白组(P<0.05),去白组LDH明显低于未去白组(P<0.01)。说明保存前白细胞滤除过程可能会对红细胞造成轻微损伤。...  相似文献   

Sutton MD  Briggs DE  Siveter DJ  Siveter DJ 《Nature》2001,410(6827):461-463
Studies of the origin and radiation of the molluscs have yet to resolve many issues regarding their nearest relatives, phylogeny and ancestral characters. The Polyplacophora (chitons) and the Aplacophora are widely interpreted as the most primitive extant molluscs, but Lower Palaeozoic fossils of the former lack soft parts, and the latter were hitherto unrecognized as fossils. The Herefordshire Lagerst?tte is a Silurian (about 425 Myr bp) deposit that preserves a marine biota in remarkable three-dimensional detail. The external surface of even non-biomineralized cuticle was preserved by entombment in volcanic ash, subsequent incorporation into concretions, and infilling of the fossils with sparry calcite. Here we describe, from this deposit, a complete vermiform mollusc, which we interpret as a plated aplacophoran. Serial grinding at intervals of tens of micrometres, combined with computer-based reconstruction methods, renders the fossils in the round.  相似文献   

宝兴地区对奥陶系大理岩研究利用较多,对志留系大理岩关注不够。研究区饰面大理岩赋存于志留系茂县群中部,赋存标高2 010~2 544 m。矿石以灰白色大理岩为主,少量褐紫红白云质大理岩。大理岩CaO含量为25.96%~55.58%,MgO含量为0.31%~25.34%,Fe_2O_3含量为0.035%~3.67%,天然密度为2.66~2.81 g/cm~3,天然吸水率为0.14%~0.56%,巴氏硬度为90~96,耐磨性为83~122 mm~3,光泽度为78°~100°,白度为85.1~88.2,饱和抗压强度为39.57~106.60 MPa,抗折强度为2.05~6.45 MPa,内照射指数I_(Ra)、外照射指数I_r均低于检出下限,满足饰面石材用要求。饰面用大理岩矿质细腻,颜色纯正,花纹和谐,光泽度较高,有青花白、东方玉、紫罗兰3个品种,具有良好的装饰性能和耐久性。剩余荒料可综合用于水泥、钙粉、骨料等用途。为志留系大理岩资源的开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

隐私的泄露问题不仅包含用户提交的位置和查询数据,更是包含了其中隐藏的用户身份、兴趣爱好、社会习惯、行为模式等。对位置服务隐私保护的技术进行综述,介绍了位置服务的应用场景、位置隐私的攻击方法。对现有的隐私保护体系结构和保护技术进行整理归纳。对未来的研究进行了展望,并提出一种基于缓存的时空扰动方法和LBS隐私保护度量假设方案。  相似文献   

改性聚氨酯乳液在铁质文物保护中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对一种聚酯型聚氨酯乳液进行改性作为铁质文物复合封护剂,即通过添加缓蚀剂作为底层封护剂,添加TiO2,SiO2纳米颗粒作为面层封护剂,并通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和紫外分光光度计等测试了改性后封护剂的性能。研究结果表明,添加缓蚀剂的底层封护剂对基体起到明显的防蚀作用,改性后的纳米复合封护剂的耐紫外线、耐酸、碱、盐等主要性能有了明显提高,复合封护涂层无色、透明、无光,符合铁质文物保护要求。  相似文献   

Continental island from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow) Sino-Korean plate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent field studies on Upper Silurian stratigraphy and paleontology in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (for short Inner Mongalia) near Bater Obo (=Bateaobao) resulted in the discovery of a small continental island with fossil invertebrates preserved as encrusters (stromatoporoids and corals) attached directly to a rocky shore surface and buried by silty clay mud. The Bater island (named herein) is 610 m × 200 m in size and composed of Ordovician igneous rock (diorite). Limestone strata dating from the Ludlow Epoch (about 420 Ma) surround the island and dip away from the igneous core in a radial pattern. The encrusting fossils occur on the sheltered (south and southeast) side of the island, whereas the north side was exposed to stronger wave activity based on a basal conglomerate unit composed of diorite boulders. This is the first record of an ancient island in China and the first report worldwide of stromatoporoids as members of a rocky-shore community. The island clearly shows distinct windward and leeward deposits comparable to geologically younger islands from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic outside China.  相似文献   

Retene and methylretene have been identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of Silurian carbonate extracts of the Michigan Basin. Retene identified in pre-Devonian carbonates indicates that the compound not only is the biomarker of higher plants but also derived from alga or bacterium. The geochemical significance of methylretene has been discussed.  相似文献   

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