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Zhang J  Niu C  Ye L  Huang H  He X  Tong WG  Ross J  Haug J  Johnson T  Feng JQ  Harris S  Wiedemann LM  Mishina Y  Li L 《Nature》2003,425(6960):836-841
Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a subset of bone marrow cells that are capable of self-renewal and of forming all types of blood cells (multi-potential). However, the HSC 'niche'--the in vivo regulatory microenvironment where HSCs reside--and the mechanisms involved in controlling the number of adult HSCs remain largely unknown. The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signal has an essential role in inducing haematopoietic tissue during embryogenesis. We investigated the roles of the BMP signalling pathway in regulating adult HSC development in vivo by analysing mutant mice with conditional inactivation of BMP receptor type IA (BMPRIA). Here we show that an increase in the number of spindle-shaped N-cadherin+CD45- osteoblastic (SNO) cells correlates with an increase in the number of HSCs. The long-term HSCs are found attached to SNO cells. Two adherens junction molecules, N-cadherin and beta-catenin, are asymmetrically localized between the SNO cells and the long-term HSCs. We conclude that SNO cells lining the bone surface function as a key component of the niche to support HSCs, and that BMP signalling through BMPRIA controls the number of HSCs by regulating niche size.  相似文献   

Advances in mammalian spermatogonial stem cell transplantation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation is a novel technique by which testicular cells from normal, transgenic or mutant donor are introduced into the seminiferous tubules of recipient testes through microinjection. Subsequently, donor SSCs survive,migrate, anchor and proliferate in the recipient testis, furthermore, initiate spermatogenesis and even produce sperms capable of fertilization. This technique provides a new approach for the researches of spermatogenesis mechanism, regeneration of spermatogenesis in sterile individuals and reproduction of transgenic animals. This review focuses on the methodological breakthroughs and highlights the recent findings that have substantially increased understanding of SSC biology. The article provides a comprehensive overview of this technique and its multiple applications in basic science and medicine. And the perspective direction of this field in the near future is proposed.  相似文献   

探讨精原干细胞体外培养优化方法,为进一步探讨其生物特征、生殖干细胞移植及生殖损伤及药物保护等研究提供实验基础.制备骨髓基质饲养层,将生后5 d~7 d雄性小鼠生精细胞接种在饲养层上,并于IMDM培养基及37 ℃下共培养,在倒置显微镜下观察细胞生长行为,并对培养后的细胞进行组织学、细胞化学、免疫组化、遗传学鉴定.精原干细胞能在以骨髓基质细胞饲养层上进行增殖和生长,且增殖后的表现出呈簇、团状生长,细胞间可表现出明显的胞质间桥,细胞核大,核/质比高,碱性磷酸酶及C-KIT受体阳性,染色体核型为20对(40条)等精原干细胞的生物学行为特征.原代培养的骨髓基质细胞作饲养层具有取材及制作简便等优点,且能在不添加外源性生长因子的前提下能通过自分泌足够的细胞生长因子,满足精原干细胞体外增殖和抑制分化的需要,是精原干细胞培养的一种良好的饲养层.IMDM培养基、血清及适宜的环境温度是精原干细胞体外培养的重要条件.  相似文献   

Osteoblastic cells regulate the haematopoietic stem cell niche   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stem cell fate is influenced by specialized microenvironments that remain poorly defined in mammals. To explore the possibility that haematopoietic stem cells derive regulatory information from bone, accounting for the localization of haematopoiesis in bone marrow, we assessed mice that were genetically altered to produce osteoblast-specific, activated PTH/PTHrP receptors (PPRs). Here we show that PPR-stimulated osteoblastic cells that are increased in number produce high levels of the Notch ligand jagged 1 and support an increase in the number of haematopoietic stem cells with evidence of Notch1 activation in vivo. Furthermore, ligand-dependent activation of PPR with parathyroid hormone (PTH) increased the number of osteoblasts in stromal cultures, and augmented ex vivo primitive haematopoietic cell growth that was abrogated by gamma-secretase inhibition of Notch activation. An increase in the number of stem cells was observed in wild-type animals after PTH injection, and survival after bone marrow transplantation was markedly improved. Therefore, osteoblastic cells are a regulatory component of the haematopoietic stem cell niche in vivo that influences stem cell function through Notch activation. Niche constituent cells or signalling pathways provide pharmacological targets with therapeutic potential for stem-cell-based therapies.  相似文献   

Frydman HM  Li JM  Robson DN  Wieschaus E 《Nature》2006,441(7092):509-512
Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria found in the reproductive tissue of all major groups of arthropods. They are transmitted vertically from the female hosts to their offspring, in a pattern analogous to mitochondria inheritance. But Wolbachia phylogeny does not parallel that of the host, indicating that horizontal infectious transmission must also occur. Insect parasitoids are considered the most likely vectors, but the mechanism for horizontal transfer is largely unknown. Here we show that newly introduced Wolbachia cross several tissues and infect the germline of the adult Drosophila melanogaster female. Through investigation of bacterial migration patterns during the course of infection, we found that Wolbachia reach the germline through the somatic stem cell niche in the D. melanogaster germarium. In addition, our data suggest that Wolbachia are highly abundant in the somatic stem cell niche of long-term infected hosts, implying that this location may also contribute to efficient vertical transmission. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of an intracellular parasite displaying tropism for a stem cell niche.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of MSH2,a mismatch repair gene in cell proliferation,cell cycle control and cell invasiveness in the SW480 human colorectal cancer cell line.RNAi-mediated inhibition of MSH2 expression was achieved using MSH2 shRNA lentiviral expression vectors.Effective knockdown of endogenous MSH2 expression was determined by real-time PCR analysis.The most efficient MSH2 knockdown vector was selected for subsequent studies using SW480 cells.Endogenous MSH2 mRNA levels decreased after lentiviral delivery of the MSH2-RNAi,indicating efficient silencing of MSH2 expression in SW480 cells.Cell proliferation,cell cycle progression and cell invasiveness were quantified by MTT assays,flow cytometry and transwell assays,respectively.RNAi-mediated inhibition of MSH2 expression in SW480 cells resulted in decreased cell proliferation,cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase and decreased cell invasiveness.Taken together,these results provide evidence that MSH2 stimulates cell proliferation,promotes cell cycle progression and positively regulates cell invasiveness.  相似文献   


Liberman MC  Gao J  He DZ  Wu X  Jia S  Zuo J 《Nature》2002,419(6904):300-304
Hearing sensitivity in mammals is enhanced by more than 40 dB (that is, 100-fold) by mechanical amplification thought to be generated by one class of cochlear sensory cells, the outer hair cells. In addition to the mechano-electrical transduction required for auditory sensation, mammalian outer hair cells also perform electromechanical transduction, whereby transmembrane voltage drives cellular length changes at audio frequencies in vitro. This electromotility is thought to arise through voltage-gated conformational changes in a membrane protein, and prestin has been proposed as this molecular motor. Here we show that targeted deletion of prestin in mice results in loss of outer hair cell electromotility in vitro and a 40-60 dB loss of cochlear sensitivity in vivo, without disruption of mechano-electrical transduction in outer hair cells. In heterozygotes, electromotility is halved and there is a twofold (about 6 dB) increase in cochlear thresholds. These results suggest that prestin is indeed the motor protein, that there is a simple and direct coupling between electromotility and cochlear amplification, and that there is no need to invoke additional active processes to explain cochlear sensitivity in the mammalian ear.  相似文献   

The 'ataxia telangiectasia mutated' (Atm) gene maintains genomic stability by activating a key cell-cycle checkpoint in response to DNA damage, telomeric instability or oxidative stress. Mutational inactivation of the gene causes an autosomal recessive disorder, ataxia-telangiectasia, characterized by immunodeficiency, progressive cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, defective spermatogenesis, premature ageing and a high incidence of lymphoma. Here we show that ATM has an essential function in the reconstitutive capacity of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) but is not as important for the proliferation or differentiation of progenitors, in a telomere-independent manner. Atm-/- mice older than 24 weeks showed progressive bone marrow failure resulting from a defect in HSC function that was associated with elevated reactive oxygen species. Treatment with anti-oxidative agents restored the reconstitutive capacity of Atm-/- HSCs, resulting in the prevention of bone marrow failure. Activation of the p16(INK4a)-retinoblastoma (Rb) gene product pathway in response to elevated reactive oxygen species led to the failure of Atm-/- HSCs. These results show that the self-renewal capacity of HSCs depends on ATM-mediated inhibition of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

During mammalian ontogeny, haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) translocate from the fetal liver to the bone marrow, where haematopoiesis occurs throughout adulthood. Unique features of bone that contribute to a microenvironmental niche for stem cells might include the known high concentration of calcium ions at the HSC-enriched endosteal surface. Cells respond to extracellular ionic calcium concentrations through the seven-transmembrane-spanning calcium-sensing receptor (CaR), which we identified as being expressed on HSCs. Here we show that, through the CaR, the simple ionic mineral content of the niche may dictate the preferential localization of adult mammalian haematopoiesis in bone. Antenatal mice deficient in CaR had primitive haematopoietic cells in the circulation and spleen, whereas few were found in bone marrow. CaR-/- HSCs from fetal liver were normal in number, in proliferative and differentiative function, and in migration and homing to the bone marrow. Yet they were highly defective in localizing anatomically to the endosteal niche, behaviour that correlated with defective adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein, collagen I. CaR has a function in retaining HSCs in close physical proximity to the endosteal surface and the regulatory niche components associated with it.  相似文献   

Pluripotency of spermatogonial stem cells from adult mouse testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Guan K  Nayernia K  Maier LS  Wagner S  Dressel R  Lee JH  Nolte J  Wolf F  Li M  Engel W  Hasenfuss G 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1199-1203
Embryonic germ cells as well as germline stem cells from neonatal mouse testis are pluripotent and have differentiation potential similar to embryonic stem cells, suggesting that the germline lineage may retain the ability to generate pluripotent cells. However, until now there has been no evidence for the pluripotency and plasticity of adult spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), which are responsible for maintaining spermatogenesis throughout life in the male. Here we show the isolation of SSCs from adult mouse testis using genetic selection, with a success rate of 27%. These isolated SSCs respond to culture conditions and acquire embryonic stem cell properties. We name these cells multipotent adult germline stem cells (maGSCs). They are able to spontaneously differentiate into derivatives of the three embryonic germ layers in vitro and generate teratomas in immunodeficient mice. When injected into an early blastocyst, SSCs contribute to the development of various organs and show germline transmission. Thus, the capacity to form multipotent cells persists in adult mouse testis. Establishment of human maGSCs from testicular biopsies may allow individual cell-based therapy without the ethical and immunological problems associated with human embryonic stem cells. Furthermore, these cells may provide new opportunities to study genetic diseases in various cell lineages.  相似文献   

WAVE2, a protein related to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, is crucial for Rac-induced membrane ruffling, which is important in cell motility. Cell movement is essential for morphogenesis, but it is unclear how cell movement is regulated or related to morphogenesis. Here we show the physiological functions of WAVE2 by disruption of the WAVE2 gene in mice. WAVE2 was expressed predominantly in vascular endothelial cells during embryogenesis. WAVE2-/- embryos showed haemorrhages and died at about embryonic day 10. Deficiency in WAVE2 had no significant effect on vasculogenesis, but it decreased sprouting and branching of endothelial cells from existing vessels during angiogenesis. In WAVE2-/- endothelial cells, cell polarity formed in response to vascular endothelial growth factor, but the formation of lamellipodia at leading edges and capillaries was severely impaired. These findings indicate that WAVE2-regulated actin reorganization might be required for proper cell movement and that a lack of functional WAVE2 impairs angiogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Distinctive properties of stem cells are not autonomously achieved, and recent evidence points to a level of external control from the microenvironment. Here, we demonstrate that self-renewal and pluripotent properties of human embryonic stem (ES) cells depend on a dynamic interplay between human ES cells and autologously derived human ES cell fibroblast-like cells (hdFs). Human ES cells and hdFs are uniquely defined by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)- and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-dependence. IGF 1 receptor (IGF1R) expression was exclusive to the human ES cells, whereas FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) expression was restricted to surrounding hdFs. Blocking the IGF-II/IGF1R pathway reduced survival and clonogenicity of human ES cells, whereas inhibition of the FGF pathway indirectly caused differentiation. IGF-II is expressed by hdFs in response to FGF, and alone was sufficient in maintaining human ES cell cultures. Our study demonstrates a direct role of the IGF-II/IGF1R axis on human ES cell physiology and establishes that hdFs produced by human ES cells themselves define the stem cell niche of pluripotent human stem cells.  相似文献   

gamma-Tubulin is a newly identified member of the tubulin family whose sequence is highly conserved from yeast to man. This minor microtubule protein is localized to the microtubule organizing centres and a mutation in the gene encoding it produces a microtubuleless mitotic arrest in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Here we investigate the in vivo function of gamma-tubulin in mammalian cells using a synthetic peptide to generate a polyclonal antibody that binds to a highly conserved segment of gamma-tubulin. After microinjection into cultured mammalian cells, immunofluorescence localization revealed that this antibody binds to native centrosomes at all phases of the cell cycle. In the presence of the gamma-tubulin antibody, microtubules fail to regrow into cytoplasmic arrays after depolymerization induced by nocodazole or cold. Furthermore, cells injected immediately before or during mitosis fail to assemble a functional spindle. Thus in vivo gamma-tubulin is required for microtubule nucleation throughout the mammalian cell cycle.  相似文献   

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