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Prof.Zhang Donghui,Prof.Yang Xueming and colleagues in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS published on Science in July,2011 an article Experimental and Theoretical Differential Cross Sections for a Four-atom Reaction;HD+OH→H2O+D,summarizing results of a research project funded by NSFC.This is a significant progress made by Chinese scientists in chemical reaction dynamics. Differential cross sections(DCSs) of chemical reactions characterize the effective target area of the  相似文献   

Smart and intelligent nanomaterials are currently in sharp focus in materials research as their properties are increasingly becoming more understood.Professor Wei Chen and his colleagues from Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech & Nano Bionics,CAS,have made significant progress in carbon nanotube/graphene based bio-inspired actuators. Bio-inspired actuation materials,also called artificial muscles,have attracted great attention in recent  相似文献   

正Prof. Li JingHai is the President and the Party Leadership Group Secretary of NSFC.Prof.Li graduated from the Department of Thermal Engineering of the Harbin Institute of Technology in 1982.He entered a master's degree program at his alma mater in the same year.He obtained his Ph.D.from the Institute of Process Engineering(IPE),Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

李新洲 《科学》2004,56(5):6-9
与经典物理相比而言,量子物理的最大特点在于它是非决定论的。为此,尽管爱因斯坦为量子论的创建作出了重大贡献,他却一直不喜欢量子力学,尤其反对量子力学的哥本哈根诠释,并用这样一句话来表达自己的反感:“上帝不掷骰子。”霍金(S.Hawking)是一个将量子力学应用到黑洞理论中的始作俑者。霍金在  相似文献   

The seventh term of the administration of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) was announced on February 22, 2013. The leading group consists of members from universities, research institutions and NSFC, and with different academic background. Professor Yang Wei was appointed as the President and Profs. Shen Yan, Yao Jiannian, He Minghong, Liu Congqiang, Gao Wen, and Gao Ruiping as the Vice Presidents.  相似文献   

From March 1 to 20,NSFC went through its intense concentrated application submission period.As of 16:00 pm of March 20th,the number of applications to NSFC in 2012 has exceeded 170,000,reaching a historical new high. In 2011,the Ministry of Finance allocated 14 billion RMB to the National Natural Science Fund, which indicating that NSFC had entered into a new era.In that year,the number of applications to NSFC kept growing and more than 150,000 applications were received,with an increase of 28.2A%than previous year.NSFC funded more than 30,000 projects in 2011,but more than 100,000 applications ended in vain. The sharp increase of applications has brought great pressure to the evaluation.To maintain the quali-  相似文献   

赵峥 《自然杂志》2006,28(4):210-214
本文叙述了黑洞理论的由来与发展,浅谈了以霍金辐射为代表的量子热效应。介绍了目前黑洞研究中的两个重要疑难:信息佯谬与奇性困难。探讨了由这两个疑难导致的基本问题:宇宙中的信息是否应该守恒;时间究竟有没有开始和结束。  相似文献   

黑洞为大众所熟知与霍金的科普著作<时间简史>有密切关系,但是黑洞这个概念早在18世纪已被提出.当时光以有限速度传播已经为科学家们所熟知,由此米歇尔(J.Michell)和拉普拉斯(P.Laplace)分别独立提出了黑洞(当时叫做暗星、即dark star)的想法:一定存在这样的星体,在它里面连光线都无法逃逸.他们使用经典力学的方法计算出来了此种星体的半径,令人惊奇的是,这个值竟然和100多年后施瓦兹(K.Schwarzschild)由广义相对论计算得出的施瓦兹黑洞的半径完全一致[1].  相似文献   

<正>NSFC President Chen Yiyu met with Dr.Francis Collins,Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Beijing on October 14,2010 and signed a MoU of cooperation in medical research between the two agencies. Prof.Chen welcomed Dr.Collins' visit to NSFC and pointed out that the recently increasing communication and exchanges between the two agencies have paved a solid foundation for substantial collaboration. Especially since the establishment of NSFC's Department of Health Sciences in 2009,a new platform for effective support to basic research in medical sciences is now in place.Prof.Chen further mentioned that to address diseases threatening the mankind,establishing partnership between the two agencies is an action that conforms to the trend of the times.  相似文献   

TeV物理新时代:探索质量起源和新物理规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年国际科学界一个最振奋人心的重大事件应该是设在瑞士日内瓦的欧洲核子中心(CERN)新建成的大型强子对撞机(LHC)了.  相似文献   

On November 28, Prof. Chen Yiyu, President of NSFC, headed the NSFC delegation to the National Re- search Council of Thailand (NRCT). Professor Ahnond Bunyaratvej, Secretary General of NRCT warmly wel- comed the delegation. Both parties showed their satisfaction to the cooperation. NSFC has always been one of the most active and important collaborators of NRCT. It was agreed that a bilateral workshop would be added each year to the existing framework of the cooperation. Both sid…  相似文献   

National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom(MRC) jointly support research programs in the field of stem cell.After evaluation and consultation between NSFC and MRC,9 out of 10 proposals are approved.The funding period is from October 1,2012 to September 30,2013:  相似文献   

According to the agreement between the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and the Royal Society of UK(RS),NSFC and RS jointly support exchange programs in 2011.After evaluation and consultation,14 projects are approved:  相似文献   

On 15 December,2008,the US President-Elect Obama Picked Steven Chu for Energy Secretary.Steven Chu is an old friend of NSFC.On May 4,1998,he attended a reception of Nobel Prize winners in Beijing hosted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.The following photos were taken at the meeting.  相似文献   

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